Setting the IIS application pool that a LightSwitch application is deployed to - iis

How do you set the IIS application pool that a LightSwitch application is deployed to ?
For both IIS 6 and 7 ?
When using MsDeploy ?

If you want to use msdeploy.exe to deploy just the app pool to IIS 7, you can use the appPoolConfig provider. (The provider is not supported on IIS 6.)
If you’re using msdeploy.exe and want to include the application pool as part of an application deployment, you can use the -enableLink:AppPool or -enableLink:AppPoolExtension switches (they are equivalent).
Also, if you want to set the .NET Framework version of the application pool, you can use the Web Deploy appPoolNetFx provider.
Here are some references if you're going to use IIS Manager:
To set the application pool in IIS 7, go to the Application Pools reference page and follow the steps under “How to configure the application pool for an existing site or application”.
To set the application pool in IIS 6, see Configuring Application Pools in IIS 6.0.


AppPool Identity when running ASP.Net Core under IIS?

We use service accounts to run IIS App Pools under. Then we use integrated authority in our DB connection strings.
How is this affected by running an ASP.Net core site using IIS as the proxy? Is the App Pool account passed through? Do I have to do something differently in my connection string?

Configuring Web application using WiX and use the application in an already present App Pool

I have a web application with .NET 4.5.2 that should be used by already existing app pool with .NET 4.0 in the IIS. Can it be configured in WiX itself and how to host the application in the existing app pool
You can use iis Extension.
Try to follow This Blog.

Application pool recycling with Selfhosting a ASP.NET application

If I want to selfhost a web api application with Owin in a windows service, how can I integrate kind of a application pool recycling that IIS offers?
The answer is simple: you cannot. Application pool is an IIS feature that you can only enjoy by hosting on IIS.

After installation of website it changes Application Pool of web application that follows it.

I have InstallShield (IS) Basic MSI project, that creates Application Pool and installs web application on IIS under existing website.
On IIS default website is stopped and different website named WebApps using port 80 is running it uses AppPool1. Under WebApps we have several applications that use different App Pool for themselves for example AppPool2, AppPool3. When I install new application under WebApps and set its App Pool to newly created AppPool4 some applications App Pool changes to ASP.NET v4.0 AppPool1.
You can see my Application Pool and Web App settings below from IS.
Does anyone know why this could be happening?
Issue was with Web App .NET Framework version was set to v4.0 and this would cause all the Web Apps under Website to be set to use .NET Framework v4.0

IIS Restart on Updating a Web Application

I have deployed multiple Web Applications in IIS, When I am deploying a modified Dll for any of this Web Application, I need to restart the IIS to get the effect of the new dll. This impacts other Applications. All of these Applications get restarted as I have restarted IIS. Is there any way by which I can restart the specific Application, for which the modified Dll has been deployed?
Yes. Create a different "Application Pool" for your app (in IIS). Make sure your app is assigned to the new pool.
When your app is deployed, the app pool is automatically restarted (affecting all of the other apps in that pool). By default, everything gets deployed to the default app pool.
