Hello World in GWT EXT(GXT) - gxt

i want to start with Gwt ext , just trying to write my first program (Hello World) in EXT-GWT from this tutorial
But when i run my program it says
unable to find 'com/extjs/gxt/ui/GXT.gwt.xml' on your classpath;
if i then replace it in my xml file to
<inherits name='com.gwtext.GwtExt'/>
then it gives this error
com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptException: (TypeError): '$wnd.Ext' is null or not an object

Are you trying to get stared with GWT Ext, using a tutorial for Ext GWT? In this case, order is important, GWT Ext is different from Ext GWT.
Having that said, and assuming you want to get started with ExtGwt, not GWT EXT, you probably don't have the EXTGwt jar in your classpath.
Also, in the tutorial it says you should have this:
<inherits name="com.extjs.gxt.ui.GXT" />
in your gwt.xml file. Don't change it to GwtExt, because like I said before, ExtGWT != GWT Ext.
Difference is:
ExtGWT is the product this category on StackOverflow reffers to. It's developed by sencha.
GWT Ext is an open source wrapper for ExtJS (developed by Sencha also).
See this post for a more clear view: http://roberthanson.blogspot.com/2008/04/gwt-ext-vs-ext-gwt.html, or this one: Difference between gwt-ext and ext-gwt


Customizing the specific output files for various Typescript input files

I've got a web project using TypeScript that has some reasonably complex requirements for the compiled output files. So for instance, I need all the *.ts files in one directory to compile down to one single .js file, and all the *.ts files in another directory to compile down to a different .js file. (It's more complex than that, but you get the idea.)
I've been able to get this working using the tsc.exe command-line, using input files and what-not, but I'd like to be able to use MSBuild .targets files - among other things, using tsc.exe from the command-line seems to be pretty poorly supported on continuous integration servers, where it can be located who-knows-where, and certainly isn't likely to be in the path.
According to this answer here, it seems like I should be able to do this using custom build targets. So I've created a custom version of Microsoft.TypeScript.targets, and in addition to the default "CompileTypeScript" target, I've created a second one, "PayboardApiV10", so that the relevant part looks like so:
<Target Name="CompileTypeScript" Condition="'$(BuildingProject)' != 'false'">
<Message Text="Compiling TypeScript files normally" Importance="high"/>
<Output TaskParameter="GeneratedJavascript" ItemName="GeneratedJavascript" />
<Target Name="PayboardApiV10" Condition="'$(BuildingProject)' != 'false'">
<Message Text="Compiling TypeScript files for Payboard API v1.0" Importance="high" />
<Output TaskParameter="GeneratedJavascript" ItemName="GeneratedJavascript" />
And then I've specified a "CustomTool" in my project configuration for the specific files that I'd like to get picked up by the "PayboardApiV10" build target, like so:
I should note that I have no idea if I'm doing this bit correctly. I can't seem to find any documentation on it, and the only examples I've been able to find are from that previous answer. And more to the point, when I run my builds, all the TS files in my project get caught up in the first build target, including the ones for which I've specified "MSBuild:PayboardApiV10" for the custom tool. The "PayboardApiV10" tool never seems to get run, i.e., I never see the message "Compiling TypeScript files for Payboard API v1.0".
So two questions:
(1) Is there a better way to do what I'm trying to do?
(2) If this is generally the right way to do it, any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong?
The direction you're going is the optimal way (on save). In the meantime you can use post-build events to transform the typescript. Right click on your project and select properties. Select Build Events and in the Post-Build area you can specify command line parameters to use tsc.exe.
On the direction you're going (compile on save) I think the project file may be missing the following on each file you want compiled:
<TypeScriptCompile Include="app.ts" />
The configuration is also likely missing the environment settings.
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Debug'">
More information on both methods is available at this TypeScript wiki page.
I ended up asking this same question over on the TypeScript forums (https://typescript.codeplex.com/discussions/455781). The conclusions I drew from the conversation there:
There isn't a great way to do it now.
The best hacky way to do it now is probably the way that I was doing it, namely, with batch files, post-build events, and checking the compiled files into source. Other folks recommended Grunt, or the ASP.NET MVC bundling mechanism (the latter won't work in my scenario); I've also used the r.js minifier in the past. And these will work; but to reiterate, none of these are really very good solutions.
The best way to do it in the future will be to create "library projects" of TypeScript files, so that all TS files in a given project get compiled together; and then you can reference the library TS projects from your main Web project, and will automatically get the compiled files merged into your main ~/Scripts folder. But that will require support from the TS team - which Jon Turner basically indicated would be coming, though he didn't say when. (See also https://typescript.codeplex.com/workitem/571.)

How can i specify attribute of my own ViewGroup(Layout) in an axml file?

I'm trying to adapt Ravi Tamada's blog entry to Mono for Android.
But at the 6. step i stopped. How can i specify
<!-- Your package folder -->
<com.androidhive.dashboard.DashboardLayout ...
attribute, at fragment_layout.xml file?
I try to give a package name specified at Xamarin solution or specify my VS2010 namespace at java form (MySolution.MyProject.MyFolder.DashboardLayout -> mysolution.myproject.myfolder.DashboardLayout) but result is same error:
Design mode gives following: "the layout could not be loaded: com.android.layoutlib.bridge.mockview cannot be cast to android.view.viewgroup"
The question is, how can i use my DashboardLayout.cs (ViewGroup) class as attribute like Ravi Tamada's java example. (6. step)
Unfortunately, this is a bug in Mono for Android/the Designer and is already filed on Bugzilla here: https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=7680
Hopefully this will be fixed soon, you can CC yourself on the bug so you can updates when anything changes.

Can you use assembly.load in monotouch?

I'm currently trying to load a plugin assembly dynamically in a monotouch app.
To do this, I'm referencing the plugin dll in my app project, setting the limker to 'sdk only' and then i'm trying to call Assembly.Load(filename) within my app when the plugin is required.
This is the same approach that I've previously successfully used in monodroid. However currently, this is failing in monotouch with a FileLoadException.
Is this approach possible in monotouch? Is there a special file path you need to include? Or is this not supported in the aot environment?
Note: Obviously there are other ways I can achieve a similar effect - and I do have a backup plan... but this is my preferred route (if I can make it work)
Code like:
var a = Assembly.Load ("mscorlib.dll");
Assert.NotNull (a);
works fine with both the simulator and devices. However the parameter for Load is assemblyString which is not a filename (even if the exception thrown make you think it is).
Many other overloads exists (for Load) and other methods too (e.g. LoadFrom) but they might not all work inside MonoTouch (since some runtime support might be missing).
Handling of mscorlib.dll is special (and works in more cases than other assembles, i.e. shortcuts). However the reflection-based methods seems to work as expected in more cases, e.g.:
string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName (GetType ().Assembly.Location);
Assembly assembly = Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom (filename);
Assembly.Load (or any other way of loading code dynamically) is not supported in MonoTouch.
This is an iOS restriction - all the executable code has to be in the app (and it has to be native code, which is why we use AOT to generate native code at compile time).

How to use Protobuf-Net with MonoTouch?

Has anyone actually managed to accomplish this?
I tried the approach suggested here, but no matter how i generate the precompiled serializer, mtouch fails to copy it to the app bundle, thus resulting in a runtime exception. I think this happens because the resulting binary may not be compatible with MonoTouch.
I have tried the following:
1) I used the provided iOs and Mono binaries included in the latest (r450 as this time) build in order to generate the precompiled serializer.
2) I used the source code to produce two different assemblies, built for MonoTouch. The first assembly is built using the symbols FEAT_SAFE;MONOTOUCH;NO_RUNTIME and the second is built using the symbols FEAT_SAFE;MONOTOUCH;FEAT_COMPILER. I have defined the symbol MONOTOUCH and used it the same as MONODROID symbol is used (see file CallbackAttribute.cs and Helpers.cs in the protobuf-net source).
I the used this two assemblies and tried to generate the precompiled serializer from a MonoTouch application in the simulator.
But no matter which version of the precompiled serializer i use, the assembly is still not included in the app bundle, with mtouch issuing: "Warning: Library 'MyLibrary.dll' missing in app bundle, cannot extract content", despite the fact that i do reference it in my code.
I finally got it. It seems that when the actual assembly name is different from the file name that contains it mtouch will not include it in the application bundle. And that was happening in my case. I am generating the assembly like this:
model.Compile("Taxi.ProtoBufSerializers.MQTTContractsSerializer", "MQTTContractsSerializer.dll");
So, given that Protobuf-Net sets the assembly name to the first parameter of this method and saves it in the file name given by the second parameter, mtouch will fail to include it in the application bundle.
However, i wanted to keep my namespace so i fiddled with Protobuf-Net's source code to generate the assembly like this:
File path: Given as the second parameter;
Assembly name: Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);
Module name: Path.GetFileName(path).
I am not performing any validations on the path at this time, but i don't need to do this just yet.
And voila: The sample works both on the simulator and the device.
Last but not least, i don't know if this is the way mtouch is supposed to behave or if it is a bug. I will however file a bug report against it.
I have only gotten it to work on the simulator. I created the custom serialization assembly on VS.NET 2010. One issue I had was that the IL/DLL that gets created had the wrong namespace. I did something like this:
model.Compile("X.Y.Serializer.MySerializer", "X.Y.Serializer.dll")
But the IL was something like:
.assembly X.Y.Serializer.MySerializer
.hash algorithm 0x00008004
.ver 0:0:0:0
.module X.Y.Serializer.MySerializer
I.e. the class name was in the assembly name.
So I wrote a perl program to:
Decompile DLL -> IL
Fix IL
Compile IL -> DLL
Here is the script:
# Usage: fix-protobuf-assembly assembly bad-namespace
# Example: fix-protobuf-assembly X.Y.Serializer.dll X.Y.Serializer.MySerializer
# X.Y.Serializer.MySerializer gets converted to X.Y.Serializer
use strict;
use File::Slurp;
use Cwd;
print "Current directory is " . getcwd() . "\n";
my $asm_file = shift || die "missing assembly file";
my $bad_ns = shift || die "missing namespace";
die "no such file '$asm_file'" if (! -f $asm_file);
my $il_file = $asm_file;
$il_file =~ s#dll$#il#;
Run("ildasm /out=$il_file $asm_file");
my $il = read_file($il_file) || die "error reading $il_file: $!";
my $ns = $bad_ns;
$ns =~ s#\.[^.]+$##;
if (($il =~ s#(\.assembly|module) $bad_ns#$1 $ns#g) == 0)
die "$bad_ns not found in input dll; aborting";
write_file($il_file, $il);
Run("ilasm /dll $il_file");
sub Run
my($command) = #_;
warn "Running $command ...\n";
system($command) && die "error running last command; bailing out";
Maybe I just missed the proper way to call Compile() and my hack is unnecessary.
The assembly worked fine on Windows and iOS simulator. But it then gave a runtime JIT compile violation error on the device. I just created a SO question:
JIT compile error with protobuf-net on MonoTouch/iOS device (iPhone/iPad)
I did try using MonoDevelop on Mac w/ standard console project to first create the serialization assembly. I had some issues, but to be honest I was sleepy and grumpy and it could have been user error, and quickly decided to jump over to Windows since my project has other components that I develop there.
I used .NET 4.0 projects on Windows and everything worked OK. I just had to create a lightweight version of two MT-only libraries so that I could access the classes that would be serialized.
Yes, we have been using it on a project since 2012 to improve performance over XML serialization. Mostly because the RESTFul services we had at the time could not do JSON over 1MB in size for some of the files. At this point in 2017, it would be a lot easier for us to use JSON now, instead of the extra hassle of building the custom serializers for each object.

How to find the path of a running jar file

I'm trying to programmatically find the full path of a jar file while it's running. I know there are a number of other questions about this, but none of them seem to work for me - most notably, I've stumbled across
a number of times. That particular method works for me when debugging in Eclipse, but once I compile to a jar, it returns a NullPointerException. Other methods have met similar problems after compiling.
I have a temporary workaround by using java.class.path, but that only returns the full path when I execute the jar from the GUI - in the terminal, it fails.
I should also note that the only system that I'm having this problem on is Linux. On Windows and Mac, I have no troubles.
Any help would be appreciated :)
EDIT: The jar is executable, if that changes anything.
You can't do it. There is no requirement for ClassLoaders to support this, and most don't.
Or, perhaps this formulation would be more helpful. Binary classes come into the JVM via ClassLoader objects. ClassLoader objects are not required to keep any track of the provenance of the classes they load. And they can load them from anywhere: a jar, over the web, a database, an old tin can.
So, if you want to always know the provenance of classes in your application, you have to always load code with a class loader that, indeed, does track provenance in a manner useful to you.
If you control the entire application, you can do that.
If you don't control the entire application, and are rather talking about an arbitrary jar loaded into an arbitrary class loader in an arbitrary app, you can't depend on learning its location.
The following works for me even when running from a jar file:
URL url = this.getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation();
String p = URLDecoder.decode(url.getFile(), "UTF-8");
File jarFile = new File(p);
Sending the path through the URLDecoder is important because otherwise a pathname with %20 in it will be created if the directory contains spaces.
