Delphi: How to lock "Socket.Write" and unlock? - multithreading

I have several clients, who writes to one socket (not port), when they write together, I receive the garbage, all data from all clients are merged.
all clients are in the same program in Threads.
I need to lock write()
ASocket.Connection.Socket.LOCK; // need to be thread safe
ASocket.Connection.Socket.UNLOCK; // need to be thread safe
How can I do it ?
Delphi 2010, Indy 10, Win7

You can use TCriticalSection (SyncObjs unit): put the Write between Enter and Leave:
The methods Acquire and Release do the same (doc). Important: if you write to the socket at multiple points of your code, you must use the same object (the one I called CriticalSection in the above example).


Accessing the same object from concurrent threads

Have two object instance that i should access from two concurrent thread, from the VCL thread and from a worker thread.
TSlave = class
statusByte: byte;
TMaster = class
FSlaves: TList;
FrBuffer: array of byte;
CMD_GET_SLAVE( aSlave: TSlave );
procedure TMaster.CMD_GET_SLAVE( aSlave: TSlave );
rBuffer := udpsend(); //calling a function that sends udp packet and returns the answer
aSlave.statusByte := rBuffer[2];
I store the references of the slave objects in the 'Data' fields of VCL TTreeNodes - (i store them also in a TMaster private list).
There are two 'option' for accessing the slave object (writing slave.statusByte) and the TMaster instance (as i access the slave object through a TMaster instance) >>
Clicking on the treenode. When this happens i send an UDP packet with calling master.CMD_GET_SLAVE, in this method i read the answer from FrBuffer and writing slave.statusByte.
There is a worker thread that is cyclically doing the same (calling master.CMD_GET_SLAVE). This case i dont get the slave instances from, but from the master's TList object (FSlaves).
The question is, how to manage this correctly? Because there is a possible situation when the user clicks on the treenode and in the same time there could be an incoming access from the thread.
I dont touch any VCL control from the worker thread, 'just' accessing the same objects from two concurrent thread. Should i just do the same synchronization that im doing when synchronizing the main VCL thread (because of refreshing some visual VCL control)?
If you have multiple threads that access access a shared object, and at least one thread modifies the object, then you usually need to use a lock (for instance TCriticalSection or TMonitor) to serialize access to the shared object. Some options for doing so:
Externally protect all access to the shared object with the lock.
Make the object self synchronizing using its own private lock. That is the internally synchronized option.
Option 2 is simpler for the caller, but forces all consumers of the class to pay the cost of synchronization. A an alternative is to make the object have no internal synchronization but then wrap a synchronization class around it that presents a thread-safe version.
In this particular example, accessing the slaves across multiple threads is not a problem. The real problem is udpsend(). You are running the risk of having two threads sending requests at the same time and then reading each other's responses. Depending on the nature of your UDP protocol, that may or may not cause problems.
If it does, you might need to move the UDP communications to its own dedicated thread. When you need to send a request, you could put it in a thread-safe queue that the thread looks at, along with info about what to do with the response when it arrives (assign it to a slave, call a callback function, signal a waitable event, etc). The thread can pick up a queued request and send it. When the response comes back, it can delegate it accordingly. CMD_GET_SLAVE() would then block its calling thread waiting for that response to arrive. This would help avoid any overlaps.

Post message from Thread to GUI best practice?

I am working on small monitoring application which will have some threads for communication with some devices via SNMP, TCP, ICMP, other threads have to perform some calculations.
All this result I have to output in GUI (some Forms or TabSheets).
I am thinking about next possibilities:
use Synchronize from every worker thread:
use shared buffer and windows messaging mechanism. Thread will put message in shared buffer (queue) and will notify GUI with windows message.
use separate thread which will listen for Synchronization primitives (Events, Semaphores, etc) and use again Synchronize, but only from GUI-dedicated thread only, or Critical Section on GUI to display message.
UPDATE: (Proposed by one workmate) use shared buffer and TTimer in main form which will check periodically (100-1000 ms) shared buffer and consuming, instead of windows messaging. (Does it have some benefit over messaging?)
Dear experts, please explain what is the best practice or what are the advantages and disadvantages of exposed alternatives.
As idea:
//shared buffer + send message variant
LogEvent global function will be called from everywhere (from worker threads too):
procedure LogEvent(S: String);
liEvent: IEventMsg;
liEvent := TEventMsg.Create; //Interfaced object
with liEvent do
Severity := llDebug;
EventType := 'General';
Source := 'Application';
Description := S;
MainForm.AddEvent(liEvent); //Invoke main form directly
In Main Form, where Events ListView and shared section (fEventList: TTInterfaceList which is already thread-safe) we'll be:
procedure TMainForm.AddEvent(aEvt: IEventMsg);
PostMessage(Self.Handle, WM_EVENT_ADDED, 0, 0);
Message handler:
procedure WMEventAdded(var Message: TMessage); message WM_EVENT_ADDED;
procedure TMainForm.WMEventAdded(var Message: TMessage);
liEvt: IEventMsg;
ListItem: TListItem;
while fEventList.Count > 0 do
liEvt := IEventMsg(fEventList.First);
with lvEvents do //TListView
ListItem := Items.Add;
ListItem.Caption := SeverityNames[liEvt.Severity];
Is there something bad? Main Form is allocated ONCE on application startup and Destroyed on application exit.
Use Synchronize from every worker thread
This would probably be the simplest approach to implement, but as others have indicated will lead to your IO threads being blocked. This may/may not be a problem in your particular application.
However it should be noted that there are other reasons to avoid blocking. Blocking can make performance profiling a little trickier because it effectively pushes up the time spent in routines that are "hurrying up and waiting".
Use shared buffer and windows messaging mechanism
This is a good approach with a few special considerations.
If your data is extremely small, PostMessage can pack it all into the parameters of the message making it ideal.
However, since you make mention of a shared buffer, it seems you might have a bit more data. This is where you have to be a little careful. Using a "shared buffer" in the intuitive sense can expose you to race conditions (but I'll cover this in more detail later).
The better approach is to create a message object and pass ownership of the object to the GUI.
Create a new object containing all the details required for the GUI to update.
Pass the reference to this object via the additional parameters in PostMessage.
When the GUI finishes processing the message it is responsible for destroying it.
This neatly avoids the race conditions.
WARNING: You need to be certain the GUI gets all your messages, otherwise you will have memory leaks. You must check the return value of PostMessage to confirm it was actually sent, and you may as well destroy the object if not sent.
This approach works quite well if the data can be sent in light-weight objects.
Use separate thread ...
Using any kind of separate intermediate thread still requires similar considerations for getting the relevant data to the new thread - which then still has to be passed to the GUI in some way. This would probably only make sense if your application needs to perform aggreagation and time-consuming calculations before updating the GUI. In the same way that you don't want to block your IO threads, you don't want to block your GUI thread.
Use shared buffer and TTimer in main form
I mentioned earlier that the "intuitive idea" of a shared buffer, meaning: "different threads reading and writing at the same time"; exposes you to the risk of race conditions. If in the middle of a write operation you start reading data, then you risk reading data in an inconsistent state. These problems can be a nightmare to debug.
In order to avoid these race conditions you need to fall back on other synchronisation tools such as locks to protect the shared data. Locks of course bring us back to the blocking issues, albeit in a slightly better form. This is because you can control the granularity of the protection desired.
This does have some benefits over messaging:
If your data structures are large and complex, your messages might be inefficient.
You won't need to define a rigorous messaging protocol to cover all update scenarios.
The messaging approach can lead to a duplication of data within the system because the GUI keeps its own copy of the data to avoid race conditions.
There is a way to improve the idea of shared data, only if applicable: Some situations give you the option of using immutable data structures. That is: data structures that do not change after they've been created. (NOTE: The message objects mentioned earlier should be immutable.) The benefit of this is that you can safely read the data (from any number of threads) without any synchronisation primitives - provided you can guarantee the data doesn't change.
The best approach is to use a GDI custom message and just call PostMessage() to notify the GUI.
TMyForm = class(TForm)
procedure OnMyMessage(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_MY_MESSAGE;
procedure OnAnoMessage(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_ANO_MESSAGE;
See this great article for full explanation.
This is a lighter/faster approach to rely on the OS internal features.

Delphi tIdTCPClient with timer events and other multi-threaded client side events

We have a Delphi client server application using INDY. The client has a single tIdTCPClient connection to the server which is multi threaded. The client is "theoretically" a single thread. But in practice there are multiple threads on the client and this is where my problem is. For example think of a timer that fires every minute to get data from the server. And consider what happens when a user runs a command at the same time as this timer event. In truth, my problem is caused by our "Report Builder" reporting tool that (annoyingly) insists on loading every page of a report, which takes a while. The report runs off our "special" dataset that has a caching mechanism to transmit batches of records at a time (so multiple calls to the server to get all data). Meanwhile if a user does something else at the same time we seem to be getting crossed data. It seems the user getting back data that was meant for the report.
By the way, this bug is extremely rare, but a lot less rare for one particular customer who has the worlds slowest internet (luck me - I now have a test environment).
So on the client I have code a bit like this...
procedure DoCommand(MyIdTCPClient:tIdTCPClient; var DATA:tMemoryStream);
Buffer: TBytes;
DataSize: Integer;
CommsVerTest: String;
//Write Data
//Read back 6 bytes CommsVerTest should always be the same (ie ABC123)
SetLength(Buffer,0); //Clear out buffer
if CommsVerTest<>'ABC123' then
raise exception.create('Invalid Comms'); //It bugs out here in rare cases
//Get Result Data Back from Server
Data.SetSize(DataSize); //Report thread is stuck here
Now when I debug it, I can confirm it bugs out when there are two threads in the middle of this procedure. The main thread stops at the exception. And the report thread is stuck somewhere else in the same procedure.
So, it looks to me like I need to make the procedure above thread safe.
I mean so if the user wants to do something they just have to wait until the report thread finishes.
Arrrgh, I thought my client application was single threaded for sending data to the server!
I think that using TThread would not work - because I don't have access to the thread inside Report Builder. I think I need a tCriticalSection.
I think I need to make the application so that the above procedure can only be run by one thread at a time. Other threads have to wait.
Someone please help with the syntax.
TIdIOHandler has Write() and Read...() overloads for sending/receiving TStream data:
procedure Write(AStream: TStream; ASize: TIdStreamSize = 0; AWriteByteCount: Boolean = False); overload; virtual;
procedure ReadStream(AStream: TStream; AByteCount: TIdStreamSize = -1; AReadUntilDisconnect: Boolean = False); virtual;
You do not need to copy the TMemoryStream contents to an intermediate TIdBytes before sending it, or receive it as TIdBytes before copying it back to the TStream. In fact, there is nothing in in the code you have shown that needs to use TIdBytes directly at all:
procedure DoCommand(MyIdTCPClient: TIdTCPClient; var DATA: TMemoryStream);
CommsVerTest: String;
//Write Data
MyIdTCPClient.IOHandler.Write(DATA, 0, True);
//Read back 6 bytes CommsVerTest should always be the same (ie ABC123)
CommsVerTest := MyIdTCPClient.IOHandler.ReadString(6);
if CommsVerTest <> 'ABC123' then
raise exception.create('Invalid Comms');
//Get Result Data Back from Server
MyIdTCPClient.IOHandler.ReadStream(DATA, -1, False);
With that said, if you have multiple threads writing to the same socket at the same time, or multiple threads reading from the same socket at the same time, they will corrupt each other's data (or worse). You need to synchronize access to the socket, such as with a critical section at a minimum. Because of your multi-threaded use of TIdTCPClient, you really need to re-think your overall client design.
At the very least, using your existing logic, when you need to send a command and read a response, stop the timer and wait for any pending data to be exchanged before then sending the command, and do not allow anything else to access the socket until the response comes back. You are trying to do too much at one time without synchronizing everything to avoid overlaps.
In the long run, it would be much safer to do all of the reading from a single dedicated thread and then pass any received data to your other threads for processing as needed. But that also means changing your sending logic to match. You could either:
If your protocol allows you to have multiple commands in flight in parallel, then you can send a command from any thread at any time (just be sure to use a critical section to avoid overlaps), but do not wait for a response immediately. Let each sending thread move on and do other things, and have the reading thread notify the appropriate sending thread asynchronously when the expected response actually arrives.
If the protocol does not allow for parallel commands, but you still need each sending thread to wait for its respective response, then give the socket thread a thread-safe queue that other threads can push commands into when needed. The socket thread can then run through that queue periodically sending each command and receiving its response one at a time as needed. Each thread that puts a command into the queue can include a TEvent to be signaled when the response arrives, that way they enter efficient sleep states while waiting, but you preserve your per-thread waiting logic.
Thanks Remy.
The TCriticalSection solved the problem. I have no control over things like the 3rd party report builder. And running reports entirely in their own thread wouldn't make much difference - they still need to share the same connection (I don't want or need parallel connections). Anyway the bulk of the program runs in the main thread, and it is rare that two threads need to communicate with the server at the same time.
So TCriticalSection was perfect - it prevented this procedure running twice at the same time (ie one thread has to wait until the first is finished). And happily - it worked brilliantly.
Basically the code now looks like this:
procedure DoCommand(
var DATA:tMemoryStream);
Buffer: TBytes;
DataSize: Integer;
CommsVerTest: String;
CS.Enter; //enter Critical Section
//Write Data
//Read back 6 bytes CommsVerTest should always be the same (ie ABC123)
SetLength(Buffer,0); //Clear out buffer
if CommsVerTest<>'ABC123' then
raise exception.create('Invalid Comms');
//Get Result Data Back from Server

Delphi - Help calling threaded dll function from another thread

I'm using Delphi 2006 and have a bit of a problem with an application I'm developing.
I have a form that creates a thread which calls a function that performs a lengthy operation, lets call it LengthyProcess. Inside the LengthyProcess function we also call several Dll functions which also create threads of their own.
The problem that I am having is that if I don't use the Synchronize function of my thread to call LengthyProcess the thread stops responding (the main thread is still responding fine). I don't want to use Synchronize because that means the main thread is waiting for LengthyProcess to finish and therefore defeats the purpose of creating a separate thread.
I have tracked the problem down to a function inside the dll that creates a thread and then calls WaitFor, this is all done using TThread by the way. WaitFor checks to see if the CurrentThreadID is equal to the MainThreadID and if it is then it will call CheckSychronization, and all is fine. So if we use Synchronize then the CurrentThreadID will equal the MainThreadID however if we do not use Synchronize then of course CurrentThreadID <> MainThreadID, and when this happens WaitFor tells the current thread (the thread I created) to wait for the thread created by the DLL and so CheckSynchronization never gets called and my thread ends up waiting forever for the thread created in the dll.
I hope this makes sense, sorry I don't know any better way to explain it. Has anyone else had this issue and knows how to solve it please?
If your secondary thread "stops responding," then I assume it has a message pump. (Otherwise, you need to explain what it stops responding to.) You appear to also wish for the thread to be able to detect when the tertiary thread finishes running. (The "primary" thread here is the VCL thread, which isn't involved at all.)
You tried using WaitFor, but were disappointed when you discovered that it blocks. That's what it has always been designed to do, though. Its behavior in the main thread is where it gets weird, so it's safe to call from the VCL thread even though it was never really meant to be used that way originally.
To process messages and wait for threads to finish running, you need to use one or more of the wait functions from the Windows API. Start with MsgWaitForMultipleObjects. It can wait for various types of kernel handles, including thread handles, but also notify you when messages are available. The idea is that you'll call that function in a loop. When it says messages are available, handle them, and then loop again to continue waiting.
The following is just an outline. You'll want to check the documentation for all the API functions used, and combine that with the rest of the knowledge you have about your own threads.
procedure TSecondaryThread.Execute;
ret: DWord;
ThreadHandle: THandle;
Msg: TMsg;
ThreadHandle := TertiaryThread.Handle;
ret := MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, ThreadHandle, False, Infinite, qs_AllEvents);
case ret of
Wait_Object_0: begin
// The thread terminated. Do something about it.
// Put *something* in the parameter so further calls to MWFMO
// will have a valid handle. May as well use a handle to something
// that will never become signaled so all we'll get are more
// messages. I'm pretty sure you can't pass an empty array of
// handles; there must be at least one, and it must be valid.
ThreadHandle := Self.Handle;
Wait_Object_0 + 1: begin
// At least one message is available. Handle *all* of
// them before calling MsgWaitForMultipleObjects again
while PeekMessage(Msg, 0, 0, 0, pm_Remove) do
case Msg.Message of
wm_Quit: begin
// Do something about terminating the tertiary thread.
// Then stop the message loop and the waiting loop.
else begin
Wait_Timeout: Assert(False, 'Infinity has passed');
Wait_Failed: RaiseLastOSError;
else Assert(False, 'Unexpected return value');
until False;
The part about handling all the messages is important. As soon as you call GetMessage, PeekMessage, or WaitMessage, the OS marks all messages in the queue as "old," but MsgWaitForMultipleObjects will only return when there is a "new" message on the queue — one that arrived after the last call to PeekMessage.
HI, Thanks for your reply, yes i realize that my question isn't very clear and somewhat confusing; so i'll try to clarify things a bit, here goes..
All of the threads described below are derived from TThread.
I have a form which starts a thread but does not wait for it. The thread started by the form calls a function that performs a long task.
The function calls another function in a DLL, the function in the DLL starts a thread and waits for it. The thread started by the DLL function calls another function via synchronize.
Form->Starts a thread but does not wait->The thread calls a functions->The function calls a DLL function->The Dll function starts a thread and waits->The thread started by the DLL function calls another function via synchronize i.e Synchronize(UpdateRecords).
The problem is that the call to synchronize never returns because, from what i can see, it has entered some sort of dead lock.
How synchronize works: Synchronize puts the method call into a queue and sets an event, Synchronize then waits for the event to become signaled. When the main thread is idle it will process the method calls that are waiting in the queue, after it has processed a method call it will signal the associated event so that the thread that initiated the synchronization can continue on.
The thread that was started by the form does not use synchronize to call the function that performs the long task, if it does use synchronize then the application does not dead lock, but this defeats the purpose of use a thread for the long process.
I've tracked down the problem, it seems to be that the TApplication object created by the dll is not processing messages and has a handle of 0, how this happened I don't know (I didn't write the DLL, it was written by someone else), but it is a cause of the problem because it will never process the method called queued by synchronize.
I mentioned earlier that if i call the function that performs the long process from my thread using synchronize then the application does not dead lock. This is because the main thread will be responsible for calling the function that performs the long process. So the long process function calls a DLL function which starts another thread and then calls WaitFor. WaitFor checks to see if the current thread is the main thread, and if it is, it processes method calls which have been queued by synchronize, continuously in a loop until the thread the thread that it is waiting for is released (i.e. the method it queued via synchronize gets called and the wait event is signaled).
In WaitFor, if the current thread is not the main thread then WaitFor simply blocks until the thread it is waiting for is released.
Anyway i can't do anything about the application object in the dll because that dll is quite complex and used by a larger system. I guess i can expose a method in the dll which can process the methods in the synchronization queue, i can then call this method from my application while its idle.
Anyway again thanks for your help but i've solved this problem now.
Using the TThread class or even the Application object in a Delphi DLL is extremely unsafe. The RTL and VCL core classes, globals and singleton objects are designed to exist once per process and can't handle the namespace duplication and incomplete initialization in a stadard DLL library.
You may get around it by building with runtime packages (RTL & VCL are enough; you may also build your own with just the system units you reallt need), in the EXE and all DLLs referencing the runtime units (Forms and Classes, especially) - they get single shared namespace and the full EXE initialization sequence this way.
If you can't modify the DLL at all, you may try to set it's Application.Handle, MainThreadID, SyncEvent and WakeMainThread to the corresponding values in the main EXE module - this may work, but it's just as ugly as it looks like and it doesn't cover all edge-cases (the classes and important globals will still be duplicated).

Thread context on Delphi

I am creating a server that starts a thread (listening thread). This thread listens for connections and does it's thing. Eventually it may receive some data, that I want to pass to the creator of the server:
My program --> Creates my server --> Creates the listener --> Creates a thread for every client
Now the question is: if I assign a property OnData = procedure (const Received: string) of object; to the server when I create it, and then, this same procedure is passed to the client threads, so when the thread get some data, it will be able to pass it back to the creator of the server. In pseudocode:
//My program
MyServer:= TServer.Create();
MyServer.Ondata:= SomeProcedure;
//The client thread
//When data is received
if (FServer <> nil) then
if Assigned(FServer.Ondata) then
The questions here are:
1- I understand that if 10 threads execute this procedure at the same time, the procedure will be execute in the client thread context, so is the responsibility of my program (the actual "owner" of the procedure) to synchronize. Is that right?
2- If 10 different threads execute the procedure do I have 10 "instances" of the procedure with it's own data running at the same time?
3- Do I need to protect the OnData on the Server object as well (say, with a critical section), or it's OK to leave it to the "actual" procedure?
Yes. When the thread is running, all the code it runs gets executed within its own thread context, unless that code's been sent to another thread, for example with the Synchronize method.
Almost. You have 10 instances of the TThread object, each with its own data, running at the same time. There's only one copy of the actual code to the procedure, but multiple data objects can use it at once.
Any code that's not thread-safe (that might access the VCL, or that will write to any shared data, or read from shared data that something else might write to) needs to be protected.
