Simple UIWebView - uiwebview

I'm making a tab bar app and one of the tabs is a youtube channel. It works fine and is perfect but the one problem is when i click on the video it plays but only in the standard view and not in Landscape. Any ideas on how to fix. Im sure its really simple but i've been having no luck.

This question probably answers what you are trying to do:
Webview resizes automatically to portrait and landscape view in iphone
The key thing to take away from it is that you need your view controller to tell the app that it supports the other orientations, not just portait.
- (BOOL) shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: (UIInterfaceOrientation) orientation
return YES;


Cosmicmind: how to dismiss floatingViewController / return rootViewController?

toolbarController?.floatingViewController = vc
to floating view controller. As expected, toolbar not showing and screen shows with full size. I want to dismiss back to rootViewController didnt achieve that.
Actually i showed apps in pagetabbar like google play and now i want to show app detail page. When user clicks app icon, app icon will animate and shows detail page and if he wants to, it will dismiss that. I used transition method first (it has animation parameter) but i want to figure out difference between floating usages etc. Is there any showcase ? Thank you for great library btw.
to hide the floatingViewController, set it to nil. There isn't a showcase at the moment. The transition method is for changing the rootViewController. Hope this helps :)

Error on TextView with detection phone number IOS 9

I'm testing my app on an iPod Touch running iOS 9 (on iOS 8.4 it was working for other functions: FaceTime, copy to contacts, etc.). I have a textview with phone number detection and I receive the following error:
Warning: Attempt to present <_UIRotatingAlertController: 0x16250e00> on whose view is not in the window hierarchy!
Assertion failure in -[UITextView startInteractionWithLinkAtPoint:], /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/
Any fix to this?
Not a perfect solution but very simple and may help a desperate developer:
- (BOOL)textView:(UITextView *)textView shouldInteractWithURL:(NSURL *)URL inRange:(NSRange)characterRange {
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:URL];
return NO;
You will lose the Copy, Open URL, Cancel popover on long press but you SHOULD at least be able to open url same as you would previously. In iOS 9, this still opens a browser window inside your app for standard URLs (which is nice).
This seems like an Apple bug (posted to radar already).
We were seeing very similar error when trying to open links in a modal view since Apple is trying to display a new modal alert view. Outside of modal view data detection worked just fine in iOS 9 for us.
This looks quite similar to a bug we recently had to fix for PSPDFKit where presenting sheets did not work when the rootViewController was already presenting another controller. (Is your rootViewController maybe not set?)
You can read the source code here. This might help you to figure out where the issue is for you:
And please dupe rdar://26295020 so this will get hopefully fixed in time for iOS 10. (The bug exists since iOS 8 and was first reported on iOS 8b5.)

Animated Icon During Web page loading

I am creating an iOS app that displays a web view. How can I show an animated busy icon that shows a webpage is still loading. The icon should of course disappear when the webpage is fully loaded. An example code would be nice to have.Thanks
OK, I figured out my own problem. For those of you who might want to know how to do this... UIWebView has a protocol called UIWebViewDelegate Protocol naming some methods that can be implemented optionally. To show an animated icon in the status bar while a web page is loading, simply implement the webViewDidStartLoad method. Something like this...
- (void)webViewDidStartLoad:(UIWebView *)webView {
// starting the load, show the activity indicator in the status bar
[UIApplication sharedApplication].networkActivityIndicatorVisible = YES;

How to insert a button in the MapKit annotation

I am very new to MapKit so forgive me if I do not make sense when I am asking questions. I would like to replicate the default Map application that comes on the iPhone and iPod Touch. There is this feature that I am interested in but can't seem to find it here, google, other iPhone app sites. If you would to run the default Maps application, the annotation title has and image and a button. How do I do both the image and button? What is the name of the method should I call?
Thanks in advance!
They are called rightCalloutAccessoryView and leftCalloutAccessoryView.

What View Component does the Google Plus App (Stream) use?

if you use the Google Plus App on Android and switch to the Stream, you get a view where you can swipe to the left and right between the All circles/Incoming/Nearby-Stream. What view component is used for this? Is this a standard Android component? Or where can I find democode how i can build such a view component?
You should take a look at the ViewPager from Android Compatibility Package for the desired widget/swipe navigation. Find more about it here
Also, checkout this recently posted tutorial and some sample code on ViewPager by Richard:
It is a combination of a ViewPager together with an indicator for where you are currently and where you can go swiping left and right.
A sample of how this can be done along with code you can use in your own apps may for example be found here. I've played with this code a little and it works pretty well.
None of the default widgets/views. I guess, it's some kind of a custom view with swipe functionality.
Honeycomb opens up a few new widgets which seem to have these functionality. Have a look here. (New Widgets)
I used APKTool to take a look at what's going on. Hopefully it is okay to post this here. This is from version 1.0.2 of the G+ APK.
removed google+ app code as per CommonsWare's suggestion
So, it looks like they're using standard views, though perhaps with a good deal of gesture detection and smooth animation magic.
EDIT) If you really want to know about the exact inner-workings of what is going on in the Stream activity, I suggest you use APKTool yourself and examine the .smali code
