Groovy and dynamic methods: need groovy veteran enlightment - groovy

First, I have to say that I really like Groovy and all the good stuff it is bringing to the Java dev world. But since I'm using it for more than little scripts, I have some concerns.
In this Groovy help page about dynamic vs static typing, there is this statement about the absence of compilation error/warning when you have typo in your code because it could be a call to a method added later at runtime:
It might be scary to do away with all of your static typing and
compile time checking at first. But many Groovy veterans will attest
that it makes the code cleaner, easier to refactor, and, well, more
I'm pretty agree with the 'more dynamic' part, but not with cleaner and easier to refactor:
For the other two statements I'm not sure: from my Groovy beginner perspective, this is resulting in less code, but in more difficult to read later and in more trouble to maintain (can not rely on the IDE anymore to find who is declaring a dynamic method and who is using one).
To clarify, I find that reading groovy code is very pleasant, I love the collection and closure (concise and expressive way of tackle complicated problem).
But I have a lot of trouble in these situations:
no more auto-completion inside 'builder' using Map (Of Map (of Map))
confusing dynamic methods call (you don't know if it is a typo or a
dynamic name)
method extraction is more complicated inside closure (often resulting in code duplicate: 'it is only a small closure after all')
hard to guess closure parameters when you have to write one for a method of a subsystem
no more learning by browsing the code: you have to use text search instead
I can only saw some benefits with GORM, but in this case the dynamic method are wellknown and my IDE is aware of them (so it is more looking like a systematic code generation than dynamic method for me)
I would be very glad to learn from groovy veteran how they can attest of these benefits.

It does lead to different classes of bugs and processes. It also makes writing tests faster and more natural, helping to alleviate the bug issues.
Discovering where behavior is defined, and used, can be problematic. There isn't a great way around it, although IDEs are getting better at it over time.
Your code shouldn't be more difficult to read--mainline code should be easier to read. The dynamic behavior should disappear into the application, and be documented appropriately for developers that need to understand functionality at those levels.
Magic does make discovery more difficult. This implies that other means of documentation, particularly human-readable tests (think easyb, spock, etc.) and prose, become that much more important.

This is somewhat old, but i'd like to share my experience if someone comes looking for some thoughts on the topic:
Right now we are using eclipse 3.7 and groovy-eclipse 2.7 on a small team (3 developers) and since we don't have tests scripts, mostly of our groovy development we do by explicitly using types.
For example, when using service classes methods:
void validate(Product product) {
// groovy stuff
Box pack(List<Product> products) {
def box = new Box()
box.value = products.inject(0) { total, item ->
// some BigDecimal calculations =)
We usually fill out the type, which enable eclipse to autocomplete and, most important, allows us to refactor code, find usages, etc..
This blocks us from using metaprogramming, except for Categories which i found that are supported and is detected by groovy-eclipse.
Still, Groovy is pretty good and a LOT of our business logic is in groovy code.
We had two issues in production code when using groovy, and both cases were due bad manual testing.
We also have a lot of XML building and parsing, and we validate it before sending it to webservices and the likes.
There's a small script we use to connect to an internal system whose usage is very restricted (and not needed in other parts of the system). This code i developed using entirely dynamic typing, overriding methods using metaclass and all that stuff, but this is an exception.
I think groovy 2.0 (with groovy-eclipse coming along, of course) and it's #TypeChecked will be great for those of us that uses groovy as a "java++".

To me there are 2 types of refactoring:
IDE based refactoring (extract to method, rename method, introduce variable, etc.).
Manual refactoring. (moving a method to a different class, changing the return value of a method)
For IDE based refactoring I haven't found an IDE that does as good of a job with Groovy as it does with Java. For example in eclipse when you extract to method it looks for duplicate instances to refactor to call the method instead of having duplicated code. For Groovy, that doesn't seem to happen.
Manual refactoring is where I believe that you could see refactoring made easier. Without tests though I would agree that it is probably harder.
The statement at cleaner code is 100% accurate. I would venture a guess that good Java to good Groovy code is at least a 3:1 reduction in lines of code. Being a newbie at Groovy though I would strive to learn at least 1 new way to do something everyday. Something that greatly helped me improve my Groovy was to simply read the APIs. I feel that Collection, String, and List are probably the ones that have the most functionality and I used the most to help make my Groovy code actually Groovy.
Since you edited the question I'll edit my answer :)
One thing you can do is tell intellij about the dynamic methods on your objects: What does 'add dynamic method' do in Groovy/IntelliJ?. That might help a little bit.
Another trick that I use is to type my objects when doing the initial coding and remove the typing when I'm done. For example I can never seem to remember if it's .substring(..) or .subString(..) on a String. So if you type your object you get a little better code completion.
As for your other bullet points, I'd really need to look at some code to be able to give a better answer.


APL readability

I have to code in APL. Since the code is going to be maintained for a long time, I am wondering if there are some papers/books which contain heuristics/tips/samples to help in designing clean and readable APL programs.
It is a different experience than coding in other programming language. Making a function, for example. Small will not help: such a function can contain one line of code, which is completely incomprehensible.
First, welcome to the wonderful world of APL.
Writing readable and maintainable APL code is not much different than writing readable and maintainable code in any language. Any good book on writing clean code is as applicable to APL as any other language, perhaps even more so. I recommend Clean Code by Robert C. Martin.
Consider the guideline in this book that all code in a function should be at the same level of abstraction. This applies to APL 100 times over. For example, if you have a function named DoThisBigTask it should have very few APL primitive symbols in it, and certainly no long complex one-liners. It should just be series of calls to other, lower level functions. If these higher-level functions are all well-named and well-defined, the general drift should be easily determined by someone who does not even know APL. The lowest level functions will be nothing but primitives and will be inscrutable to the non-APLer. Depending on how they are written they may even initially appear inscrutable to a seasoned APLer. However, these low level functions should be short, have no side effects, and can easily be re-written rather than modified if the maintaining programmer is unable to understand the original coding technique.
In general, keep your functions short, well-named, well-defined, and to the point. And keep the lines of code even shorter. It is much more important to have well-defined and well-documented functions than it is to have well-written or well document lines of code.
Since you asked for books and other references, I can suggest:
APL2 in Depth by Norman D. Thomson and Raymond P. Polivka. I worked with Ray Polivka for years and he was one of the best APL teachers I
have ever known.
The classic A. P. L.: An Interactive Approach by
Leonard Gilman and Allen J. Rose is good for the core language, but
is rather outdated and doesn't contain much that is truly relevant on
APL 2 at a Glance by James A. Brown and Sandra Pakin serves in some ways as an update to Gilman and Rose. It covers nested operations and other updates to APL, but has not much specifically directed at readability. Still, if you follow the examples here you will be writing readable code.
APL is Easy by STSC and Jerry R. Turner is an intro directed specifically at the APL*Plus line. Again, not much specifically on readability, but the models are generally well-designed readable code.
Mastering Dyalog APL: A Complete Introduction to Dyalog APL by Bernard Legrand is quite good if you are specifically workign in Dyalog APL, not so much if you are working in one of the other versions such as APL*Plus (from APL2000)
It is my view that the reputation of APL as a "write-only language" is much overstated. One does need to get used to the primitives and the symbols used to represent them. But then one needs to get used to the syntax and the various library functions in many other language environments. I have seen convoluted code in C, C++, and Java as hard to follow as any APL. Of course, it isn't good C, C++, or Java, even if it is clever.
Some advice:
Writing 'one-liners' is a way to test one's mastery of the language,
but is very poor practice for production code.
Comment to make the algorithm and especially the data structure being used clear. As with any code, comments should add something
that cannot be easily read from the code itself, or call attention to
complex or obscure code.
If possible avoid obscure code so there is no need to explain it. It is usually possible.
Make each function do one and only one job, with a clear interface.
Avoid global variables for the most part, and document any that are needed.
Document the interface, purpose, and efect of any function at the
top. Make utilities black boxes without side-effects if possible. If
side-effects are essential, document those as part of the interface.
Develop a standard header comment structure.
Dynamic code built on-the-fly can add flexabiliy to a solution, but
is often much harder to debug if problems occur. Make such code
bullet-proof to the extent you can, and build in optional logging to
help when it turns out to have problems anyway.
You can use an OOP-like style if you wish. But there is no need to do so. If you do, it should IMO be used fairly pervasively through an application, except perhaps for low-level utilities. But OOP-style code can be at least as convoluted as non-OOP code, and APL doesn't have built-in inheritance or other OOP-supporting syntax.
(I'll use here "A" instead of comment, "'" instead of symbol sign.)
Well, I was developing APL for a year, I have only used
You don't even need more. The trick is to try to think OOP-like. You should have -- if I remember well -- structured fields used as class data, sth like {'attribute1 'attribute2, {value,value2}}, so you can easily pick them out like obj.attribute1 in c++.
(here 'attribute Pick object, use only in class functions :) )
Moreover, use namespaced functions:
namespace_classname.method(this, arg1)
namespace_classname._private_method(this, arg1, arg2)
and lots of simple tool functions instead of nifty, long lines. The performance drop is not substantial, you can optimize later for say arrays once you see something could be faster.
And before anything: think matlab and mathematica without for loops! :) It helps a lot.
My suggestions for robust, maintainable code:
use extensive set of utility functions instead of trickery with those unreadable symbols to make your code always to the point.
try-catch blocks there is a built in exception handling, which can be utilized here,
A tried code, maybe in extra brackets not to forget try_end() at the end.
catch(sth, function_here);
can be nicely implemented. (You'll see, catching errors is very important)
crude type checking : implement a standard and use for not-so-many times called functions... (you can put a function with flexible parameters right after a function definition)
function(point2i, ch):
typecheck({{'int, [1 2]}, 'char}); A do some assertions in typecheck...
// your function goes here
lambda functions can be very effective, you can do some reflections to achieve lambdas.
always declare returns with saying "return"!
Unit tests based on try-catch testing each and every function you write.
I also used a lot of 'apply' and 'map' from mathematica, implementing my own version, they are very-very effective here.
I wrote matlab thinking since you can here have a list of structured fields (=class data) in a variable. You will write lots of those if you wanna keep things for-loop-less (and you wanna, trust me). For that you need to have a standard naming convention say indicate with plurals:
namespace_class.method(objects, arg1, arg2)
To the end: also, I wrote inputBox and messageBox like the ones in Javascript or VisualBasic, they will make very easy hacking together simple tools or checking states. The only catch of messageBox, that it can't put the function-flow on hold,
so you need
AA documentation of f1
A do sth"Hi there",{'Ok, {'f2}});
A continue doing stuff
You can write auto-docs in bash with a gawk/sed combination to put it into a webpage.
Also creating HTML formatted code helps in printing. ;)
I hope this was good outline for a proper build-up. Before writing own tools, try to dig up the available tools from the legacy codebase... functions are often even 4 times implemented with different names due to the mess that time.

Writing easily modified code

What are some ways in which I can write code that is easily modified?
The one I have learned from experience is that I almost always need to write one to throw away. That way I have developed a sense of the domain knowledge and program structure required before coding the actual application.
The general guidelines are offcourse
High cohesion, low coupling
Dont repeat yourself
Recognize design patterns and implement them
Dont recognize design patterns where they are not existing or necassary
Use a coding standard, stick to it
Comment everyting that should be commented, when in doubt : comment
Use unit tests
Write comments and tests before implementation, that way you know exactly what you want to do
And when it goes wrong : refactor, refactor, refactor. With good tests you can be sure nothing breaks
And oh yeah:
read this :
Everything (i think) above and more is in it
I think your emphasis on modifiability is more important than readability. It is not hard to make something easy to read, but the real test of how well it is understood comes when someone else (or you) has to modify it in repsonse to changing requirements.
What I try to do is assume that modifications will be necessary, and if it is not really clear how to do them, leave explicit directions in the code for how to do them.
I assume that I may have to do some educating of the reader of the code to get him or her to know how to modify the code properly. This requires energy on my part, and it requires energy on the part of the person reading the code.
So while I admire the idea of literate programming, that can be easily read and understood, sometimes it is more like math, where the only way to do it is for the reader to buckle down, pay close attention, re-read it a few times, and make sure they understand.
Readability helps a lot: If you do something non-obvious, or you are taking a shortcut, comment. Comments are places where you can go back and refactor if you have time later. Use sensible names for everything, makes it easier to understand what is going on.
Continuous revision will let you move from that first draft to a better one without throwing away (too much) work. Any time you rewrite from scratch you may lose lessons learned. As you code, use refactoring tools to eliminate code representing areas of exploration that are no longer needed, and to make obvious things that were obscure. The first one reduces the amount that you need to maintain; the second reduces the effort per square foot. (Sqft makes about as much sense as lines of code, really.)
Modularize appropriately and enforce encapsulation and separation of logic between your modules. You don't want too many dependencies on any one part of the code or that part becomes inherently harder to understand.
Considering using tried and true methods over cutting edge ones. You give up some functionality for predictability.
Finally, if this is code that people will be using before and after modification, you need(ed) to have an appropriate API insulating your code from theirs. Having a strong API lets you change things behind the scenes without needing to alert all your consumers. I think there's a decent article on Coding Horror about this.
Hang Your Code Out to D.R.Y.
I learned this early when assigned the task of changing the appearance of a web-interface. The code was in C, which I hated, and was compiled to a CGI executable. And, worse, it was built on a library that was abandoned—no updates, no support, and too many man-hours put into its use to change it. On top of the framework was a disorderly web of code, consisting of various form and element builders, custom string implementations, and various other arcane things (for a non-C programmer to commit suicide with).
For each change I made there were several, sometimes many, exceptions to the output HTML. Each one of these exceptions required a small change or improvement in the form builder, thanks to the language there's no inheritance and therefore only functions and structs, and instead of putting the hours in the team instead wrote these exceptions frequently.
In my inexperience I was forced to change the output of each exception, rather than consolidate the changes in an improved form builder. But, trawling through 15,000 lines of code for several hours after ineffective changes would induce code-burn, and a fogginess that took a night's sleep to cure.
Always run your code through the DRY-er.
The easiest way to modify a code is NOT to write code. Write pseudo code not just for algo but how your code should be structured if you are unsure.
Designing while writing code never works...for me :-)
Here is my current experience: I'm working (Java) with a kind of database schema that might often change (fields added/removed, data types modified). My strategy is to parse this schema and to generate the code with apache velocity. The BaseClass generated is never modified by the programmer. Else, a MyClass extends BaseClass is created and the logical components of this class (e.g. toString() ! )are implemented using the 'getters' and the 'setters' of the super class.

How stable is the Groovy language?

We're writing a large production system in Java, and I'm considering whether or not we can write some of the components in one of the JVM-based dynamic languages. Groovy appears to be the best choice from the Java interoperability standpoint. But is the Groovy implementation reliable enough to use in production (I would assume so), and is the Groovy language specification itself stable enough so that we aren't going to have to revise our production code substantially in a year or two? What are your experiences?
Summary (5/30/09): Good comments, the sense I get is that you should be cautious in adopting Groovy for mission-critical production use, it's fine for ancillary usages like putting together test cases, and there's a middle ground where it's probably fine but do your homework first. Performance is an issue, which needs to be balanced against the increase in developer productivity. Bill and Ichorus have equally helpful answers based on Groovy use, so it was a coin toss.
Update (12/3/09): More recently I've been taking a serious look at Scala, another JVM language. It was designed and implemented by Martin Odersky, the original author of the current javac compiler and the co-designer of Java Generics. Scala is a strongly typed, but uses type inferencing to strip out a lot of boilerplate. It's a nice blend of object-oriented and functional programming. James Gosling likes it. James Strachan, the author of Groovy, likes it too. And Odersky's experience writing javac means Scala's raw performance is not far from Java's, which is impressive.
Update (4/26/11): Take a look at Groovy++, a statically typed extension of Groovy, which has performance equivalent to Java. Looks very interesting.
Edit: Here almost four years later and Groovy has become much more solid.
I can wholeheartedly recommend it for production grade projects.
I've been using Groovy to support production applications for a while and for that purpose it is stable enough. As for actually having Groovy in bona fide production code; I don't think I would do that. Groovy does too many surprising things. It has gotten much better in this regard over the past year or so, but every once in awhile I will run into a bug that is a bit difficult to track down because of the generated code (my issues seem to have revolved around scoping).
I have gotten away from Groovy (though the stuff that we use that is simple and solid is still around) and have used Python (jython implementation), which has been far more predictable in my opinion. Also, python trumps Groovy in readability.
You can write some very interesting code in Groovy with closures and operator overloading and whatnot.
These languages are used for convenience and speed on ancillary code...stuff that can be switched out on the fly if need be. None of it is in production. I don't think I would put either in production unless it was as a stopgap to get something critical out of the door in a major hurry or as a proof of concept or prototype.
And in the case of putting it in actual production, it would have to be in the most dire of circumstances and I would assign someone to rewrite it in pure Java for the next release. I am 98% sure that either would be fine in production but that 2% is too much unnecessary risk.
We've got several production apps running on Grails (using Groovy as the language). So far, no issues have resulted. As for JVM compatibility, take a look at how little the JVM byte-code has changed in the last 5 years... like 1 instruction was added, and none were made obselete.
Will new versions of Groovy come out in the next year? Yes. Will you be required to change to them? No. Though you might want to, 1.6 is a huge speed improvement.
Which brings us to the major drawback of Groovy, the speed issue. Obviously, Groovy is slower than straight Java. The current number are up to 10 TIMES slower, for certain actions. That said, is your CPU the bottleneck in your app? For us, it's mostly DB access and latency. If it's the same for you, what matter if the CPU spends 200ms processing the page request instead of 35ms?
Is that the only problem with Groovy? Nope. Dynamic languages have refactoring difficulties, since there isn't necessarily a complete class specification anywhere in the code. However, this is partially balanced by the smaller code-size which makes it easier to find the places to modify the code.
Anyway, Groovy is a perfectly fine language for production uses. Mix it with Java for your "critical" code, if you fear the reliability. That's the BEST part of Groovy... how easy it mixes with Java classes.
I'm currently exploring using Groovy for only writing unit tests. This has the effects of
Allowing the potentially tedious part of writing tests to be done in a syntax that is a bit simpler than Java.
Keeps the Groovy code out of production.
Allows a large portion of the code base to be written in a non-Java language.
Of course, we haven't started yet, but this is at least my way of attempting to introduce alternate JVM languages to our new projects (and possibly existing ones). I have the same concerns you do, and even more so around performance than stability.
Scripting languages evolve "too fast" in the aspect of syntactic features.
If you want a language for the JVM that will stay compatible for
many years,
Java is your only choice ;)
By the way, I don't think that the readability of code is
ensured by a scripting language automatically.
We used Grails/Groovy as our primary backend at my previous company, and from that experience I'd say that I would choose Groovy over Java in most circumstances I am likely to encounter, since it interoperates with Java seamlessly and is otherwise more fun and expressive. Additionally I would expect the database would almost always be the bottleneck of my application rather than language performance, and we didn't encounter any stability issues/bugs with groovy as far as I recall.
But personally it's usually not about Groovy vs Java for me in most cases -- it's about Groovy/Java + available libraries vs. other languages like Python/Jython/JavaScript/Ruby + available libraries. And there are a lot of other considerations there such as strength of community, maturity of relevant technologies for your particular application, etc. In particular, for web development, Grails was decent, but the community seemed lacking. My overall opinion is that I would use python or Node.js going forward. If I needed the JVM I'd use a jython-compatible python web development environment.
I've been playing with Groovy for a month or so. The simplicity is awesome, and the dynamic language features are really cool too. However, speed is definitely an issue. Also, the groovy console really sucks. You cannot do things that you can do e.g. in python. Every once in a while I have to restart the console, reimport, things, etc. It also keeps forgetting the values I put in the variables while in the console mode; somehow mystically they go out of scope. (Is it because of the JVM? I don't know.) I cannot come up with an example from the top of my head, but the behavior I get in the Groovy console is different from the behavior I get in the Grails console, and is different from what I get by just writing code in a script.
A few more warnings. Note that Groovy is almost, but not 100% compatible with Java. For example, this will not compile:
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String args[]) {
System.out.println( "Hello, world!\n");
Also take a look at How to get classpath in Groovy?

The right language for OpenGL UI prototyping. Ditching Python

So, I got this idea that I'd try to prototype an experimental user interface using OpenGL and some physics. I know little about either of the topics, but am pretty experienced with programming languages such as C++, Java and C#. After some initial research, I decided on using Python (with Eclipse/PyDev) and Qt, both new to me, and now have four different topics to learn more or less simultaneously.
I've gotten quite far with both OpenGL and Python, but while Python and its ecosystem initially seemed perfect for the task, I've now discovered some serious drawbacks. Bad API documentation and lacking code completion (due to dynamic typing), having to import every module I use in every other module gets tedious when having one class per module, having to select the correct module to run the program, and having to wait 30 seconds for the program to start and obscure the IDE before being notified of many obvious typos and other mistakes. It gets really annoying really fast. Quite frankly, i don't get what all the fuzz is about. Lambda functions, list comprehensions etc. are nice and all, but there's certainly more important things.
So, unless anyone can resolve at least some of these annoyances, Python is out. C++ is out as well, for obvious reasons, and C# is out, mainly for lack of portability. This leaves Java and JOGL as an attractive option, but I'm also curious about Ruby and Groovy. I'd like your opinion on these and others though, to keep my from making the same mistake again.
The requirements are:
Keeping the hell out of my way.
Good code completion. Complete method signatures, including data types and parameter names.
Good OpenGL support.
Qt support is preferable.
Object Oriented
Suitable for RAD, prototyping
Preferably Open-Source, but at least free.
It seems you aren't mainly having a problem with Python itself, but instead with the IDE.
"Bad API documentation"
To what API? Python itself, Qt or some other library you are using?
"lacking code completion (due to dynamic typing)"
As long as you are not doing anything magic, I find that PyDev is pretty darn good at figuring these things out. If it gets lost, you can always typehint by doing:
assert isinstance(myObj, MyClass)
Then, PyDev will provide you with code completion even if myObj comes from a dynamic context.
"having to import every module I use in every other module gets tedious when having one class per module"
Install PyDev Extensions, it has auto-import on the fly. Or collect all your imports in a separate module and do:
from mymodulewithallimports import *
"having to select the correct module to run the program"
In Eclipse, you can set up a default startup file, or just check "use last run configuration". Then you never have to select it again.
"before being notified of many obvious typos and other mistakes"
Install PyDev Extensions, it has more advanced syntax checking and will happily notify you about unused imports/variables, uninitialized variables etc.
Looking just at your list I'd recommend C++; especially because Code Completion is so important to you.
About Python: Although I have few experience with OpenGL programming with Python (used C++ for that), the Python community offers a number of interesting modules for OpenGL development: pyopengl, pyglew, pygpu; just to name a few.
BTW, your import issue can be resolved easily by importing the modules in the files of the directory the modules are contained in and then just importing the "parent" module. This is not recommended but nonetheless possible.
I don't understand why nobody has heard of the D programing language?
The only real alternative if you desire all those things is to use Java, but honestly you're being a bit picky about features. Is code completion really that important a trait? Everything else you've listed is traditionally very well regarded with Python, so I don't see the issue.
The text editor (not even an IDE) which I use lets you import API function definitions. Code completion is not a language feature, especially with OpenGL. Just type gl[Ctrl+I] and you'd get the options.
I tried using Java3D and java once. I realized Java3D is a typical Java API... lots of objects to do simple things, and because it's Java, that translates to a lot of code. I then moved to Jython in Eclipse to which cleaned up the code, leaving me with only the complexity of Java3D.
So in the end, I went in the opposite direction. One advantage this has over pure python is I can use Java with all of Eclipse's benefits like autocomplete and move it over to python when parts get unwieldy in Java.
It seems like Pydev can offer code completion for you in Eclipse.
I started off doing OpenGL programming with GL4Java, which got migrated to JOGL and you should definately give it (JOGL) a try. Java offers most of the features you require (plus Eclipse gives you the code completion) and especially for JOGL there are a lot of tutorials out there to get you started.
Consider Boo -- it has many of Python's advantages while adopting features from elsewhere as well, and its compile-time type inference (when variables are neither explicitly given a specific type or explicitly duck typed) allows the kind of autocompletion support you're asking about.
The Tao.OpenGL library exposes OpenGL to .NET apps (such as those Boo compiles), with explicit support for Mono.
(Personally, I'm mostly a Python developer when not doing C or Java, but couldn't care less about autocompletion... but hey, it's your question; also, the one-class-per-module convention seems like a ridiculous amount of pain you're putting yourself through needlessly).

What do people find so appealing about dynamic languages? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 11 years ago.
Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
It seems that everybody is jumping on the dynamic, non-compiled bandwagon lately. I've mostly only worked in compiled, static typed languages (C, Java, .Net). The experience I have with dynamic languages is stuff like ASP (Vb Script), JavaScript, and PHP. Using these technologies has left a bad taste in my mouth when thinking about dynamic languages. Things that usually would have been caught by the compiler such as misspelled variable names and assigning an value of the wrong type to a variable don't occur until runtime. And even then, you may not notice an error, as it just creates a new variable, and assigns some default value. I've also never seen intellisense work well in a dynamic language, since, well, variables don't have any explicit type.
What I want to know is, what people find so appealing about dynamic languages? What are the main advantages in terms of things that dynamic languages allow you to do that can't be done, or are difficult to do in compiled languages. It seems to me that we decided a long time ago, that things like uncompiled asp pages throwing runtime exceptions was a bad idea. Why is there is a resurgence of this type of code? And why does it seem to me at least, that Ruby on Rails doesn't really look like anything you couldn't have done with ASP 10 years ago?
I think the reason is that people are used to statically typed languages that have very limited and inexpressive type systems. These are languages like Java, C++, Pascal, etc. Instead of going in the direction of more expressive type systems and better type inference, (as in Haskell, for example, and even SQL to some extent), some people like to just keep all the "type" information in their head (and in their tests) and do away with static typechecking altogether.
What this buys you in the end is unclear. There are many misconceived notions about typechecking, the ones I most commonly come across are these two.
Fallacy: Dynamic languages are less verbose. The misconception is that type information equals type annotation. This is totally untrue. We all know that type annotation is annoying. The machine should be able to figure that stuff out. And in fact, it does in modern compilers. Here is a statically typed QuickSort in two lines of Haskell (from
qsort [] = []
qsort (x:xs) = qsort (filter (< x) xs) ++ [x] ++ qsort (filter (>= x) xs)
And here is a dynamically typed QuickSort in LISP (from
(defun quicksort (lis) (if (null lis) nil
(let* ((x (car lis)) (r (cdr lis)) (fn (lambda (a) (< a x))))
(append (quicksort (remove-if-not fn r)) (list x)
(quicksort (remove-if fn r))))))
The Haskell example falsifies the hypothesis statically typed, therefore verbose. The LISP example falsifies the hypothesis verbose, therefore statically typed. There is no implication in either direction between typing and verbosity. You can safely put that out of your mind.
Fallacy: Statically typed languages have to be compiled, not interpreted. Again, not true. Many statically typed languages have interpreters. There's the Scala interpreter, The GHCi and Hugs interpreters for Haskell, and of course SQL has been both statically typed and interpreted for longer than I've been alive.
You know, maybe the dynamic crowd just wants freedom to not have to think as carefully about what they're doing. The software might not be correct or robust, but maybe it doesn't have to be.
Personally, I think that those who would give up type safety to purchase a little temporary liberty, deserve neither liberty nor type safety.
Don't forget that you need to write 10x code coverage in unit tests to replace what your compiler does :D
I've been there, done that with dynamic languages, and I see absolutely no advantage.
When reading other people's responses, it seems that there are more or less three arguments for dynamic languages:
1) The code is less verbose.
I don't find this valid. Some dynamic languages are less verbose than some static ones. But F# is statically typed, but the static typing there does not add much, if any, code. It is implicitly typed, though, but that is a different thing.
2) "My favorite dynamic language X has my favorite functional feature Y, so therefore dynamic is better". Don't mix up functional and dynamic (I can't understand why this has to be said).
3) In dynamic languages you can see your results immediately. News: You can do that with C# in Visual Studio (since 2005) too. Just set a breakpoint, run the program in the debugger and modify the program while debbuging. I do this all the time and it works perfectly.
Myself, I'm a strong advocate for static typing, for one primary reason: maintainability. I have a system with a couple 10k lines of JavaScript in it, and any refactoring I want to do will take like half a day since the (non-existent) compiler will not tell me what that variable renaming messed up. And that's code I wrote myself, IMO well structured, too. I wouldn't want the task of being put in charge of an equivalent dynamic system that someone else wrote.
I guess I will be massively downvoted for this, but I'll take the chance.
VBScript sucks, unless you're comparing it to another flavor of VB.
PHP is ok, so long as you keep in mind that it's an overgrown templating language.
Modern Javascript is great. Really. Tons of fun. Just stay away from any scripts tagged "DHTML".
I've never used a language that didn't allow runtime errors. IMHO, that's largely a red-herring: compilers don't catch all typos, nor do they validate intent. Explicit typing is great when you need explicit types, but most of the time, you don't. Search for the questions here on generics or the one about whether or not using unsigned types was a good choice for index variables - much of the time, this stuff just gets in the way, and gives folks knobs to twiddle when they have time on their hands.
But, i haven't really answered your question. Why are dynamic languages appealing? Because after a while, writing code gets dull and you just want to implement the algorithm. You've already sat and worked it all out in pen, diagrammed potential problem scenarios and proved them solvable, and the only thing left to do is code up the twenty lines of implementation... and two hundred lines of boilerplate to make it compile. Then you realize that the type system you work with doesn't reflect what you're actually doing, but someone else's ultra-abstract idea of what you might be doing, and you've long ago abandoned programming for a life of knicknack tweaking so obsessive-compulsive that it would shame even fictional detective Adrian Monk.
That's when you go get plastered start looking seriously at dynamic languages.
I am a full-time .Net programmer fully entrenched in the throes of statically-typed C#. However, I love modern JavaScript.
Generally speaking, I think dynamic languages allow you to express your intent more succinctly than statically typed languages as you spend less time and space defining what the building blocks are of what you are trying to express when in many cases they are self evident.
I think there are multiple classes of dynamic languages, too. I have no desire to go back to writing classic ASP pages in VBScript. To be useful, I think a dynamic language needs to support some sort of collection, list or associative construct at its core so that objects (or what pass for objects) can be expressed and allow you to build more complex constructs. (Maybe we should all just code in LISP ... it's a joke ...)
I think in .Net circles, dynamic languages get a bad rap because they are associated with VBScript and/or JavaScript. VBScript is just a recalled as a nightmare for many of the reasons Kibbee stated -- anybody remember enforcing type in VBScript using CLng to make sure you got enough bits for a 32-bit integer. Also, I think JavaScript is still viewed as the browser language for drop-down menus that is written a different way for all browsers. In that case, the issue is not language, but the various browser object models. What's interesting is that the more C# matures, the more dynamic it starts to look. I love Lambda expressions, anonymous objects and type inference. It feels more like JavaScript everyday.
Here is a statically typed QuickSort in two lines of Haskell (from
qsort [] = []
qsort (x:xs) = qsort (filter (< x) xs) ++ [x] ++ qsort (filter (>= x) xs)
And here is a dynamically typed QuickSort in LISP (from
(defun quicksort (lis) (if (null lis) nil
(let* ((x (car lis)) (r (cdr lis)) (fn (lambda (a) (< a x))))
(append (quicksort (remove-if-not fn r)) (list x)
(quicksort (remove-if fn r))))))
I think you're biasing things with your choice of language here. Lisp is notoriously paren-heavy. A closer equivelent to Haskell would be Python.
if len(L) <= 1: return L
return qsort([lt for lt in L[1:] if lt < L[0]]) + [L[0]] + qsort([ge for ge in L[1:] if ge >= L[0]])
Python code from here
For me, the advantage of dynamic languages is how much more readable the code becomes due to less code and functional techniques like Ruby's block and Python's list comprehension.
But then I kind of miss the compile time checking (typo does happen) and IDE auto complete. Overall, the lesser amount of code and readability pays off for me.
Another advantage is the usually interpreted/non compiled nature of the language. Change some code and see the result immediately. It's really a time saver during development.
Last but not least, I like the fact that you can fire up a console and try out something you're not sure of, like a class or method that you've never used before and see how it behaves. There are many uses for the console and I'll just leave that for you to figure out.
Your arguments against dynamic languages are perfectly valid. However, consider the following:
Dynamic languages don't need to be compiled: just run them. You can even reload the files at run time without restarting the application in most cases.
Dynamic languages are generally less verbose and more readable: have you ever looked at a given algorithm or program implemented in a static language, then compared it to the Ruby or Python equivalent? In general, you're looking at a reduction in lines of code by a factor of 3. A lot of scaffolding code is unnecessary in dynamic languages, and that means the end result is more readable and more focused on the actual problem at hand.
Don't worry about typing issues: the general approach when programming in dynamic languages is not to worry about typing: most of the time, the right kind of argument will be passed to your methods. And once in a while, someone may use a different kind of argument that just happens to work as well. When things go wrong, your program may be stopped, but this rarely happens if you've done a few tests.
I too found it a bit scary to step away from the safe world of static typing at first, but for me the advantages by far outweigh the disadvantages, and I've never looked back.
I believe that the "new found love" for dynamically-typed languages have less to do with whether statically-typed languages are better or worst - in the absolute sense - than the rise in popularity of certain dynamic languages. Ruby on Rails was obviously a big phenomenon that cause the resurgence of dynamic languages. The thing that made rails so popular and created so many converts from the static camp was mainly: very terse and DRY code and configuration. This is especially true when compared to Java web frameworks which required mountains of XML configuration. Many Java programmers - smart ones too - converted over, and some even evangelized ruby and other dynamic languages. For me, three distinct features allow dynamic languages like Ruby or Python to be more terse:
Minimalist syntax - the big one is that type annotations are not required, but also the the language designer designed the language from the start to be terse
inline function syntax(or the lambda) - the ability to write inline functions and pass them around as variables makes many kinds of code more brief. In particular this is true for list/array operations. The roots of this ideas was obviously - LISP.
Metaprogramming - metaprogramming is a big part of what makes rails tick. It gave rise to a new way of refactoring code that allowed the client code of your library to be much more succinct. This also originate from LISP.
All three of these features are not exclusive to dynamic languages, but they certainly are not present in the popular static languages of today: Java and C#. You might argue C# has #2 in delegates, but I would argue that it's not widely used at all - such as with list operations.
As for more advanced static languages... Haskell is a wonderful language, it has #1 and #2, and although it doesn't have #3, it's type system is so flexible that you will probably not find the lack of meta to be limiting. I believe you can do metaprogramming in OCaml at compile time with a language extension. Scala is a very recent addition and is very promising. F# for the .NET camp. But, users of these languages are in the minority, and so they didn't really contribute to this change in the programming languages landscape. In fact, I very much believe the popularity of Ruby affected the popularity of languages like Haskell, OCaml, Scala, and F# in a positive way, in addition to the other dynamic languages.
Personally, I think it's just that most of the "dynamic" languages you have used just happen to be poor examples of languages in general.
I am way more productive in Python than in C or Java, and not just because you have to do the edit-compile-link-run dance. I'm getting more productive in Objective-C, but that's probably more due to the framework.
Needless to say, I am more productive in any of these languages than PHP. Hell, I'd rather code in Scheme or Prolog than PHP. (But lately I've actually been doing more Prolog than anything else, so take that with a grain of salt!)
My appreciation for dynamic languages is very much tied to how functional they are. Python's list comprehensions, Ruby's closures, and JavaScript's prototyped objects are all very appealing facets of those languages. All also feature first-class functions--something I can't see living without ever again.
I wouldn't categorize PHP and VB (script) in the same way. To me, those are mostly imperative languages with all of the dynamic-typing drawbacks that you suggest.
Sure, you don't get the same level of compile-time checks (since there ain't a compile time), but I would expect static syntax-checking tools to evolve over time to at least partially address that issue.
One of the advantages pointed out for dynamic languages is to just be able to change the code and continue running. No need to recompile. In VS.Net 2008, when debugging, you can actually change the code, and continue running, without a recompile. With advances in compilers and IDEs, is it possible that this and other advantages of using dynamic languages will go away.
Ah, I didn't see this topic when I posted similar question
Aside from good features the rest of the folks mentioned here about dynamic languages, I think everybody forget one, the most basic thing: metaprogramming.
Programming the program.
Its pretty hard to do in compiled languages, generally, take for example .Net. To make it work you have to make all kind of mambo jumbo and it usualy ends with code that runs around 100 times slower.
Most dynamic languages have a way to do metaprogramming and that is something that keeps me there - ability to create any kind of code in memory and perfectly integrate it into my applicaiton.
For instance to create calculator in Lua, all I have to do is:
print( loadstring( "return " .. )() )
Now, try to do that in .Net.
My main reason for liking dynamic (typed, since that seems to be the focus of the thread) languages is that the ones I've used (in a work environment) are far superior to the non-dynamic languages I've used. C, C++, Java, etc... they're all horrible languages for getting actual work done in. I'd love to see an implicitly typed language that's as natural to program in as many of the dynamically typed ones.
That being said, there's certain constructs that are just amazing in dynamically typed languages. For example, in Tcl
lindex $mylist end-2
The fact that you pass in "end-2" to indicate the index you want is incredibly concise and obvious to the reader. I have yet to see a statically typed language that accomplishes such.
I think this kind of argument is a bit stupid: "Things that usually would have been caught by the compiler such as misspelled variable names and assigning an value of the wrong type to a variable don't occur until runtime" yes thats right as a PHP developer I don't see things like mistyped variables until runtime, BUT runtime is step 2 for me, in C++ (Which is the only compiled language I have any experience) it is step 3, after linking, and compiling.
Not to mention that it takes all of a few seconds after I hit save to when my code is ready to run, unlike in compiled languages where it can take literally hours. I'm sorry if this sounds a bit angry, but I'm kind of tired of people treating me as a second rate programmer because I don't have to compile my code.
The argument is more complex than this (read Yegge's article "Is Weak Typing Strong Enough" for an interesting overview).
Dynamic languages don't necessarily lack error checking either - C#'s type inference is possibly one example. In the same way, C and C++ have terrible compile checks and they are statically typed.
The main advantages of dynamic languages are a) capability (which doesn't necessarily have to be used all the time) and b) Boyd's Law of Iteration.
The latter reason is massive.
Although I'm not a big fan of Ruby yet, I find dynamic languages to be really wonderful and powerful tools.
The idea that there is no type checking and variable declaration is not too big an issue really. Admittedly, you can't catch these errors until run time, but for experienced developers this is not really an issue, and when you do make mistakes, they're usually easily fixed.
It also forces novices to read what they're writing more carefully. I know learning PHP taught me to be more attentive to what I was actually typing, which has improved my programming even in compiled languages.
Good IDEs will give enough intellisense for you to know whether a variable has been "declared" and they also try to do some type inference for you so that you can tell what a variable is.
The power of what can be done with dynamic languages is really what makes them so much fun to work with in my opinion. Sure, you could do the same things in a compiled language, but it would take more code. Languages like Python and PHP let you develop in less time and get a functional codebase faster most of the time.
And for the record, I'm a full-time .NET developer, and I love compiled languages. I only use dynamic languages in my free time to learn more about them and better myself as a developer..
I think that we need the different types of languages depending on what we are trying to achieve, or solve with them. If we want an application that creates, retrieves, updates and deletes records from the database over the internet, we are better off doing it with one line of ROR code (using the scaffold) than writing it from scratch in a statically typed language. Using dynamic languages frees up the minds from wondering about
which variable has which type
how to grow a string dynamically as needs be
how to write code so that if i change type of one variable, i dont have to rewrite all the function that interact with it
to problems that are closer to business needs like
data is saving/updating etc in the database, how do i use it to drive traffic to my site
Anyway, one advantage of loosely typed languages is that we dont really care what type it is, if it behaves like what it is supposed to. That is the reason we have duck-typing in dynamically typed languages. it is a great feature and i can use the same variable names to store different types of data as the need arises. also, statically typed languages force you to think like a machine (how does the compiler interact with your code, etc etc) whereas dynamically typed languages, especially ruby/ror, force the machine to think like a human.
These are some of the arguments i use to justify my job and experience in dynamic languages!
I think both styles have their strengths. This either/or thinking is kind of crippling to our community in my opinion. I've worked in architectures that were statically-typed from top to bottom and it was fine. My favorite architecture is for dynamically-typed at the UI level and statically-typed at the functional level. This also encourages a language barrier that enforces the separation of UI and function.
To be a cynic, it may be simply that dynamic languages allow the developer to be lazier and to get things done knowing less about the fundamentals of computing. Whether this is a good or bad thing is up to the reader :)
FWIW, Compiling on most applications shouldn't take hours. I have worked with applications that are between 200-500k lines that take minutes to compile. Certainly not hours.
I prefer compiled languages myself. I feel as though the debugging tools (in my experience, which might not be true for everything) are better and the IDE tools are better.
I like being able to attach my Visual Studio to a running process. Can other IDEs do that? Maybe, but I don't know about them. I have been doing some PHP development work lately and to be honest it isn't all that bad. However, I much prefer C# and the VS IDE. I feel like I work faster and debug problems faster.
So maybe it is more a toolset thing for me than the dynamic/static language issue?
One last comment... if you are developing with a local server saving is faster than compiling, but often times I don't have access to everything on my local machine. Databases and fileshares live elsewhere. It is easier to FTP to the web server and then run my PHP code only to find the error and have to fix and re-ftp.
Productivity in a certain context. But that is just one environment I know, compared to some others I know or have seen used.
Smalltalk on Squeak/Pharo with Seaside is a much more effective and efficient web platform than ASP.Net(/MVC), RoR or Wicket, for complex applications. Until you need to interface with something that has libraries in one of those but not smalltalk.
Misspelled variable names are red in the IDE, IntelliSense works but is not as specific. Run-time errors on webpages are not an issue but a feature, one click to bring up the debugger, one click to my IDE, fix the bug in the debugger, save, continue. For simple bugs, the round-trip time for this cycle is less than 20 seconds.
Dynamic Languages Strike Back
A talk discussing Dynamic Languages, what some of the positives are, and how many of the negatives aren't really true.
Because I consider stupid having to declare the type of the box.
The type stays with the entity, not with the container. Static typing had a sense when the type of the box had a direct consequence on how the bits in memory were interpreted.
If you take a look at the design patterns in the GoF, you will realize that a good part of them are there just to fight with the static nature of the language, and they have no reason whatsoever to exist in a dynamic language.
Also, I'm tired of having to write stuff like MyFancyObjectInterface f = new MyFancyObject(). DRY principle anyone ?
Put yourself in the place of a brand new programmer selecting a language to start out with, who doesn't care about dynamic versus staic versus lambdas versus this versus that etc.; which language would YOU choose?
using System;
class MyProgram
public static void Main(string[] args)
foreach (string s in args)
function printStuff(args)
for key,value in pairs(args) do
print value .. " "
strings = {
"from lua"
This all comes down to partially what's appropriate for the particular goals and what's a common personal preference. (E.G. Is this going to be a huge code base maintained by more people than can conduct a reasonable meeting together? You want type checking.)
The personal part is about trading off some checks and other steps for development and testing speed (while likely giving up some cpu performance). There's some people for which this is liberating and a performance boost, and there's some for which this is quite the opposite, and yes it does sort of depend on the particular flavor of your language too. I mean no one here is saying Java rocks for speedy, terse development, or that PHP is a solid language where you'll rarely make a hard to spot typo.
I have love for both static and dynamic languages. Every project that I've been involved in since about 2002 has been a C/C++ application with an embedded Python interpret. This gives me the best of both worlds:
The components and frameworks that make up the application are, for a given release of an application, immutable. They must also be very stable, and hence, well tested. A Statically typed language is the right choice for building these parts.
The wiring up of components, loading of component DLLs, artwork, most of the GUI, etc... can vary greatly (say, to customise the application for a client) with no need to change any framework or components code. A dynamic language is perfect for this.
I find that the mix of a statically typed language to build the system and a dynamically type language to configure it gives me flexibility, stability and productivity.
To answer the question of "What's with the love of dynamic languages?" For me it's the ability to completely re-wire a system at runtime in any way imaginable. I see the scripting language as "running the show", therefore the executing application may do anything you desire.
I don't have much experience with dynamic languages in general, but the one dynamic language I do know, JavaScript(aka ECMAScript), I absolutely love.
Well, wait, what's the discussion here? Dynamic compilation? Or dynamic typing? JavaScript covers both bases so I guess I'll talk about both:
Dynamic compilation:
To begin, dynamic languages are compiled, the compilation is simply put off until later. And Java and .NET really are compiled twice. Once to their respective intermediate languages, and again, dynamically, to machine code.
But when compilation is put off you can see results faster. That's one advantage. I do enjoy simply saving the file and seeing my program in action fairly quick.
Another advantage is that you can write and compile code at runtime. Whether this is possible in statically compiled code, I don't know. I imagine it must be, since whatever compiles JavaScript is ultimately machine code and statically compiled. But in a dynamic language this is a trivial thing to do. Code can write and run itself. (And I'm pretty sure .NET can do this, but the CIL that .NET compiles to is dynamically compiled on the fly anyways, and it's not so trivial in C#)
Dynamic typing:
I think dynamic typing is more expressive than static typing. Note that I'm using the term expressive informally to say that dynamic typing can say more with less. Here's some JavaScript code:
var Person = {};
Do you know what Person is now? It's a generic dictionary. I can do this:
Person["First_Name"] = "John";
Person["Last_Name"] = "Smith";
But it's also an object. I could refer to any of those "keys" like this:
And add any methods I deem necessary:
Person.changeFirstName = function(newName) {
this.First_Name = newName;
Sure, there might be problems if newName isn't a string. It won't be caught right away, if ever, but you can check yourself. It's a matter of trading expressive power and flexibility for safety. I don't mind adding code to check types, etc, myself, and I've yet to run into a type bug that gave me much grief (and I know that isn't saying much. It could be a matter of time :) ). I very much enjoy, however, that ability to adapt on the fly.
Nice blog post on the same topic: Python Makes Me Nervous
Method signatures are virtually
useless in Python. In Java, static
typing makes the method signature into
a recipe: it's all the shit you need
to make this method work. Not so in
Python. Here, a method signature will
only tell you one thing: how many
arguments you need to make it work.
Sometimes, it won't even do that, if
you start fucking around with
Because it's fun fun fun. It's fun to not worry about memory allocation, for one. It's fun not waiting for compilation. etc etc etc
Weakly typed languages allow flexibility in how you manage your data.
I used VHDL last spring for several classes, and I like their method of representing bits/bytes, and how the compiler catches errors if you try to assign a 6-bit bus to a 9-bit bus. I tried to recreate it in C++, and I'm having a fair struggle to neatly get the typing to work smoothly with existing types. Steve Yegge does a very nice job of describing the issues involved with strong type systems, I think.
Regarding verbosity: I find Java and C# to be quite verbose in the large(let's not cherry-pick small algorithms to "prove" a point). And, yes, I've written in both. C++ struggles in the same area as well; VHDL succumbs here.
Parsimony appears to be a virtue of the dynamic languages in general(I present Perl and F# as examples).
