Converting HTML to odt, doc, docx - linux

Is there an easy way to convert HTML(with CSS styles and embedded images) to ODT, DOCX, DOC from the command line on linux server. I searched a lot but have not found a good option.
There was a problem the same way to convert to PDF, decided by wkhtmltopdf. Perhaps there are ways to convert the resulting PDF documents to other formats?

To convert to odt it's pretty easy after installing pandoc.
After the relatively hard part: from odt (or even html) you can script (Open|Libre)Office via e.g. unoconv
Or you can like:
abiword --to=doc filename.odt
Also see this thread, and this blog post.

If you want to convert HTML into docx you may use a solution like PHPDocX. You need to get the PRO version though because the free one does not include the conversion functionality.

If you're on ruby there is a gem based on libreoffice headless (with pyod/jod converter) and pdf tools.

Post with your issues to the pandoc GoogleGroup, John is very responsive in every way.
You may even find the latest release v1.9 may fix your problem, or maybe you just need to get to know the toolset in more detail.

I found soultion - is abiword in console variant.


ImageMagick issue on AppEngine Standard (PDFs and NodeJS)

I am using App Engine Standard. Since ImageMagick is available on it, I tried a few PDF manipulation libraries and basically, what I would like to do, is simply converting a PDF into an image.
The issue I am getting is this:
'convert-im6.q16: not authorized /tmp/ygM1sF-Txq00JkGbpal8YWBQ.pdf\'
# error/constitute.c/ReadImage/412.\nconvert-im6.q16: no images
defined/tmp/ygM1sF-Txq00JkGbpal8YWBQ-0.png\' #
error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3258.\n' }
After some research, I found out that post here: Fix for ImageMagick convert errors with pdf files. Here is what he says:
PDF files on Linux systems are usually handled by ghostscript (via the
terminal command gs). And, ImageMagick (done through the terminal
convert command) uses ghostscript for reading and writing PDF files.
Because the security problems are serious and numerous, ImageMagick’s
access to PDF files is then cut off.
Granted, through these security flaws in PDF someone could craft a
malicious image file that, when converted by ImageMagick into a PDF,
will then do very nasty things to your computer.
But, ghostscript has since been updated once and once again with
security fixes. How about a fix for ImageMagick to get PDF
functionality back? Or, at least an explanation of progress towards
fixing this issue?
I can't change the ImageMagick configuration on App Engine Standard, but I wonder if there is something else I can do. Or maybe the engineers at Google would be able to update ImageMagick instead and remove that limitation?
I really need to convert PDF into images, so I wonder if it worth waiting, or if I need to find another solution.
Thanks for your ideas.

How to convert osgjs format to obj or similar formats?

This question deals with how to convert .osg to .obj but I am using the WebGL version. The osgconv cant handle the .osgjs extention. I cannot find any tools with regular search.
Typing osgconv model.osgjs model.obj doesnt work.
The osgjs plugin is intended only for exporting osg scenes towards osgjs and as such supports only writing, not reading.
See implementation here.

How to read info-documentation as pdf?

(Almost) all GNU programs ship info documentation that is viewable with info <topic>. This uses a TUI for displaying the documentation. I dislike this, since it is hardly readable. Given the .texi-files, on can also generate a pdf-file from the documentation, but this makes it neccessary to manually download the source package. Is there a way to generate pdf-documentation from the .info-files?
Please move this question to if appropriate.
You could use other readers like tkinfo or pinfo. Or just use your browser going to I haven't found nothing to convert info files to pdf.

make swf from fla without ever opening it

is it possible to change text and images in a fla file without ever opening it up and then making the swf via command line? I want to make a flash template and save the fla. Then be able to update my text and image name and convert it to swf. I have one template but tons of different text options and background images. It would be nice to be able to copy the master.fla twenty times and just change the source code (will do this from command line) and then convert to swf (via command line).
Any help would be appreciated.
With CS5, you can do half of what you're asking today, by using the XFL file format instead of FLA. Instead of a binary blob, you get an editable XML file and a tree of separate asset files: PNGs, AS3 files, etc. You can then modify the XML or AS3 files programmatically to get your variants.
(A CS5 FLA file is really just a zipped up version of the XFL, but there's no advantage to using that instead of an XFL. In CS4 and previous, FLA was a proprietary binary format.)
The missing piece is an XFL compiler. Adobe currently provides no such thing, and the third party market hasn't yet produced one.
You could use a systems automation tool to drive the Flash Professional environment through the compilation steps. On OS X, for example, either Automator or AppleScript should be able to do what you want. It'll just have more overhead than the command line compiler you were hoping for.
I agree with Jason, there are a lot of alternatives to what you suggest. Keeping content out of the SWF is good practice actually. This is a good way to avoid large files!
Depending on what you 're looking to achieve, there are a lot of solutions available. XML is an option, JSON another.
If you're looking to build a template, any of the above would seem appropriate.
It sounds like you're working from the Flash IDE, as Jason suggests you may want to have a look at another IDE, such as FlashDevelop, FDT or FlashBuilder as they make coding with AS3 a lot easier.

xls to text converter

Anyone know of a free xls to text converter that can be run from the unix command line?
There is also the package catdoc (Ubuntu link) that includes a xls2csv utility.
A quick search of apt-cache turned up the Ubuntu package python-excelerator for excelerator, which includes py_xls2html, py_xls2csv and py_xls2txt utlities. Will this work for you?
Your question reminded me of anti-word. I looked up and found anti-excel. I have never used it, so I can't vouch for how well it work or whether it makes achievable the task you have at hand. Also, I remember using a utility called 'sc' on linux to created spreadsheets on the console---though, I do not know whether it is capable of interpreting XLS files.
I think gnumeric is better to convert document to csv
