Loose coupling in sequence diagrams - uml

I have a question about UML diagrams.
Can be displayed relations between loose coupled components on sequence diagrams?
It is required in loose coupled environment (MQ) or optional?
For example, component "A" put some message into queue "X", then component "B" takes this message from queue "X". Should be this relation displayed on sequence diagram?
Thanks for help.

The one sequence diagram is not good place for it because according your question there are TWO asynchronous interactions.
The best way is to use TWO sequence diagrams or state chart diagram (you can use it to describe how queue works)

Yes, you can do that. A sequence diagram demonstrates how components/classes interact in a use case. As long as the resulting diagram clearly demonstrated the interaction you are modelling then you should show the interactions. If the diagram looks very cluttered and difficult to read then you could split in to 2 seperate diagrams; first shows 'A' put the message on the queue and the second diagram shows 'B' pull the message off the queue. Ultimately, you need to make the concepts in the diagram easy for somebody to read, so less clutter the better.


In UML Sequence diagrams, is it possible to model optional external inputs

In UML Sequence Diagrams you have the combined fragment type Alt to branch based on different values for parameters. But let's say that in the middle of your sequence you are waiting for one of two different messages from two different external actors and you shall branch the code depending on which one arrives, what would be the best way to model this? And to make the question a little more challenging, let's throw in the possibility that neither message comes (triggering a timeout).
Without a better solution, I would divide the sequence diagram into multiple sequence diagrams, each new one starting with the one of the two possible messages. Or possibly just go over to state machines. But is their a not too convoluted way that would allow me to show these different cases within one sequence diagram?
I would simply go for the two SDs which you can name accordingly. One should always keep in mind that a SD shall highlight a certain aspect of a complex chain of actions in a system. Trying to put more and more information in a single SD will mess it up and hinder more than it helps.
It is also possible to use diagram fragments which allows navigation through zooming into the two fragments.
The timing diagram will not really help here. You would still need a large alt-fragment to show the sequences depending on which message arrived first.
In addition to the answer I referred in the comment, I made a little sample with a duration constraint for the timeout.
If you have a lot of conditional logic to show Activity Diagrams are an alternative. They do not have object responsibilities or a time axis, but because of this they can freely use two dimensions to show flow control.

What does 0..* mean in a uml sequence diagram

I would like to know if we can use 0..* in a UML sequence diagram.
Incase if we can , could anyone please explain what does it mean in the perspective of a sequence diagram?
Take a look at the use cases of sequence diagrams from this link. It is stated that:
A sequence diagram shows an interaction, which represents the sequence
of messages between instances of classes, components, subsystems, or
actors. Time flows down the diagram, and it shows the flow of control
from one participant to another. Use sequence diagrams to visualize
instances and events, instead of classes and methods. More than one
instance of the same type can appear on the diagram. More than one
occurrence of the same message can also appear.
One to one, zero to many, one to many etc. are class diagram relationship indicators and you can not use them in sequence diagrams because they are irrevelant.
Also, you may want to take a look at this link

Two actors invoking same functionality in sequence diagram. How to represent?

I have a equipment which I am representing with a class and there are two actors a remote and local operator who can put the equipment on or off. Both actors will use the functionality of the equipment. But How do I now represent them using sequence diagram, since if I draw an event from both local and remote its going to show at the equipment the one happened after the other but in reality two actors are using the same function and can invoke it any time. So how do I represent the two actors in the below sequence diagram.
P.S. The RAN40L is the equipment and CMS is remote operator and Simulator Operator is the local operator.
As it happens I have extensive experience from the defence industry, including naval CMS, so I am familiar with the domain.
The crucial question is, as always with UML, what you want to show in the diagram, which of course ties in with what you are showing in other diagrams. No diagram is ever read in isolation and you will never capture the entire radar functionality in a single sequence diagram.
Remember that a sequence diagram is intended to show things happening in a strict sequence. It is possible to show some rudimentary concurrency using the appropriate fragment, but if you want to show that the two actors do exactly the same thing, that the sequence is in fact one and the same in both cases, then the sequence diagram is the wrong place to show that.
Assuming that this sequence is intended as an elaboration of a use case, then the solution is to replace the two actors with a single actor, eg "Radar Controller". This actor can then be specialized into CMS and Simulator, which makes sense if the radar is unaware of, or unconcerned with, who is interacting with it in some (use) cases but not in others.
If the radar never makes the distinction, there shouldn't be two actors at all. The actors must make sense to the system they're interacting with, otherwise there's something wrong with your actor model.
So one solution is to structure the use cases as below.
This is a good example where two actors are used. It is default to put one actor to the opposite the other (this is not done in the example).
Actor is considered to be just another object in the sequence diagram. You can plase arbitrarily many actors and use them just like any other object, no restrictions in this sense.
There are some stylistic guidelines though, most of all regarding Actors positioning on the diagram. It is a common practice to show the actores on the border of the diagram, keeping internal system objects inside. Moreover, human actors are typically shown on the left side, while system actors are kept on the right. Actors should not be "mixed" with system objects. Here is a simple example:
Everything in behavioral diagram is executed after behavior defined by diagram started.
If actors interacts individually, and their interaction are not moxed in single execution, you must draw diagram for each case.
I would say you need two diagrams, each for one actor.

How to display an event appearing after a period of time (gap) in use-case realization diagram?

i`m wondering what is the way to display an event which appears after some period of time on a use-case realization diagram. For example lets say an actor taps a display of his smart phone, the display turns on and in 5 minutes it turns off. Is it allowed in UML to write a message on event like "DisplayOFF(5min)",if not, what is most proper way?
What do you mean by "use-case realization diagram"? UML use case diagrams are unaware of sequence flows. It is also quite solution-independent, because it is rather meant to show objectives of a system. Have a look at UML sequence diagrams and check whether or not they satisfy your prescribed need.

which should be drawn first , class or sequence diagram?

I've had this discussion with my professor at college about UML diagrams .
He believes that sequence diagrams should be drawn before getting to class diagrams, but I think the opposite . I think after finishing the usecase diagram , the next diagram should be class diagram and after that we should get to sequence diagram.
Rational rose requires us to use the classes in sequence diagram, which are already in class diagram.
Can anyone help me with this?
I think you're both wrong. They should be drawn at the same time. As you're drawing your sequence diagram, you will undoubtedly come up with properties that you will need to keep track of the state, or that you hadn't thought of if you do the class diagram in a vacuum.
Of course, this is highly subjective and personal, but years of real-world experience (as opposed to academic theory) have taught me to work on both at the same time. MAYBE starting with the class diagram, but the class diagram invariably changes when you start going through process flows.
Well it depends a lot on how you plan to do things. I think it's a subjective matter. If you rather explain the actions performed for your usecases and after this has been done write the classes based on what you need to perform the sequences your professor is right.
But if you prefer to determine what the structure of your classes are and then adapt the action sequence to this then you would do the class diagram first and later the sequence.
In my experience I do them concurrently. I put the fundamental attributes to the class diagram but not the actions, and while I do the sequence diagram I add the methods and attributes that I need to the class diagram.
There is no one standard answer. There are several opinions, approaches and methods. In Unified Process I believe you first identify use case and then make realizations for them, e.g. sequence diagrams. As in use cases, there are actors and the systems and/or its parts interacting ina sequence. Actually this interactions should help you decompose your design and get to classes. Once you have classes on the analysis level, you can go further to design classess and design interactions. However these are quite a lot to draw in a diagram, most of the times code is the best documentation on this level, even generated diagrams are too large and more difficult to understand then code itself.
To prepare sequence diagram you need classes not the class diagram
You can prepare empty classes on the fly while in process of preparing sequence diagram....
Identification class objects in be part of preparing sequence or you can try to identify your objects before hand....
sequence is logical process while class diagram is end output
I don't think there is an order for creating diagrams since both are two different views of a system: class diagram structural (static) and sequence is behavioral (dynamic). I would start with sequence diagrams since you will discover more classes to create as you go through sequences. Do whatever makes sense for you at the time. If your doing more object oriented programming, I would consider doing classes before sequences.
Structural and behavioural models for all but the very simplest systems are naturally created simultaneously and iteratively, refining both over time.
You may have some method of "object discovery" such as CRC cards, which will yield a set of initial classes, with collaborations (the classes they interact with) and responsibilities, which informs both the methods they will need, and internal behaviour/state/activity.
You may then want to explore the use cases and scenarios using sequence or communication diagrams, this will expose the details of the required object communication and therefore inform the generation of public methods and relationships to refine the class diagram while at the same exploring the system behaviour which may yield further objects and classes to be created.
You may also want to explore the internal behaviour of classes, especially if they have stateful and/or active behaviour; activity ans state-machine diagrams are useful for this.
Either way I doubt that the use of Rational Rose is really the determinant of diagram creation order. Rational may require the classes on a sequence diagram to exist, but I imagine that they need not actually appear on a class diagram; they can probably equally be created on the sequence diagram and then later placed on a class diagram, or even created in the project explorer or whatever the equivalent is in that tool. Even if the only method of creating a class is to place it on a class diagram, that does not require you to refine and complete the class or its relationships before exploring interactions on a sequence diagram.
You need to buy some clothes, how you will proceed. You start choosing clothes first or you will decide first where to go? At the same time, will you go to shoe store if you want to buy shirt.
So both are iterative, but definitely first step is sequence on very high (component) level then drill down to class level sequence
You should first decide your application flow,means you should first draw a sequence diagram. It will show the flow of your application after this you should go for class diagram.
