Char using Scanner - java.util.scanner

I'm new to Java. I want to be able to input operational characters in a Scanner.
My code should produce the following,
Enter two numbers: 13 6
What operation? *
What is 13 * 6? 78
I'm using a Switch-statement to store the operations available for the user.
Those are: +, -, * and /.
I recieve a run time error everytime I write an operation after the output.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Användardialog4 {
public static void main(String[]args){
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
int svar;
String op;
char operator;
System.out.println("Enter two numbers: ");
int tal = sc.nextInt();
int tal2 = sc.nextInt();
op = sc.nextLine();
operator = op.charAt(0);
case '+':
System.out.println("What is "+tal+" + "+tal2);
svar = sc.nextInt();
if (svar == tal+tal2)
System.out.println("Wrong - The right answer is: "+tal+tal2);
case '*':
System.out.println("What is "+tal+" * "+tal2);
svar = sc.nextInt();
if (svar ==tal*tal2)
System.out.println("Wrong - The right answer is: "+tal*tal2);
case '-':
System.out.println("What is "+tal+" - "+tal2);
svar = sc.nextInt();
if (svar == tal-tal2)
System.out.println("Wrong - The right answer is: "+(tal-tal2));
case '/':
System.out.println("What is "+tal+" / "+tal2);
svar = sc.nextInt();
if (svar == tal/tal2)
System.out.println("Wrong - The right answer is: "+tal/tal2);
The run time error I get is:
Exception in thread "main" java.util.InputMismatchException at
java.util.Scanner.throwFor(Unknown Source) at Source) at
java.util.Scanner.nextInt(Unknown Source) at
java.util.Scanner.nextInt(Unknown Source) at
So my question is, how do I use characters in a Scanner class?
Isn't there a nextChar(); or something alike in Java?

Change op = sc.nextLine(); to op =;
public String next(); finds and returns the next complete token from this scanner. Since your operation is only one token/character, this is the way to go.
public String nextLine(); advances this scanner past the current line and returns the input that was skipped. Since you don't have endline-character in your stream, this fails.

int ans;
case '+':
ans = tal + tal2;
case '*':
ans = tal * tal2;
case '-':
ans = tal - tal2;
case '/':
ans = tal / tal2;
System.out.println("What is "+tal+operator+tal2+"?");
svar = sc.nextInt();
if (svar == ans)
System.out.println("Wrong - The right answer is: "+ans);
A small change for code quality improvement. Removed redundant code.


In C gets function is not working in iteration

At first do while iteration in my code, the gets() function works fine, but from the next iteration it skips the gets() function and moves on to the following statement.
So please anyone sort out the problem with a solution. The problem part will be highlighted in bold. The code is as follows:
void main()
char string[150], cont[5];
int total = 0, alpha = 0, digit = 0, spl_char = 0, upp = 0, low = 0;
int i, vowels = 0,consonants = 0;
int choice;
printf("\t\t\t\tSTRING OPERATIONS\n");
printf("\t\t\t\t~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~\n");
printf("\nEnter the String: ");
***gets(string);*** // the problem part
printf("\nEnter your choice: ");
scanf("%d", &choice);
switch (choice)
case 1:
case 2:
printf("\nSorry! The Entered Choice is Not Available. Try Again!");
printf("\nDo you want to Continue (yes/no): ");
scanf("%s", cont);
if (stricmp(cont, "yes") == 0 || stricmp(cont, "no") == 0)
printf("\nError!!! Please type only yes or no.\n");
} while(stricmp(cont, "yes") != 0 || stricmp(cont, "no") != 0);
} while(stricmp(cont, "yes") == 0);
The first iteration it asks & waits for the input:
for eg:
Enter the String: bat
and the process continues....
And in second iteration it just asks and skips to following statement:
for eg:
Enter the String:
Enter your choice:

how do i make code check inputs before accepting all kinds of strings

I am trying to get a valid word from a set of scrabbled letters but all inputs (invalid ones,numbers included) are accepted by my code and checked against a list of words directly. How can i check the inputs against the displayed scrabbled letters so that only words containing letters from the scrabbled ones are accepted before checking the record?
import comp102x.IO; //a library from an edx course(COMP 102x)
import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import java.util.Random;
public class FormWords {
public void searchWord() throws IOException
Random random = new Random();
String [] randAlphs = {"o","b","e","k","a","i","c","d","f","g","h","k","u"};
int r = random.nextInt(randAlphs.length);
int a = random.nextInt(randAlphs.length);
int n = random.nextInt(randAlphs.length);
int d = random.nextInt(randAlphs.length);
int o = random.nextInt(randAlphs.length);
int m = random.nextInt(randAlphs.length);
int w = random.nextInt(randAlphs.length);
int i = random.nextInt(randAlphs.length);
int s = random.nextInt(randAlphs.length);
//prompt's user for input
String answer = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("form words with the following: " + randAlphs[r]+ randAlphs[a]+ randAlphs[n]+ randAlphs[d]+ randAlphs[o]+ randAlphs[m]+ randAlphs[w]+ randAlphs[s]);
/*searches the record to check if input exists
boolean exist = searchFromRecord("record.txt", answer);
if (exist)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Congratulation!The word \"" + answer + "\" is a valid English word.");
// System.out.println("Sorry b ut the word \"" + answer + "\" is not a valid English word.");
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Sorry but the word \"" + answer + "\" is not a valid English word.");
* Searches the record and returns if a specified word is in the record.
* #param recordName The name of the record text file.
* #param word The word to be searched.
* #return true if the word presents in the record, false otherwise.
private boolean searchFromRecord(String recordName, String word) throws IOException
// Please write your code after this line
File inputFile = new File("record.txt");
Scanner input = new Scanner(inputFile);
return true;
return false;
Before your "prompt's user for input" code. You can use and HashSet in java and add all the letter into de HashSet. Code snippet like this:
Set<String> scrabbledLettersSet = new HashSet<String>();
Then before you do searchFromRecord method, you can use the set to check whether you input is valid or not. Code snippet is like this:
bool containsScrabbledLetters = false;
for(int i = 0 ; i < answer.length() ; ++ i) {
if (scrabbledLettersSet.contains(answer.substring(i, i + 1))) {
containsScrabbledLetters = true;
boolean exist = false;
if (containsScrabbledLetters)
exist = searchFromRecord("record.txt", answer);
The above code means that if at least one letter in input string is the scrabbled letter, the input is OK, If you means all letters int the input string must exist in the scrabbled letters, you can use the following code:
bool containsScrabbledLetters = true;
for(int i = 0 ; i < answer.length() ; ++ i) {
if (!scrabbledLettersSet.contains(answer.substring(i, i + 1))) {
containsScrabbledLetters = false;
boolean exist = false;
if (containsScrabbledLetters)
exist = searchFromRecord("record.txt", answer);

Check if a string is rotation of another WITHOUT concatenating

There are 2 strings , how can we check if one is a rotated version of another ?
For Example : hello --- lohel
One simple solution is by concatenating first string with itself and checking if the other one is a substring of the concatenated version.
Is there any other solution to it ?
I was wondering if we could use circular linked list maybe ? But I am not able to arrive at the solution.
One simple solution is by concatenating them and checking if the other one is a substring of the concatenated version.
I assume you mean concatenate the first string with itself, then check if the other one is a substring of that concatenation.
That will work, and in fact can be done without any concatenation at all. Just use any string searching algorithm to search for the second string in the first, and when you reach the end, loop back to the beginning.
For instance, using Boyer-Moore the overall algorithm would be O(n).
There's no need to concatenate at all.
First, check the lengths. If they're different then return false.
Second, use an index that increments from the first character to the last of the source. Check if the destination starts with all the letters from the index to the end, and ends with all the letters before the index. If at any time this is true, return true.
Otherwise, return false.
An implementation in Python:
def isrot(src, dest):
# Make sure they have the same size
if len(src) != len(dest):
return False
# Rotate through the letters in src
for ix in range(len(src)):
# Compare the end of src with the beginning of dest
# and the beginning of src with the end of dest
if dest.startswith(src[ix:]) and dest.endswith(src[:ix]):
return True
return False
print isrot('hello', 'lohel')
print isrot('hello', 'lohell')
print isrot('hello', 'hello')
print isrot('hello', 'lohe')
You could compute the lexicographically minimal string rotation of each string and then test if they were equal.
Computing the minimal rotation is O(n).
This would be good if you had lots of strings to test as the minimal rotation could be applied as a preprocessing step and then you could use a standard hash table to store the rotated strings.
Trivial O(min(n,m)^2) algorithm: (n - length of S1, m - length of S2)
isRotated(S1 , S2):
if (S1.length != S2.length)
return false
for i : 0 to n-1
res = true
index = i
for j : 0 to n-1
if S1[j] != S2[index]
res = false
index = (index+1)%n
if res == true
return true
return false
Explanation -
Two strings S1 and S2 of lengths m and n respectively are cyclic identical if and only if m == n and exist index 0 <= j <= n-1 such S1 = S[j]S[j+1]...S[n-1]S[0]...S[j-1].
So in the above algorithm we check if the length is equal and if exist such an index.
A very straightforward solution is to rotate one of the words n times, where n is the length of the word. For each of those rotations, check to see if the result is the same as the other word.
You can do it in O(n) time and O(1) space:
def is_rot(u, v):
n, i, j = len(u), 0, 0
if n != len(v):
return False
while i < n and j < n:
k = 1
while k <= n and u[(i + k) % n] == v[(j + k) % n]:
k += 1
if k > n:
return True
if u[(i + k) % n] > v[(j + k) % n]:
i += k
j += k
return False
See my answer here for more details.
Simple solution in Java. No need of iteration or concatenation.
private static boolean isSubString(String first, String second){
int firstIndex = second.indexOf(first.charAt(0));
if(first.length() == second.length() && firstIndex > -1){
return true;
int finalPos = second.length() - firstIndex ;
return second.charAt(0) == first.charAt(finalPos)
&& first.substring(finalPos).equals(second.subSequence(0, firstIndex));
return false;
Test case:
String first = "bottle";
String second = "tlebot";
Take the first string's first character, find the index in the second string. Subtract the length of the second with the index found, check if first character of the second at 0 is same as character at the difference of length of the second and index found and substrings between those 2 characters are the same.
Another python implementation (without concatenation) although not efficient but it's O(n), looking forward for comments if any.
Assume that there are two strings s1 and s2.
Obviously, if s1 and s2 are rotations, there exists two sub strings of s2 in s1, the sum of them will total to the length of the string.
The question is to find that partition for which I increment an index in s2 whenever a char of s2 matches with that of s1.
def is_rotation(s1, s2):
if len(s1) != len(s2):
return False
n = len(s1)
if n == 0: return True
j = 0
for i in range(n):
if s2[j] == s1[i]:
j += 1
return (j > 0 and s1[:n - j] == s2[j:] and s1[n - j:] == s2[:j])
The second and condition is just to ensure that the counter incremented for s2 are a sub string match.
input1= "hello" input2="llohe" input3="lohel"(input3 is special case)
if length's of input 1 & input2 are not same return 0.Let i and j be two indexes pointing to input1 and input2 respectively and initialize count to input1.length. Have a flag called isRotated which is set to false
while(count != 0){
When the character's of input1 matches input2
increment i & j
decrement count
If the character's donot match
if isRotated = true(it means even after rotation there's mismatch) so break;
else Reset j to 0 as there's a mismatch. Eg:
Please find the code below and let me know if it fails for some other combination I may not have considered.
public boolean isRotation(String input1, String input2) {
boolean isRotated = false;
int i = 0, j = 0, count = input1.length();
if (input1.length() != input2.length())
return false;
while (count != 0) {
if (i == input1.length() && !isRotated) {
isRotated = true;
i = 0;
if (input1.charAt(i) == input2.charAt(j)) {
else {
if (isRotated) {
if (i == input1.length() - 1 && !isRotated) {
isRotated = true;
if (i < input1.length()) {
j = 0;
count = input1.length();
/* To handle the duplicates. This is the special case.
* This occurs when input1 contains two duplicate elements placed side-by-side as "ll" in "hello" while
* they may not be side-by-side in input2 such as "lohel" but are still valid rotations.
Eg: "hello" "lohel"
if (input1.charAt(i) == input2.charAt(j)) {
if (count == 0)
return true;
return false;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
System.out.println(new StringRotation().isRotation("harry potter",
"terharry pot"));
System.out.println(new StringRotation().isRotation("hello", "llohe"));
System.out.println(new StringRotation().isRotation("hello", "lohell"));
System.out.println(new StringRotation().isRotation("hello", "hello"));
System.out.println(new StringRotation().isRotation("hello", "lohe"));
Solving the problem in O(n)
void isSubstring(string& s1, string& s2)
if(s1.length() != s2.length())
cout<<"Not rotation string"<<endl;
int firstI=0, secondI=0;
int len = s1.length();
while( firstI < len )
if(s1[firstI%len] == s2[0] && s1[(firstI+1) %len] == s2[1])
firstI = (firstI+1)%len;
int len2 = s2.length();
int i=0;
bool isSubString = true;
while(i < len2)
if(s1[firstI%len] != s2[i])
isSubString = false;
cout<<"Is Rotation String"<<endl;
cout<<"Is not a rotation string"<<endl;
String source = "avaraavar";
String dest = "ravaraava";
try {
throw (new IOException());
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int totalcount=0;
System.out.println("i="+i+" , j = "+j);
System.out.println("i="+i+" , j = "+j);
System.out.println("Yes its a rotation");
if(totalcount >(2*source.length())-1)
System.out.println("No its a rotation");

Print alternating characters from two strings (interleaving) using recursion Java [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm trying to write a method that uses recursion to print the string formed by "interleaving" the strings str1 and str2. In other words, it should alternate characters from the two strings: the first character from str1, followed by the first character from str2, followed by the second character from str1, followed by the second character from str2, etc.
How would I go about this?
The general idea of recursion is to have a terminating position that returns a constant value of some sort and then every other case is built on top of that.
For example, the factorial function, f(n) = n * (n-1) * (n-2) * ... * 2 * 1 has the following terminating condition and dependent functions:
f(1) = 1
f(n) = n * f(n-1) for all n > 1
so could be implemented as:
def factorial(n):
if n == 1:
return 1;
return n * factorial(n-1)
In your particular case, the terminating condition is when either string is empty, at which point you just tack the other string onto the end. The dependent function is simply to grab the first character from the first string then call the next level down passing the rest of that string and the other string, but in reverse order so that you alternate.
def mix (s1, s2):
if s1 == "" return s2
if s2 == "" return s1
return s1.firstChar() + mix (s2, s1.allButFirstChar());
In Java, this would translate to the following. Be warned that, if this is homework and you use this, you will almost certainly fail since you would be foolish to think your educators are not monitoring these sites.
public class Demo {
public static String Mix (String s1, String s2) {
if (s1.length() == 0) return s2;
if (s2.length() == 0) return s1;
return s1.substring(0,1) + Mix (s2, s1.substring(1));
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println (Mix ("Hello", "There"));
System.out.println (Mix ("Hi", "There"));
System.out.println (Mix ("Hello again", "Pax"));
System.out.println (Mix ("", ""));
System.out.println (Mix ("1111", ""));
System.out.println (Mix ("111", "2"));
System.out.println (Mix ("111", "22"));
System.out.println (Mix ("111", "222"));
System.out.println (Mix ("111", "2222"));
System.out.println (Mix ("11", "2222"));
System.out.println (Mix ("1", "2222"));
System.out.println (Mix ("", "2222"));
HPealxlo again
This should work:
public String Interleave( String first, String second )
if ( first.length() == 0 )
return second;
if ( second.length() == 0 )
return first;
return first.substring(0,1) + second.substring(0,1) +
Interleave( first.substring(1), second.substring(1) );
This is the codingBat/String-2/mixString problem, except you want a recursive solution.
My solution is essentially the same as Kieveli's:
public String mixString(String a, String b) {
a.isEmpty() ? b :
b.isEmpty() ? a :
a.substring(0, 1) + b.substring(0, 1)
+ mixString(a.substring(1), b.substring(1));
String s1="12345";
String s2="67890";
char ch1[] = s1.toCharArray();
char ch2 [] = s2.toCharArray();
char[] ch3 = new char[10];
// System.out.println("ch1"+ch1);

How to check if the given string is palindrome? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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A palindrome is a word, phrase, number or other sequence of units that has the property of reading the same in either direction
How to check if the given string is a palindrome?
This was one of the FAIQ [Frequently Asked Interview Question] a while ago but that mostly using C.
Looking for solutions in any and all languages possible.
PHP sample:
$string = "A man, a plan, a canal, Panama";
function is_palindrome($string)
$a = strtolower(preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/","",$string));
return $a==strrev($a);
Removes any non-alphanumeric characters (spaces, commas, exclamation points, etc.) to allow for full sentences as above, as well as simple words.
Windows XP (might also work on 2000) or later BATCH script:
#echo off
call :is_palindrome %1
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
echo %1 is a palindrome
) else (
echo %1 is NOT a palindrome
exit /B 0
set word=%~1
set reverse=
call :reverse_chars "%word%"
set return=1
if "$%word%" == "$%reverse%" (
set return=0
exit /B %return%
set chars=%~1
set reverse=%chars:~0,1%%reverse%
set chars=%chars:~1%
if "$%chars%" == "$" (
exit /B 0
) else (
call :reverse_chars "%chars%"
exit /B 0
Language agnostic meta-code then...
rev = StringReverse(originalString)
return ( rev == originalString );
C# in-place algorithm. Any preprocessing, like case insensitivity or stripping of whitespace and punctuation should be done before passing to this function.
boolean IsPalindrome(string s) {
for (int i = 0; i < s.Length / 2; i++)
if (s[i] != s[s.Length - 1 - i]) return false;
return true;
Edit: removed unnecessary "+1" in loop condition and spent the saved comparison on removing the redundant Length comparison. Thanks to the commenters!
var str = "a b a";
var test = Enumerable.SequenceEqual(str.ToCharArray(),
A more Ruby-style rewrite of Hal's Ruby version:
class String
def palindrome?
(test = gsub(/[^A-Za-z]/, '').downcase) == test.reverse
Now you can call palindrome? on any string.
Unoptimized Python:
>>> def is_palindrome(s):
... return s == s[::-1]
Java solution:
public class QuickTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
check("Hello World".toLowerCase());
public static void check(String aString) {
System.out.print(aString + ": ");
char[] chars = aString.toCharArray();
for (int i = 0, j = (chars.length - 1); i < (chars.length / 2); i++, j--) {
if (chars[i] != chars[j]) {
System.out.println("Not a palindrome!");
System.out.println("Found a palindrome!");
Using a good data structure usually helps impress the professor:
Push half the chars onto a stack (Length / 2).
Pop and compare each char until the first unmatch.
If the stack has zero elements: palindrome.
*in the case of a string with an odd Length, throw out the middle char.
C in the house. (not sure if you didn't want a C example here)
bool IsPalindrome(char *s)
int i,d;
int length = strlen(s);
char cf, cb;
for(i=0, d=length-1 ; i < length && d >= 0 ; i++ , d--)
while(cf= toupper(s[i]), (cf < 'A' || cf >'Z') && i < length-1)i++;
while(cb= toupper(s[d]), (cb < 'A' || cb >'Z') && d > 0 )d--;
if(cf != cb && cf >= 'A' && cf <= 'Z' && cb >= 'A' && cb <='Z')
return false;
return true;
That will return true for "racecar", "Racecar", "race car", "racecar ", and "RaCe cAr". It would be easy to modify to include symbols or spaces as well, but I figure it's more useful to only count letters(and ignore case). This works for all palindromes I've found in the answers here, and I've been unable to trick it into false negatives/positives.
Also, if you don't like bool in a "C" program, it could obviously return int, with return 1 and return 0 for true and false respectively.
Here's a python way. Note: this isn't really that "pythonic" but it demonstrates the algorithm.
def IsPalindromeString(n):
myLen = len(n)
i = 0
while i <= myLen/2:
if n[i] != n[myLen-1-i]:
return False
i += 1
return True
function IsPalindrome(const s: string): boolean;
i, j: integer;
Result := false;
j := Length(s);
for i := 1 to Length(s) div 2 do begin
if s[i] <> s[j] then
Result := true;
I'm seeing a lot of incorrect answers here. Any correct solution needs to ignore whitespace and punctuation (and any non-alphabetic characters actually) and needs to be case insensitive.
A few good example test cases are:
"A man, a plan, a canal, Panama."
"A Toyota's a Toyota."
As well as some non-palindromes.
Example solution in C# (note: empty and null strings are considered palindromes in this design, if this is not desired it's easy to change):
public static bool IsPalindrome(string palindromeCandidate)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(palindromeCandidate))
return true;
Regex nonAlphaChars = new Regex("[^a-z0-9]");
string alphaOnlyCandidate = nonAlphaChars.Replace(palindromeCandidate.ToLower(), "");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(alphaOnlyCandidate))
return true;
int leftIndex = 0;
int rightIndex = alphaOnlyCandidate.Length - 1;
while (rightIndex > leftIndex)
if (alphaOnlyCandidate[leftIndex] != alphaOnlyCandidate[rightIndex])
return false;
return true;
EDIT: from the comments:
bool palindrome(std::string const& s)
return std::equal(s.begin(), s.end(), s.rbegin());
The c++ way.
My naive implementation using the elegant iterators. In reality, you would probably check
and stop once your forward iterator has past the halfway mark to your string.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
bool palindrome(string foo)
string::iterator front;
string::reverse_iterator back;
bool is_palindrome = true;
for(front = foo.begin(), back = foo.rbegin();
is_palindrome && front!= foo.end() && back != foo.rend();
++front, ++back
if(*front != *back)
is_palindrome = false;
return is_palindrome;
int main()
string a = "hi there", b = "laval";
cout << "String a: \"" << a << "\" is " << ((palindrome(a))? "" : "not ") << "a palindrome." <<endl;
cout << "String b: \"" << b << "\" is " << ((palindrome(b))? "" : "not ") << "a palindrome." <<endl;
boolean isPalindrome(String str1) {
//first strip out punctuation and spaces
String stripped = str1.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "");
return stripped.equalsIgnoreCase((new StringBuilder(stripped)).reverse().toString());
Java version
Here's my solution, without using a strrev. Written in C#, but it will work in any language that has a string length function.
private static bool Pal(string s) {
for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) {
if (s[i] != s[s.Length - 1 - i]) {
return false;
return true;
Here's my solution in c#
static bool isPalindrome(string s)
string allowedChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"+
string compareString = String.Empty;
string rev = string.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i <= s.Length - 1; i++)
char c = s[i];
if (allowedChars.IndexOf(c) > -1)
compareString += c;
for (int i = compareString.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
char c = compareString[i];
rev += c;
return rev.Equals(compareString,
Here's a Python version that deals with different cases, punctuation and whitespace.
import string
def is_palindrome(palindrome):
letters = palindrome.translate(string.maketrans("",""),
string.whitespace + string.punctuation).lower()
return letters == letters[::-1]
Edit: Shamelessly stole from Blair Conrad's neater answer to remove the slightly clumsy list processing from my previous version.
std::string a = "god";
std::string b = "lol";
std::cout << (std::string(a.rbegin(), a.rend()) == a) << " "
<< (std::string(b.rbegin(), b.rend()) == b);
function ispalin { [ "$( echo -n $1 | tac -rs . )" = "$1" ]; }
echo "$(ispalin god && echo yes || echo no), $(ispalin lol && echo yes || echo no)"
Gnu Awk
/* obvious solution */
function ispalin(cand, i) {
for(i=0; i<length(cand)/2; i++)
if(substr(cand, length(cand)-i, 1) != substr(cand, i+1, 1))
return 0;
return 1;
/* not so obvious solution. cough cough */
orig = $0;
while($0) {
stuff = stuff gensub(/^.*(.)$/, "\\1", 1);
$0 = gensub(/^(.*).$/, "\\1", 1);
print (stuff == orig);
Some brain dead way doing it in Haskell
ispalin :: [Char] -> Bool
ispalin a = a == (let xi (y:my) = (xi my) ++ [y]; xi [] = [] in \x -> xi x) a
Plain English
"Just reverse the string and if it is the same as before, it's a palindrome"
class String
def is_palindrome?
letters_only = gsub(/\W/,'').downcase
letters_only == letters_only.reverse
puts 'abc'.is_palindrome? # => false
puts 'aba'.is_palindrome? # => true
puts "Madam, I'm Adam.".is_palindrome? # => true
An obfuscated C version:
int IsPalindrome (char *s)
return s!=0;
This Java code should work inside a boolean method:
Note: You only need to check the first half of the characters with the back half, otherwise you are overlapping and doubling the amount of checks that need to be made.
private static boolean doPal(String test) {
for(int i = 0; i < test.length() / 2; i++) {
if(test.charAt(i) != test.charAt(test.length() - 1 - i)) {
return false;
return true;
Another C++ one. Optimized for speed and size.
bool is_palindrome(const std::string& candidate) {
for(std::string::const_iterator left = candidate.begin(), right = candidate.end(); left < --right ; ++left)
if (*left != *right)
return false;
return true;
(defun palindrome(x) (string= x (reverse x)))
Three versions in Smalltalk, from dumbest to correct.
In Smalltalk, = is the comparison operator:
isPalindrome: aString
^ aString reverse = aString
The message #translateToLowercase returns the string as lowercase:
isPalindrome: aString
"Case insensitive"
lowercase := aString translateToLowercase.
^ lowercase reverse = lowercase
And in Smalltalk, strings are part of the Collection framework, you can use the message #select:thenCollect:, so here's the last version:
isPalindrome: aString
"Case insensitive and keeping only alphabetic chars
(blanks & punctuation insensitive)."
lowercaseLetters := aString
select: [:char | char isAlphabetic]
thenCollect: [:char | char asLowercase].
^ lowercaseLetters reverse = lowercaseLetters
Note that in the above C++ solutions, there was some problems.
One solution was inefficient because it passed an std::string by copy, and because it iterated over all the chars, instead of comparing only half the chars. Then, even when discovering the string was not a palindrome, it continued the loop, waiting its end before reporting "false".
The other was better, with a very small function, whose problem was that it was not able to test anything else than std::string. In C++, it is easy to extend an algorithm to a whole bunch of similar objects. By templating its std::string into "T", it would have worked on both std::string, std::wstring, std::vector and std::deque. But without major modification because of the use of the operator <, the std::list was out of its scope.
My own solutions try to show that a C++ solution won't stop at working on the exact current type, but will strive to work an anything that behaves the same way, no matter the type. For example, I could apply my palindrome tests on std::string, on vector of int or on list of "Anything" as long as Anything was comparable through its operator = (build in types, as well as classes).
Note that the template can even be extended with an optional type that can be used to compare the data. For example, if you want to compare in a case insensitive way, or even compare similar characters (like è, é, ë, ê and e).
Like king Leonidas would have said: "Templates ? This is C++ !!!"
So, in C++, there are at least 3 major ways to do it, each one leading to the other:
Solution A: In a c-like way
The problem is that until C++0X, we can't consider the std::string array of chars as contiguous, so we must "cheat" and retrieve the c_str() property. As we are using it in a read-only fashion, it should be ok...
bool isPalindromeA(const std::string & p_strText)
if(p_strText.length() < 2) return true ;
const char * pStart = p_strText.c_str() ;
const char * pEnd = pStart + p_strText.length() - 1 ;
for(; pStart < pEnd; ++pStart, --pEnd)
if(*pStart != *pEnd)
return false ;
return true ;
Solution B: A more "C++" version
Now, we'll try to apply the same solution, but to any C++ container with random access to its items through operator []. For example, any std::basic_string, std::vector, std::deque, etc. Operator [] is constant access for those containers, so we won't lose undue speed.
template <typename T>
bool isPalindromeB(const T & p_aText)
if(p_aText.empty()) return true ;
typename T::size_type iStart = 0 ;
typename T::size_type iEnd = p_aText.size() - 1 ;
for(; iStart < iEnd; ++iStart, --iEnd)
if(p_aText[iStart] != p_aText[iEnd])
return false ;
return true ;
Solution C: Template powah !
It will work with almost any unordered STL-like container with bidirectional iterators
For example, any std::basic_string, std::vector, std::deque, std::list, etc.
So, this function can be applied on all STL-like containers with the following conditions:
1 - T is a container with bidirectional iterator
2 - T's iterator points to a comparable type (through operator =)
template <typename T>
bool isPalindromeC(const T & p_aText)
if(p_aText.empty()) return true ;
typename T::const_iterator pStart = p_aText.begin() ;
typename T::const_iterator pEnd = p_aText.end() ;
--pEnd ;
if(*pStart != *pEnd)
return false ;
if((pStart == pEnd) || (++pStart == pEnd))
return true ;
--pEnd ;
A simple Java solution:
public boolean isPalindrome(String testString) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(testString);
String reverseString = sb.reverse().toString();
if(testString.equalsIgnoreCase(reverseString)) {
return true;
else {
return false;
Many ways to do it. I guess the key is to do it in the most efficient way possible (without looping the string). I would do it as a char array which can be reversed easily (using C#).
string mystring = "abracadabra";
char[] str = mystring.ToCharArray();
string revstring = new string(str);
if (mystring.equals(revstring))
Console.WriteLine("String is a Palindrome");
In Ruby, converting to lowercase and stripping everything not alphabetic:
def isPalindrome( string )
( test = string.downcase.gsub( /[^a-z]/, '' ) ) == test.reverse
But that feels like cheating, right? No pointers or anything! So here's a C version too, but without the lowercase and character stripping goodness:
#include <stdio.h>
int isPalindrome( char * string )
char * i = string;
char * p = string;
while ( *++i ); while ( i > p && *p++ == *--i );
return i <= p && *i++ == *--p;
int main( int argc, char **argv )
if ( argc != 2 )
fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s <word>\n", argv[0] );
return -1;
fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", isPalindrome( argv[1] ) ? "yes" : "no" );
return 0;
Well, that was fun - do I get the job ;^)
Using Java, using Apache Commons String Utils:
public boolean isPalindrome(String phrase) {
phrase = phrase.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-z]", "");
return StringUtils.reverse(phrase).equals(phrase);
