Magento onepage blank - .htaccess

We have a black friday sale tomorrow and our site is hosted on bluehost, and is built on Magento CMS and our checkout system is totally blank.
When you click "proceed to checkout" when in the shopping cart, ourwebsitedomain.tld/index.php/checkout/onepage/ is blank.
We recently made some speed changes to our site, and we have undone all of those, to no avail, including editing the htaccess file.
We have tried everything in the Magento forums, nothing's working.
We think it might be a server issue, but unfortunately bluehost is not open today because it's thxgiving, and we cannot backup or restore to an old version of the site because our server is "under maintenance".
We are not sure if it is something we have done, or if it is a server issue.
We send this to bluehost:
// Here are our thoughts:
Maybe it's an SSL issue since the URL is https: (oursitedomain.tld/index.php/checkout/onepage/ is the page that will not pull up, won't even redirect). The ssl certificate has not expired, but coudl there be something else wrong with it?
Maybe it is another server configuration that we need reset? can you see if there is anything else wrong with the server?
We cannot restore to an old backup of the site because the backup and restore version console in cpanel is not working, says the site is under maintenance. At the very least , we need to backup an old version of the site, and get the shopping cart working.. //
Any ideas anyone has would be huge.
Even if there is a workaround, that will be fine. We are trying to bypass onepage with paypal or google, but no luck yet. worse case scenario we will throw a page up saying the checkout is down, the sale is postponed until next week, etc, or for customers to call in.

A very common (but, alas, not the only) cause of blank pages is PHP's memory limit. Your .htaccess file should have a line like:
php_value memory_limit 128M
Try increasing this value to 512M. You can confirm what the actual setting is both before and after by creating the following PHP file in your Magento folder.
Then simply type the address of this new page (eg. "ourwebsitedomain/phpinfo.php") in your browser and look for "memory_limit".
If you want to diagnose the problem correctly then work on eliminating possibilities. Go to "https://ourwebsitedomain/" without the "checkout/onepage" bit and if something shows then you know it's not a problem with SSL.
If the admin section (not cpanel) is working then you have the option of disabling the secure "https" address temporarily. It's not as safe but not required when using paypal, also it's understandable if the alternative is missing out on the biggest shopping day of the year.

PHP pages only go blank (from fatal errors) when display_errors is turned off. Go into /index.php and scroll down near the end of the file. Uncomment the line
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
and let us know what the error you receive is, then we can go from there.


Magento 1.9.3 index.php redirect loop

I am working on an E-Commerce website project which I created in localhost. It worked fine, until I moved it online.
Since I moved it online, I've had issues accessing the admin page and the index.php. I've managed to make the admin page work and can now access the backoffice without any issues, but my index.php still shows me an "error: too many redirects1" page.
What's happening?
Main page of my website is stuck in a redirecting loop (chrome error message : this url tried to redirect you too many times)
Everytime I reload the main page, the url switches between and (might be an htaccess issue?)
What I've done to try and solve the problem:
I have checked everything in core_config_data table to make sure
the right urls are written in web/secure/base_url and
web/unsecure/base_url. They are.
I have manually cleared the var/cache and var/session from my
I have cleared all cookies / cache from Chrome / Firefox
I have reuploaded the files and database multiple times, thinking it might be due to a corrupted file from the upload.
I have tried to edit the htaccess, but it didn't change anything.
What should I do now ?
I feel like I've tried everything.
As it's my first time with magento, I'm sure it's some dumb thing I might not know about, but I've read nearly every single post about this kind of issues on this website and haven't found anything to resolve it.
So I'm asking you. I'm willing to try every single idea you throw at me, as I've been stuck on this issue for a while now ^^
Thanks for reading :)
Weird, It seems that You make everything right. Try to find and update all url settings in core_config_data: select * from core_config_data where path like '%url%'.
You can try update web/url/redirect_to_base config to 0 (if you have 1).
Remember to clear cache.

I have taken a joomla website offline, now I can't access either webmail,cpanel or administrator

I tried to take a Joomla website offline, so I made some changes in .htaccess. I tried this...
order deny,allow
deny from all
...but nothing happened at all.
Then I tried to turn the radio button (site offline) on in Joomla global settings and I put a message saying "the site is under maintenance".
Now the thing is, when users try to access the domain instead of showing my message it says the site is not available. It also happens when I try to access my webmail, cpanel, or administrator. It says "The server at can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed."
What happened?
There are some other users who need to reach their emails soon and it's a mess. I hope you can help me with this.
Revert the changes in your .htaccess file (and wait a bit), you are essentially denying anyone from accessing the website. They can't access the offline page if they can't access the website.
Note that there are some hosts that delay the loading of the .htaccess file (no idea why) and cache the old version for an hour or so, that's why you probably haven't seen any changes to your website when you made the change to your .htaccess file.

Magento multistore random redirect

We have just built a new webstore for Grayle ( in Magento 1.8.1. The webshop consists of multiple stores (including one for another company).
After switching hosting our online websites finally worked. -> redirects to (as it should). -> has it's own website.
Now the problem:
At first when we went to, we got to, then at random someone else tried and got redirected to About 10 minutes later we tried the same thing, we got back at
What is the problem here? Is it a cache problem in our Magento set-up? Or a problem at the hosts server? Maybe there's something stuck at our provider?
My colleague enabled cache cleaning in Magento. This resulted in not being redirected, but now we are not able to update/edit static blocks and the catalogue view in the back-end stopped to work.
This has been solved, the "cache cleaning" script somehow blocks all edits.
It seems you have a redirection loop. Try to use a cookie to se the redirection once.

Magento SEO URL's suddenly changed, can't reenable

I’m fairly new to the Magento platform but I have a decent amount of experience in web development on apache servers.
A few days ago I was asked to look into an issue that was first made aware of with failing filters.
I had a look at the google analytics data and it seems the SEO friendly URLs have all stopped displaying. The navigation URLs still use friendly words however on the page return the URL is redirected to a basic catalog URL.
instead now it goes to
I checked the admin config. The Web > SEO URL rewrites are set to YES
I toggled them to No saved and back to yes then saved. Tried clearing the catalog URL rewrite cache
Checked the htaccess file and it hasn’t been touched for months.
Emptied the core rewrite table and reindexed it.
So I’m outta ideas now, was hoping some of you more experienced users can have some input as to what else I can check.
I also found it strange that the URL is now ignoring postback parameters. If you look at their filters they are simply an a link to the same page with a post parameter. This gets striped and ignored now might be related?
A file restore was on the day it happened. Any files I should check it against?
Thanks for any help you can provide !
I just discovered that it was related to HTTPS. I didn't notice but seems the site keeps redirecting to HTTPS even though the filter links etc are pointing to HTTP, in the redirect the parameters are dropped. Now to figure out why its going into HTTPS

Google Change of Address of a Subdomain to a Domain

I've got a bit of a problem with Google's Change of Address function on the Google Webmaster tools. I hope that I got the right part of the Stack Exchange for this.
Basically, for six years I've been using a blogging platform (which hosts domains like, which is basically a hosted wordpress server. I've had no complaints about it, until they recently announced that they would close down on a very, very short notice.
With this, I found it a good opportunity to set up a domain of my own (let's call it for now). Setting up the domain and website went well, but when I went to Google Webmaster Tools to tell it about the change of address, this proved to be surprisingly difficult. In particular, when I tried the "Change of Address"-option on the dashboard, I get the message that this option is not available for subdomains.
What method would there be to correctly tell google that my site has changed? I cannot use 301-redirects, because 1) I do not have access to do that on blogsome, and 2) blogsome will be shutting down really soon (read: within a week; the news was on a very short notice, and I spent most of that time actually setting up the website). I've also read somewhere that you should keep your old site alive for 180 days, and again that is no option for me either.
The best option is to use a .htaccess file (plain text file)
And put this inside it and upload it to your site.
Redirect 301 /
If you cant do that you might be able to upload a new index.php with the following inside it.
header( "Status: 301 Moved Permanently" );
header( "Location:" );
If you cant do that either, then say what you can actually do on the server?
Do you have any actually access to files? Or can you edit the templates?
You should be able to move it in gwt i'm not 100% sure, I never done it with a subdomain or a blog-hosted site. So I might be wrong here.
Add your new domain with the blog to your gwt account and get it verified.
Then in GWT goto your bloghosted site then to Site Configuration > Change of address
And then select your new domain under the "Tell us the URL of your new domain" part and hit Submit
