Best way to control access to individual nodes - security

am I just stupid or does Drupal have a big flaw? (probablt the former of the two..)
I have built a site with some public content and some private content. The problem is that even though menus can be hidden from public, unauthorized users, there is no stopping a visitor from just typing in node/5 (if node/5 were one of the private, hidden pages).
And I am baffled by how troublesome this is to fix. there is no basic functionality to fix this, and having tried two modules simple_access and access_control none of them work! Currently trying to fix a drupal 6 site. Any suggestions on modules that might fix this VERY BASIC functionality? Is Drupal not meant to handle corporate pages where you have external pages and internal sensitive content?
By the way, Drupal 7 is in the .9 stage, there are still VERY limited module availability, mostly everything is in an alpha stage and has been like forever, is there no development being done for D7?

The module that'll fix the problem for you is Nodeaccess; this is the opening text from the module page:
Nodeaccess is a Drupal access control module which provides view, edit and delete access to nodes. Users with the 'grant node permissions' permission will have a grant tab on node pages which allows them to grant access to that node by user or role.
So that will do exactly what you want. Also the way Drupal's access system works means that any menu link that points to a node to which the user does not have access, will not be shown for that user. So you won't even have to hide your menu items any more, Drupal will do it for you :)
Regarding Drupal 7 contributed modules, the 'major' modules (Views, CTools, Devel, etc.) are all coming along nicely and are stable, in RC or at least beta. Because Drupal is open source the sole maintainers of smaller modules may not have the time to devote to bringing the Drupal 7 version alongside maintaining the v6 module (a lot of people still use D6 and there are still issues to attend to there).
Personally I've developed quite a number of D7 sites now and have found the contributed modules to be available and of a good quality (for the most part). I guess it just depends what specific functionality you need at the end of the day.

I think there's just a gap between your expectation and how Drupal actually works.
Drupal doesn't limit access to content based on whether or not that content is in the menu. On a site with thousands of nodes it would be overwhelming to have a menu of thousands of items.
Drupal has a rich node access system and there are dozens of modules which can help solve this problem. See the list of content access control modules for ideas on which you might use.
When I run into specific problems with modules I tend to follow a few steps:
re-read the README.txt file and INSTALL.txt file
re-read the project page to see if it links to any further documentation
read the issues for the project to see if any of them have similar descriptions of problems (click on the number links in the right sidebar of the project page)
create a new test site where the only thing I install is the module in question and then walk through the steps I think I should, documenting them in a new issue in the project issue queue as a "support request", and then ending the post with "expected results" and "actual results" - maintainers will usually get back in a few days time

nodeaccess module ( should work perfectly for you.


Security Implications in Electron as a Web Browser

I asked this question a little over a week ago on the Atom forums (link below), and didn't receive a response, so I am reposting it here in the hopes that someone may be able to provide insight on my problem.
Recently, I have taken up an open source project which uses Electron as it’s front-end. This project has two requirements: it must be cross-platform, and it must have an embedded web browser (which should be able to browse the web and render content like a typical browser). Considering the rather large footprint Electron has already netted my application, it seems like a bad idea to attempt to use another embedded web framework alongside it. So, in the interest of simplifying my project and retaining the UI built on top of Electron, I am looking into using Electron itself as the web browser. Here’s where I’ve come into a problem.
In a security page for Electron’s documentation, it is explicitly stated that,
it is important to understand … Electron is not a web browser
This quote comes within the context that Electron–or rather the code running on top of it–carries the unique ability to interact with the user’s operating system, unlike typical web applications. The page goes on to say,
displaying arbitrary content from untrusted sources poses a severe security risk that Electron is not intended to handle
At this point, I was tempted to give up on the idea of using Electron as an inbuilt browser, but further down on that same page, you can find another very interesting tidbit:
To display remote content, use the <webview> tag or BrowserView , [and] make sure to disable the nodeIntegration and enable contextIsolation
First, in regard to using webviews, Electron’s own documentation recommends outright avoiding them:
Electron’s webview tag is based on Chromium’s webview , which is undergoing dramatic architectural changes. This impacts the stability of webviews , including rendering, navigation, and event routing. We currently recommend to not use the webview tag and to consider alternatives, like iframe , Electron’s BrowserView , or an architecture that avoids embedded content altogether.
Seeing as though I cannot avoid embedded content, I opted to look into using a BrowserView, but what I found was not very motivating either. The advice, as it stands, is to do two things:
disable nodeIntegration
enable contextIsolation
After looking at the security and best-practices page, I will also append the following steps:
deny session permission requests from remote content (webcam, microphone, location, etc.)
catch webview elements in creation and strip default privileges
disable the creation of new windows
disable the remote module
That is a fair amount of steps to undergo in securing external content. Not to mention, there were several additional warnings scattered through the best practices page such as the following:
(On verifying webview options before creation)
Again, this list merely minimizes the risk, it does not remove it. If your goal is to display a website, a browser will be a more secure option.
(On disabling the remote module)
However, if your app can run untrusted content and even if you sandbox your renderer processes accordingly, the remote module makes it easy for malicious code to escape the sandbox and have access to system resources via the higher privileges of the main process.
Not to mention, upon navigation to the BrowserView page, the whole class is listed as experimental.
This all isn’t even to mention the added attack surface created by Electron, such as a vulnerability in the webview component just last year: CVE-2018-1000136
Now, taking into account all of the above, numerous developers have still opted to create web browsers that routinely consume external and uncontrolled content using Electron.
Browser’s using Electron (linked directly from Electron’s website):
To me, it seems irresponsible to submit users to the above security implications as a trade-off for convenience.
That being said, my question is: can you safely, to the point at which you could ensure the integrity of your users, implement web browsing capabilities for uncontrolled content using Electron?
Thank you for your time.
Link to the original post:
Some ideas that don't fit into a comment box:
[the project] must have an embedded web browser
So I presume then that this project isn't just a web browser. There's other content there that may have access to Node, but you just want the embedded-web-browser portion of it to be sandboxed appropriately, right?
Regarding the comments about <webview>, yes, it is considered unstable and Electron recommends using a BrowserView instead. I don't think that the fact that it's marked as "experimental" should necessarily deter you from using it (especially considering that the Electron team is recommending it [though maybe as the best of two evils]).
Experimental doesn't imply it's unstable. It can just mean that the Electron team is experimenting with this approach, but this approach may change in the future (at which point I would expect Electron to provide a transition path forward). Though this is one possible interpretation and ultimately Electron would have to comment on this.
The advice... is to do two things:
disable nodeIntegration
enable contextIsolation
I would also make use of the sandbox option inherited from BrowserWindows. BrowserView's docs on the constructor options say:
webPreferences Object (optional) - See BrowserWindow.
which tells me that BrowserView accepts the same options as BrowserWindow.
You would set it up like so:
new BrowserView({ webPreferences: {
sandbox: true,
nodeIntegration: false,
contextIsolation: true,
preload: "./pathToPreloadScript.js"
See more information about this approach here. The preload script is what would expose some Node IPC APIs to the sandboxed content you're loading. Note the Status section at the bottom, which says:
Please use the sandbox option with care, as it is still an experimental feature. We are still not aware of the security implications of exposing some Electron renderer APIs to the preload script
If the content you're loading in the BrowserView never needs to communicate back to the application, then you don't need a preload script at all and can just sandbox the BrowserView.
After looking at the security and best-practices page, I will also append the following steps:
deny session permission requests from remote content (webcam, microphone, location, etc.)
catch webview elements in creation and strip default privileges
disable the creation of new windows
disable the remote module
Sure, those sound reasonable. Note that if your embedded browser needs to be able to open new windows (via or <a target="_blank" />) then you'd have to allow popups.
That is a fair amount of steps to undergo in securing external content.
Sure, but is your main concern with the security of the app, or with how much work it takes to make it secure? Browser developers need to consider similar things to ensure webpages can't get access to the OS. It's just part of the game.
Again, this list merely minimizes the risk, it does not remove it. If your goal is to display a website, a browser will be a more secure option.
This is just saying that if all you're trying to do is display a website, then just use a browser since that's what they're there for.
If you need to do other things, well then you can't use a browser, so you'll have to make your own app, making sure it's reasonably secure.
I think that if you follow what's recommended in the Security document and keep up to date with new Electron releases, then you're doing the best you can do.
As for whether that's good enough, I can't say. It depends on what you're developing and what you're trying to protect against.
However, my thoughts can't substitute the more expert opinions of those on the Electron team. This question could certainly use some guidance from them.

webstandard theme not rendering?

An application we're developing for a customer is running more or less fine on our internal development servers (V 8.5.3 with UP1 and FP5 as well as a secondary V 9). Our development is done using V 9 designer clients.
Yesterday we pushed a test version onto the customer's server (V 8.5.3 FP5 / UP1). The result rendered by their server however is completely different from what we get from our servers. It turns out that only custom style sheets are rendered while everything that usually should be coming from the server's webstandard theme is completely missing: no xsp.css, xsp_ie.css and the likes. Thus the pages are completely unusable: tabbed panels are rendered as standard elements, rich text editors are completely broken, just to name a few things.
We had the local admins check the server file system: webstandard theme appears to be there, and accessible to everyone.
Has anyone ever come across something like that? In 4 years of developing Xpages I've never seen something like that, at the moment I'm completely clueless in what to try next.
I really hope that this is just a minor flaw easy to be resolved.
Have you checked the installation? I have seen servers that were upgraded the wrong way by copying the data directory, then upgrading and then moving back the data old directory, thus overwriting some important files or even loosing important files and directories...
This is hilarious: for security reasons the customer's admins deleted all files from the server's file system that they thought weren't needed. For some reasons they left the themes but removed all resources like css and js files (including all dojo dirs). No, I won't tell any names.
Lesson learned: never just assume a customer's setup to be fully functional until this fact is properly proved ;)

Making a EXISTING CMS site compatible for mobile site NOT REDIRECT

Making a EXISTING CMS site compatible for mobile site NOT REDIRECT
Hi All.
I am currently creating a mobile version of an expression engine site that we use.
I am having problems with this, because typically I can just use media quires, or use redirect scripts.
However, the layout of the mobile site will be completely different from the desktop, so I can't just fiddle with a media quires for the CSS (as site just looks to different).
I was thinking of using a javascript to wipe the code or markup (php) if the device is mobile BUT it would mean perhaps loading two versions of code anytime a page loads up (not good for mobile). Eg one code for desktop and another for mobile.
I can't change the file names eg (mobile_index) because it is a CMS and the links wont link up correctly. I have tried this a few times , and also editing the .HTACCESS file, but it simply didnt work.
So if anyone knows how do I change the code of a page if the device mobile, but cant change file name, directory or any of that :-)
Why no redirect? If I was in your position, which I was a few months ago, I would handle this totally different:
Install Multiple Site Manager by ExpressionEngine:
Add another site -- mobile
Give it a proper domainname like
Give it its own template group
... and redirect with
Now you can manage both installations from the same CMS and both installations can access existing channels, modules, extensions and members. This will keep your code fast and clean.
Adding a bunch of conditionals will only slow down installation.
Actually you could mess with media queries - it's the most flexible. JS is really overkill for something like this. At larger sizes, UL>LI menus could appear, and at smaller sizes they could be hidden (display:none) and swapped to select lists; divs can be replaced, elements dropped or resized. I also combine them with different snippets or embeds so you can tailor the content out as well.
You might try something like MX Mobile Device Detect. It gives you some variables that can detect if the user is on a mobile device that you could use in conditionals in your templates.

In drupal Primary Link is like empty

I'm making a webpage in Drupal 6.26, and I blocked in a strange thing. I develop both in Localhost, and online, and the strange is that some how in online the primary links are empty (but there's element on it I can see in /admin/build/menu-customize/primary-links also in this page the menu elements appeared in the place, but in the other pages they don't), but in Localhost everything is ok, and i checked all of the settings and they are the same, the theme files are the same to,(and i didn't change anything in the other drupal files), the only difference is that the online page is set in offline (because the under maintenance), and I tried it to make it online, but the problem is still there, so I don't really have any idea.
That might be a theme problem. Make sure your local configuration has the same active theme as the installation on the public server. Try switching to a default theme that comes with Drupal.
Another cause might be one of your modules. Try disabling all but the system modules and then start re-enabling them one-by-one to see which one changes your menu.

How do you globally modify page output sent from IIS without modifying the page source?

A couple sites of mine recently got "hacked". Someone was able to add a line of JavaScript to the bottom of every page on the site.
The server is a Windows Server 2003, and has Cold Fusion 8 and MySQL 5.x installed and running.
Looking into the code on each page shows that none of the pages were modified. The JavaScript is not in the code files themselves. This leads me to believe it is an IIS problem, but I am unsure and cannot find anything that would be able to do this within IIS.
The JavaScript being added redirects a user to another page only when they come from Google, or at least it appears to work this way.
Any help on how someone was able to accomplish this as well as removing it would be greatly appreciated.
Another way to word the question thanks to #Jeffrey Hantin
How do you systematically modify output from IIS without modifying individual pages?
EDIT: A bit more testing has shown that only the .cfm pages add the extra javascript. Added a new .cfm and the js was there but a .html did not have it.
Edit2: Turns out to have been a coldfusion problem after all. Somehow the pages OnRequestEnd.cfm were created on the sites and added that js.
Looks like someone exploited some latest Adobe CF vulnerabilities.
Please see these blog posts for details and try to search symptoms on your server:
Image upload
FCKEditor bug + this post
Hope this helps.
Turns out to have been a coldfusion problem after all. The page OnRequestEnd.cfm were created on the sites and added that js.
If you only want to use IIS to modify output, the ISAPI filter is probably the best answer. If you would like to use Coldfusion, you could utilize the application.cfc to modify output during certain parts of the request cycle or wrap all of your pages in a Custom Tag to consolidate the like portions of your page templates.
I have used both. In cases where my page headers and footers are all the same, the custom tag is fast and easy to use. To make changes to all the pages, you edit one custom tag file. In cases where I have a more complicated web application I'll use the application.cfc to store and insert common components where they are needed.
They might have guessed your password. You should change it immediately.
It's possible that an ISAPI filter is used to do this. I once used one myself to perform compression before IIS supported it natively.
In your specific situation, you may want to check for ISAPI filters you don't want installed. Of course, if your server has been compromised, you will likely be better off rebuilding from a known good image rather than trying to fix it in situ.
