Kohana 3 ORM Table Naming - kohana-3

My question is about the conventions around a multi-worded MySQL table name e.g. "comments_flags," which is not a pivot table.
What is the correct database table name for "comments_flags"?
What would the corresponding model name be?
Thanks for any advice.

It is no different then for single word cases.
What is the correct database table name for "comments_flags"?
What would the corresponding model name be?
What should be the path to the model?


Power BI Get Parent Name using dax

Hi I am new to Power BI.
I want to get parent name which based on parent code as table mention here.
I have manage to do that using duplicate table in model and perform join. But I need to do that using dax expression as new column. Appreciate your help here.
as table above I want to get parent name based on parent code.
eg.100 = A
Thank you
Use this expression in a calculated column
Parent Name =

Display a MDX dimension memeber as a measure (SSAS)

I`m relatively new to MDX and any help would be much appreciated
I have a fact table containing information about items: Feature_Parent, Feature and User story. The Feature Parent is the Parent of the Feature and the Feature is the parent of the User Story, it looks something like this:
And as seen in the table it also contains info about the states of these items
This fact table also has numerical values and this table is connected to a similar dimension table
I also build the following user hierarchy:
I`ve managed to create the following pivot using Scopes in MDX (The Row labels are the Relationship hierarchy):
I want to be able to add the State for each item as one column (meaning, add the State column as the Measure in the above pivot), so it would display state for each item for each level
Can someone maybe help me in this?
This is the attribute hierarchy for the States (this is an example for Feature, and I have similar ones for Feature_Parent and User Story):
Any help would be much appreciated!
Thank you!

sequelize: retrieve model of a manually created table

If i create tables with sequelize API (sequelize.define), it returns a model object (User in the following example) that i can use to do queries (User.find) and other kind of operations:
var User = sequelize.define('User', {/* ... */})
If i need to create a table in the db without that api, but i need to do it with a pure sql query, is there a way to retrieve the same model object for my manual table and use it like the others?
In sequelize.models i see all my tables but not the custom one.
You need to define a model using define with the tableName property set to your manually defined table.
The DB columns that you want to retrieve as a model's attributes must meet a number of criteria. Each should have a datatype that matches the column's type. They should have the same constraints (cascade, null etc) as the DB columns. The column name should either match what Sequelize automatically generates or be specified manually using field.
Since the table for this model has already been manually created, make sure that it is not sync'ed to the DB. To test that the model you have specified will work the manually specified table you should sync the model to a test database and compare the automatically generated SQL with the manually generated SQL You are using.
This answer is based on the documentation here.

A record exist only in Extension table, but not in the Base table

I came across a weird situation:
I found a record that only exist in the entity's extension table in the DB, but doesn't appear in the entity's base table?
How is it possible?
Is there another optional reason beside the one of someone deleting the record directly from the base table?
Thanks in advance.
No other optional reasons, someone deleted manually the record from the base table

Adding Column Using Subsonic Migration

I want to know that How to Insert New Columns to an existing database Table using Subsonic MIGRATIONS.
Basically I want to alter an existing table in MS SqlServer database and add three more columns into it.
Please tell me How I will be able to do it
Naveed Khan
Just change your object and the column will be added/updated whatever. So if you have an object called "Post" and add a property, it will be added as a column in the DB.
See this video...
It has to do with the conventions of SubSonic.
As the object is singular, it adds the plural to the table (or expects the table to be plural).
So it will expect an object called Order to map to a table called Orders.
There is only two solutions that I can see for you
1) Rename you table to the plural name.
2) Modify Subsonic code to remove the adding of the plural.
