Record screen and audio then generate to one video file in java. - audio

I am writting a program as I used applet and import jmf.jar to my project. When I use it, it couldn't get anything capture devices so it couldn't capture audio and video.
I captured screen to video but it hadn't sound. I captured sound but it hadn't video. I use jmf to merger 2 stream to video file. But it error.
Everybody can help me to resol problem. Thanks your help.

You can use Xuggle-Xuggler API which is wrapper of FFmpeg command line tool. Both are open source.


Why is my sound not playing on desktop but on mobile is playing?

I have mp3 file and I want to play it on my stack.
When I opencard I want to play sound on background.Here code:
on preopencard
play "/Users/PeshZ/Desktop/sound.mp3"
end preopencard
My sound not played.But on ipad it playing.
What's wrong?
To use "play audioclip" the sound file must be uncompressed wav, aif, or au. The LC engine cannot decompress sound files. The audioclip command is very old and has limited use, and it has been deprecated in favor of the player object.
You can play mp3 files on the desktop by setting the filename of a player object to the file path of the sound on disk. Players are much more flexible than the audioclip method.
iOS supports mp3 natively, which is why it plays there.
try play audioclip "/your/path"
By the way, google can provide this information within 3 seconds:

How to play wave files in X11

Please help, I need to play wave files in X11. Is there any API in X11 like PlaySound in windows? Thanks in advance
You can use aplay, mplayer, vlc, mpg123, mpg321, etc.
For raw (non-mp3, non-compressed) wav files, simple cat should work:
cat file.wav > /dev/dsp
If you need API way to do it, this is simple example how to play wav file using ALSA API.
However, this has nothing to do with X11.

Is there an ActionScript library for MP3 encoding than Shine-MP3-Encoder?

Is there an ActionScript library for MP3 encoding than Shine-MP3-Encoder? (
This library works fine, but I wanted to find a similar solution (on ActionScript, not C) to optimize it for specific needs.
Dont wait for it. A pure AS3 library is impossible as the speed of AS3 is too slow to do MP3 encoding. You will need C++ via AIR Native Extensions (ANE) or Alchemy for this. ANEs work with Adobe AIR so you can publish your content as an app for desktop and mobile. I dont see any issue with it.
See these for ANE-based Mic recording:
I recorded the mic into a WAV and then use ffmpeg -i d:/path/input.wav d:/path/output.mp3 to convert it instantly into an MP3. I delete the WAV when FFMPEG completes. FFMPEG is a cool little EXE you can just add to your project in any dir. I used Thibault's class to record into WAV.

How to play audio on Corona?

I am trying to play audio as i used to do but it seems not working now. These are the codes I tried:
local birdSound = audio.loadSound("bird.mp3")
It gives an error like that:
WARNING: Failed to create audio sound
Can you help me out? Thanks.
Don't use .mp3. .wav works for both iphone and android.
Make sure the .wav file is in our folder.
Sometimes some sound file can be played on computer, but not works in simulator. In that case, use other files instead.
If you really like that .mp3 file and can not find .wav, find some free software to convert it.
Changing the bit rate(increasing) of my files helped me to solve the problem. Thanks to SatheeshJM!

Server-side Audio Editor

I am looking for an audio editor that we can use server side (ASP + IIS)
We want users to be able to upload an audio file, and then offer a 10 second teaser clip to other users for download.
Ideally I would like our application to be able to specify Input and Output Filename, Start and End time (or Duration), and be able to fade-in and fade-out, and equalise the volume.
Maybe some audio editors have a batch edit facility, and it would just be a question of installing on the server?
All the keywords I have tried putting into Google have led me on a wild goose chase, hopefully someone can help me with suggestions. Thanks.
Try ffmpeg!
I've used it for all sorts of manipulations of video and audio.
