Error While Deploying wsp in SharePoint 2010 - sharepoint

I am upgrading an SP2007 project to SP2010 where I have made the necessary changes to the project(changed the reference, master pages, etc.). I have deployed the farm solution in my machine I am getting the following error:
Cannot add the specified assembly to the global assembly cache: System.Web.Extensions.dll.
I have referenced this DLL in my project.
Could anyone help me to resolve this issue?

Another good idea is to include an iisreset and a Restart-Timer SPtimerv4 while deploying, as this will help to release similar locks.
However, do you really need to deploy System.Web.Extensions with your WSP now that you've upgraded to 2010? Since 2010 runs on .Net framework 3.5 it should already be present on your server..
Best regards,


Cannot load library into assembly (GAC)

I am using visual studio 2010 on windows server 2010 with Sharepoint 2010 server. I am deploying webparts to a Sharepoint instance running on the same server.
My new webpart makes use of a custom library, AE.Net.Mail. When I deploy this webpart, I get the Could not load file or assembly... error for AE.Net.Mail. I have run gacutil but I do not see the assembly in C:\Windows\assembly. I do see it in a subdirectory of C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly.
Now I am not sure about this but I think when my Sharepoint instance runs, it only looks at C:\Windows\assembly. And that is why it is not able to find the library. The reason I believe this is that the name of my webpart is present in C:\Windows\assembly. It's being cached there and not in a subdirectory of C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly.
I am using version AE.Net.Mail Version which is compatible with .NET 3.5. I think my Sharepoint server is using 3.5 although 4.0 is present on the machine. I think so because when I tried to install the the library using nuget, I couldn't install the latest version that requires .NET 4.0. The error said that my project is using 3.5. Version is compatible with 3.5
So, what do you guys think is going on and how do you think I can get AE.Net.Mail into C:\Windows\assembly? Been at this for hours now and I can't figure it out (Dragging and dropping doesn't work)
Thanks guys. :)
Judging from the sources AE.Net.Mail isn't strongly typed which is something GAC-deployment (and SharePoint) require.
To add the binary to the GAC you must download the binaries of AE.Net.Mail from Github, sign the assembly and compile it yourself. This is easy, simply follow this guide
Remember to compile for .net 3.5 since that's what SP2010 supports, it wont recognize net4 assemblies

Code Analysis Using VS2012 - Missing Dll References / GAC

I'm trying to run code analysis on my project and I'm plagued by lots of DLL resolve issues.
I've already Added a few dlls to the GAC using gacutil and solved a few issues that way, however I'm seeing an error regarding a reference to System.Net.Http version
I don't have a single reference to this DLL in my solution, I don't have this DLL anywhere on my machine in fact, only version or
I do have a binding redirect for this dll in my config file for the web site but obviously the code analysis process isn't using this.
I'm not sure how best to proceed with this. Can I configure code analysis to use the binding redirects? Or do I need to go hunting for DLLs online in order to GAC them?
Would appreciate any ideas, thanks.
I decided to just GAC version and code analysis is now working fine ...

Version SharePoint WSP

Has any one tried to version WSP in SharePoint 2010?
It would help to be a bit more specific that ".wsp" in your question.
As Flo mentioned - if you keep the assembly version the same but change the AssemblyFileVersion then you can upgrade the assemblies in your WSP solution using
STSADM -o upgradesolution ...
See my answer on SO - How can I use wildcard assembly versioning?
This will suffice for webparts but if you've got other artifacts and are using things like Feature things like event receivers then you may have to retract and re-deploy.
Thanks all for your replies. I have two concerns:
a. Assume my wsp is deploying a webpart with assembly version as and assembly file version is also Now after few days i need to deploy a recent version of webpart. The assembly version now will be and assembly file version will also be I have noticed that even if i retract and redeploy the wsp, the .webpart files that sits in the web part gallery always shows assembly version as I guess this is because wsp retraction will not delete the .webpart file and neither feature deactivation. So the only option that remains is to write feature deactivation code to delete the .webpart file from webpart gallery. This will be largely in efficient as i will need to iterate through all the site collections of deployed webapplication to determine from the code ( a windows form as installer) the site collection where feature is activated and deactivate the same.
b. I need to query the webpart dll version for some operation. I was thinking it will be good if we can version wsp and keep the wsp version same as the web part dll. This will help me to remain in the SharePoint context to determine the web part dll version ( rather than querying the dll to find the version).
WSP don't really version.
You can however version components into it:
Feature or WebParts via different names (FeatureV1, FeatureV2...)
Assembly using standard assembly versioning (WebpartV1 use assembly 1.0.0, WebPartV2 use 1.1.0 and so on)

installshield sharepoint deployment

I am new to sharepoint and installshield. My responsiblity is to build and deploy the sharepoint solution as a package using istallsheild. Previously I was using solution package wsp and content database restoration. But now the client wants to deliver the total solution i.e. dlls, ascx files, xml files, servce files(.cs), feature files using installsjield from development server to another (test and/or client) server.
Can any body help me on this: how to do the sharepoint deployment using installshield?
thanks in advance.
I presume you are using SharePoint solutions to package dll's, ascx and xml files for deployment to a sharepoint server. These solutions are built using a tool like WSPBuilder.
If so: Why not use SharePoint Installer? It is an installer wrapper around a .wsp (SharePoint solution) file. It will check for the existence of a sharepoint installation, if the required services are started etc.
For deployment to a test machine: Why would you need the .cs files? If you want to test (debug) code on a test machine, I suggest you use either continuous integration using a tool like CruiseControl.NET, or just install Visual Studio on the test machine (which I presume to be a dev test, not a client test machine) and get the latest version, do a build, then roll out the solution.
And what do you mean with "client" server? is there some windows app that's communicating with sharepoint included in the installer? If so, I suggest separating the SharePoint solution from the actual windows app. They might share DLL's but are not supposed to be in the same installer.
We are using a tool (open source - to automate the Sharepoint components using MSBuild/Features/STSADM etc. Recently they have upgraded this to use WIX so that we can deploy any SharePoint components.
It has got an very good documentation and also we got a good support in fixing and implementing the SharePoint automated deployment in our premise.

How do we setup a SharePoint dev environment with VSeWSS 1.2 and Source Safe?

Does anyone use the MS SharePoint Solution Generator and VSeWSS 1.2 in a multi-developer environment with source safe? We are having issues re-deploying (because it doesn't really upgrade the solution with stsadm). It keeps saying the same feature is already installed - which it is, but it should retract the feature and re-install it - which it doesn't on some machines. Something is messed up with the feature's GUID but we can't find where that might be. One dev will be able to deploy and re-deploy but then the next dev won't. Where does VSeWSS 1.2 change the GUIDs? ARG!!!
We see the nice deployment targets (upgrade, etc) in STSDev but we're reluctant to use STSDev or the other codeplex tools because they are not supported by Microsoft. We have Visual Studio 2005 but not the money to upgrade to VS 2008 to get VSeWSS 1.3 - bummer.
I think we found a bug in VSeWSS that other's have commented on: Editing the projects properties resets some feature GUIDs.
It might also be a problem with the scope of the install. How do we get a site definition to install to the FARM scope in VSeWSS 1.2?
Don't worry too much about supported by Microsoft too much. While it is a consideration, the end result of MS SharePoint Solution Generator (terrible) and VSeWSS 1.2 are still SharePoint solutions and all solutions need to contain the same xml.
Could the deployment targets for STSDev be modified to work with your VSeWSS solution? After all, the deployment targets here are just working with STSAdm and a solution file.
In order to avoid the usual "works on my machine" you should set up a build and deployment system. If you are using virtual server or ESX server it should be fairly simply, and cheap as well. You should be able to use open source software all the way if you have more man power then money.
VSeWSS 1.2 and 1.3 store the feature GUID's in files in the /PKG directory of your Visual Studio solution. If you delete these files, or check our project into Source Control without these files and check them out on another machine, you will lose your GUIDs. Sure, VSeWSS will recreate the missing files for you, but it will do so with new GUIDs and new feature names.
A common requirement is to add the /PKG directory to your Visual Studio 2008 project and get it into source control.
You can read more about the files in the /PKG directory in the Release Notes for VSeWSS 1.3 here.
PS: We did some improvements to the Solution Generator in VSeWSS 1.3, but it wont generate a 100% perfect solution for you.
