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Smart Wrap in Vim
(8 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
If there are lines in a file that are too long to be displayed on the screen, we can use the
:set wrap
Now long lines are split into chunks visible on the screen. Usually the code is structured and indenting is used for readability, sometimes it's part of the syntax (Python).
If a line is wrapped into two (or more) lines, only the first line has right indenting
and the other lines begin at the beginning of a row.
If you use the command
:set nowrap
the line is visible only partially.
Could this behavior be changed via vimscript so that all of the wrapped lines have the same indent level?
You are right, unfortunately there is no such feature in Vim 7.3 yet, if you fancy a patch you can find a link to it below.
However there are 2 things that might help you improve readability for long code lines:
:set nu
Line numbering is used by most people editing and debugging code. A long line will have no numbers on it's wrappings clearly disambiguating code's indentation from wrapped line.
:set sbr=>\
A fixed marker to display on all wrappings (i.e. ">\ "). It only supports a static marker string, not based on the line's indentation.
You can combine these options and if you want the marker to be displayed in-line with line numbers you can:
:set cpoptions+=n
Patch: If you really need this feature you can try this patch:
the option is supposed to be:
:set breakindent
It would be nice indeed if someone would pick it up in the source base.
I'm using vim for LaTeX and I'm using latex-suite. It gives me nice syntax highlighting and folding, but in large files syntax highlighting gets "confused". If I open all folds, the syntax highlighting turns OK. I would like it to "just work" all the time though.
I seem to recall an option that would increase the number of lines that is used as basis for determining syntax highlighting but I cant find it.
I don't edit LaTeX, but perhaps you want ":syn sync fromstart"? Just be warned that this can significantly slow down Vim since it forces Vim to do syntax highlighting parsing for the whole file rather than a section of the file. See ::help :syn-sync".
Ctrl+L in normal mode forces a redraw and often fixes syntax colour problems.
zRzMzx (i.e., expand all folds, contract all folds, fold to show current line) sometimes fixes syntax highlighting problems related to folds
10 years later, this is still somehow an issue. Similarly as Jeromy, I suggest pressing zRzMzzza which stands for
open all folds
close all folds
open (toggle) the fold I'm on
center buffer on this line
It looks like we need to learn to live with this
This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Why is vim drawing underlines on the place of tabs and how to avoid this?
Im getting continuous line when I write spaces or tabs at the beginning of the lines:
Any idea?
This isn't the result of using tabs at the beginning of a line, it's just vim's code-highlighting.
Vim underlines links, and you're still within the body of an <a> tag.It's nothing to worry about, it just shows where the content of the displayable part of the link starts and ends.
You could disable syntax highlighting for HTML, but I wouldn't recommend it.
The text inside a HTML hyperlink in underlined by Vim's syntax highlighting to show that it is a link. In this case the whitespace surrounding the tag is being highlighted.
Switching off such underlining is addressed in this question and boils down to setting
:let html_no_rendering=1
which you could put in your .vimrc.
It's a flaw in the syntax definition; I've posted a fix here; I'll send this as a patch to the maintainer now, as it seems to be a constant source of confusion.
In vim, I set shiftwidth=2, but all my previous indents are still at the default 8. How can I change the previous indents from 8 to 2?
You can reindent the whole file with gg=G. gg goes to the first line, = indents (taking a movement), G goes to the last line.
If you're using set expandtab (like you should), you can modify the indentation in a file with
:%s/^ */ /
The settings affect how changes are made, but do not themselves make changes to the file.
If your original indents were achieved using hard tabs stops, then one trick you can do is this. Set the hard tab stop to 2:
:set ts=2
Now you have the two-space indentation (but achieved with hard tabs).
Now, do
:retab 8
This means, roughly, change the hard tab size to 8 (as if by :set ts=8) but at the same time edit all the tabbing in the buffer so that the indentation's appearance does not change.
So now the buffer is still indented to two spaces, but now :ts is back to 8.
If you have :expandtab set, then the indentation is now all spaces, otherwise it is a combination of 8-space tabs and spaces.
Even if this doesn't apply to your situation, retab is good to know because it's handy for dealing with sources that use hard tabs and that you'd like to convert to use spaces and a different indentation level at the same time.
I would like to display some (arbitrary) special character as linebreak <CR> in vim.
So far I tried misusing (certainly extreme misuse:) the non-breakable space typing
:set list listchars=nbsp:<CR>
which does not work, seemingly because the command does not accept the <CR>.
Is there anything which I can use here for <CR>? \r didn't work either.
Note that I don't want to edit the text file. The goal is to have blocks of lines (some related code) treated as a single line with respect to vim actions but displayed as multiple lines. The special character (to be defined) would be used only to save this block structure in the file replacing the linebreak \r in these cases.
Given the wider context of the problem that you have provided in a
later comment, I would suggest the following solution. Group dependent
lines of code in folds by indentation, language’s syntax, or markers.
All of these three methods are automatic and do not require manual
creation of folds. Which one to choose depends on the language you
use. See :help foldmethod, and feel free to comment this answer if
you need any help with folding.
Unless the syntax of the language you use has extensive support in
Vim, the most convenient methods would be using fold markers or
defining a custom expression to calculate fold level of each line.
The former method implies surrounding every group of lines to fold
with special text markers (which could be enclosed in a comment not
to break the syntax rules of the language). By default, those markers
are {{{ and }}}; see :help fold-marker and :help foldmarker
to find out how to change them. Use
:set foldmethod=marker
to enable this mode of folding.
Defining an expression to calculate fold level for every line is an
even more flexible method. It allows to use any logic (that can be
expressed in Vimscript) to determine the fold level. For example, to
fold groups of lines that start with a single space use the following
:set foldmethod=expr
:set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)[0]=='\ '
See :help fold-expr for further details on customizing the fold
When the lines that depend on each other are grouped into folds, you
can easily pass the contents of any particular fold to a filter
program. Move the cursor to a line inside a target fold, then type
[zV]z to select the entire fold, followed by !, and enter the
command to run. To save typing, you can define the mapping
:nnoremap <leader>z [zV]z!
If the command is always the same, you can include it in the mapping:
:nnoremap <leader>z [zV]z!cat -n<cr>
Substitute the cat -n portion above—my example command—with the
appropriate command in your case.
I think you might want check out this vimcasts episode. May not be exactly what you want, but could get you there. Good luck!
My solution, in the end, was to insert non-breaking spaces and linebreaks in the respective places in the file. :set list listchars=nbsp:$ can then be used to display these 'special linebreaks'. Their presence allows interpreting code to identify the blocks of lines separated by this combination as related lines.
Of course this doesn't answer the question. The answer, according to my best knowledge now, is that neither :set list nor :wrap can be used to achieve this.
I like that the long lines are displayed over more than one terminal line; I don’t like that vim inserts newlines into my actual text. Which part of .vimrc I should change?
:set wrap
To wrap lines visually, i.e. the line is still one line of text, but Vim displays it on multiple lines.
:set nowrap
To display long lines as just one line (i.e. you have to scroll horizontally to see the entire line).
I like that the long lines are displayed over more than one terminal line
This sort of visual/virtual line wrapping is enabled with the wrap window option:
:set wrap
By default this will wrap at the first character that won't fit in the window. This means it will wrap in the middle of a word if that's where the window boundary lies. To change it to wrap on word boundaries, you can also:
:set linebreak
This will cause wrap to only wrap at the characters in the breakat setting, which defaults to space, tab, and small set of punctuation characters.
:set breatat
breakat= ^I!#*-+;:,./?
I don’t like that vim inserts newlines into my actual text.
To turn off physical line wrapping, clear both the textwidth and wrapmargin buffer options:
:set textwidth=0 wrapmargin=0
I'm not sure I understand completely, but you might be looking for the 'formatoptions' configuration setting. Try something like :set formatoptions-=t. The t option will insert line breaks to make text wrap at the width set by textwidth. You can also put this command in your .vimrc, just remove the colon (:).
:set tw=0
VIM won't auto-insert line breaks, but will keep line wrapping.
Use :set nowrap .. works like a charm!
You may find set linebreak useful; with set wrap on this will wrap but only cutting the line on whitespace and not in the middle of a word.
without linebreak the li
ne can be split on
a word
with linebreak on the
line will be
split on
whitespace only
set formatoptions-=t Keeps the visual textwidth but doesn't add new line in insert mode.
Its strange that such a simple setting would require this amount of 'hocus-pocus' to work.
To answer your question now, for me it seemed to work with the combination of the following:
:set wrap linebreak nolist
(this seems to prevent existing lines from breaking, just wrap.)
set formatoptions=l
(this prevents new/edited lines from breaking, while += does not do it for me as other settings/plugins seem to find space and add their own options which override mine.)
If, like me, you're running gVim on Windows then your .vimrc file may be sourcing another 'example' Vimscript file that automatically sets textwidth (in my case to 78) for text files.
My answer to a similar question as this one – How to stop gVim wrapping text at column 80 – on the Vi and Vim Stack Exchange site:
In my case, Vitor's comment suggested I run the following:
:verbose set tw?
Doing so gave me the following output:
Last set from C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\vim74\vimrc_example.vim
In vimrc_example.vim, I found the relevant lines:
" Only do this part when compiled with support for autocommands.
if has("autocmd")
" For all text files set 'textwidth' to 78 characters.
autocmd FileType text setlocal textwidth=78
And I found that my .vimrc is sourcing that file:
source $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
In my case, I don't want textwidth to be set for any files, so I just commented out the relevant line in vimrc_example.vim.
It is correct that set nowrap will allow you to paste in a long line without vi/vim adding newlines, but then the line is not visually wrapped for easy reading. It is instead just one long line that you have to scroll through.
To have the line visually wrap but not have newline characters inserted into it, have set wrap (which is probably default so not needed to set) and set textwidth=0.
On some systems the setting of textwidth=0 is default. If you don't find that to be the case, add set textwidth=0 to your .exrc file so that it becomes your user's default for all vi/vim sessions.
I personnally went for:
set wrap,
set linebreak
set breakindent
set showbreak=ͱ.
Some explanation:
wrap option visually wraps line instead of having to scroll horizontally
linebreak is for wrapping long lines at a specific character instead of just anywhere when the line happens to be too long, like in the middle of a word. By default, it breaks on whitespace (word separator), but you can configure it with breakat. It also does NOT insert EOL in the file as the OP wanted.
breakat is the character where it will visually break the line. No need to modify it if you want to break at whitespace between two words.
breakindent enables to visually indent the line when it breaks.
showbreak enables to set the character which indicates this break.
See :h <keyword> within vim for more info.
Note that you don't need to modify textwidth nor wrapmargin if you go this route.