scene.add(object) creates an "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined" - collada

Getting that error in my javascript console(in Chrome) with a collada object I'm attempting to add with a basic loader. It's specifically coming from the "scene.add( object )" chunk of it. Everything else seems to work just fine. The code for loading the object is as follows
var ltable;
var furnLoad = new THREE.ColladaLoader();
function addlt(){
furnLoad.load('../Models/Furniture/foldingLongTable.dae', function(collada){
ltable = collada.scene;
scene.add( ltable );
This function is called during the init of a page that, otherwise, works just fine. That page can be found here(version without this table has the same URL except for a 4 instead of a 3 at the end), and the specific object here.
What would be the recommended way to get past this error?

RESOLVED. Collada loaders just hate being part of any function and won't work when in them. So the fix is to have them outside of functions and they work just fine.

The answer to this issue is due to the location of the scene.add() being outside of the callback function. It is being called before the callback fires, hence the undefined error.


React native crypto stream module is undefined

I'm giving a try with [react-native-crypto][1] in order to learn how to convert nodejs to be used in React Native project in the future. Unfortunately, I couldn't get it running successfully. I've faced an issue with stream is undefined. ERROR TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '_$$_REQUIRE(_dependencyMap[0], "stream")').
If you have ever faced a similar problem, I'm so grateful for your help.
Also, I attach the screenshot of the issue as the following
For anyone still trying to solve this issue, I have figured out a solution that worked for me. So within node_modules/cipher-base/index.js, the top of the file should have a line which defines the variable Transform as var Transform = require('stream').Transform. For some reason, it does not like the module stream and as such it needs to be changed to readable-stream. Therefore the variable Transform should now read var Transform = require('readable-stream').Transform.
From what I have gathered, the stream module it is trying to refer to isnt actually a module that can be used. The reason why it gets referenced however seems to be because the tsconfig.json file in the root directory specifies "stream": ["./node_modules/readable-stream"] as a path, almost as if to make stream refer to the readable-stream module, which in theory it should refer to when it is called. But in this case it doesnt happen so we need to explicitly define that we are refering to the readable-stream module.
Hope this helps anyone else out there and prevents others scratching their heads for hours on end like it did for me!
I have figured it out by editing in metro.config.js as the following:
resolver: {
extraNodeModules: {
stream: require.resolve('stream-browserify'),

Sheets doesn't exist on my googleapis object

I'm trying to use the google sheets api. I've followed this tutorial
But every time i execute this line
var sheets = google.sheets('v4');
I get this error
TypeError: Object #<GoogleApis> has no method 'sheets'
Any ideas where i'm going wrong? I followed the guide pretty precisely.
You may refer with this post. You might encounter this error if you are trying to call a method of an object which does not exist. However, if the property does exist, but is not a function, you'll get an error like: TypeError: Property 'bar' of object #<Object> is not a function. It is simply the default error thrown when a property doesn't exist on an object.
It turned out I was using an old enough verison of node that it the googleapi doesn't support sheets yet.
Updating my node version fixes the issue.

node.js fibers with pg/postgres

I've been trying to figure out how to use node-fibers to make my database code less messy in node.js, but I can't get it to work. I boiled the code down to this as a minimum test case:
var Future = require('fibers/future');
var pg=require('pg');
var connstr = "pg://not_the_real_user:or_password#localhost/db";
var pconnect = Future.wrap(pg.connect);
Fiber(function() {
var client = pconnect(connstr).wait();
console.log("called function");
If I leave it as is, I get the following error:
TypeError: undefined is not a function
at Object.PG.connect.pools.(anonymous function).genericPool.Pool.create (/home/erik/code/treehouse-node/node_modules/pg/lib/index.js:49:20)
at dispense (/home/erik/code/treehouse-node/node_modules/pg/node_modules/generic-pool/lib/generic-pool.js:223:17)
at (/home/erik/code/treehouse-node/node_modules/pg/node_modules/generic-pool/lib/generic-pool.js:267:5)
at PG.connect (/home/erik/code/treehouse-node/node_modules/pg/lib/index.js:75:15)
at Future.wrap (/home/erik/code/treehouse-node/node_modules/fibers/future.js:30:6)
at /home/erik/code/treehouse-node/pgfuture.js:8:18
However, if I comment out the line that calls pconnect, I get the "called function" message on the console and no errors. The example on the github page has an almost identical structure, and it does work correctly on my system, but I'm stumped as to what I'm doing wrong here.
Edit: Additional details
I've managed to get the code to run after a fashion in two different ways that seem unrelated, but both have the same behavior. After the function finishes, node just hangs and I have to kill it with ctrl-c. Here are the two things I've done to get that result:
1) Wrap pg.connect in an anonymous function, and then wrap THAT with Future:
pconnect = Future.wrap(function(err,cb){pg.connect(err,cb);});
2) This one is a real mystery, but it appears to have the same result. Inside the fiber, I just directly call pg.connect before the call to pconnect, and everything seems to work out.
// add this line before call to pconnect
pg.connect(connstr, function(e,c){console.log("connected.");});
// and now the original call to pconnect
var client = pconnect(connstr).wait();
I can imagine a circumstance in which (1) would make sense if, for example, the pg.connect function has other optional arguments that are somehow interfering with the expected layout of the Future.wrap call. Another possibility is that an object is going out of scope and the "this" reference is undefined when the actual call to pconnect is made. I'm at a loss to understand why (2) has any effect though.
Edit: partial answer
Okay, so I answered at least part of the question. The thought I had about object scope turned out to be correct, and by using the bind() function I was able to eliminate the extra layer of callback wrapping:
var pconnect = Future.wrap(pg.connect.bind(pg));
It still hangs at the end of the execution for unknown reasons though.
Are you disconnecting from database at the end of execution?
If not, it prevents node.js program from exiting.
Adding another code of my own which leaks.
#Almad I'm disconnecting here with the provided callback, but still hangs:
var future = Future.task(function() {
var ret = Future.wrap (pg.connect.bind(pg), "array") (conString).wait ();

raphael text() not working in ie9

Why is the following example not working in ie9?
It spits out a console error:
"Unexpected call to method or property access."
I found it pretty quickly. You created the element, but did not put it anywhere. Once it is added to the document body, everything seems to be fine.
this._bgSvgContainer = document.createElement("div");
//NOTE: add the created div to the body of the document so that it is displayed
var bgCanvas = Raphael(this._bgSvgContainer, this._width, this._height);
this._bgCanvas = bgCanvas;
var num = this._bgCanvas.text(this._width-10,this._height-10,"1");
It's really hard to tell with such a tiny code-fragment (doesn't run on any browser for me), but it's probably a scope issue this in IE during events is completely different to this using the W3C event model. See: quirksmode-Event order-Problems of the Microsoft model

Appending document in response function

Not sure why, but I'm getting an unexpected identifier error when trying to append an element to the document in a response function. I've found that doing anything with the document seems to give me this error. Here's a sample code:
chrome.extension.sendRequest({send:data},function(response) {
It looks to me like it should work, but evidently it does now. This piece of code is located in the contentscript, and messing with the document outside of this function seems to work just fine, but I always get "unexpected identifier" when trying this. Unfortunately I cannot do it outside of the function because the response determines whether or not an element is added to the body.
The code you shared should work. Try restarting your browser to see if that fixes it.
