SharePoint 2010 - use SPS-Birthday in FullTextSqlQuery - sharepoint

I'm trying to build a custom webpart for displaying upcoming birthdays.
This code works but I need to retrieve the Birthday to filter my results.
I tried using SPS-Birthday but then I get an exception
public static void BirthDay()
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Site.ID))
StringBuilder queryText = new StringBuilder();
queryText.Append("SELECT PreferredName, AccountName, ??SPS-BIRTHDAY??");
queryText.Append("FROM SCOPE() ");
queryText.Append("WHERE \"scope\" = 'People' ");
using (FullTextSqlQuery query = new FullTextSqlQuery(site))
query.QueryText = queryText.ToString();
query.RankingModelId = "D9BFB1A1-9036-4627-83B2-BBD9983AC8A1";
query.KeywordInclusion = KeywordInclusion.AnyKeyword;
query.ResultTypes = ResultType.RelevantResults;
query.RowLimit = 5000;
ResultTableCollection results = new ResultTableCollection();
results = query.Execute();
if (results.Count == 0)
throw new ArgumentException("// No results");
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception(ex.Message, ex.InnerException);
ResultTable relevantResults = results[ResultType.RelevantResults];
resultDataTable = new DataTable();
resultDataTable.Load(relevantResults, LoadOption.OverwriteChanges);
count = resultDataTable.Rows.Count;

Try going into Central Admin and making sure that the Birthday field can be "Used in Scopes". Go to Central Admin->Manage Search Service application->Metadata Properties...then look for and select that Birthday property under Managed Properties...then click "Use this field in scopes"


Update/Change custom TaxonomyFieldValue in document library list in sharepoint using C# CSOM

list of documents thats contains custom taxonomy field column named subject.
Need to update subject of thousands records/documents.
Please any idea to update the taxonomy field such subject programtically using C# CSOM
Please try to use this method:
public void UpdateTaxonomyField(ClientContext ctx, List list,ListItem listItem,string fieldName,string fieldValue)
Field field = list.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle(fieldName);
TaxonomyField txField = clientContext.CastTo<TaxonomyField>(field);
TaxonomyFieldValue termValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue();
string[] term = fieldValue.Split('|');
termValue.Label = term[0];
termValue.TermGuid = term[1];
termValue.WssId = -1;
txField.SetFieldValueByValue(listItem, termValue);
public static void UpdateListofLibraryHavingTaxonomyField()
string siteUrl = "http://abc:55555/sites/xyz/";
string libName = "Knowledge Repos";
string strTermGuid = "Your new/update term guid";
Dictionary<string, string> dictIdsSubjectsChange = ReadFromExcel();//Here to read all records (approx 2000 records) that we want to change
ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext(siteUrl);
List list = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(libName);
FieldCollection fields = list.Fields;
Field field = fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle("Subject1");
ListItemCollection listItems = list.GetItems(CamlQuery.CreateAllItemsQuery());
clientContext.Load(listItems, items => items.Include(i => i["Subject1"], i => i["ID"]));
TaxonomyField txField = clientContext.CastTo<TaxonomyField>(field);
TaxonomyFieldValue termValue = null;
if (dictIdsSubjectsChange != null)
foreach (ListItem listItem in listItems)//Loop through all items of the document library
string strCurrentID = "0";
strCurrentID = listItem["ID"].ToString();
catch (Exception) { }
if (dictIdsSubjectsChange.ContainsKey(strCurrentID))//Checking to change ot not
termValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue();
termValue.Label = "Special Knowledge";
termValue.TermGuid = strTermGuid;
termValue.WssId = 246;
txField.SetFieldValueByValue(listItem, termValue);
catch (Exception ex) { }

Sharepoint list does not exist on the site efter but it exists in my code when debugging

I shall eventually create a sharepoint calendar. I want to create a eventslist here but I'll get this strange error here.
I create a a eventslist and then check [to see] if its already created. If it is, not I want to create it but then my testLabel says that its already exists.
When I try to delete the list, on the myButton_Click, it gives me this error:
Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ServerException: List 'CompanyCalendar'
does not exist at site with URL 'http://server1'.
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;
namespace CalendarWeb.Pages
public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Uri hostWeb = new Uri(Request.QueryString["SPHostUrl"]);
using (var clientContext = TokenHelper.GetS2SClientContextWithWindowsIdentity(hostWeb, Request.LogonUserIdentity))
Web web = clientContext.Web;
ListCreationInformation listCreator = new ListCreationInformation();
listCreator.Title = "CompanyCalendar";
listCreator.Description = "Workcalendar";
listCreator.TemplateType = (int)ListTemplateType.Events;
var ifListExcists = web.Lists.GetByTitle(listCreator.Title);
if (ifListExcists == null)
testLabel.Text = "The " + listCreator.Title + " list was created";
testLabel.Text = "List already excist";
protected void myButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Uri hostWeb = new Uri(Request.QueryString["SPHostUrl"]);
using (var clientContext = TokenHelper.GetS2SClientContextWithWindowsIdentity(hostWeb, Request.LogonUserIdentity))
Web web = clientContext.Web;
var deleteList = web.Lists.GetByTitle("CompanyCalendar");
testLabel.Text = "list deleted";
When I look at my server1 site the list is not there but in the code it seems like its there since my variable "ifListExcists" is never null.
Your ifListExists variable would never be null because its not executed on server.
Use following method to check if list exists or not:
private bool ValdiateList(ClientContext clientContext, string listName, out List existingList)
Web web = clientContext.Web;
existingList =null;
ListCollection lists = web.Lists;
var existingLists
= clientContext.LoadQuery(lists.Where(list => list.Title == listName));
existingList = existingLists.FirstOrDefault();
return (existingList != null);

Safely return all lists in site collection that match criteria

I'm using the following code to get all "Announcement" lists in a Web Applications site collection.
Unfortunately, sometimes the current user does not have permission to that site and the page fails with an exception, even inside the try block.
What would be the right way to do the following safely for all users, where even an anonymous user would just get no results?
static public List<SPListMeta> AllSiteAnnouncementsLists()
var returnList = new List<SPListMeta>();
foreach (SPSite oSiteCollection in SPContext.Current.Web.Site.WebApplication.Sites)
var collWebs = oSiteCollection.AllWebs;
foreach (SPWeb oWebsite in collWebs)
using (oWebsite)
var collSiteLists = oWebsite.GetListsOfType(SPBaseType.GenericList);
returnList.AddRange(from SPList oList in collSiteLists where oList.Title == "Announcements" select new SPListMeta(oList));
return returnList;
Try give your code the right permission to execute.
using Microsoft.Sharepoint.Administrator;
// Your source code goes here
To get all items of the specific list type from the site collection you have to use SPSiteDataQuery. Each user will get only those items they have permissions.
SPWeb web = SPContext.Current.Web;
SPSiteDataQuery query = new SPSiteDataQuery();
//Ask for all lists created from the announcement template.
query.Lists = "<Lists ServerTemplate=\"104\" />";
// Get the Title field. Define here all you need.
query.ViewFields = "<FieldRef Name=\"Title\" />";
// Set the sort order.
query.Query = "<OrderBy>" +
"<FieldRef Name=\"Title\" />" +
// Query all Web sites in this site collection.
query.Webs = "<Webs Scope=\"SiteCollection\" />";
DataTable dt = web.GetSiteData(query);
DataView dv = new DataView(dt);
This is what ended up working for me, though I do not know if it is the best way to do this.
static public List<SPListMeta> AllSiteAnnouncementsLists()
var returnList = new List<SPListMeta>();
var collWebs = SPContext.Current.Web.Site.WebApplication.Sites[0].OpenWeb().GetSubwebsForCurrentUser();
var collSiteLists = SPContext.Current.Site.RootWeb.GetListsOfType(SPBaseType.GenericList);
returnList.AddRange(from SPList oList in collSiteLists
where oList.DoesUserHavePermissions(SPBasePermissions.ViewListItems)
&& oList.BaseTemplate == SPListTemplateType.Announcements
select new SPListMeta(oList));
foreach (SPWeb oWebsite in collWebs)
returnList.AddRange(WebRecursion.GetListsForCurrentWeb(oWebsite, SPListTemplateType.Announcements));
foreach (SPWeb oSubSite in oWebsite.Webs)
returnList.AddRange(WebRecursion.GetListsForCurrentWeb(oSubSite, SPListTemplateType.Announcements));
return returnList;
public static List<SPListMeta> GetListsForCurrentWeb(SPWeb oWebsite, SPListTemplateType type)
var returnList = new List<SPListMeta>();
if (oWebsite.DoesUserHavePermissions(SPBasePermissions.Open))
using (oWebsite)
var collSiteLists = oWebsite.Lists;
returnList.AddRange(from SPList oList in collSiteLists
where oList.DoesUserHavePermissions(SPBasePermissions.ViewListItems)
&& oList.BaseTemplate == type
select new SPListMeta(oList));
return returnList;

Sharepoint: How to upload files with metadata including Taxonomy fields through web services

Being very new to SharePoint coding I have been assigned the task to create a prototype code to upload a file and setting the field values for that file that will show up when opening the sharepoint page with the file.
This has to be done from a remote machine and not the Sharepoint server itself so using the .Net objects for Sharepoint is out the question.
I quickly found out how to upload a file through the Sharepoint Web Service Copy.asmx:
void UploadTestFile() {
var file = #"C:\Temp\TestFile.doc";
string destinationUrl = "http://mysharepointserver/Documents/"
+ Path.GetFileName(file);
string[] destinationUrls = { destinationUrl };
var CopyWS = new Copy.Copy();
CopyWS.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
CopyWS.Url = "http://mysharepointserver/_vti_bin/copy.asmx";
CopyResult[] result;
byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes(file);
FieldInformation mf1 = new FieldInformation {
DisplayName = "title",
InternalName = "title",
Type = FieldType.Text,
Value = "Dummy text"
FieldInformation mf2 = new FieldInformation {
DisplayName = "MyTermSet",
InternalName = "MyTermSet",
Type = FieldType.Note,
Value = "Test; Unit;"
new FieldInformation[] { mf1, mf2 },
out result);
This code easily uploads any file to the target site but only fills the "title" field with info. The field MyTermSet in which I have added 3 terms allready - Test, Unit and Page - will not update with the values "Test;" and "Unit;".
Being very new to Sharepoint and me not grasping all the basics googling has told me that updating "File", "Computed" or "Lookup" fields does not work with the CopyIntoItems method, and MyTermSet being a Taxonomy field is - if I am correct - a Lookup field.
So how do I get MyTermSet updated with the values "Test;" and "Unit;" ?
I would really prefer If someone has a sample code on this. I have followed several hint-links but I am none the wiser. I have found no sample-code on this at all.
Have anyone made one single method that wraps it all? Or another method that takes in the destinationUrl from the file upload and updates the Term Set/Taxonomy field.
Puzzling together what I have found so far, I am now able to do as I wanted. But I would really like to be able to get the Taxonomy field GUIDs dynamically and NOT having to explicitly set them myself:
void UploadTestFile(string FileName, string DocLib, Dictionary<string, string> Fields = null) {
//Upload the file to the target Sharepoint doc lib
string destinationUrl = DocLib + Path.GetFileName(FileName);
string[] destinationUrls = { destinationUrl };
var CopyWS = new Copy.Copy();
CopyWS.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
CopyWS.Url = new Uri(new Uri(DocLib), "/_vti_bin/copy.asmx").ToString();
CopyResult[] result;
var data = File.ReadAllBytes(FileName);
new FieldInformation[0],
out result);
if (Fields == null) return; //Done uploading
//Get the ID and metadata information of the fields
var list = new ListsWS.Lists();
list.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
var localpath = new Uri(DocLib).LocalPath.TrimEnd('/');
var site = localpath.Substring(0, localpath.LastIndexOf("/")); //Get the site of the URL
list.Url = new Uri(new Uri(DocLib), site + "/_vti_bin/lists.asmx").ToString(); //Lists on the right site
FieldInformation[] fiOut;
byte[] filedata;
var get = CopyWS.GetItem(destinationUrl, out fiOut, out filedata);
if (data.Length != filedata.Length) throw new Exception("Failed on uploading the document.");
//Dictionary on name and display name
var fieldInfos = fiOut.ToDictionary(x => x.InternalName, x => x);
var fieldInfosByName = new Dictionary<string, FieldInformation>();
foreach (var item in fiOut) {
if (!fieldInfosByName.ContainsKey(item.DisplayName)) {
fieldInfosByName.Add(item.DisplayName, item);
//Update the document with fielddata - this one can be extended for more than Text and Note fields.
if (!fieldInfos.ContainsKey("ID")) throw new Exception("Could not get the ID of the upload.");
var ID = fieldInfos["ID"].Value; //The ID of the document we just uploaded
XDocument doc = new XDocument(); //Creating XML with updates we need
doc.Add(XElement.Parse("<Batch OnError='Continue' ListVersion='1' ViewName=''/>"));
doc.Element("Batch").Add(XElement.Parse("<Method ID='1' Cmd='Update'/>"));
var methNode = doc.Element("Batch").Element("Method");
//Add ID
var fNode = new XElement("Field");
fNode.SetAttributeValue("Name", "ID");
fNode.Value = ID;
//Loop each field and add each Field
foreach (var field in Fields) {
//Get the field object from name or display name
FieldInformation fi = null;
if (fieldInfos.ContainsKey(field.Key)) {
fi = fieldInfos[field.Key];
else if (fieldInfosByName.ContainsKey(field.Key)) {
fi = fieldInfosByName[field.Key];
if (fi != null) {
//Fix for taxonomy fields - find the correct field to update
if (fi.Type == FieldType.Invalid && fieldInfos.ContainsKey(field.Key + "TaxHTField0")) {
fi = fieldInfos[field.Key + "TaxHTField0"];
else if (fi.Type == FieldType.Invalid && fieldInfosByName.ContainsKey(field.Key + "_0")) {
fi = fieldInfosByName[field.Key + "_0"];
fNode = new XElement("Field");
fNode.SetAttributeValue("Name", fi.InternalName);
switch (fi.Type) {
case FieldType.Lookup:
fNode.Value = "-1;#" + field.Value;
case FieldType.Choice:
case FieldType.Text:
fNode.Value = field.Value;
case FieldType.Note: //TermSet's
var termsetval = "";
var terms = field.Value.Split(';');
foreach (var term in terms) {
termsetval += "-1;#" + term + ";";
fNode.Value = termsetval.TrimEnd(';');
//..Unhandled type. Implement if needed.
methNode.Add(fNode); //Adds the field to the XML
else {
//Field does not exist. No use in uploading.
//Gets the listname (not sure if it is the full path or just the folder name)
var listname = new Uri(DocLib).LocalPath;
var listcol = list.GetListCollection(); //Get the lists of the site
listname = (from XmlNode x
in listcol.ChildNodes
where x.Attributes["DefaultViewUrl"].InnerText.StartsWith(listname, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
select x.Attributes["ID"].InnerText).DefaultIfEmpty(listname).First();
//Convert the XML to XmlNode and upload the data
var xmldoc = new XmlDocument();
list.UpdateListItems(listname, xmldoc.DocumentElement);
Then I call it like this:
var fields = new Dictionary<string, string>();
fields.Add("Test", "Dummy Text");
fields.Add("MrTermSet", "Page|a4ba29c1-3ed5-47e9-b43f-36bc59c0ea5c;Unit|4237dfbe-22a2-4d90-bd08-09f4a8dd0ada");
UploadTestFile(#"C:\Temp\TestFile2.doc", #"http://mysharepointserver/Documents/", fields);
I would however prefer to call it like this:
var fields = new Dictionary<string, string>();
fields.Add("Test", "Dummy Text");
fields.Add("MrTermSet", "Page;Unit");
UploadTestFile(#"C:\Temp\TestFile2.doc", #"http://mysharepointserver/Documents/", fields);

SharePoint 2010: Count ListItem Attachments using Client Object Model

Does anyone know how to read the number of attachments, and the names etc for a ListItem using the Client .Net Object model in SharePoint?
// For getting the list item field information
public void LoadPropertyInfo()
using (context = new ClientContext(siteCollectionUrl))
spWeb = context.Web;
propertiesList = spWeb.Lists.GetByTitle(listName);
FieldCollection fields = propertiesList.Fields;
SP.CamlQuery query = new SP.CamlQuery();
query.ViewXml = string.Format("<View><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name=\"{0}\" /><Value Type=\"Text\">{1}</Value></Eq></Where></Query></View>", propertyID, PropertyIDValue);
listItems = propertiesList.GetItems(query);
context.ExecuteQueryAsync(GetRequestSucceeded, RequestFailed);
// Pass the item id here for getting the attachments
private void GetAttchmentCollection(string id)
string RedirectHost = string.Empty;
string Host = string.Empty;
context = SP.ClientContext.Current;
RedirectHost = serviceUrl + "_vti_bin/Lists.asmx";
BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding();
if (System.Windows.Browser.HtmlPage.Document.DocumentUri.Scheme.StartsWith("https"))
binding.Security.Mode = BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport;
binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize = int.MaxValue;
EndpointAddress endpoint = new EndpointAddress(RedirectHost);
ServiceReference1.ListsSoapClient oClient = new ServiceReference1.ListsSoapClient(binding, endpoint);
oClient.GetAttachmentCollectionCompleted += new EventHandler<ServiceReference1.GetAttachmentCollectionCompletedEventArgs>(oClient_GetAttachmentCollectionCompleted);
oClient.GetAttachmentCollectionAsync(listName, id);
Your can try this link too.
