What's the differences between blocking with synchronous, nonblocking and asynchronous? [duplicate] - multithreading

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asynchronous and non-blocking calls? also between blocking and synchronous
(15 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I am reading 'Operation System Concepts With Java'. I am quite confused by the concept of
blocking and synchronous, what are the differences between them?

Blocking may or may not be the same as synchronous, depending on the context. When we talk about method calls, then a synchronous call can also be said to be blocking (I'll get back to this in a bit), because the thread calling the method cannot proceed forward until the method returns. The antonym in this case would be asynchronous.
In lock terminology, a lock is said to be blocking if the thread waiting to acquire it is put in a suspended mode until the lock becomes available (or until a timeout elapses). The antonym in this case is a non-blocking lock, meaning that the thread returns immediately even if it cannot acquire the lock. This can be used to implement the so called spinning lock, where you keep polling the state of the lock while keeping the thread active.
Having said this, you can extrapolate the difference between the concepts: synchronous generally means an activity that must wait for a reply before the thread can move forward. Blocking refers to the fact that the thread is placed in a wait state (generally meaning it will not be scheduled for execution until some event occurs). From here you can conclude that a synchronous call may involve blocking behavior or may not, depending on the underlying implementation (i.e. it may also be spinning, meaning that you are simulating synchronous behavior with asynchronous calls).

Blocking - operation are said to have blocking behavior if it waits for some event to get complete. For example: if a lock is not available a thread may enter a wait state on event till lock is available. Such an operation is said to be blocking.
Synchronous - Synchronous call can be easily understood with an example of http protocol where client waits for reply from server an then proceeds. Synchronous call can be blocking or non blocking.
Asynchronous - A method can asynchronous call other method. After a call it can continue to execute its next instruction. When called method completes it execution it will send an reply/callback to caller method of it's success or failure.
Non-blocking - Non blocking behavior is like checking the condition at that instance. For example- in case of locks if it is not available it will not wait till it is available like blocking operation. Also we need to repeatedly check the availability of locks as there will be no callback like asynchronous calls.
Blocking is always synchronous.
Synchronous call have blocking operations if it waits for some event to get complete, caller method may enter wait state.
Synchronous call is non blocking, if it repeatedly check for some event to occur before proceeding for next instruction. Caller method does not enter wait state on some event to complete.
Asynchronous call cannot be blocking and it involves callback from called method which needs to handle.

I would classify them as follows:
Blocking - Thread will wait on action untill success or failure (highlight on 'will wait', failure is commonly a timeout)
Synchronous - Thread will complete the action, either by success or failure, before reaching any line after it (highlight on action completion)
Non-blocking - Thread will not wait to complete the action, executes action immediately
Asynchronous - Another thread (either logical or physical) will complete the action or inform it is ready using a callback, will not wait before performing following commands.
Note: from here the name asynchronous originates, since you cant be sure in which order the commands will execute

synchronous means that the work is done in the thread that calls the function and the method does not return until it is finished.
asynchronous methods return immediately because another thread does the work and raises a flag or fires an event when the work is done.
blocking means that the thread executing a blocking event will wait until the event has occurred. for example you try to read from a socket and none sends you a message. the blocking call will not return until the message has been revived from the socket.
well and nonblocking means the opposite to blocking with implies that nonblocking calls are asynchronous.


Node.js synchronous and blocking demultiplexer

I'm trying to understand the internals of node.js and how it works under the hood
So if I've understood correctly,
The event loop is executing on a single thread, when app generates a new I/O task it makes a non blocking call to the event demultiplexer, the call immediately returns without any data, allowing the event loop to continue with other tasks. When data is ready the demultiplexer pushes an event (or more) in the event queue. Event loop takes out this event (handler with data)...
As I understand it, the demultiplexer is executing in the os(epoll in Linux) not in the application's main thread (in which event loop executes) and by definition demultiplexer is synchronous and blocking that's because the watch() call is blocking and this is exactly where my question stands.
I know that the demultiplexer is watching until one or more events are ready but:
If Watch() is executed in the os and not in the event loop what does blocking mean? It blocks what?
(Sorry for my English, I'm not a native)

When a goroutine blocks on I/O how does the scheduler identify that it has stopped blocking?

From what I've read here, the golang scheduler will automatically determine if a goroutine is blocking on I/O, and will automatically switch to processing others goroutines on a thread that isn't blocked.
What I'm wondering is how the scheduler then figures out that that goroutine has stopped blocking on I/O.
Does it just do some kind of polling every so often to check if it's still blocking? Is there some kind of background thread running that checks the status of all goroutines?
For example, if you were to do an HTTP GET request inside a goroutine that took 5s to get a response, it would block while waiting for the response, and the scheduler would switch to processing another goroutine. Now given that, when the server returns a response, how does the scheduler understand that the response has arrived, and it's time to go back to the goroutine that made the GET so that it can process the result of the GET?
All I/O must be done through syscalls, and the way syscalls are implemented in Go, they are always called through code that is controlled by the runtime. This means that when you call a syscall, instead of just calling it directly (thus giving up control of the thread to the kernel), the runtime is notified of the syscall you want to make, and it does it on the goroutine's behalf. This allows it to, for example, do a non-blocking syscall instead of a blocking one (essentially telling the kernel, "please do this thing, but instead of blocking until it's done, return immediately, and let me know later once the result is ready"). This allows it to continue doing other work in the meantime.

How do you detect that a TEvent has been set?

The Delphi XE2 documentation says this about TEvent:
Sometimes, you need to wait for a thread to finish some operation rather than waiting for a particular thread to complete execution. To do this, use an event object. Event objects (System.SyncObjs.TEvent) should be created with global scope so that they can act like signals that are visible to all threads.
When a thread completes an operation that other threads depend on, it calls TEvent.SetEvent. SetEvent turns on the signal, so any other thread that checks will know that the operation has completed. To turn off the signal, use the ResetEvent method.
For example, consider a situation where you must wait for several threads to complete their execution rather than a single thread. Because you don't know which thread will finish last, you can't simply use the WaitFor method of one of the threads. Instead, you can have each thread increment a counter when it is finished, and have the last thread signal that they are all done by setting an event.
The Delphi documentation does not, however, explain how another thread can detect that TEvent.Set event was called. Could you please explain how to check to see if TEvent.Set was called?
If you want to test if an event is signaled or not, call the WaitFor method and pass a timeout value of 0. If the event is set, it will return wrSignaled. If not, it will time out immediately and return wrTimeout.
Having said that, the normal usage of an event is not to check whether it's signaled in this manner, but to synchronize by blocking the current thread until the event is signaled. You do this by passing a nonzero value to the timeout parameter, either the constant INFINITE if you're certain that it will finish and you want to wait until it does, or a smaller value if you don't want to block for an indefinite amount of time.

Event Based == Asynchronous?

Is "event based" the same as "asynchronous"?
No it doesn't imply that the events are asynchronous.
In a event driven single threaded system, you can fire events, but they are all processed serially. They may yield as part of their processing, but nothing happens concurrently, if they yield, they stop processing and have to wait until they are messaged again to start processing again.
Examples of this are Swing ( Java ), Twisted ( Python ), Node.js ( JavaScript ), EventMachine ( Ruby )
All of these examples are event driven message loops, but they are all single threaded, every event will block all subsequent events on that same thread.
In programming, asynchronous events are those occurring independently of the main program flow. Asynchronous actions are actions executed in a non-blocking scheme, allowing the main program flow to continue processing.
So just because something is event driven doesn't make it asynchronous, and just because something is asynchronous doesn't make it event driven either; much less concurrent.
They are essentially orthogonal concepts.
"event driven" essentially means that the code associated to certain function calls is bind at runtime (and can change through the execution).
Who "fires" the event doesn't know what will handle it, and who handle the event is defined to respond to the event through an association defined while the program executes. Typically though function pointers, reference or pointers to object carrying virtual methods etc.)
"asynchronous" means that a program flow doesn't have to wait for a call to be executed before proceed over (mostly implemented with a call that returns immediately after delegating the execution to another thread or process)
Not all events are asynchronous (think to the windows SendMessage, respect to PostMessage), and not all asynchronous calls are necessary implemented by "events" (although the use of the event mechanism is quite common to implement asynchronous calls)
One meaning of asynchronous is that at a point where you emit an computation, you don't wait for an answer, but you get the answer later. The answer comes in orthogonal to you normal control flow.
One way the answer comes in is using events: They happen spontaneously in this case, without your code triggering them. In a handler you may process the result.
Whereas the computation and answer is connected by the point in control flow for synchronous mode, you have to do the connection yourself in asynchronous mode. For example by use of a sequence number or something.

Asynchronous vs Multithreading - Is there a difference?

Does an asynchronous call always create a new thread? What is the difference between the two?
Does an asynchronous call always create or use a new thread?
Wikipedia says:
In computer programming, asynchronous events are those occurring independently of the main program flow. Asynchronous actions are actions executed in a non-blocking scheme, allowing the main program flow to continue processing.
I know async calls can be done on single threads? How is this possible?
Whenever the operation that needs to happen asynchronously does not require the CPU to do work, that operation can be done without spawning another thread. For example, if the async operation is I/O, the CPU does not have to wait for the I/O to complete. It just needs to start the operation, and can then move on to other work while the I/O hardware (disk controller, network interface, etc.) does the I/O work. The hardware lets the CPU know when it's finished by interrupting the CPU, and the OS then delivers the event to your application.
Frequently higher-level abstractions and APIs don't expose the underlying asynchronous API's available from the OS and the underlying hardware. In those cases it's usually easier to create threads to do asynchronous operations, even if the spawned thread is just waiting on an I/O operation.
If the asynchronous operation requires the CPU to do work, then generally that operation has to happen in another thread in order for it to be truly asynchronous. Even then, it will really only be asynchronous if there is more than one execution unit.
This question is darn near too general to answer.
In the general case, an asynchronous call does not necessarily create a new thread. That's one way to implement it, with a pre-existing thread pool or external process being other ways. It depends heavily on language, object model (if any), and run time environment.
Asynchronous just means the calling thread doesn't sit and wait for the response, nor does the asynchronous activity happen in the calling thread.
Beyond that, you're going to need to get more specific.
No, asynchronous calls do not always involve threads.
They typically do start some sort of operation which continues in parallel with the caller. But that operation might be handled by another process, by the OS, by other hardware (like a disk controller), by some other computer on the network, or by a human being. Threads aren't the only way to get things done in parallel.
JavaScript is single-threaded and asynchronous. When you use XmlHttpRequest, for example, you provide it with a callback function that will be executed asynchronously when the response returns.
John Resig has a good explanation of the related issue of how timers work in JavaScript.
Multi threading refers to more than one operation happening in the same process. While async programming spreads across processes. For example if my operations calls a web service, The thread need not wait till the web service returns. Here we use async programming which allows the thread not wait for a process in another machine to complete. And when it starts getting response from the webservice it can interrupt the main thread to say that web service has completed processing the request. Now the main thread can process the result.
Windows always had asynchronous processing since the non preemptive times (versions 2.13, 3.0, 3.1, etc) using the message loop, way before supporting real threads. So to answer your question, no, it is not necessary to create a thread to perform asynchronous processing.
Asynchronous calls don't even need to occur on the same system/device as the one invoking the call. So if the question is, does an asynchronous call require a thread in the current process, the answer is no. However, there must be a thread of execution somewhere processing the asynchronous request.
Thread of execution is a vague term. In a cooperative tasking systems such as the early Macintosh and Windows OS'es, the thread of execution could simply be the same process that made the request running another stack, instruction pointer, etc... However, when people generally talk about asynchronous calls, they typically mean calls that are handled by another thread if it is intra-process (i.e. within the same process) or by another process if it is inter-process.
Note that inter-process (or interprocess) communication (IPC) is commonly generalized to include intra-process communication, since the techniques for locking, and synchronizing data are usually the same regardless of what process the separate threads of execution run in.
Some systems allow you to take advantage of the concurrency in the kernel for some facilities using callbacks. For a rather obscure instance, asynchronous IO callbacks were used to implement non-blocking internet severs back in the no-preemptive multitasking days of Mac System 6-8.
This way you have concurrent execution streams "in" you program without threads as such.
Asynchronous just means that you don't block your program waiting for something (function call, device, etc.) to finish. It can be implemented in a separate thread, but it is also common to use a dedicated thread for synchronous tasks and communicate via some kind of event system and thus achieve asynchronous-like behavior.
There are examples of single-threaded asynchronous programs. Something like:
...do something
...send some async request
while (not done)
...do something else
...do async check for results
The nature of asynchronous calls is such that, if you want the application to continue running while the call is in progress, you will either need to spawn a new thread, or at least utilise another thread you that you have created solely for the purposes of handling asynchronous callbacks.
Sometimes, depending on the situation, you may want to invoke an asynchronous method but make it appear to the user to be be synchronous (i.e. block until the asynchronous method has signalled that it is complete). This can be achieved through Win32 APIs such as WaitForSingleObject.
