custom DB based security authorization model for glassfish - security

we need to a highly customized security system for our JSF project.
our security system's requirements are as follow:
1-the system must control the access to any URLs
2-the system must control the access to any action
3-the system has many users and each user has different access
(i mean we are unable to define general roles)
4-we want to store all security settings in DB
5-setting must be dynamic ( no redeploy is necessary for changing setting)
i could not find any useful model or document for designing and implementing such system.
any helps and general guidelines appreciated.

Your description is a bit brief, but if I understand it correctly then Oracle Access Manager may be able to help you.


ASP.NET MVC 3 - Security architecture considerations

I am researching security frameworks for an ASP.NET MVC3 application that would have some pretty complex authorization rules in terms who can see data, who can create and edit it. Rules such as
- I can only see clients that are part of my company or branch.
- If I am out 15 or less days from the day the record was created and my role is of super user then only I can edit all but two fields on that record. After 16 days or more I can only edit two fields.
My initial thought was to use the Enterprise Security Block and just add customized authorizers, but after reading more about the native support for membership based security in ASP.NET, I am not so sure if Enterprise Security Block is necessary. I have not use neither of the frameworks in a real-world application so looking for some collective wisdom on the topic.
This is the problem with complex field level security. There is no real framework to help you with it, because everything is so custom. The best you can do is extract this into some kind of lookup table, and assign each field a custom identifier in the table, then have a set of columns that indicate each security level. Then, you build your business logic so that you pass in a field and conditions, and it simply responds back whether or not to allow it.
THen you have to figure out what "allow" means in your interface. Disable it? Hide it? ignore it?
I don't envy you.
You might find this semi-interesting.
You can use Azman - Microsoft Authorization Manager and its related APIs.
It provides you with roles, actions, permissions and many more configurable options.
Azman uses AD to store most of this. It also provides options to store using local XML and/or configuration files.
You are crossing into more than just direct security concerns here but actually authorization rules AND edit rules. Your auth rules sound quite custom and I feel that you may need to process these rules in your own custom code and then include these Attributes in your own view models.
Im not aware of any frameworks that will give you this by default as these are very custom editing rules. You could call these claims and when you login go against a claims based framework such as windows identity foundations (WIF) but you will still need custom IF stmts to allow editing in your view based on properties you set in your ViewModel such as CustomerViewModel.AllowAddressEdit. Your view needs to then check this property to display DisplayFor or EditorFor. However you should also check these values on postback to ensure a user hasn't just injected values to hack your app.
You can use security for basic authentication to the site, and you can use it for basic role membership. But since these are site-wide permissions, you will need your own logic to segment users into organizational permissions.
What I've done in the past is use the membership logic to handle the basic auth stuff, but then keep another structure in your database that maps the user id's to other parameters - like the mentioned organizational level membership, or especially access rights for data-driven structures.
I'm actually surprised there aren't better solutions already built out there for handling more complext membership/permissions situations that many apps need.

More Than 32 Roles/Permissions Symfony2 Security System?

Everything in Symfony2 looks pretty good however there is one issue I can't seem to find a solution too. The issue is that Symfony2's security component is limited to 30-32 roles/permissions. One of my projects, a project management/issue tracker system, is going to need more than 32 permissions. There are a number of different components of the system that need to have there own set of permissions. Just because someone has create, read, update, or delete permissions to issues does not mean they have those permissions for projects, milestones, etc... Each component is going to need its own create, read, update, and delete permission not to mention component specific permissions and there is no doubt I will reach the 30-32 roles/permission limit.
I have questioned in IRC and the mailing list with no really direction of where to go. I would prefer to be able to just added this functionality on top of the existing security component (preferably through a bundle). I am not sure how I can achieve more than 30-32 roles/permissions with symfony2's security component.
I would really prefer not to have to development my own security system w/ ACL.
as stated before in the question comments by gilden:
But this is exactly the use case for ACL. You can start using the built-in ACL system today! It's quite easy to modify/extend as well to best suit your needs.
For beginners, I think it's best to read these articles from Symfony2 official book in the following order:
Security - Including info about: Authentication and Authorization, Users & Roles, Access Control in Templates & Controllers
Access Control Lists (ACLs) - Including info about: Bootstrapping & configuration, Creating an ACL, an ACE, Checking Access & Cumulative Permissions
Advanced ACL Concepts - Including info about: Design Concepts, Database Table Structure, Scope, Pre- & Post-Authorization Decisions, Process for Reaching Authorization Decisions
There are also some interesting question here at about Symfony2 ACLs
Good luck!
I think you kind of misunderstood the acl system you can only create 32 kind of role, but by domain object. This is done using bitmasks operations on integers ( this explaining the '32' limitation as an integer is ... well you know the answer ).
So for example the permission to delete one object would be same - 'MASK_DELETE' - for a project a milestone or a ticket. So if you used the ProblematicAclManagerBundle you would just have to do :
$aclManager->addPermission($ticket, $userEntity, MaskBuilder::MASK_DELETE);
$aclManager->addPermission($projet, $userEntity, MaskBuilder::MASK_DELETE);
to give your user permission to delete $project or $ticket for instance. It also creates the acl entry for the domain object and the entry for the user if they are not already there. What I need to know though is if you can create different masks names for a class, or every class of a bundle ?
You will find a deeper explaination on acls here
I know this is an old post, but I just wanted to share this with anyone who has a similar answer.
The key to providing a solution is in this sentence in your question:
There are a number of different components of the system that need to have there own set of permissions.
For each of these components you could create a separate voter.
Create a class that extends AclVoter.
Override the supportsClass() method to make sure the voter will only vote for classes of the component it is meant for.
Create your own PermissionMap containing the set of permissions the component needs.
Pass the PermissionMap to the AclVoter in your services configuration.
Tag the voter as security.voter so the AccessDecisionManager will start using it.
This should get you a long way.
I also recommend going thought the code of the ACL Component, there are a lot of features that unfortunately aren't documented.

Security (framework?) for JSF 2.0

I have implemented some pages for my webproject. However, now I would like to add security.
I will have a couple of roles, like admin, user, other and some pages shall only be accessable for the admins, some for the users and so on.
If its intresting, Im using Hibernate for the database. I plan to store the roles and users in the database.
Can you help me to tell the best practice (if any) for a scalable solution for implementing the security in my webproject? Links, books or a good example is very grateful =)
Best regards
Apache Shiro is a new and supposedly very elegant and easy to use security framework.
Spring security may be suitable for your needs.
BTW which IDE you are using?
You can undoubtedly visit OWASP web site..The OWASP web site provides you on every bit of information about the potential security attacks/threats to a web application..
The website will provide you all the information related to a particular attack/threat and also the possible solution to avoid the threat..
You can even download the ESAPI jar provided by OWASP which provides ample amount of functionalities to handle security attacks/threats. It will considerably reduce your development time.
Here's the link to the website
Based on the underlying technology you are using you will get relevant solutions to avoid attacks/threats.
Also you can store the names of the module or the URL in the DB and you can have a mapping between roles and the module. Based on the role of the user you can fetch the module and display respective modules to the user.
You can further visit this link for some more details on when to use SHIRO and when to use EASPI.
Apache Shiro & Java Security for Novicesenter link description here
But I am sure that after going through EASPI web site and few days of studying security attacks you can easily use EASPI to provide enhance security feature to your web application.

Secure version control

I would like to have your opinion about the subject "version control",
but focusing on security.
Some common features:
allowing to access to source code using clients only
(no way to access the source code on the server directly)
granting permission to access only the
source code which I am allowed to modify (i.e.: a developer should be able
to access the source code related to his project only).
So it should be possible to create user groups and granting different
levels of access.
tracking modifications, check-ins, and check-outs and the
developers who made them...
...and, surely, I am forgetting something.
Which are the most "paranoid" version control systems that you know?
Which features do they implement?
My aim is creating an enviroment for developing applications managing sensible data: credit cards, passwords, and so on...
A malicious developer may insert backdoor or intentionally alter some security features. So the access to the source code should be controlled strictly.
I must confess that my knowledge of version control systems is poor, so, I fear, customizing SVN could be a hard task for me.
Perforce is widely used in the Finance Industry where security of code is sometimes an issue.
You can setup gatekeepers and access controls to restrict visibility of code and produce audit trails for various activities for SOX compliance.
I know that the ones you want are not the ones you want. For example, Clearcase or Serena Dimensions can do all the above... but you'd be bonkers to want to use them. (ah, I hear you say, I'm the admin so I don;t have to take that pain. Well, these also require lots of care and attention - we had 8 Clearcase admins at the last company I worked for. You don't want the nightmare of continually helping users with them).
So. You can have the horrible ones, or you could just use the friendly, easy-to-use SVN and implement your own checkout-tracking (using http transport and Apache logs), and slap access control permissions on every directory. You'd also have to secure the end-repository on disc, but you have to do this with every SCM, even something like Dimensions stores its database in Oracle - if you had access to Oracle instance, you could fiddle with the saved bits, so you have to secure that anyway.
Perforce has those features and is a really good product imho.
Use a well-known, industry standard system like subversion. It can control access to individual projects very simply, and using the web server authz configuration can control individual access to specific files in each project.
The only non-stanard issue is logging check-outs. But the web server can easily log this information for you.
Your users will thank you.
github is a wrapper for git which provides these features for git server. Compared to raw git servers, it notably includes access control, and it also has useful web interfaces to the code for authorised users.

ACL for a network device

I need to implement ACL based authentication mechanism for a device. This device can be accessed through various interfaces like web pages, TL1 (basically through some command prompt) etc.
I need to keep ACL logic centralized so that request from any interface can be authenticated.
ACL logic would basically check whether the logged in user can perform the operation he is trying to perform. For this I will create groups and add users to these groups. Each group would maintain list of operation allowed under that particular group.
Can someone suggest be the best way to implement this?
Is there any existing software/tool that allows me to achieve this? Any open source project?
I am a C/C++ programmer and a newbie to the ACL concept. Above mentioned module is to be developed for Linux OS. Web interface will be in CGI.
Thanks in advance.
Your question is misleading. What you ask, has in most cases nothing to do with the ACLs of the filesystem objects in linux.
I'm assuming your cgi is a single file, written in c++.
You will have to use some local data storage solution. In your place I used sqlite, or some other sql-based solution.
I think, your acl lists - which aren't filesystem-based ACLs - should be stored in your local database.
P.s. Furthermore, I suggest to use at least multithreaded fcgi, big cgi binaries are really highly suboptimal.
