Code generation against Sprocs? - c#-4.0

I'm trying to understand choices for code generation tools/ORM tools and discover what solution will best meet the requirements that I have and the limitations present.
I'm creating a foundational solution to be used for new projects. It consists of ASP.NET MVC 3.0, layers for business logic and data access. The data access layer will need to go against Oracle for now, and then switch to SQL this year as the db migration is finished.
From a DTO standpoint mapping to custom types in the solution, what ORM/code generation tool will work with creating my needed code but can ONLY access Stored Procs in Oracle and SQL.?
Meaning, I need to generate the custom objects that are the artifacts from and being pushed to the stored procedures as the parameters, I don't need to generate the sprocs themselves, they already exist. I'm looking for the representation of what the sproc needs and gives back to be generated into DTOs. In some cases I can go against views and generate DTOs. I'm assuming most tools already do this. But for 90% of the time, I don't have access directly to any tables or views, only stored procs.
Does this make sense?

ORMs are best at mapping objects to tables (and/or views), not mapping objects to sprocs.
Very few tools can do automated code generation against whatever output a sproc may generate, depending on the complexity of the sproc. It's much more straight-forward to code generate the input to a sproc as that is generally well defined and clear.
I would say if you are stuck with sprocs, your options for using third party code to help reduce your development and maintenance time are severely limited.
I believe either LinqToSql or EntityFramework (or both?) are capable of some magic with regards to SQL Server to try to mostly automatically figure out what a sproc may be returning. I don't think it works all the time, it's just sophisticated guess work and I seriously doubt it would work with Oracle. I am not aware of anything else software-wise that even attempts to figure out what a sproc may return.
A sproc can return multiple diverse record sets that can be built dynamically by the sproc depending on the input and data in the database. A technical solution to automatically anticipating sproc output seems like it would require the following:
A static set of underlying data in the database
The ability to pass all possible inputs to the sproc and execute the sproc without any negative impact or side effects
That would give you a static set of possible outputs for any given valid input. A small change in the data in the database could invalidate everything.
If I recall correctly, the magic Microsoft did was something like calling the sproc passing NULL for all input parameters and assuming the output is always exactly the first recordset that comes back from the database. That is clearly an incomplete solution to the problem, but in simple cases it appears to be magic because it can work very well some of the time.


How to update rows in Jooq without Codegen using JSON

I am using Jooq version 3.17.0 and attempting to insert data into a table without codegen.
At the minute, I am designing a system that allows data to be imported into multiple tables (one at a time, and starting with just one), yet I do not want to write specific code for each table and as of now, I haven't had a need for codegen.
The code currently works for importing data via JSON, with json being a String formatted in the 'Jooq' format. This imports data correctly into the database. This also allows us to send json data of table updates from one system to our main system that uses Jooq. Yet it gives me an error when I try to update.
I am using MYSQL as my database.
The original code for insertion is :
Result<Record> convertedJson = dslContext.fetchFromJSON(json);
Loader<Record> res1 = dslContext.loadInto(table(tableName)).loadJSON(json).fields(convertedJson.fields()).execute();
However, if we try to update data by sending in the same json, but with one field changed, jooq gives an error org.jooq.exception.DataAccessException stating that there is a duplicate entry for key.
I tried to use :
Loader<Record> res2 = dslContext.loadInto(table(tableName)).onDuplicateKeyUpdate().loadJSON(json).fields(convertedJson.fields()).execute();
But then this throws an error ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE only works on tables with explicit primary keys. Table is not updatable : <tableName> since in LoaderImpl.onDuplicateKeyUpdate():220 since table.getPrimaryKey() is null which technically makes sense since table(tableName) returns a Table that does not know it's fields.
My question is probably two-fold.
Is there a way to have a table that is aware of it's fields without codegen?
Is there a way for me to allow jooq to update rows this way.
My preferences is to steer clear of codegen, unless it's really needed. I probably could switch to codegen if needed, but again I would still need to be able to execute SQL without writing specific code for each table. Using JSON is still very much desired, as that allows me to send data from one application to another for import.
Using code generation
You've run into one of those many reasons why code generation is very helpful with jOOQ. If your various tables are known at compile time, and all you're doing is switch table names, then I would go with generated code, making the lookup of the table dynamic. That would solve the problem easily.
From experience with various similar support cases, I've always recommended this first, because as soon as these kinds of troubles start, it's a good idea to re-think the code generation strategy as you will run into other, similar problems, having to work around the lack of ubiquitously available meta data all the time. There are many other benefits to using the code generator.
Emulating code generation
If for some reason you cannot (e.g. the tables aren't known at compile time) or do not want to use the code generator, then you can do the code generator's work yourself at runtime, by building CustomTable types as documented here.
Using other means of providing meta information
Another way to provide jOOQ with meta data is to use one of various forms of implementing org.jooq.Meta, which include:
Looking up meta data from the JDBC driver's DatabaseMetaData (this can be slow, depending on your schema)
Letting jOOQ interpret some DDL scripts
Using jOOQ's XML representation of the standard SQL INFORMATION_SCHEMA
Using generated code

Complex Finds in Domain Driven Design

I'm looking into converting part of an large existing VB6 system, into .net. I'm trying to use domain driven design, but I'm having a hard time getting my head around some things.
One thing that I'm completely stumped on is how I should handle complex find statements. For example, we currently have a screen that displays a list of saved documents, that the user can select and print off, email, edit or delete. I have a SavedDocument object that does the trick for all the actions, but it only has the properties relevant to it, and I need to display the client name that the document is for and their email address if they have one. I also need to show the policy reference that this document may have come from. The Client and Policy are linked to the SavedDocument but are their own aggregate roots, so are not loaded at the same time the SavedDocuments are.
The user is also allowed to specify several filters to reduce the list down. These to can be from properties that are stored on the SavedDocument or the Client and Policy.
I'm not sure how to handle this from a Domain driven design point of view.
Do I have a function on a repository that takes the filters and returns me a list of SavedDocuments, that I then have to turn into a different object or DTO, and fill with the additional client and policy information? That seem a little slow as I have to load all the details using multiple calls.
Do I have a function on a repository that takes the filters and returns me a list of SavedDocumentsForList objects that contain just the information I want? This seems the quickest but doesn't feel like I'm using DDD.
Do I load everything from their objects and do all the filtering and column selection in a service? This seems the slowest, but also appears to be very domain orientated.
I'm just really confused how to handle these situations, and I've not really seeing any other people asking questions about it, which masks me feel that I'm missing something.
Queries can be handled in a few ways in DDD. Sometimes you can use the domain entities themselves to serve queries. This approach can become cumbersome in scenarios such as yours when queries require projections of multiple aggregates. In this case, it is easier to use objects explicitly designed for the respective queries - effectively DTOs. These DTOs will be read-only and won't have any behavior. This can be referred to as the read-model pattern.

SQL Injection or Server.HTMLEncode or both? Classic ASP

People say to prevent SQL Injection, you can do one of the following (amongst other things):
Prepare statements (parameterized)
Stored procedures
Escaping user input
I have done item 1, preparing my statements, but I'm now wondering if I should escape all user input as well. Is this a waste of time seeming as I have prepared statements or will this double my chances of prevention?
It's usually a waste of time to escape your input on top of using parametrized statements. If you are using a database "driver" from the database vendor and you are only using parametrized
statements without doing things like SQL String concatenation or trying to parametrize the actual SQL syntax, instead of just providing variable values, then you are already as safe as you can be.
To sum it up, your best option is to trust the database vendor to know how to escape values inside their own SQL implementation instead of trying to roll your own encoder, which for a lot of DBs out there can be a lot more work then you think.
If on top of this you want additional protection you can try using a SQL Monitoring Solution. There are a few available that can spot out-of-the-ordinary SQL queries and block/flag them, or just try to learn your default app behavior and block everything else. Obviously your mileage may vary with these based on your setup and use-cases.
Certainly the first step to prevent SQL Injection attacks is to always use parameterised queries, never concatenate client supplied text into a SQL string. The use of stored procedures is irrelevant once you have taken the step to parameterise.
However there is a secondary source of SQL injection where SQL code itself (usually in an SP) will have to compose some SQL which is then EXEC'd. Hence its still possible to be vunerable to injection even though your ASP code is always using parameterised queries. If you can be certain that none of your SQL does that and will never do that then you are fairly safe from SQL Injection. Depending on what you are doing and what version to SQL Server you are using there are occasions where SQL compositing SQL is unavoidable.
With the above in mind a robust approach may require that your code examines incoming string data for patterns of SQL. This can be fairly intense work because attackers can get quite sophisticated in avoiding SQL pattern detection. Even if you feel the SQL you are using is not vunerable it useful to be able to detect such attempts even if they fail. Being able to pick that up and record additional information about the HTTP requests carrying the attempt is good.
Escaping is the most robust approach, in that case though all the code that uses the data in you database must understand the escaping mechanim and be able to unescape the data to make use of it. Imagine a Server-side report generating tool for example, would need to unescape database fields before including them in reports.
Server.HTMLEncode prevents a different form of Injection. Without it an attacker could inject HTML (include javascript) into the output of your site. For example, imagine a shop front application that allowed customers to review products for other customers to read. A malicious "customer" could inject some HTML that might allow them to gather information about other real customers who read their "review" of a popular product.
Hence always use Server.HTMLEncode on all string data retrieved from a database.
Back in the day when I had to do classic ASP, I used both methods 2 and 3. I liked the performance of stored procs better and it helps to prevent SQL injection. I also used a standard set of includes to filter(escape) user input. To be truly safe, don't use classic ASP, but if you have to, I would do all three.
First, on the injections in general:
Both latter 2 has nothing to do with injection actually.
And the former doesn't cover all the possible issues.
Prepared statements are okay until you have to deal with identifiers.
Stored provedures are vulnerable to injections as well. It is not an option at all.
"escaping" "user input" is most funny of them all.
First, I suppose, "escaping" is intended for the strings only, not whatever "user input". Escaping all other types is quite useless and will protect nothing.
Next, speaking of strings, you have to escape them all, not only coming from the user input.
Finally - no, you don't have to use whatever escaping if you are using prepared statements
Now to your question.
As you may notice, HTMLEncode doesn't contain a word "SQL" in it. One may persume then, that Server.HTMLEncode has absolutely nothing to do with SQL injections.
It is more like another attack prevention, called XSS. Here it seems a more appropriate action and indeed should be used on the untrusted user input.
So, you may use Server.HTMLEncode along with prepared statements. But just remember that it's completely different attacks prevention.
You may also consider to use HTMLEncode before actual HTML output, not at the time of storing data.

Strategies for search across disparate data sources

I am building a tool that searches people based on a number of attributes. The values for these attributes are scattered across several systems.
As an example, dateOfBirth is stored in a SQL Server database as part of system ABC. That person's sales region assignment is stored in some horrible legacy database. Other attributes are stored in a system only accessible over an XML web service.
To make matters worse, the the legacy database and the web service can be really slow.
What strategies and tips should I consider for implementing a search across all these systems?
Note: Although I posted an answer, I'm not confident its a great answer. I don't intend to accept my own answer unless no one else gives better insight.
You could consider using an indexing mechanism to retrieve and locally index the data across all the systems, and then perform your searches against the index. Searches would be an awful lot faster and more reliable.
Of course, this just shifts the problem from one part of your system to another - now your indexing mechanism has to handle failures and heterogeneous systems, but that may be an easier problem to solve.
Another factor is how often the data changes. If you have to query data in real-time that goes stale very quickly, then indexing may not be practical.
If you can get away with a restrictive search, start by returning a list based on the search criteria corresponding to the fastest data source. Then join up those records with the other systems and remove records which don't match the search criteria.
If you have to implement OR logic, this approach is not going to work.
While not an actual answer, this might at least get you partway to a workable solution. We had a similar situation at a previous employer - lots of data sources, different ways of accessing those data sources, different access permissions, military/government/civilian sources, etc. We used Mule, which is built around the Enterprise Service Bus concept, to connect these data sources to our application. My details are a bit sketchy, as I wasn't the actual implementor, just an integrator, but what we did was define a channel in Mule. Then you write a simple integration piece to go between the channel and the data source, and the application and the channel. The integration piece does the work of making the actual query, and formatting the results, so we had a generic SQL integration piece for accessing a database, and for things like web services, we had some base classes that implemented common functionality, so the actual customization of the integration piecess was a lot less work than it sounds like. The application could then query the channel, which would handle accessing the various data sources, transforming them into a normalized bit of XML, and return the results to the application.
This had a lot of advantages for our situation. We could include new data sources for existing queries by simply connecting them to the channel - the application didn't have to know or care what data sources where there, as it only looked at the data from the channel. Since data can be pushed or pulled from the channel, we could have a data source update the application when, for example, it was updated.
It took a while to get it configured and working, but once we got it going, we were pretty successful with it. In our demo setup, we ended up with 4 or 5 applications acting as both producers and consumers of data, and connecting to maybe 10 data sources.
Have you thought of moving the data into a separate structure?
For example, Lucene stores data to be searched in a schema-less inverted indexed. You could have a separate program that retrieves data from all your different sources and puts them in a Lucene index. Your search could work against this index and the search results could contain a unique identifier and the system it came from.
(There are implementations in other languages as well)
Have you taken a look at YQL? It may not be the perfect solution but I might give you starting point to work from.
Well, for starters I'd parallelize the queries to the different systems. That way we can minimize the query time.
You might also want to think about caching and aggregating the search attributes for subsequent queries in order to speed things up.
You have the option of creating an aggregation service or middleware that aggregates all the different systems so that you can provide a single interface for querying. If you do that, this is where I'd do the previously mentioned cache and parallize optimizations.
However, with all of that it you will need weighing up the development time/deployment time /long term benefits of the effort against migrating the old legacy database to a faster more modern one. You haven't said how tied into other systems those databases are so it may not be a very viable option in the short term.
EDIT: in response to data going out of date. You can consider caching if your data if you don't need the data to always match the database in real time. Also, if some data doesn't change very often (e.g. dates of birth) then you should cache them. If you employ caching then you could make your system configurable as to what tables/columns to include or exclude from the cache and you could give each table/column a personalizable cache timeout with an overall default.
Use Pentaho/Kettle to copy all of the data fields that you can search on and display into a local MySQL database
Create a batch script to run nightly and update your local copy. Maybe even every hour. Then, write your query against your local MySQL database and display the results.

Concerns about Core Data

I'm getting ready to dive into my first Core Data adventure. While evaluating the framework two questions came up that really got me thinking about using Core Data at all for this project or to stick with SQLite.
My app will heavily rely upon importing data from an external source. I'm aware that one can import into Core Data but handling complex relationships seems complicated and tedious. Is there an easy way to accomplish complex imports?
The app has to be able to execute complex queries spanning multiple tables or having multiple conditions. Building these predicates and expressions simply scares me...
Is it worth to take the plunge and use Core Data or should I stick with SQLite?
As I and others have said before, Core Data is really an object-graph management framework. It manages the relationships between model objects, including constraints on their cardinality, and manages cascading deletes etc. It also manages constraints on individual attributes. Core Data just happens to also be able to persist that object graph to disk. It can do this in a number of formats, including XML, binary, and via SQLite. Thus, Core Data is really orthogonal to SQLite. If your task is dealing with an embedded SQL-compatible database, go with SQLite. If your task is managing the model layer of an MVC app, go with Core Data. In specific answers to your questions:
There is no magic that can automatically import complex data into any model. That said, it is relatively easy in Core Data. Taking a multi-pass approach and using the SQLite backend can help with memory consumption by allowing you to keep only a subset of the data in memory at a time. If the data sets can be kept in memory, you can write a custom persistent store format that reads/writes directly to your legacy data format from within Core Data (see the Atomic Store Programming Guide).
Building a complex NSPredicate declaratively is somewhat verbose but shouldn't scare you. The Predicate Programming Guide is a good place to start. You can, of course, also write predicates using a string format, much like a string-formatted SQL statement. It's worth noting that, as described above, the predicates in Core Data are on the objects and object graph, not on the SQL tables. If you really want to think at the level of tables, stick with SQLite and write your own wrapper.
I can't really speak to your first point.
However, regarding your second point, using Core Data means you don't have to really worry about complex queries since you can just pretend that all the relationships are properly established in memory already (Apple's implementation details aside). It doesn't matter how complex a join it might be in a database environment because you really aren't in a database environment. If you need to get the fourth child of the grandparent of your current object and then find that child's pet's name and breed, all you do is traverse up the object tree in code using a series of messages or properties. No worries about joins or anything. The only problem is it might be really slow depending on your objects' relationships, but I can't really speak accurately to that since I haven't actually implemented anything using Core Data (I've just read about it extensively on Apple's and others' websites).
If the data importer from an external source is written based on the same core data model (for the targeted/destination side of the import) - nothing will be conceptually different as compare to using/updating the same data (through the core data stack from your actual application).
If you create the data importer without using the core data stack, make sure you learn well the db schema that would be generated/expected by the core data based model. There is nothing magic there - just make sure you follow how the cross entity relationships are implemented and how entity hierarchies are stored.
I had to create recently a data importer from Access database into the core data based Sqlite store as a .NET app. Once my destination core data model was define, I created a small app that populated the Sqlite store with randomly generated entities (including all the expected relationships). Then, I reverse engineered how the core data actually created the Sqlite store for the model and how it handles the relationships by learning from the generated and persisted data. Then, I implemented the .NET based importer/data-transformer according to my observations. At the end, I got perfect core data friendly data store that could be open an modified from the application that was using the core data stack on Mac OSX.
