subsonic3 RESTHandlers - subsonic

at the Subsonic website, there is an example of how to create RESTHandlers for Subsonic ( I cannot find the referenced namespaces and classes in Subsonic3. Have they been removed ? And if not, how do I create the RESTHandlers in Subsonic3?

I believe this is only relevant to SubSonic 2.2 and wasn't included in 3.0


Liferay FileEntry UUID Source

I'm still new to Liferay and using Liferay 6.2
the problem here is that i need to find the Jar and class that is generating the UUID for the uploaded files for documents and media portlet.
example : /documents/10180/13012/something/d311151a-4420-4245-ac51-5fc02da94e95
The UUID is : d311151a-4420-4245-ac51-5fc02da94e95
After digging for a few days, i found the class DeterminateKeyGenerator but after checking, it is not the one generating(or i believe it is not generating).
Any tips or pointers on this?
You can check for the implementation

What are the main differences between Kohana 3.2 and Kohana 3.3

On my first view I haven't found no principled differences except new vendor folder.
What are they?
Take a look at documentation:
New module - Minion.
A little change in
ORM module.

Does com.sun.faces.context.RequestMap belong to the JSF API?

requestScope is a com.sun.faces.context.RequestMap object, I found its methods reference at I wonder if it belongs to the JSF API.
The packages here are different from the official reference here: It seems the packages have been moved into javax.*. So what version is XPage based on?
Erik Brooks has an article about this. Or take a look at the Wikipedia page.
XPages are based on JSF 1.2
I learned the answer after I knew more about J2EE. JSF API is only the specification. com.sun.faces.* and similar things are concrete implementations.

use subsonic 2.x and 3.x in the same project

Is it possible to mix them? I'm asking because I have a big project that uses Subsonic 2.x generated classes (in a compiled dll) but would like to start using 3.x for new stuff.
I tried it last night with a project where I had references to both subsonic.dll and subsonic.core.dll but that didn't work with ambiguous references, etc. So removed 2.x and then got an issue with my older compiled subsonic generated classes in that they needed Subsonic 2.1 to run.
Hmm... I think there's a small chance that you might be able to do this, but you'd need to use the full qualifying class names (namespace.class) for a lot of code because there might be naming conflicts. It wouldn't be easy to do and definitely not recommended. (It might not can even be done.)
You can't move from 2.x to 3.x without doing a lot of recoding. I have a bunch of big projects in 2.2 and after trying to update to 3.0, I ran into some issues so I've decided to keep them in 2.2. I'd love to upgrade to 3.0 and use the new stuff, too, but I don't have the time (right now) to recode the stuff that changed between 2.x and 3.0.
I do recommend updating to 2.2. There shouldn't be any backwards compatibility issues between 2.1 and 2.2. I was able to update to 2.2 by just changing out my reference.
Just curious, are you using ActiveRecord or Repo implementation?
You only have 2 options:
stay in 2.1/2.2
update your code to 3.0
Thought I'd follow up here and let people know that I was able to get this to work. What i chose to do was to edit the Subsonic 2 source code and put it into a Subsonic2 namespace (everything), recompile to subsonic2.dll, etc. Had to modify the web.config slightly, then went and modified my old code to reference subsonic2, etc.
Am now able to mix both Subsonic 2 and 3 in the same project.
Jim--I'm using ActiveRecord. The 2.x is in one namespace and 3.x would be in another. However, I guess the question is whether the 2.x can be compiled to run with the 3.x runtime.

subsonic 3 scaffolding

Are there the scaffolding controls (ex: < subsonic:QuickTable />) still available in subsonic 3?
No - we did that the best we could with 2.2 :)
Not Subsonic related, but Dynamic Data is something you might want to look into.
Dynamic Data Information
There is no more scaffolding feature anymore. Subcommander also is abandoned.
