Magento limit admin products - magento-1.5

I'm currently in the process of messing about with Magento, and I'm just wondering if anyone knows where I can modify the collection that is used for Mage_Adminhtml_Catalog_ProductController (app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/controllers/Catalog/ProductController.php)? Which method am I rewriting/creating to change the products to show?
EDIT1: I'd rather have a way of using observers, I.e. which event do I need to apply my code to?
EDIT2: best to add here what I'm trying to achieve; I've added an extra attribute to products which holds which admin added that specific product. Now In the admin panel, when a user views the list of products, they only see the products where the that attribute is their admin id.
EDIT3: I just stumbled upon catalog_product_load_after event observer, and I'm not sure if this is the right one, but this is what I have:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<catalog_product_load_after> <!-- Name of Event -->
<load_after> <!-- Any Unique Identifier -->
<class>Drench_Admindetails_Model_Observer</class> <!-- Over Model Class -->
<method>loadAfter</method> <!-- name of function -->
and Model/Observer.php
class Drench_Admindetails_Model_Observer{
public function loadAfter(){
fb('testasd'); // this just a firephp call

You could listen to catalog_product_collection_load_before or catalog_product_collection_load_after.
To find the event you're interested in, use Alan Storm's technique: edit app/Mage.php dispatchEvent() method, adding this line at the beginning:
Mage::log('Event: ' . $name, null, 'events.log');
This will write all events in an /var/log/events.log file.
I'd put a link to Alan's original post, but I can't find it right now: if anyone find it I'll update my answer.

The quickest method is to copy this file
into your local scope and add new filter to _prepareCollection() function.
However this may not be upgrade-friendly. For an upgrade-firendly solution I suggest to create a new Magento module and append filter to _prepareCollection() function there.


SharePoint SaveButton RedirectURL attribute doesn't do anything. Why?

I have a SharePoint SaveButton in my EditFormTemplate and I don't want the browser to redirect to the default location which is the List View (i.e. AllItems.aspx). I instead want the user to be redirected to another page.
Many other people seem to have the same issue. I do not wish to replace the SharePoint SaveButton with a standard aspx button control and use JavaScript as this presents it's own set of problems and frankly I don't think that this sort of functionality deserves a JavaScript hack.
If an attribute called "RedirectURL" does in fact exist for the SharePoint SaveButton (which it does) then why on Earth would it not simply redirect the browser to the specified URL?
<SharePoint:SaveButton ID="SaveButton1" runat="server" RedirectUrl="[My Custom URL]" />
Why doesn't the code above do what I want it to do?
You need to use a JavaScript call ddwrt:GenFireServerEvent('_redirect={URL}'.
Take a look at the example below:
<input type="button" class="contact-button" value="Save" name="btnSave" onclick="javascript: {ddwrt:GenFireServerEvent('__commit;__redirect={example.aspx}')}" />
Hope this helps.
OK. I figured it out.
I created a SPListItemEventReceiver and set the ItemUpdated Synchronization element in the Elements.xml file to "Synchronous".
I then followed the instructions outlined here.
Since I needed to perform the redirect after an Update I didn't have to do all of the hacky stuff to try and perform an Updated async operation in the Updating async event as described in the link above for ItemAdded and ItemAdding.
I simply added a private HttpContext property called currentContext, added a default constructor where I set the currentContext property to HttpContext.Current and then did the SPUtility.Redirect in my ItemUpdated event using the value stored in the currentContext property that was set in the constructor.
I've had problems with the SaveButton if the URL of the form it is used on includes a Source parameter. I don't recall details but my fix was just not to include that parameter when opening the form.
Sounds like a different problem for you, but that may help someone.

Magento :: Layout in Module

Is it possible to create a layout file inside of a module ? How ?
For what:
I want to add a some kind of statistics hit counter for products, and I don't want to override the products class, as that is already done by some module I'm using. Thus I thought it would be best to have a custom module with a block that would be called by a layout statement.
Of course I could easily edit my private local.xml or make changes to another layout-xml in the layout folder of my theme, but I want this feature to be available in all themes (independent of any selected theme).
Some constraints:
All code in one single module
... so that it is theme independent
... so that the module can be shared with others without them having to change anything (like theme files), so that the install/load of my module would be enough
I would also accept different approaches for my statistics hit counter loading (using the same constraints)
Yes it is possible. Just create your layout xml file in the following path: /design/frontend/default/default/layout/yourlayout.xml(or whatever your theme name is), and add a proper statement in your modules etc/config.xml:
This sample is for frontend user, but adminhtml layouts can be updated in a similar manner. If something doesn't work, be sure to check if your layout is in the proper theme/package directory.
Second approach:
You can use a controller of your own, which will extend the core functionality (one of the catalog controllers) - just rewrite it (or just product view action). Inside its action method add something like this:
array('template' => 'relativepathtotemplate.phtml'));
Third approach:
Similar to the previous one, but you can use some event observer, and try Mage::getSingleton('core/layout'), and inject your block there. Not in all events the layout will be already available (try the post_dispatch family).
I don't really recommend the second and third approach, because if someone else wants to find where this 'magic' block comes from, it will most surely look int app/design/(...) directory. Finding it in your controller or model, may be very tricky...
If you don't want to display your statistic counter, you can also use events (like post_dispatch) to count the controller dispatches. Just create an observer attached to it, and store your data in the DB.

SharePoint - Custom document library with folder structure

I have a custom document library template with content types. This works fine but the only thing that I would like to add is that when a user instantiates a new document library based on that template, that is has a predefined folder structure already in place.
I have tried adding Module tags in my schema.xml but this doesn't seem to work.
I know that it is possible to provision a document library with files and folders with a ListInstance feature but this is not possible in this case. I would like that the predefined folder structure is part of the document library template.
Is this possible?
If You want to achieve this using Document Library Definition. I don't think that would be achievable. What you can do is take help of list /document library templates.
1 Create a custom Doclibary the way you want.
2. create the desired folder structure. without uploading any documents.
3, Save the doc library as template by going to Doclibray settings ( make sure you store the template along with content stored into it)
Another method (which I must blog on soon) is to fake a list creation event. I add an empty view definition with a custom aspx page to the list template. The custom page simply executes some custom functionality on the list, deletes the initialisation view, then redirects to the normal view. It's a little messy, and it will only work if the list is created through the UI, but it works.
Here is a very quick example. You already have your list template. In the schema.xml file, add a new View to the Views element like so:
<!-- Below is a blank view used to kick of initialisation after list creation. -->
<View DisplayName="Initialise" Type="HTML" DefaultView="TRUE" WebPartZoneID="Main" SetupPath="pages\Scratch\init.aspx" Hidden="TRUE" Url="_init.aspx">
<Toolbar Type="Standard" />
<ViewHeader />
<ViewBody />
<ViewFooter />
<ViewEmpty />
<ViewFields />
<ViewData />
<Query />
<!-- standard views would be here -->
You may be able to go without the empty elements in there. That was something I was going to test further before blogging on it. But this will get the job done. The important things are:
This view is the first view and DefaultView is set to TRUE.
The SetupPath is set to a custom page that you will provision with your solution.
For the custom page (init.aspx in my example), I just made a copy of ...\12\TEMPLATE\Pages\viewpage.aspx and changed what the page inherits from. You could do this with inline code, but I used a codebehind assembly. So first line of that file becomes:
<%# Page language="C#" MasterPageFile="~masterurl/default.master" Inherits="SharePointScratch.InitPage,SharePointScratch,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" %>
And then the codebehind:
using System;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities;
namespace SharePointScratch
public class InitPage : System.Web.UI.Page
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
SPList list = SPContext.Current.List;
list.ParentWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
// Create you folder structure here...
// Fix the views by deleting the initialisation view.
SPView view = SPContext.Current.ViewContext.View;
list.ParentWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;
// Redirect to the new default view.
SPUtility.Redirect(list.DefaultViewUrl, SPRedirectFlags.Default, this.Context);
Basically, we are relying on the SharePoint default behavior to display the default view of a list after creation. A custom view is inserted in the schema with the sole intention of firing off some custom code. The custom code does, well, whatever you want. After this, you clean up by deleting the special view from the template and redirecting back to the view.

Magento _prepareLayout() called 5 times to many

** New EDIT **
so what I'm trying to do is this.
I want the to add new form elements generated by my module on the product view of the following url
ultimately these elements will be determined to show up by a related table in my module
I expected that if I extended Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_View in my module as shown below I would be able to create a block in the product form that would contain such form fields, only if he are in the related table in my module
so I created a test.phtml file in
then as you can see in my the View.php file described bellow I built the block and displayed it in the product view.
It did appear but 5 times too many. from the answers below this is normal so that answers the question as to why the it shows up five times but leaves the question what is the proper way to proceecd since this plan is not going to work
** End New Edit **
in my module I call _prepareLayout() and it does this 5 times when i pull up the page
here's my code
class <Namespace>_<module>_Block_Product_View extends Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_View {
protected function _toHtml() {
return parent::_toHtml();
public function _prepareLayout() {
$block = $this->getLayout()->createBlock(
array('template' => '<module>/test.phtml')
if ($block){
echo "no block";
return parent::_prepareLayout();
I just noticed this also takes away the price availability qty and add to cart button. which is also a problem
First I want to thank you all for your answers. Second i want to give you more context
the reason for choosing to do this in the module is that I don't want the block to show up on every product . What i have is a table of what I'll call custom options containing properties of the product sort of like hair color height weight etc and depending on what set of properties are attached to the product (if any) will depend on what html content will show up on the page.
so in one case it my get a drop down menu and in another case it may get an input box. the other very important piece is that this must be setup so that I can give the end result out as a module that can be installed and not worrry that it won't show up if someone upgrades there magento
that said does it still make sense to do this all in the xml file ?
It seems to me that your code is overriding a core Magento module in order to achieve what could be easily done in the layout xml configuration. I would strongly recommend the follwing:
Use the built-in configuration mechanisms (e.g. layout xml - read Alan's excellent tutorial here) instead of writing code whenever possible.
Don't override the core code
if you must change the behaviour of the core code, use an Observer rather than Rewrite/Override
if you absolutely must Override, always call parent::whatever()
For example, if you create a <module>.xml layout file in your theme (app/design/frontend/default/<theme>/layout), you could use the following code:
<reference name="content">
<block type="module/block" name"my_block_name_here" template="module/test.phtml"/>
You would then need to use a getChildHtml('my_block_name_here'); call within your phtml to position the block.
So unless there is other functionality happening inside your _prepareLayout, there's no need to override the core, or even to override the default catalog.xml.
EDIT (small edit above)
So now in your Block (I would recommend that you call it Namespace_Module_Block_Product_Customattributes or something like that), you are not overriding the core Product_View block, but merely processing your logic for what html widgets to use to render your custom attributes. Leave the rest of the tier prices, add to cart, other generic product block code, etc to Magento to work out.
If you are worried about the upgrade path for your module's users, you should definitely NOT be overriding core code. Use the configuration approach and very selectively introduce code that "plays nice" with the system rather than try to boss it around with overrides.
I took a look at a stock Magento install of CE 1.4.1, and unmodified the _prepareLayout method is called six times when loading the URL
That's because the class is instantiated six times. So that's the correct behavior.
As for the vanishing element, I can'y say for sure, but your override to _prepareLayout doesn't appear to either
Do the same things as Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_View::_prepareLayout
Call parent::_prepareLayout();
When you override a class in a Magento you're replacing an existing class with your own. If you change a method, you're responsible for that old code being run.
It's not clear what you're trying to accomplish here. You should consider breaking your problem down into smaller problems, and then posting one (or more) "I tried X, expected Y, and got Z" type questions. As written no one's going to be able to answer your question.

Sharepoint item updating event - cancel event back to editform page?

I have an event receiver for a content type to validate some data in the ItemUpdating event. If I cancel the event (some of the data isn't valid for example), I set the properties cancel to true:
properties.Cancel = true;
properties.ErrorMessage = "...";
SharePoint cancels the updating event ok, but shows the standard SharePoint error page (with the specified message). Only problem is, I've got a complaint that this isn't actually very useful - we should return to the EditForm page so the details can be updated.
Has anyone done this, is there an easy way? The only suggestion I've had is that I can implement my own error page, but that's sounding quite a heavy solution to a (theoretically) simple process.
You could try to output HTML code (which includes javascript as well) in the ErrorMessage. BUT even if you do, the problem is that you have no safe way back to the data the user has entered. Either you make a HTTP/301 redirect and then it's a new page load, or you make the client go history.back() with JavaScript and then the browser may reload the page.
The official way of doing this is that you create a list definition and customize the list template. Then you edit the edit form template and include as many ASP.Net validator controls as needed. Then, implement the server side logic as you need. This article explains the technique:
EDIT: To attach a custom control for editing of a specific contenttype, you add an XmlDocuments section to your ContentType definition. For instance, like this
<XmlDocument NamespaceURI="">
<FormTemplates xmlns="">
Then you create your own yoursolution_controltemplates.ascx file, which contains as well such blocks:"
<SharePoint:RenderingTemplate ID="ContentTypeName_DispForm" runat="server">
<!-- put whatever controls you need here, we typically create a
separate custom control which implements everything-->
You can try to redirect using CopyUtil :
link = "http://yoursite/_layouts/CopyUtil.aspx?Use=id&Action=dispform&ItemId=X&ListId=X&WebId=X&SiteId=X";
maybe this will work
