Delphi: Send data through one socket multithreading - multithreading

Can some one give me idea how to send and receive data thru one connection in multithreading.
The model look like this:
What I know is that if all three clients are sending data at the same time, "client X" will receive a merge of all received data, and "client X" can't separate that data to identify which part is from which client.
Delphi 2010, Indy, Win7.
Sorry if my english is bad, I hope you understand the idea.

You need to implement a locking mechanism, such as a critical section or mutex, to prevent multiple threads from writing to the socket at exactly the same time.
When receiving data that is destined for multiple threads, you need to do the reading in one thread only, and have it pass on the data to the other threads as needed.
Either way, you need to frame your data so the receiver knows where one message ends and the next begins. Either be sending a message's length before sending the message contents, or by sending a unique delimiter in between messages that will never appear in the messages themselves.


How should I manage the number of sockets in a node.js application?

I am building my first web-based node.js application - an online game - as a hobby/project to try and teach myself how it all works.
I'm using to send real-time updates (who's in the lobby, points scored etc) to users, but I'm not sure whether the way I'm managing the sockets, and the information being sent through them, in the best way.
Whenever the game is updated, I'm sending an object to each user which updates everything at once, and a lot of the time, the information being updated is actually staying the same. For example, if a user scores a point, an update is sent to everyone's browser to update the leaderboard, but that same socket.on function is re-sending information such as usernames, which stay the same throughout the game:
exampleObject = {
"usernames" : [username1, username2], // only gets updated in the browser once, but is sent every time
"points": {
"username1": 1, // Different value with every update
"username2": 3
(The real object is quite a bit bigger than this)
Would it be more sensible to have a different socket.on function for every individual piece of information which needs updating, so I can then call them individually as and when required, or is there any sense in updating everything through one function? Any thoughts/advice would be greatly appreciated.
If you are regularly sending a piece of information over and over, then it makes sense to design a specific message that only contains that specific information so you aren't regularly sending information that does not need to be sent. You can have as many different messages as you want and you should use that to design efficient messages, particularly for the most common messages.
Would it be more sensible to have a different socket.on function for every individual piece of information which needs updating, so I can then call them individually as and when required
Yes. Design efficient messages specifically for things you regularly send.
or is there any sense in updating everything through one function?
Only if you need to change lots of stuff at once. It's wasteful to include data in a frequent message that never changes and doesn't need to be sent.
It's perfectly fine to have different messages you send for different purposes and then the client has different listeners for those specific messages. At the same time, if you regularly send three pieces of data together, you probably wouldn't make a separate message for each piece of data - you'd put those three together such that your message structure aligns with your usage.
And, you can also have different messages for different purposes even if some data is in both messages.
One more note here. The title of your question "How should I manage the number of sockets in a node.js application?" seems to ask about managing the number of sockets. But, the rest of your question isn't about that at all. The rest of your question is about having different messages on the same socket. You don't need a new socket in order to define and use a different message. You can have thousands of different messages that you use all on the same socket connection. That's the whole architecture of You send a message name and some data that goes with it. You can use a limitless number of separate message names all on the same connection.

NodeJs - TCP/IP Socket send/receive serially?

The TCP server I am hitting (trying to use the built in node TLS Socket) expects a handshaking process of send/receives in a certain order (send, on receive of success, send more messages, on success, send more, etc). The receive messages does not have anything to let me know which send it is responding to, so I am not able to easily use the streaming nature of the built in TCP Node library.
Any ideas of what the best way to handle this case in Node?
example (python), and this is example of the process:
s.send("send this 1")
reply = s.recv()
message = reply[0]
if message == OK:
print('Got OK for hello')
s.send("send this 2")
reply = s.recv()
message = reply[0]
if message == OK:
print('Got it')
raise Exception('Failed to send hello')
When you have non-blocking I/O and you want to do something such as send data, read specific response from that send you need to set up some appropriate state so that when the next set of data come in, you know exactly what it belongs to and therefore you know what to do with it.
There are a number of ways to do that I can think of:
Create a general purpose state machine where you send data and read data and whenever you read data, you can tell what state the socket is in and therefore what you are supposed to do with the data you read.
Create a temporal set of listeners where you send data, then add a temporal listener (you can use .once()) for incoming data that is specially designed to process it the way you are expecting this response to be. When the data arrives, you make sure that listener is removed.
Your pseudo-code example does not show enough info for anyone to make a more concrete suggestion. TCP, by its very nature is stream driven. It doesn't have any built-in sense of a message or a packet. So, what you show doesn't even show the most basic level of any TCP protocol which is how to know when you've received an entire response.
Even your reply = s.recv() shown in some other language isn't practical in TCP (no matter the language) because s.recv() needs to know when it's got a complete message/chunk/whatever it is that you're waiting to receive. TCP delivers data in order sent, but does not have any sense of a particular packet of information that goes together. You have to supply that on top of the TCP layer. Common techniques used for delineating messages are :
Some message delimiter (like a carriage return or line feed or a zero byte or some other tag - all of which are known not to occur inside the message itself)
Sending a length first so the reader knows exactly how many bytes to read.
Wrapping messages in some sort of container where the start and end of the container are made clear by the structure of the container (note options 1 and 2 above are just specific implementations of such a container). For example, the webSocket protocol uses a very specific container model that includes some length data and other info.
I was thinking of showing you an example using socket.once('data', ...) to listen for the specific response, but even that won't work properly without knowing how to delineate an incoming message so one knows when you've received a complete incoming message.
So, one of your first steps would be to implement a layer on top of TCP that reads data and knows how to break it into discrete messages (knows both when a complete message has arrived and how to break up multiple messages that might be arriving) and then emits your own event on the socket when a whole message has arrived. Then, and only then, can you start to implement the rest of your state machine using the above techniques.

Socket.IO: most efficient way to update clients with massively fluctuating data

Imagine Unlike a chat app, the list of users (or players) and other environment objects will be constantly changing, for each player, as players move around the map. That is because each client can't receive updates about every object, because the map is too large and the lag would be too much. So which of the following methods of updating clients, with Socket.IO, would be more efficient:
Send an environment array containing data, which replaces the local arrays on each client.
Send individual messages when objects appear/disappear in a players field of view, and tinker with the local arrays object by object.
If there is a better way than the above two, please outline it.
This is a multi-vector tradeoff decision so without some measuring and probably experimentation, we can't really tell you what situation is optimal. But, we can direct your thinking which you can hopefully use to finish the analysis.
First off, to scale and reduce lag, you want to:
Send fewer messages to each client.
Send smaller payloads with each message as long as it doesn't make item #1 worse (e.g. as long as it doesn't cause you to send more messages).
Have fewer times on the server where you are doing calculations and then sending messages.
To send fewer messages to each client you want to:
Reduce the scope of the map that the client gets sent updates about to only things that are closely in view (it sounds like you're already doing some of that).
Combine as much information as you can in each message that you are going to send to a client - make sure that you're never sending more than one message to a given client for a particular update.
To send smaller messages to each client you want to:
Reduce the size of the data you send to each client. This means that if some data has not changed since that last time you communicated with this client, then don't resend that data. This would suggest that your second option (client updates its own local array) is a better way to do it because you only have to send deltas to the client and it remembers previous state.
Carefully analyze the format of the data you're sending to the client and reduce its size wherever possible. Straight JSON is often not the most efficient way to send data if you're trying to optimize transmission size.

Two recv() threads, non-blocking, same socket: do both receive a sent buffer?

The title says it all, but here's a more in-depth explanation:
I made a chat server for some of my friends and I, but one of the last issues I need to iron out is that when one of them disconnects, there's no available indication of this to the others connected to the server. I'm planning to start a separate thread that makes sure some specific data is sent to the server every minute or so (sending of data also automated on the client side) to keep each client in-check. If one were to not send data for a certain amount of time, it would be discarded as "disconnected."
The problem is, the way my program is set up, it would be impossible to discern whether they both were receiving data without dismantling most of the code already there.
Help is greatly appreciated,
Two recv() threads, non-blocking, same socket: do both receive a sent buffer?
No, but they would both receive the EOS indication (return value is zero).

winsock 2. thread safety for simultaneous send's. tcp

is it possible to have multiple threads sending on the same socket? will there be interleaving of the streams or will the socket block on the first thread (assuming tcp)? the majority of opinions i've found seems to warn against doing this for obvious fears of interleaving, but i've also found a few comments that state the opposite. are interleaving fears a carryover from winsock1 and are they well-founded for winsock2? is there a way to setup a winsock2 socket that would allow for lack of local synchronization?
two of the contrary opinions below... who's right?
comment 1
"Winsock 2 implementations should be completely thread safe. Simultaneous reads / writes on different threads should succeed, or fail with WSAEINPROGRESS, depending on the setting of the overlapped flag when the socket is created. Anyway by default, overlapped sockets are created; so you don't have to worry about it. Make sure you don't use NT SP6, if ur on SP6a, you should be ok !"
comment 2
"The same DLL doesn't get accessed by multiple processes as of the introduction of Windows 95. Each process gets its own copy of the writable data segment for the DLL. The "all processes share" model was the old Win16 model, which is luckily quite dead and buried by now ;-)"
looking forward to your comments!
to clarify what i mean by interleaving. thread 1 sends the msg "Hello" thread 2 sends the msg "world!". recipient receives: "Hwoel lorld!". this assumes both messages were NOT sent in a while loop. is this possible?
I'd really advice against doing this in any case. The send functions might send less than you tell it to for various very legit reasons, and if another thread might enter and try to also send something, you're just messing up your data.
Now, you can certainly write to a socket from several threads, but you've no longer any control over what gets on the wire unless you've proper locking at the application level.
consider sending some data:
the sent parameter will hold the no. of bytes actually sent - similar to the return value of the send()function. To send all the data in buf you will have to loop doing a WSASend until all all the data actually get sent.
If, say, the first WSASend sends all but the last 4 bytes, another thread might go and send something while you loop back and try to send the last 4 bytes.
With proper locking to ensure that can't happen, it should e no problem sending from several threads - I wouldn't do it anyway just for the pure hell it will be to debug when something does go wrong.
is it possible to have multiple threads sending on the same socket?
Yes - although, depending on implementation this can be more or less visible. First, I'll clarify where I am coming from:
C# / .Net 3.5
The overall visibility (i.e. required management) of threading and the headaches incurred will be directly dependent on how the socket is implemented (synchronously or asynchronously). If you go the synchronous route then you have a lot of work to manually manage connecting, sending, and receiving over multiple threads. I highly recommend that this implementation be avoided. The efforts to correctly and efficiently perform the synchronous methods in a threaded model simply are not worth the comparable efforts to implement the asynchronous methods.
I have implemented an asynchronous Tcp server in less time than it took for me to implement the threaded synchronous version. Async is much easier to debug - and if you are intent on Tcp (my favorite choice) then you really have few worries in lost messages, missing data, or whatever.
will there be interleaving of the streams or will the socket block on the first thread (assuming tcp)?
I had to research interleaved streams (from wiki) to ensure that I was accurate in my understanding of what you are asking. To further understand interleaving and mixed messages, refer to these links on wiki:
Real Time Messaging Protocol
Transmission Control Protocol
Specifically, the power of Tcp is best described in the following section:
Due to network congestion, traffic load balancing, or other unpredictable network behavior, IP packets can be
lost, duplicated, or delivered out of order. TCP detects these problems, requests retransmission of lost
packets, rearranges out-of-order packets, and even helps minimize network congestion to reduce the
occurrence of the other problems. Once the TCP receiver has finally reassembled a perfect copy of the data
originally transmitted, it passes that datagram to the application program. Thus, TCP abstracts the application's
communication from the underlying networking details.
What this means is that interleaved messages will be re-ordered into their respective messages as sent by the sender. It is expected that threading is or would be involved in developing a performance-driven Tcp client/server mechanism - whether through async or sync methods.
In order to keep a socket from blocking, you can set it's Blocking property to false.
I hope this gives you some good information to work with. Heck, I even learned a little bit...
