Is MongoDb suited for my application? - node.js

I'm building an application on node.js that has users and products in a many-to-many relationship (one user has many products and the same product might belong to multiple users). Each user has also location info.
Mostly I need to do a lot of writes on the user first visit (a few writes on the following visits) and then I need to match users that, for instance, have the most number of products in common and return that same products in common. I may also want to match users by location (or sort them by matching location)
I'm using postgres right now but I think I would be better of doing mongo in the long run. Problem is that I never worked on NOSQL DB (no fears ;) )
The question is, is the following "schema" suited for the described above?
I think, because of the requirements, I'm better of this way than with embeding. Am I right? Do you think I should store the products_id in the user document?

Your data seems quite relational to me. I would not see a great advantage for MongoDB or NoSQL solutions. They work well for document-based solutions that aren't relational.
I would get some data if you're having problems with scaling or performance. Don't assume a solution until you know what the root cause is. It could be node.js - who knows? Some people don't care much for it.


MongoDb slow aggregation with many collections (lookup)

i'm working on a MEAN stack project, i use too many collections in my aggregation so i use a lot of lookup, and that impacts negatively the performance and makes the execution of aggregation very slow. i was wondering if you have any suggestions , i found that we can reduce lookup by creating for each collection i need an array of objects into a globale collection however, i'm looking for an optimale and secured solution.
As an information, i defined indexes on all collections into mongo.
Thanks for sharing your ideas!
This is a very involved question. Even if you gave all your schemas and queries, it would take too long to answer, and be very specific to your case (ie. not useful to anyone else coming along later).
Instead for a general answer, I'd advise you to read into denormalization and consider some database redesign if this query is core to your project.
Here is a good article to get you started.
Denormalization allows you to avoid some application-level joins, at the expense of having more complex and expensive updates. Denormalizing one or more fields makes sense if those fields are read much more often than they are updated.
A simple example to outline it:
Say you have a Blog with a comment collection, and a user collection
You want to display the comment with the name of the user. So you have to load the player for every comment.
Instead you could save the username on the comment collection as well as the user collection.
Then you will have a fast query to show comments, as you don't need to load the users too. But if the user changes their name, then you will have to update all of the comments with the new name. This is the main tradeoff.
If a DB redesign is too difficult, I suggest splitting into multiple aggregates and combining them in memory (ie. in your node server side code)

How to structure relationships in Azure Cosmos DB?

I have two sets of data in the same collection in cosmos, one are 'posts' and the other are 'users', they are linked by the posts users create.
Currently my structure is as follows;
// user document
id: 123,
postIds: ['id1','id2']
// post document
id: 'id1',
ownerId: 123
id: 'id2',
ownerId: 123
My main issue with this setup is the fungible nature of it, code has to enforce the link and if there's a bug data will very easily be lost with no clear way to recover it.
I'm also concerned about performance, if a user has 10,000 posts that's 10,000 lookups I'll have to do to resolve all the posts..
Is this the correct method for modelling entity relationships?
As said by David, it's a long discussion but it is a very common one so, since I have on hour or so of "free" time, I'm more than glad to try to answer it, once for all, hopefully.
First thing I notice in your post: you are looking for some level of referential integrity ( which is something that is needed when you decompose a bigger object into its constituent pieces. Also called normalization.
While this is normally done in a relational database, it is now also becoming popular in non-relational database since it helps a lot to avoid data duplication which usually creates more problem than what it solves.
But do you really need it? Since you have chosen to use JSON document database, you should leverage the fact that it's able to store the entire document and then just store the document ALONG WITH all the owner data: name, surname, or all the other data you have about the user who created the document. Yes, I’m saying that you may want to evaluate not to have post and user, but just posts, with user info inside it.This may be actually very correct, as you will be sure to get the EXACT data for the user existing at the moment of post creation. Say for example I create a post and I have biography "X". I then update my biography to "Y" and create a new post. The two post will have different author biographies and this is just right, as they have exactly captured reality.
Of course you may want to also display a biography in an author page. In this case you'll have a problem. Which one you'll use? Probably the last one.
If all authors, in order to exist in your system, MUST have blog post published, that may well be enough. But maybe you want to have an author write its biography and being listed in your system, even before he writes a blog post.
In such case you need to NORMALIZE the model and create a new document type, just for authors. If this is your case, then, you also need to figure out how to handler the situation described before. When the author will update its own biography, will you just update the author document, or create a new one? If you create a new one, so that you can keep track of all changes, will you also update all the previous post so that they will reference the new document, or not?
As you can see the answer is complex, and REALLY depends on what kind of information you want to capture from the real world.
So, first of all, figure out if you really need to keep posts and users separated.
Let’s assume that you really want to have posts and users kept in separate documents, and thus you normalize your model. In this case, keep in mind that Cosmos DB (but NoSQL in general) databases DO NOT OFFER any kind of native support to enforce referential integrity, so you are pretty much on your own. Indexes can help, of course, so you may want to index the ownerId property, so that before deleting an author, for example, you can efficiently check if there are any blog post done by him/her that will remain orphans otherwise.
Another option is to manually create and keep updated ANOTHER document that, for each author, keeps track of the blog posts he/she has written. With this approach you can just look at this document to understand which blog posts belong to an author. You can try to keep this document automatically updated using triggers, or do it in your application. Just keep in mind, that when you normalize, in a NoSQL database, keep data consistent is YOUR responsibility. This is exactly the opposite of a relational database, where your responsibility is to keep data consistent when you de-normalize it.
Performance COULD be an issue, but you don't usually model in order to support performances in first place. You model in order to make sure your model can represent and store the information you need from the real world and then you optimize it in order to have decent performance with the database you have chose to use. As different database will have different constraints, the model will then be adapted to deal with that constraints. This is nothing more and nothing less that the good old “logical” vs “physical” modeling discussion.
In Cosmos DB case, you should not have queries that go cross-partition as they are more expensive.
Unfortunately partitioning is something you chose once and for all, so you really need to have clear in your mind what are the most common use case you want to support at best. If the majority of your queries are done on per author basis, I would partition per author.
Now, while this may seems a clever choice, it will be only if you have A LOT of authors. If you have only one, for example, all data and queries will go into just one partition, limiting A LOT your performance. Remember, in fact, that Cosmos DB RU are split among all the available partitions: with 10.000 RU, for example, you usually get 5 partitions, which means that all your values will be spread across 5 partitions. Each partition will have a top limit of 2000 RU. If all your queries use just one partition, your real maximum performance is that 2000 and not 10000 RUs.
I really hope this help you to start to figure out the answer. And I really hope this help to foster and grow a discussion (how to model for a document database) that I think it is really due and mature now.

MongoDB (noSQL) when to split collections

So I'm writing an application in NodeJS & ExpressJS. It's my first time I'm using a noSQL database like MongoDB and I'm trying to figure out how to fix my data model.
At start for our project we have written down everything in relationship database terms but since we recently switched from Laravel to ExpressJS for our project I'm a bit stuck on what to do with all my different tables layouts.
So far I have figured out it's better to denormalize your scheme but it does have to end somewhere, right? In the end you can end up storing your whole data in one collection. Well, not enterily but you get the point.
1. So is there a rule or standard that defines where to cut to make multiple collections?
I'm having a relation database with users (which are both a client or a store user), stores, products, purchases, categories, subcategories ..
2. Is it bad to define a relationship in a noSQL database?
Like every product has a category but I want to relate to the category by an id (parent does the job in MongoDB) but is it a bad thing? Or is this where you choose performance vs structure?
3. Is noSQL/MongoDB ment to be used for such large databases which have much relationships (if they were made in MySQL)?
Thanks in advance
As already written, there are no rules like the second normal form for SQL.
However, there are some best practices and common pitfalls related to optimization for MongoDB which I will list here.
Overuse of embedding
The BSON limit
Contrary to popular believe, there is nothing wrong with references. Assume you have a library of books, and you want to track the rentals. You could begin with a model like this
// We use ISBN for its uniqueness
_id: "9783453031456"
title: "Schismatrix",
author: "Bruce Sterling",
rentals: [
name:"Markus Mahlberg,
While there are several problems with this model, the most important isn't obvious – there will be a limited number of rentals because of the fact that BSON documents have a size limit of 16MB.
The document migration problem
The other problem with storing rentals in an array would be that this would cause relatively frequent document migrations, which is a rather costly operation. BSON documents are never partitioned and created with some additional space allocated in advance used when they grow. This additional space is called padding. When the padding is exceeded, the document is moved to another location in the datafiles and new padding space is allocated. So frequent additions of data cause frequent document migrations.
Hence, it is best practice to prevent frequent updates increasing the size of the document and use references instead.
So for the example, we would change our single model and create a second one. First, the model for the book
_id: "9783453031456",
author: "Bruce Sterling"
The second model for the rental would look like this
_id: new ObjectId(),
book: "9783453031456",
rentee: "Markus Mahlberg",
start: ISODate("2015-05-05T03:22:00Z"),
due: ISODate("2015-05-05T12:00:00Z"),
returned: ISODate("2015-05-05T11:59:59.999Z")
The same approach of course could be used for author or rentee.
The problem with over normalization
Let's look back some time. A developer would identify the entities involved into a business case, define their properties and relations, write the according entity classes, bang his head against the wall for a few hours to get the triple inner-outer-above-and-beyond JOIN working required for the use case and all lived happily ever after. So why use NoSQL in general and MongoDB in particular? Because nobody lived happily ever after. This approach scales horribly and almost exclusively the only way to scale is vertical.
But the main difference of NoSQL is that you model your data according to the questions you need to get answered.
That being said, let's look at a typical n:m relation and take the relation from authors to books as our example. In SQL, you'd have 3 tables: two for your entities (books and authors) and one for the relation (Who is the author of which book?). Of course, you could take those tables and create their equivalent collections. But, since there are no JOINs in MongoDB, you'd need three queries (one for the first entity, one for its relations and one for the related entities) to find the related documents of an entity. This wouldn't make sense, since the three table approach for n:m relations was specifically invented to overcome the strict schemas SQL databases enforce.
Since MongoDB has a flexible schema, the first question would be where to store the relation, keeping the problems arising from overuse of embedding in mind. Since an author might write quite a few books in the years coming, but the authorship of a book rarely, if at all, changes, the answer is simple: We store the authors as a reference to the authors in the books data
_id: "9783453526723",
title: "The Difference Engine",
authors: ["idOfBruceSterling","idOfWilliamGibson"]
And now we can find the authors of that book by doing two queries:
var book = db.books.findOne({title:"The Difference Engine"})
var authors = db.authors.find({_id: {$in: book.authors})
I hope the above helps you to decide when to actually "split" your collections and to get around the most common pitfalls.
As to your questions, here are my answers
As written before: No, but keeping the technical limitations in mind should give you an idea when it could make sense.
It is not bad – as long as it fits your use case(s). If you have a given category and its _id, it is easy to find the related products. When loading the product, you can easily get the categories it belongs to, even efficiently so, as _id is indexed by default.
I have yet to find a use case which can't be done with MongoDB, though some things can get a bit more complicated with MongoDB. What you should do imho is to take the sum of your functional and non functional requirements and check wether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. My rule of thumb: if one of "scalability" or "high availability/automatic failover" is on your list of requirements, MongoDB is worth more than a look.
The very "first" thing to consider when choosing an "NoSQL" solution for storage over an "Relational" solution is that things "do not work in the same way" and therefore respond differently by design.
More specifically, solutions such as MongoDB are "not meant" to "emulate" the "relational join" structure that is present in many SQL and therefore "relational" backends, and that they are moreover intended to look at data "joins" in a very different way.
This arrives at your "questions" as follows:
There really is no set "rule", and understand that the "rules" of denormalization do not apply here for the basic reason of why NoSQL solutions exist. And that is to offer something "different" that may work well for your situation.
Is it bad? Is it Good? Both are subjective. Considering point "1" here, there is the basic consideration that "non-relational" or "NoSQL" databases are designed to do things "differently" than a relational system is. So therefore there is usually a "penalty" to "emulating joins" in a relational manner. Specifically for MongoDB this means "additional requests". But that does not mean you "cannot" or "should not" do that. Rather it is all about how your usage pattern works for your application.
Re-capping on the basic points made above, NoSQL in general is designed to solve problems that do not suit the traditional SQL and/or "relational" design pattern, and therefore replace them with something else. The "ultimate goal" here is for you to "rethink your data access patterns" and evolve your application to use a storage model that is more suited to how you access it in your application usage.
In short, there are no strict rules, and that is also part of the point in moving away from "nth-normal-form" rules. NoSQL solutions such as MongoDB allow for "nested structure" storage that typical SQL/Relational solutions do not provide in an efficient form.
Another side of this is considering that operations such as "joins" do not "scale" well over "big data" forms, therefore there exists the different way to "join" by offering concepts such as "embedded data structures", such as MongoDB does.
You would do well to real some guides on the subjects of how many NoSQL solutions approach storing and accessing data. This is ultimately what you need to decide on to determine which is best for you and your application.
At the end of the day, it should be about realising when a SQL/Relational model does not meet your needs, and then choosing something else.

Storing information in a forum like web site

Suppose that we have a web site where each person has a profile and other people write comments to the persons profile. (like the wall in facebook). What is the best way to store the comments made for a person ? I was thinking like a relational database type of thing where there will be a field to hold all the comments for a person in the form of a long string separated with some kind of delimiter but I am not sure if this is the best way. Any ideas ?
You'll have two separate tables one for Users one for Comments, all the entries having their unique IDs, schema would go like:
Users (ID, name, mail, etc)
Comments (ID, for, from, time, content, etc)
Where for and from fields are User IDs.
postgresql, mysql, sqlite or even leveldb if you want simple key value store. There's a lot of tutorials out there to get started with any of them.
The problem with Relational databases is that they do not scale well to super massive social networking sites. When your table starts to get huge the queries will start to take more and more time. If your site is going to be pretty small then a relational database is fine. I think that you may want to investigate "NoSql" databases.
Start here:

Understanding Kohana ORM Relationships

I know this question has been asked a million times, but I can't seem to find one that really gives me a good understanding of how relationships work in Kohana's ORM Module.
I have a database with 5 tables:
Right now, favorites,ratings, and votes have a Primary Key that consists of every column in the table, so as to prevent a user favoriting the same submission_id multiple times, a user voting on the same submission_id multiple times etc. I also believe these fields are set up using foreign keys that reference approved_submissions and users so as to prevent invalid data existing in the respective fields.
Using the DB module, I can access and update these tables no problem. I really feel as though ORM may offer a more powerful and accessible way to accomplish the same things using less code.
Can you demonstrate how I might update a user voting on a submission_id? A user removing a favorite submission_id? A user changing their rating on a particular submission_id?
Also, do I need to make changes to my database structure or is it okay the way it is?
You're probably looking for has_many_through relationships.
So to add a new submission, you'd do something like
$user->add('submissions', $submission);
and to remove
$user->remove('submissions', $submission);
You may want to consider restructuring your database table and key names so you don't end up doing a lot of configuration.
