Trying to write a custom data validation formula that would only allow values in the following format: 2-digit year (this can be just 2 numbers), dash ("-"), then a 1 or 2 letter character(s) (would prefer upper case, but would settle for lower case), another dash ("-"), and then a 5-digit number. So the final value looks like: 17-FL-12345 ...or 16-G-00008...
I actually have a but more, but if I could get the above working, that would be terrific. I don't know if there's a way, but it would be great if additionally I could use custom formatting to get the dashes to appear when they are not entered, i.e., user enters "17FL12345" and it gets automatically formatted to "17-FL-12345". Finally, again, this isn't a deal breaker either, but it would also be great if the last 5 digits would add any leading zero's, i.e., the user enters 17-G-8 (or just 17G8) and it gets formatted to 17-G-00008.
Can't use VBA unfortunately. Some potential solutions to similar questions I've viewed include:
Data VAlidation - Text Length & Character Type
Excel : Data Validation, how to force the user to enter a string that is 2 char long?
Try this:
=AND(ISNUMBER(VALUE(LEFT(A1,2))),MID(A1,3,1)="-",OR(ISNUMBER(FIND(MID(A1,4,1),$C$1)),AND(ISNUMBER(FIND(MID(A1,4,1),$C$1)),ISNUMBER(FIND(MID(A1,5,1),$C$1)))),MID(A1,LEN(A1)-5,1)="-",ISNUMBER(VALUE(RIGHT(A1,5))),OR(LEN(A1)=11,LEN(A1)=10),LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,"-",""))=2,LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,"+",""))=0,LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ",""))=0)
Assuming, you want to validate A1. I inserted the letters in C1.
I edited the original function, to be more secure and left out the Isnumber part and rather went digit by digit.
If you want exceed the 255 limit, you have to slice the function up.
I created 5 functions.
Set up data validation as on the picture:
I'm working on a small Project using Primefaces.
I'm trying to display value from my database with special formation
I store a String in my database which Looks like this 40;99;1;0;0;12
These are six different numbers seperated with a ;and they have a range between 0-99.
I want to display this value in an InputMask to make sure that the user doesn't forget the ;.
Now I have a problem with the format.
I'm using this
<p:inputMask id="myID" placeholder="Value" value="#{myClass.value}" mask="9?9;99;99;99;99;99"/>
I'm trying to say that the mask contains six "fields" for a number input and each field can contain a number between 1-99.
The problem is if the user writes the input as this 30;10;0_;0_;0_;4_Primefaces converts it to 30;10;00;04;__;_
Is there a good way to let the mask know that it can be a number with one or two digits?
Or is there a way to say, if input has just one digit put a 0 first
I dont know if this solution fits your needs, but you can define a custom mask
$.mask.definitions['h'] = "[0-9]{0,1}";
in your document.ready function. This will leave the _ character as is, but I guess you can handle it in your code when splitting the string and handling each part. I've put form\: because you generally put these inputs inside a form with id form. Change accordingly!
This has the downside though, that if you dont enter something, it will also validate, regardless of not being between 1 and 99.
I have a website built in Kentico 6. There is a contact us form with phone number field. Kentico's phone field format is US Phone Number which gives you three boxes (3+3+4). I have an address setup in Chrome's autofill settings with phone number as 123-456-7890 format (I tried (123) 456-7890 and 1234567890 as well). When filling out the form I select the value from the autofill and all fields are populated correctly except the phone number: phone number's area code and the next 3 numbers are flipped. For example: the real phone number is 612-556-9003, but after autofill it is displayed as 556-612-9003. see this image
Not sure what would cause that, but you could switch it over to a text field and then use a client side libary to control the field content or give it a format.
I've never had good luck using that form control without having to customize it. So the best thing to do is change the field control from a Phone number to a Textbox and add a regex to it to validate a phone number. Here is a good example of a valid 10 digit phone number regex.
In my country any bank account number has a secondary key which named SHEBA, and there is formula to calculate the SHEBA from account number.
For example if my account number is 801-800-125954-1, the SHEBA of this number is IR0008010080000125954001.
As you can see, changing the account number to SHEBA has been done by putting a handful of zero between account number's digits (however It's not always so simple).
So, I want write formula in Excel that can put zero - or any other digit - between our Number of customer accounts.
I mean, write function in which it's input is a number and output is same number plus some another digit between number
If you can split your string after each '-', you can pad each one with the appropriatz number of '0'.
Se "Add leading zeroes/0's to existing Excel values to certain length" (using TEXT)
801 would become "IR"+TEXT("800","000000")
Since you only posted one number and one SHEBA, it is a bit hard to establish a pattern, especially if, as you say "It's not always so simple".
You can use one formula to get from your number to your SHEBA
I have a situation where user enters a number of length 9 digits. But some people will only enter three digits like 901. So when they enter three digits in the text box, i have to auto generate the rest of the 6 digits and insert it into the database. I should check this against data base table that what was the last auto generated number with 901 and insert next value to it.
I just need a suggestion not the complete solution, that i should do this c# or SQL. Which is the best way to do it.
A few things. As Tim mentioned, seems the system should provide the user with the number, not the user providing the system with the number. At any rate you'll want to use a database which would at the least contain a series of primary keys [] (numbers not to be duplicated). Se the key to auto increment. This will ensure no other user has the same number/id.