Open all files (including hidden) in vi - vim

I have a file structure like so
├── .foo.cfg
├── foo.cfg
├── .svn
│   ├── ...
│   ├── ...
│   └── ...
├── .
└── ..
I want to open all of the hidden and non hidden files into vim. I could do it manually like so
vi .foo.cfg foo.cfg
but that doesn't work when there are 100+ files. I have also tried the following with no success
#hidden files not loaded
vi *
#Includes folders and '.' and '..'
vi * .*
#loads files one at a time
for i in `ls -a` ; do vi $i; done;
#loads files one at a time
find . -name "*" -type f -maxdepth 1 -exec vi {} ";"

The following should work:
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec vi {} +
From the find man page:
-exec command {} +
This variant of the -exec option runs the specified command on the selected files, but the command line is built by appending each selected file name at the end; the total number of invocations of the command will be much less than the number of matched files. The command line is built in much the same way that xargs builds its command lines. Only one instance of ’{}’ is allowed within the command. The command is executed in the starting directory.

A simple solution would be
vim $(find . -type f)
note that this opens all files in the current folder, doing the same for files in the folders of the current folder. You can also try
vim * .[^.]*
this won't open . or .. because it doesn't match the pattern.

Inside vim, doing
:args * .* **/{*,.*}
should work, just like e.g.
:args `find . -maxdepth 1 -type f`
There is also :argadd, :argdel, :argdo, :rewind, :next etc to work with your files.


Give out parent folder name if not containing a certain file

I am looking for a terminal linux command to give out the folder parent name that does not contain a certain file:
By now I use the following command:
find . -type d -exec test -e '{}'/recon-all.done \; -print| wc -l
Which gives me the amount of folders which contain then file.
The file recon-all.done would be in /subject/../../recon-all.done and I would need every single "subject" name which does not contain the recon-all.done file.
Loop through the directories, test for the existence of the file, and print the directory if the test fails.
for subject in */; do
if ! [ -e "${subject}scripts/recon-all.done" ]
then echo "$subject"
Your command;
find . -type d -exec test -e '{}'/recon-all.done \; -print| wc -l
Almost does the job, we'll just need to
Remove | wc -l to show the directory path witch does not contain the recon-all file
Now, we can negate the -exec test by adding a ! like so:
find . -type d \! -exec test -e '{}'/recon-all.done \; -print
This way find will show each folder name if it does not contain the recon-all file
Note; Based on your comment on Barmar's answer, I've added a -maxdepth 1 to prevent deeper directorys from being checked.
Small example from my local machine:
$ /tmp/test$ tree
├── a
│   └── test.xt
├── b
├── c
│   └── test.xt
└── x
├── a
│   └── test.xt
└── b
6 directories, 3 files
$ /tmp/test$ find . -maxdepth 1 -type d \! -exec test -e '{}/test.xt' \; -print
$ /tmp/test$

BEST Linux script; to rename SRT to name of movie file in same folder; multiple sub folders [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post.
Closed 2 years ago.
Improve this question
There have been multiple attempts to answer this question, but no correct script can be found.
The problem:
SRT subtitles will not load unless having the same name as the movie, or same name as movie or or and so on.
1000's of movie directories within a main movie directory having within their respective movie directory, sometimes 1+ .srt files (,, *, etc.).
My media server is using Ubuntu, so the solution should use a BASH script.
Here is a snippet of my file structure:
Test-dir$ tree
├── Saga.of.the.Phoenix.1990.1080p
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └── Saga.of.the.Phoenix.1990.1080p.BluRay.x265.mp4
├── Salt.and.Pepper.1968.1080p
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └── Salt.and.Pepper.1968.1080p.mp4
└── Salyut-7.2017.1080p.BluRay.x265
└── Salyut-7.2017.1080p.BluRay.x265.mp4
The questions:
In writing a BASH script,
There are multiple srt files with the same language, I usually like to choose the bigger file and remove the smaller file, the first part of script would have to sort same language srt and delete the smaller ones, how to script this?
How to change the name of srt's to have the same name as the movie file (not always mp4, sometimes mkv or avi.), while appending acronyms for language (en, es, fr, ru,..) if then change name to "MovieName"
I have started the script removing srt files from the SUB directories of the movie directory and then deleting the SUB directory.
Also, added a script to delete any unwanted parts in the string of the movie, or delete unwanted files.
# Using current working DIR of where script is ran from
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
# Moves srt files from SUB folders to their movie folder.
for i in */Subs; do
mv "$i"/* "$i"/..
# Removes Subs directory.
find $DIR/* -type d -name "Subs" -exec rm -rf {} +
# Removing the additional rar string from the folders and their movie names.
find . -depth -name '*-rar*' -execdir bash -c 'for f; do mv -i "$f" "${f//-rar/}"; done' bash {} +
# Removing unwanted files from all movie folders.
find . -maxdepth 2 -type f \( -name "RAR.txt" -o -name "RAR.nfo" \) -delete
######## Your helper code starts from here to answer questions 1 and 2 #####################
Many thanks for helping with this conundrum, not only will this help one person, but many, on our quest to free many hours of copying, deleting, pasting, and all with a single script.
BTB91 gave a brilliant answer and has worked, however to help others learn the many ways to go about solving the same problem above I would like to keep this thread open.
IFS=$'\n' eval "MOVS=(\$( find \"\$DIR\" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -printf '%f\n' ))" # list of movies
for M in "${MOVS[#]}" ; do
cd "$DIR/$M"
IFS=$'\n' eval "LANGS=(\$( ls | sed -nr 's/.*_([[:alpha:]]+).srt/\1/p' | sort -u ))" # list of languages for movie
for L in "${LANGS[#]}" ; do
IFS=$'\n' eval "FILES=(\$( ls -S *_$" # list files for language sorted by size
case "${L,,}" in
mv -v "${FILES[0]}" "$M.$"
rm -vf "${FILES[#]}"
cd "$OLDPWD"
I used "IFS=$'\n' eval ..." because the directory or file names might contain spaces.

Find files missing in one directory that are in a second - needs to ignore file extension

I need to find files missing in one directory that are in a second, but I need to ignore file extensions. I need to do this based on file name only, not fill contents. If my file names were identical (including extensions), I could use diff something like:
diff dirA dirB
, however files in directory A have a different extension from those in directory B. I need a way to use something like diff but to ignore the extension differences between the two directories.
Another important point is that each directory may contain hundreds of thousands of files, so I have a need for a relatively efficient process.
Grateful for any ideas.
I hope it helps
I created sample files, look like this
├── a
│   ├── 1
│   └── 3
└── b
│   ├── 1
│   ├── 2
│   └── 3.txt
$comm -13 <(find a/ -type f -exec bash -c 'basename "${0%.*}"' {} \; | sort) <(find b/ -type f -exec bash -c 'basename "${0%.*}"' {} \; | sort)

Pinpoint archive file from a list of archive files where the target file is zipped

I have a directory structure like this -
In each directory there are many tar files. Say for example (don't go with the name, they are just for example) -
├── Archive2
│ ├── tenth.tar.gz
│ └── third.tar.gz
├── Archive3
│ ├── fourth.tar.gz
│ └── sixth.tar.gz
├── fifth.tar.gz
├── first.tar.gz
└── second.tar.gz
Now I have a file file.txt, that could reside in any tar file. I need a command that would give me the output as which tar file have my input file (file.txt) and also the absolute path of the tar file.
So for example if test.txt is in sixth.tar.gz. The output will be sixth.tar.gz and ./Archive1/Archive3/
Currently I have this command, but the drawback of the command is, it is listing all the tar files -
find . -maxdepth "3" -type f -name "*.tar.gz" -printf [%f]\\n -exec tar -tf {} \; | grep -iE "[\[]|file.txt"
For each tar file, you can run tar | grep, and if there is a match, print the tar file's name. One way to do this is by running a shell command for each tar file. For a small number of files, and if performance is not too important, this might be good enough and it's fairly straightforward.
find . -maxdepth "3" -type f -name "*.tar.gz" -exec sh -c 'tar tf {} | grep -iEq "[\[]|file.txt" && echo {}' \;
So for example if test.txt is in sixth.tar.gz, the output will be ./Archive1/Archive3/sixth.tar.gz.

Bash script to rename file names with correct date format in all sub folders in Linux

I have a buch of logs with names in "filename.logdate month year" (for example, filename.log25 Aug 2015, note there are space between the date/month/year) and I'd like to change them to "filename.logmonthdateyear" (for example filename.logOct052015, with no space).
These files are in a bunch of sub folders which makes it more challenging.
Parent Folder
--- sub folder1
--- sub folder2
Can anyone suggest a bash script that can do this?
Thank you!
find and rename should do the trick
strawman example:
to go from
├── foo/
│   ├── file name with spaces
│   └── bar/
│   └── another file with spaces
you can use
find foo/ -type f -exec rename 's/ //g' '{}' \;
to get
├── foo/
│ ├── filenamewithspaces
│ └── bar/
│ └── anotherfilewithspaces
in your case:
in your case, it would be something like
find path/to/files/ -type f -exec rename 's/ //g' '{}' \;
but you can use fancier filters in your find command like
find path/to/files/ -type f -name *.log* -exec rename 's/ //g' '{}' \;
to select only .log files in case there are other file names with spaces you don't want to touch
heads up:
as pointed out in the comments there's the potential to overwrite files if their names only differ by space placement (e.g., a bc.log and ab c.log if carelessly renamed would end up with a single abc.log).
for your case, you have two things on your side:
rename will give you a heads up as long as you're not using it's --force option
and will give you a helpful message like ./ab c.log not renamed: ./abc.log already exists
your files are named programatically, and you're stripping the spaces in dates, so, assuming that's all you have in there, you shouldn't have any problems
regardless, it's good to be mindful of this sort of thing
This is a way to do it with just Bash (4+) and 'mv':
# Prevent breakages when nothing matches patterns
shopt -s nullglob
# Enable '**' matches (requires Bash 4)
shopt -s globstar
for folder in **/ ; do
# Work in the directory to avoid problems if its path has spaces
cd -- "$folder"
for file in *' '*' '* ; do
# Use the '-i' option to prevent silent clobbering
mv -i -- "$file" "${file// /}"
cd -- "$topdir"
If there is just one level of subfolders (as stated in the question), the requirement for Bash 4+ can be dropped: remove the shopts -s globstar, and change the first line of the outer loop to for folder in */ ; do.
