Error in the AssemblyInfo file - delphi-prism

I get the error "Error 1(E4) "end." or implementation section members (types or methods) expected."
Nowhere on the internet I can find information about this error.
I get this error because of this line of the AssemblyInfo.pas file:
I work in Delphi Prism.

That's not valid inside implementation.
The Pascal (which Delphi Prism is based loosely on) unit consists of a couple of sections. The interface section provides the same functionality as the C/C++ header file; it exposes the public content to users of the code unit.
The implementation is like the C/C++ source file that the header exposes. It's where you actually implement the content the interface unit made available. Therefore, it should contain the actual code for the methods and functions.
A quick example (Delphi code, but is pretty similar):
unit Test.NyClass;
// Defines types and so forth that, if exposed via the proper declaration, can be seen outside
// this unit simmply by adding this unit to the uses clause of the calling code.
FMyNumber: Integer; // protected members (no specifier, so defaults to protected)
FMyString: String;
function GetMyNumber: Integer; // Getters
function GetMyString: string;
procedure SetMyNumber(const Value: Integer); // Setters
procedure SetMyString(const Value: string);
property MyNumber: Integer read GetMyNumber write SetMyNumber; // properties exposed to class users
property MyString: string read GetMyString write SetMyString;
// Actually provides the implementation for the getters/setters, any additional methods,
// types not needed outside this implementation section, etc.
// Optional uses clause. Add units here you only need access to in the implementation code;
// this prevents circular references ("Unit A uses Unit B which uses Unit A").
// Implementation of the getters and setters declared for the properties above. Outside code
// can't call these directly (they were declared as private), but they're called automatically
// when the corresponding property is referenced.
function TMyClass.GetMyNumber: Integer;
Result := FMyNumber;
function TMyClass.GetMyString: string;
Result := FMyString;
procedure TMyClass.SetMyNumber(const Value: Integer);
if FMyNumber <> Value then
FMyNumber := Value;
procedure TMyClass.SetMyString(const Value: string);
if FMyString <> Value then
FMyString := Value;
// Optional initialization section. This is what your code is probably intending to use (if Prism
// supports it - don't have it on this machine to check).
// Any necessary loading initialization, etc. Called when the unit is being loaded into memory,
// so you have to be careful what you're doing here.
// Optional finalization section. This is where you do cleanup of anything allocated in the
// initialization section.


implement generic interface in delphi [duplicate]

I want to implement an interface, but I cannot declare it from TInterfacedObject, and in this case the documentation says that I must implement QueryInterface, _AddRef, _Release. But I am not sure if this is mandatory. I haven't really worked with interfaces so far... They say something about COM objects, but I don't even know what that means. I never intentionally used COM objects, maybe only if they are included in some pieces of code which I took from the internet. I tried an example (see below) and it's working without implementing those 3 methods. So...
How should I know if I must implemet them ?
If I must implement them, how can I do it ? I don't know nothing about those methods should do. Should I copy the implementation from TInterfacedObject ? (In fact, it has more than 3... those extra ones must be copied too ?)
Thanks !
unit Unit1;
Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,
Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.ExtCtrls;
IShellInterface = interface
procedure SetPath(const APath: String);
function GetPath: String;
TDriveBar = class(TCustomPanel, IShellInterface)
FDriveLink: IShellInterface;
FPath: String;
procedure SetPath(const APath: String);
function GetPath: String;
property DriveLink: IShellInterface read FDriveLink write FDriveLink;
TForm1 = class(TForm)
Button1: TButton;
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
DriveBar1, DriveBar2: TDriveBar;
Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TDriveBar.SetPath(const APath: String);
FPath:= APath;
Caption:= APath;
function TDriveBar.GetPath: String;
Result:= FPath;
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown:= True;
DriveBar1:= TDriveBar.Create(Form1);
DriveBar1.Parent:= Form1;
DriveBar1.SetBounds(20, 20, 250, 40);
DriveBar1.SetPath('Drive Bar 1');
DriveBar2:= TDriveBar.Create(Form1);
DriveBar2.Parent:= Form1;
DriveBar2.SetBounds(20, 80, 250, 40);
DriveBar2.SetPath('Drive Bar 2');
DriveBar1.DriveLink:= DriveBar2;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
Caption:= DriveBar2.GetPath;
Any class that supports interfaces must implement all three methods:
function QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; stdcall;
function _AddRef: Integer; stdcall;
function _Release: Integer; stdcall;
If base class you inherit from has those methods implemented, then you don't need to implement them. If the base class does not have them, your code will not compile.
Different classes have different implementations of those methods and primary and the most important difference is whether automatic reference counting is enabled or not.
If the reference counting is enabled, then you should always store instances of such class in interface reference (variable type must be interface), if it is disabled, they you can use object reference.
If enabled ARC will automatically manage memory of such instance, and if disabled you need to release such instance manually.
For example, class where reference counting is enabled is TInterfacedObject and class where it is disabled for most uses is TComponent (except in cases where it serves as COM object container).
Basically, in most simple scenario, if the _AddRef and _Release just return -1 then reference counting will be disabled. If you need to implement reference counting, then the best template to copy code or inherit from is TInterfacedObject.
Purpose of QueryInterface is adding functionality for Support function and querying interface for supported GUIDs. If you are not sure what to put there, you can always use TInterfacedObject implementation regardless of whether you have ARC enabled or not.
It is also possible to have class that can have ARC disabled or enabled depending on same value passed to the constructor. Example of such class is TXMLDocument where if nil is passed as Owner enables ARC and otherwise ARC is disabled.
In your example, TCustomPanel inherits from TComponent that already has those methods implemented, so you don't have to do a thing.

Properties of published nested components are not saved, events are not visible in object inspector

I created a component with following contents:
TEditLine = class(TCustomControl)
strict private
FCaptionLabel: TLabel;
FUnitLabel: TLabel;
FEdit: TMyEdit;
Then I started to propagate necessary properties of nested components by creating of corresponding getter/setter pairs.
Suddenly I thought, it may be easier to publish these nested components themselves as read-only properties so that when some new property or method gets introduced to one of these components, no changes in container component interface are required:
TEditLine = class(TCustomControl)
strict private
FCaptionLabel: TLabel;
FUnitLabel: TLabel;
FEdit: TMyEdit;
property CaptionLabel: TLabel read FCaptionLabel;
property UnitLabel: TLabel read FUnitLabel;
property Edit: TMyEdit read FEdit;
When I put the component on a form, I see CaptionLabel, UnitLabel and Edit in Object Inspector, but that is all I can achieve.
Properties of nested components are not saved to DFM.
Their events are not visible in object inspector.
Is it generally a good idea to do so? How I solve the two issues listed above?
TComponent-based properties are treated as references to external components by default, unless you call SetSubComponent(True) on the objects that back them, eg:
TEditLine = class(TCustomControl)
strict private
FCaptionLabel: TLabel;
FUnitLabel: TLabel;
FEdit: TMyEdit;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
property CaptionLabel: TLabel read FCaptionLabel;
property UnitLabel: TLabel read FUnitLabel;
property Edit: TMyEdit read FEdit;
constructor TEditLine.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
inherited Create(AOwner);
FCaptionLabel := TLabel.Create(Self);
FCaptionLabel.Parent := Self;
FCaptionLabel.SetSubComponent(True); // <-- ADD THIS
FUnitLabel := TLabel.Create(Self);
FUnitLabel.Parent := Self;
FUnitLabel.SetSubComponent(True); // <-- ADD THIS
FEdit := TMyEdit.Create(Self);
FEdit.Parent := Self;
FEdit.SetSubComponent(True); // <-- ADD THIS

FireMonkey Component Execution Error

I tried to create a very simple component(Tgraph) using the FireMonkey platform (XE7). First of all I create two new classes:
1) TGraph (anchestor type TLayout);
2) TMyPlot1D(anchestor type Tpanel);
I saved two units and created a package called 'MyPackage'. I compiled and Installed it in the "Samples" page. I opened a new Firemonkey project and drag and drop the TGraph instance in the form. Everything works well. At designtime,I can see the component as defined, and all the relevant units are visible from the main unit. The relevant code is in the following:
First Class
unit UMyPlot;
System.SysUtils, System.Classes, FMX.Types,
FMX.Controls, FMX.StdCtrls;
TMyPlot1D = class(TPanel)
{ Private declarations }
{ Protected declarations }
{ Public declarations }
{ Published declarations }
procedure Register;
procedure Register;
RegisterComponents('Samples', [TMyPlot1D]);
Second Class
unit UMyGraph;
System.SysUtils, System.Classes, FMX.Types, FMX.Controls, FMX.Layouts,
TMyGraph = class(TLayout)
Plot : TmyPlot1D;
constructor create(Aowner:TComponent); override;
procedure Register;
procedure Register;
RegisterComponents('Samples', [TMyGraph]);
constructor TMyGraph.create(Aowner: TComponent);
Plot := TMyPlot1D.Create(Self);
plot.Parent := Self;
The problem is shown when I try to run my application.
I got the following error:
"Exception EClassNotFound in module Project1.exe at 000A51FA. Class TmyPlot1D not Found". The failed function seems to be the Application.RealCreateForms.
If I drag and drop only the TmyPlot1D instance, it works (of course) both in designtime and in runtime!
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
In your TMyGraph.Create you are creating a child object, Plot. This behaviour happens at both design time and at runtime.
At runtime there's no problem, but the problem is occurring because when you save your design time form the children of the component are also streamed out to the FMX file.
When you run your app it streams the form in and attempts to stream in the TMyGraph and the TMyPlot1D child object which was created at design time, which fails. Even if it succeeded you would have a problem because you would have both the TMyPlot1D created at design time and the one created at run time.
You can solve this by setting the Stored := False for any children you create at design time, so your Create method will look like this:
constructor TMyGraph.Create(Aowner: TComponent);
Plot := TMyPlot1D.Create(Self);
Plot.Parent := Self;
Plot.Stored := False;
Now we come to the reason why the class if failing to be read in by the streaming system. In FMX you need to call RegisterFMXClasses (Classes unit) to enable a class to be streamed into a form. You need to put this in the initialization section at the end of your units (before the final end.), e.g.:
this command is very vital:
Tcomponent.Stored := true;

Pascal Scripting: Canceling setup before {app} variable is set

I have some declarations at the [Dirs]-section in my Inno Setup file. I use "Inno Setup Compiler" and a normal text editor (Notepad++) for developing.
When I cancel the setup before choosing the install directory, the {app} variable is empty for sure.
I get this error (which is totally logic):
How can I fix that no error occurs after pressing the "Cancel" button and committing that I want to cancel the setup?
Internal error: An attempt was made to expand the "app" constant
before it was initialized.
Can I globally set the {app} variable or give it a default value?
Here is a code snippet where I use the variable {app}:
Name: {app}; Permissions: everyone-readexec
Name: {app}\bin; Permissions: everyone-readexec
Filename: "{app}\run.exe; Flags: runhidden
Filename: {app}\bin\myIni.ini; Section: Settings;
Name: {app}\*; Type: filesandordirs; Tasks:
Thanks for help,
Either you should skip the code, which attempts to expand the {app} constant before it's initialized, or as a workaround you can use the WizardDirValue, which actually returns value to the {app} when it's being expanded. Even reference mentions that (emphasized by me):
Returns the current contents of the edit control on the Select
Destination Location page of the wizard.
Unlike ExpandConstant('{app}'), this function will not fail if called after the wizard is shown but prior to the user selecting a
directory. Rather, it will return the default directory name.
In the most recent source code you can see how the {app} constant is expanded on this line.
Thanks for helping, the problem got solved!
Before the user reaches the 'Select Destination Location' the {app} variable is not set.
My DeInitialize-Procedure looked like this:
procedure DeinitializeSetup();
SettingsPath: String;
SettingsPath := ExpandConstant('{app}')
DelTree(SettingsPath + '\bin', True, True, True);
What I did is I created a Boolean variable at the beginning:
var appIsSet: Boolean;
I set it to false at initializing:
function InitializeSetup(): Boolean;
// interesting code
appIsSet := False;
... and set it to 'true' after the user has reached 'wpSelectDir' in nextButtonClick (see code snippet below:)
if CurPageID = wpSelectDir then
appIsSet := True;
The last step is to check in the Deinitialize-Procedure if the boolean variable is set. If so, he can access on it, if not - do nothing:
procedure DeinitializeSetup();
SettingsPath: String;
if appIsSet then begin
SettingsPath := ExpandConstant('{app}')
DelTree(SettingsPath + '\bin', True, True, True);

Inno Setup, is it possible to invoke a second time Initialize() on a Page at runtime?

I have a TInputDirWizardPage created within InitializeWizard() e.g.
DataFolderPage: TInputDirWizardPage;
DataFolderPage := CreateInputDirPage(wpSelectDir, 'Caption', 'Description', 'Caption', True, 'mydatafolder');
I set the parameter AppendDir to True, at page creation.
Later on, at runtime, within function NextButtonClick() i decide that parameter AppendDir must be False but if i try to call Initialze(), compilation fails with message Unknown identifier 'INITIALIZE' e.g.
DataFolderPage.Caption := 'new caption'; // compiles ok
DataFolderPage.Initialize('new SubCaption', False, 'blah'); // Unknown identifier 'INITIALIZE'
Anyone knows why I cannot call method Initialize() again?
The TInputDirWizardPage class (and its bases classes) do not have a public Initialize method (See the Support Classes Reference in the help), and it has no property to set the AppendDir value.
The best way to do this is to pass false to the page to not append the directory and add it yourself when you retrive the entered path from the page.
