Salesforce mobilesdk iOS with push? - ios4

Has anyone worked with Salesforce mobilesdk for iOS and implemented push? Need some guidance? First of all are the services available in the SDK?

The Salesforce iOS SDK is just libraries to facilitate communications (via the REST API) and oAuth with Salesforce. For everything else you use the standard Apple libraries, so you'd use those to deal with push notifications. One thing I can recommend with regards to the Salesforce iOS stuff is to clone the git repository over using the package published on the developer blog, changes are still being made and so you need to stay up to date to avoid breakages.
Afraid I can't comment on generating push notifications on the Salesforce side, but I'd hazard a guess that you'll need to integrate with a third party or custom application via web services to achieve this.

The Salesforce Ios SDK helps in communication to salesaforce using REST APIs, to push and pull the data, rest all the things are done as normal push app does.

Mobile SDK can help in login, oAuth and to communicate with the SFDC objects. You need to implement Push Notification Services as any other iOS application does.
To post the notificaitons for any events from Salesforce you can use Urban Airship or Streaming API.


How to use Connect Services for event notifications in REST API with PHP SDK?

Helpers, I want to use Connect services with my DocuSign rest APIs integrated website. Could anyone help me out, Where can I get these in the GitHub? Basically the need is:
Once the document is fully executed, it will be routed via DocuSign connect to a folder which aligns with the name of the employee. This will require work on both the elected system as well as the DocuSign API to configure.
No problemo! These days, I suggest using an intermediate PaaS to queue and deliver the webhook notifications to your application which can live safely behind your firewall.
Here's a blog post on the technique. Note that we have PHP example software for this technique.
Once your PHP app is notified that an envelope is complete (fully signed), just download the documents from DocuSign and store them in your file system. Easy Peasy!

Customise Azure bot framework in NodeJs using DirectLine JS

I am looking for a solution which has Customised Azure bot in website. I am not looking for an iFrame integration, As i have already explored. I need a solution which gives me an option to make UI changes in the bot window and invoke Live agent Chat window(Third party) from the existing Chatbot.
I tried these link below which dint help
I understand exactly what you need.
It's true that the github url you pasted won't help but I know you'll get a lot of tips from the Direct Line and DirectLineJS documentation from the Advanced part.
You simply need a way to integrate to the Bot Framework from your existing UI system and hence using the Bot as just an Endpoint.
Your solution lies in the actual implementation methods for various channels that is supported by Bot Framework. Take Skype or Facebook for instance.
You need to study and configure WebHooks, Direct-Line Channels.
First: Use the Azure Portal to add a new website to your Bot in Channel property.
Secret Keys would be generated for you after then you can configure for version 1.1 or 3.0.
Check the Documentation here:
Now your site can be configured to talk to the Bot Framework via Web Clients and Sockets as API requests.
With these, you have the priviledge to use your own UI with the Bot Framework.

Integrating Watson Assistant (formely conversation) with Telegram/Facebook

I am confused about how to integrate my Watson bot on messaging platforms such as Facebook messenger. To build that bot, I used the Watson Conversation service and also used Bluemix cloudfoundry node.js app to expose it on the web. It works very well, but I just can't integrate it to platforms without the use of a third-party platform like stamplay. I don't really want to use third-party platforms to integrate my bots.
Anyone have any ideas? Maybe I can host my own bots on my Bluemix cloud platform? I just don't know how.
You might want to use some facilitators for this, like Node-red or NGROK.
Use Node-red to Integrate Watson Conversation with facebook easily.
Use NGROK, Tanmay Bakshi teaches how to do that. Check this tutorial.
With Node-RED you can create functions, and have a lot of options for Business rules for your application.
Note: I've built some open source basic example to Integrate Watson Assistant with Telegram and Facebook using Node.js. You can follow the instructions or read the docs in the repositories.
This middleware plugin allows developers to easily integrate a Watson Conversation workspace with multiple social channels like Slack, Facebook, and Twilio. Customers can have simultaneous, independent conversations with a single workspace through different channels.
I created a starter application for this purpose. My example is for Slack and you easily use it by creating an slack API token.
The starter is implemented in node-red and you just need to insert your API token and the rest is deployed automatically. I used Watson Conversation and Natural Language Understanding.
One-Click-Deploy and more detailed description:

node.js and push notifications

I'm quite new on Node.js and without any knowledge on mobile development apps but I would add push notifications into my server app.
On npm I found this module:
but, after some search and if I understand well, I should have some specific credentials for sending notifications to all devices, first question is: is correct?
Assuming that the answer is yes, are there something to jump this check? Another module, some test credentials or what you want?
I would some generic solution but, if it is not possible, it could be useful also an IOS compatible solution.
This is the best packages for push notification for nodejs:
APNS is a push notification service for apple(mobile) devices.
You need to integrate SDK's provided by the 'apple developer doc' in your app to integrate push notification services. Then, Once the app installs in the mobile a token will be generated(unique for a specific device).You need to save this token.
From your server side You can send the push notifications to a device with the token that you got.
There is also an SDK to send Push notification from server side.
The best Provider is AWS, you can check this in details by this link

Where is Microsoft.ServiceBus.Notifications.NotificationHubClient?

I have started learning about notification hubs and have gone through some tutorials.
Now I need to send messages from my ASP.NET WebAPI 2 backend to the notification hub. So I decided to learn about the Notification Hubs Rest API.
On this link It is written that Microsoft already provides a .NET wrapper around the REST API in the Microsoft.ServiceBus.Notifications.NotificationHubClient on this page.
But on clicking the link it says topic is no longer available.
Now I need to learn about how to send push notifications from my web api backend and azure website seems to have only one tutorial which is this
So can someone please point out where is Microsoft.ServiceBus.Notifications.NotificationHubClient or some tutorials or other library if this one is outdated
is there a specific reason you want to implement the solution using REST API directly? I would not recommend that unless you have the reason. There is a Microsoft.Azure.NotificationHubs library that you can use for your Web API solution, and the tutorial you mentioned is the right one (you can install it using NuGet). For more fast proof of concept implementation, you can skip the authentication part here, however it is good one to know.
