Linux File IO - Multithreading performance - writing to different files - multithreading

I'm currently working on an audio recording application, that fetches up to 8 audio streams from the network and saves the data to the disk (simplified ;) ).
Right now, each stream gets handled by one thread -> the same thread also does the saving work on the disk.
That means I got 8 different threads that perform writes on the same disk, each one into a different file.
Do you think there would be an increase in the disk i/o performance if all the writing work would be done by one common thread (that would sequently write the data into the particular files)?
OS is an embedded Linux, the "disk" is a CF card, the application is written in C.
Thanks for your ideas

The short answer: Given that you are writing to a Flash disk, I wouldn't expect the number of threads to make much difference one way or another. But if it did make a difference, I would expect multiple threads to be faster than a single thread, not slower.
The longer answer:
I wrote a similar program to the one you describe about 6 years ago -- it ran on an embedded PowerPC Linux card and read/wrote multiple simultaneous audio files to/from a SCSI hard drive. I originally wrote it with a single thread doing I/O, because I thought that would give the best throughput, but it turned out that that was not the case.
In particular, when multiple threads were reading/writing at once, the SCSI layer was aware of all the pending requests from all the different threads, and was able to reorder the I/O requests such that seeking of the drive head was minimized. In the single-thread-IO scenario, on the other hand, the SCSI layer knew only about the single "next" outstanding I/O request and thus could not do that optimization. That meant extra travel for the drive head in many cases, and therefore lower throughput.
Of course, your application is not using SCSI or a rotating drive with heads that need seeking, so that may not be an issue for you -- but there may be other optimizations that the filesystem/hardware layer can do if it is aware of multiple simultaneous I/O requests. The only real way to find out is to try various models and measure the results.
My suggestion would be to decouple your disk I/O from your network I/O by moving your disk I/O into a thread-pool. You can then vary the maximum size of your I/O-thread-pool from 1 to N, and for each size measure the performance of the system. That would give you a clear idea of what works best on your particular hardware, without requiring you to rewrite the code more than once.

If it's embedded linux, I guess your machine has only one processor/core. In this case threads won't improve I/O performance at all. Of course linux block subsystem works well in concurrent environment, but in your case (if my guess about number of cores is right) there can't be a situation when several threads do something simultaneously.
If my guess is wrong and you have more than 1 core, then I'd suggest to benchmark disk I/O. Write a program that writes a lot of data from different threads and another program that does the same from only one thread. The results will show you everything you want to know.

I think that there is no big difference between multithreaded and singlethreaded solution in your case, but in case of multithreading you can syncronize between receiving threads and no one thread can affect on other threads in case of blocking in some system call.
I did particulary the same thing on embedded system, the problem was the high cpu usage when kernel drop many cached dirty pages to the CF, pdflush kernel process take all cpu time in that moment and if you receive stream via udp so it can be skipped because of cpu was busy when udp stream came, so I solved that problem by fdatasync() call every time when some not big amount of data received.


Process & thread scheduling overhead

There are a few things I don't quite understand when it come to scheduling:
I assume each process/thread, as long as it is CPU bound, is given a time window. Once the window is over, it's swapped out and another process/thread is ran. Is that assumption correct? Are there any ball park numbers how long that window is on a modern PC? I'm assuming around 100 ms? What's the overhead of swapping out like? A few milliseconds or so?
Does the OS schedule by procces or by an individual kernel thread? It would make more sense to schedule each process and within that time window run whatever threads that process has available. That way the process context switching is minimized. Is my understanding correct?
How does the time each thread runs compare to other system times, such as RAM access, network access, HD I/O etc?
If I'm reading a socket (blocking) my thread will get swapped out until data is available then a hardware interrupt will be triggered and the data will be moved to the RAM (either by the CPU or by the NIC if it supports DMA) . Am I correct to assume that the thread will not necessarily be swapped back in at that point to handle he incoming data?
I'm asking primarily about Linux, but I would imagine the info would also be applicable to Windows as well.
I realize it's a bunch of different questions, I'm trying to clear up my understanding on this topic.
I assume each process/thread, as long as it is CPU bound, is given a time window. Once the window is over, it's swapped out and another process/thread is ran. Is that assumption correct? Are there any ball park numbers how long that window is on a modern PC? I'm assuming around 100 ms? What's the overhead of swapping out like? A few milliseconds or so?
No. Pretty much all modern operating systems use pre-emption, allowing interactive processes that suddenly need to do work (because the user hit a key, data was read from the disk, or a network packet was received) to interrupt CPU bound tasks.
Does the OS schedule by proces or by an individual kernel thread? It would make more sense to schedule each process and within that time window run whatever threads that process has available. That way the process context switching is minimized. Is my understanding correct?
That's a complex optimization decision. The cost of blowing out the instruction and data caches is typically large compared to the cost of changing the address space, so this isn't as significant as you might think. Typically, picking which thread to schedule of all the ready-to-run threads is done first and process stickiness may be an optimization affecting which core to schedule on.
How does the time each thread runs compare to other system times, such as RAM access, network access, HD I/O etc?
Obviously, threads have to run through a very large number of RAM accesses because switching threads requires a large number of such accesses. Hard drive and network I/O are generally slow enough that a thread that's waiting for such a thing is descheduled.
Fast SSDs change things a bit. One thing I'm seeing a lot of lately is long-treasured optimizations that use a lot of CPU to try to avoid disk accesses can be worse than just doing the disk access on some modern machines!

libevent / epoll number of worker threads?

I am following this example. Line#37 says that number of worker threads should be equal of number of cpu cores. Why is that so?
If there are 10k connections and my system has 8 cores, does that mean 8 worker threads will be processing 10k connections? Why shouldn't I increase this number?
Context Switching
For an OS to context switch between threads takes a little bit of time. Having a lot of threads, each one doing comparatively little work, means that the context switch time starts becoming a significant portion of the overall runtime of the application.
For example, it could take an OS about 10 microseconds to do a context switch; if the thread does only 15 microseconds worth of work before going back to sleep then 40% of the runtime is just context switching!
This is inefficient, and that sort of inefficiency really starts to show up when you're up-scaling as your hardware, power and cooling costs go through the roof. Having few threads means that the OS doesn't have to switch contexts anything like as much.
So in your case if your requirement is for the computer to handle 10,000 connections and you have 8 cores then the efficiency sweet spot will be 1250 connections per core.
More Clients Per Thread
In the case of a server handling client requests it comes down to how much work is involved in processing each client. If that is a small amount of work, then each thread needs to handle requests from a number of clients so that the application can handle a lot of clients without having a lot of threads.
In a network server this means getting familiar with the the select() or epoll() system call. When called these will both put the thread to sleep until one of the mentioned file descriptors becomes ready in some way. However if there's no other threads pestering the OS for runtime the OS won't necessarily need to perform a context switch; the thread can just sit there dozing until there's something to do (at least that's my understanding of what OSes do. Everyone, correct me if I'm wrong!). When some data turns up from a client it can resume a lot faster.
And this of course makes the thread's source code a lot more complicated. You can't do a blocking read of data from the clients for instance; being told by epoll() that a file descriptor has become ready for reading does not mean that all the data you're expecting to receive from the client can be read immediately. And if the thread stalls due to a bug that affects more than one client. But that's the price paid for attaining the highest possible efficiency.
And it's not necessarily the case that you would want just 8 threads to go with your 8 cores and 10,000 connections. If there's something that your thread has to do for each connection every time it handles a single connection then that's an overhead that would need to be minimised (by having more threads and fewer connections per thread). [The select() system call is like that, which is why epoll() got invented.] You have to balance that overhead up against the overhead of context switching.
10,000 file descriptors is a lot (too many?) for a single process in Linux, so you might have to have several processes instead of several threads. And then there's the small matter of whether the hardware is fundamentally able to support 10,000 within whatever response time / connection requirements your system has. If it doesn't then you're forced to distribute your application across two or more servers, and that can start getting really complicated!
Understanding exactly how many clients to handle per thread depends on what the processing is doing, whether there's harddisk activity involved, etc. So there's no one single answer; it's different for different applications, and also for the same application on different machines. Tuning the clients / thread to achieve peak efficiency is a really hard job. This is where profiling tools like dtrace on Solaris, ftrace on Linux, (especially when used like this, which I've used a lot on Linux on x86 hardware) etc. can help because they allow you to understand at a very fine scale precisely what runtime is involved in your thread handling a request from a client.
Outfits like Google are of course very keen on efficiency; they get through a lot of electricity. I gather that when Google choose a CPU, hard drive, memory, etc. to put into their famously home grown servers they measure performance in terms of "Searches per Watt". Obviously you have to be a pretty big outfit before you get that fastidious about things, but that's the way things go ultimately.
Other Efficiencies
Handling things like TCP network connections can take up a lot of CPU time in it's own right, and it can be difficult to understand whereabouts in a system all your CPU runtime has gone. For network connections things like TCP offload in the smarter NICs can have a real benefit, because that frees the CPU from the burden of doing things like the error correction calculations.
TCP offload mirrors what we do in the high speed large scale real time embedded signal processing world. The (weird) interconnects that we use require zero CPU time to run them. So all of the CPU time is dedicated to processing data, and specialised hardware looks after moving data around. That brings about some quite astonishing efficiencies, so one can build a system with more modest, lower cost, less power hungry CPUs.
Language can have a radical effect on efficiency too; Things like Ruby, PHP, Perl are all very well and good, but everyone who has used them initially but has then grown rapidly ended up going to something more efficient like Java/Scala, C++, etc.
Your question is even better than you think! :-P
If you do networking with libevent, it can do non-blocking I/O on sockets. One thread could do this (using one core), but that would under-utilize the CPU.
But if you do “heavy” file I/O, then there is no non-blocking interface to the kernel. (Many systems have nothing to do that at all, others have some half-baked stuff going on in that field, but non-portable. –Libevent doesn’t use that.) – If file I/O is bottle-necking your program/test, then a higher number of threads will make sense! If a hard-disk is used, and the i/o-scheduler is reordering requests to avoid disk-head-moves, etc. it will depend on how much requests the scheduler takes into account to do its job the best. 100 pending requests might work better then 8.
Why shouldn't you increase the thread number?
If non-blocking I/O is done: all cores are working with thread-count = core-count. More threads only means more thread-switching with no gain.
For blocking I/O: you should increase it!

single file reader/multiple consumer model: good idea for multithreaded program?

I have a simple task that is easily parallelizable. Basically, the same operation must be performed repeatedly on each line of a (large, several Gb) input file. While I've made a multithreaded version of this, I noticed my I/O was the bottleneck. I decided to build a utility class that involves a single "file reader" thread that simply goes and reads straight ahead as fast as it can into a circular buffer. Then, multiple consumers can call this class and get their 'next line'. Given n threads, each thread i's starting line is line i in the file, and each subsequent line for that thread is found by adding n. It turns out that locks are not needed for this, a couple key atomic ops are enough to preserve invariants.
I've tested the code and it seems faster, but upon second thought, I'm not sure why. Wouldn't it be just as fast to divide the large file into n input files ( you can 'seek' ahead into the same file to achieve the same thing, minimal preprocessing ), and then have each process simply call iostream::readLine on its own chunk? ( since iostream reads into its own buffer as well ). It doesn't seem that sharing a single buffer amongst multiple threads has any inherent advantage, since the workers are not actually operating on the same lines of data. Plus, there's no good way I don't think to parallelize so that they do work on the same lines. I just want to understand the performance gain I'm seeing, and know whether it is 'flukey' or scalable/reproducible across platforms...
When you are I/O limited, you can get a good speedup by using two threads, one reading the file, second doing the processing. This way the reading will never wait for processing (expect for the very last line) and you will be doing reading 100 %.
The buffer should be large enough to give the consumer thread enough work in one go, which most often means it should consist of multiple lines (I would recommend at least 4000 characters, but probably even more). This will prevent thread context switching cost to be impractically high.
Single threaded:
read 1
process 1
read 2
process 2
read 3
process 3
Double threaded:
read 1
process 1/read 2
process 2/read 3
process 3
On some platforms you can get the same speedup also without threads, using overlapped I/O, but using threads can be often clearer.
Using more than one consumer thread will bring no benefit as long as you are really I/O bound.
In your case, there are at least two resources that your program competes for, the CPU and the harddisk. In a single-threaded approach, you request data then wait with an idle CPU for the HD to deliver it. Then, you handle the data, while the HD is idle. This is bad, because one of the two resources is always idle. This changes a bit if you have multiple CPUs or multiple HDs. Also, in some cases the memory bandwidth (i.e. the RAM connection) is also a limiting resource.
Now, your solution is right, you use one thread to keep the HD busy. If this threads blocks waiting for the HD, the OS just switches to a different thread that handles some data. If it doesn't have any data, it will wait for some. That way, CPU and HD will work in parallel, at least some of the time, increasing the overall throughput. Note that you can't increase the throughput with more than two threads, unless you also have multiple CPUs and the CPU is the limiting factor and not the HD. If you are writing back some data, too, you could improve performance with a third thread that writes to a second harddisk. Otherwise, you don't get any advantage from more threads.

Is it useful to use multithreading to handle files on a hard drive?

In terms of performance and speed of execution it is useful to use multithreading to handle files on a hard drive? (to move files from a disk to another or to check integrity of files)
I think it is mainly the speed of my HDD that will determine the speed of my treatment.
Multithreading can help, at least sometimes. The reason is that if you are writing to a "normal" hard drive (e.g. not a solid state drive) then the thing that is going to slow you down the most is the hard drive's seek time (that is, the time it takes for the hard drive to reposition its read/write head from one distance along the the disk's radius to another). That movement is glacially slow compared to the rest of the system, and the time it takes for the head to seek is proportional to the distance it must travel. So for example, the worst case scenario would be if the head had to move from the edge of the disk to center of the disk after each operation.
Of course the ideal solution is to have the disk head never seek, or seek only very rarely, and if you can arrange it so that your program only needs to read/write a single file sequentially, that will be fastest. Or better yet, switch to an SSD, where there is no disk head, and the seek time is effectively zero. :)
But sometimes you need your drive to be able to read/write multiple files in parallel, in which case the drive head will (of necessity) be seeking back and forth a lot. So how can multithreading help in this scenario? The answer is this: with a sufficiently smart disk I/O subsystem (e.g. SCSI, I'm not sure if IDE can do this), the I/O logic will maintain a queue of all currently outstanding read/write requests, and it will dynamically re-order that queue so that the requests are fulfilled in the order that minimizes the amount of travel by the read/write head. This is known as the Elevator Algorithm, because it is similar to the logic used by an elevator to maximize the number of people it can transport in a given period of time.
Of course, the OS's I/O subsystem can only implement this optimization if it knows in advance what I/O requests are pending... and if you have only one thread initiating I/O requests, then the I/O subsystem will only know about the current request. (i.e. it can't "peek" into your thread's userland request queue to see what your thread will want next). And of course your userland thread doesn't know the details of the disk layout, so it's difficult (impossible?) to implement the Elevator Algorithm in user space.
But if your program has N threads reading/writing the disk at once, then the OS's I/O subsystem will be aware of up to N I/O requests at once, and can re-order those requests as it sees fit to maximize disk performance.
Perhaps your main concern should be code maintainability. Threading helps hugely, IMO, because it does not permit the kind of hackery that single-threading permits.

Does multithreading make sense for IO-bound operations?

When performing many disk operations, does multithreading help, hinder, or make no difference?
For example, when copying many files from one folder to another.
Clarification: I understand that when other operations are performed, concurrency will obviously make a difference. If the task was to open an image file, convert to another format, and then save, disk operations can be performed concurrently with the image manipulation. My question is when the only operations performed are disk operations, whether concurrently queuing and responding to disk operations is better.
Most of the answers so far have had to do with the OS scheduler. However, there is a more important factor that I think would lead to your answer. Are you writing to a single physical disk, or multiple physical disks?
Even if you parallelize with multiple threads...IO to a single physical disk is intrinsically a serialized operation. Each thread would have to block, waiting for its chance to get access to the disk. In this case, multiple threads are probably useless...and may even lead to contention problems.
However, if you are writing multiple streams to multiple physical disks, processing them concurrently should give you a boost in performance. This is particularly true with managed disks, like RAID arrays, SAN devices, etc.
I don't think the issue has much to do with the OS scheduler as it has more to do with the physical aspects of the disk(s) your writing to.
That depends on your definition of "I/O bound" but generally multithreading has two effects:
Use multiple CPUs concurrently (which won't necessarily help if the bottleneck is the disk rather than the CPU[s])
Use a CPU (with a another thread) even while one thread is blocked (e.g. waiting for I/O completion)
I'm not sure that Konrad's answer is always right, however: as a counter-example, if "I/O bound" just means "one thread spends most of its time waiting for I/O completion instead of using the CPU", but does not mean that "we've hit the system I/O bandwidth limit", then IMO having multiple threads (or asynchronous I/O) might improve performance (by enabling more than one concurrent I/O operation).
I would think it depends on a number of factors, like the kind of application you are running, the number of concurrent users, etc.
I am currently working on a project that has a high degree of linear (reading files from start to finish) operations. We use a NAS for storage, and were concerned about what happens if we run multiple threads. Our initial thought was that it would slow us down because it would increase head seeks. So we ran some tests and found out that the ideal number of threads is the same as the number of cores in the computer.
But your mileage may vary.
It can do, simply because whenever there is more work for a thread to do (identifying the next file to copy) the OS wakes it up, so threads are a simple way to hook into the OS scheduler and yet still write code in a traditional sequential way, instead of having to break it up into a state machine with callbacks.
This is mainly an assistance with clear programming rather than performance.
In most cases, using multi-thread for disk IO will not benefit efficiency. Let's imagine 2 circumstances:
Lock-Free File: We can split the file for each thread by giving them different IO offset. For instance, a 1024B bytes file is split into n pieces and each thread writes the 1024/n respectively. This will cause a lot of verbose disk head movement because of the different offset.
Lock File: Actually lock the IO operation for each critical section. This will cause a lot of verbose thread switches and it turns out that only one thread can write the file simultaneously.
Correct me if I' wrong.
No, it makes no sense. At some point, the operations have to be serialized (by the OS). On the other hand, since modern OS's have to cope with multiple processes anyway I doubt that there's an added overhead.
I'd think it would hinder the operations... You only have one controller and one drive.
You could use a second thread to do the operation, and a main thread that shows an updated UI.
I think it could worsen the performance, because the multiple threads will compete for the same resources.
You can test the impact of doing concurrent IO operations on the same device by copying a set of files from one place to another and measuring the time, then split the set in two parts and make the copies in parallel... the second option will be sensibly slower.
