Can operating system vulnerabilities affect database security? [closed] - security

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Let's say an operating system is installed on a computer and a DBMS is installed on the same computer. Suppose that the operating system has a security vulnerability. Is there a possibility that the security vulnerability of the OS causes a security vulnerability of the DBMS?

absolutely. If a user can exploit an OS bug to get root access, they can do anything they want. Steal your database, mess around with things, etc...
That's why its important to always get latest security updates for you servers. Also, its common practice to keep servers in a de-militarized zone, behind firewalls. Only the ports that need to be open should be open.


Convert CentOS to Ubuntu? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Hi everyone.
I recently purchased a VPS with CentOS 5.3!
However, I want it to run on Ubuntu. How do I convert the system to Ubuntu?
I guess the best you can do is to ask system administrators of the company you purchased your VPS from. They may do it manually and backup data on your VPS you may want to save.
This option also might be accessible on the control panel of you VPS provider.
Reinstalling OS by hand on your VPS may result in a lot of headache and I wouldn't recommend it.
Just install Ubuntu; it doesn't matter what's already installed.
If you have any data on the machine that you care about, back it up first.

Why there is no virus in Linux? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I heard that there is no virus in Linux.
The source code of Linux is freely available.
Then why nobody is creating virus in Linux?
It's my understanding most viruses are written to attack the U.S. government and other organizations that run Microsoft Windows on the desktops, etc... so although I am sure it is possible to write Linux viruses, people are less inclined to do so. (Also sure it has to do with the number of people they can hit with Windows viruses vs. Linux viruses).

SSH Connection Lost [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I have recently started using iptables, and I executed iptables -F without knowledge of what it might do. And suddenly I have lost connection to the node. I can't even ping the node. Any help would be highly appreciated!
You will need physical access to the computer and either restart the firewall script or simply reboot the server (but that's the "rude" way of fixing this).
If this computer is hosted at colocation company you need to either contact their support and ask them to reboot the machine (do not give them your password) or sometimes they have some sort of remote rebooting mechanism. Look through the FAQ of the colocation provider.

access linux system from windows using teamviewer? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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i am trying to get the remote access from windows system to linux system using teamviewer but when the connection is established the windows system sees the black screen. so anyone can help me how to establish the fair connection.
I had the same problem - for me with two solutions. On some systems, it just took about 30sec for the screen to build up (in that case, just be patient) and in the other case, there was a driver problem. Try to change the driver to the default ubuntu one and deactivate the proprietary hardware driver in that case.

What are the major vulnerabilities of Redhat + Apache? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am searching for a host for a new commercial website. Among other things, I'd like to know what the various OS - Webserver combinations have in terms of vulnerabilities. What are the vulnerabilities of Redhat + Apache?
Poor system admins is the biggest in my experience.
The biggest risk to any web application server is vulnerabilities in the web application its self. Linux Apache MySQL and PHP (LAMP) is a very secure platform. RedHat's Fedora core is very secure because it uses SELinux, this is somthing that does not exist for Windows. However vulnerabilities such as SQL Injection and XSS can still result in your server getting hacked.
Its kind of a difficult question to answer, the development life cycles are so active you're asking for something that's likely to have been solved already ( and if its been reported so that we know of it, the likelihood its fixed is really high )
What you need is a 0-day hack for them, and asking this list really wont get you those.
Any system is only as strong as its weakest link. Invariably that will not be the OS or the server software, it will be the end application you develop or install.
As suggested here, I could check out the CERT Database.
