Directory Listing Denied in Orchard - orchardcms

I have a new Orchard site which successfully runs the setup and database configuration when running locally. But when I tried to deploy it to the actual server and point a browser to the site, I get a "Directory Listing Denied" error.
Anyone seen this and fixed it?

I figured it out. Running on a shared web server, if IIS is configured for my site to use the default app pool, Orchard is precluded from reading its own files. (Remember that Orchard uses libraries and needs deep read/write access to subdirectories).
So the solution was simply to configure the site to run in its own isolated application pool.
Looks like this on my site's control panel:
Hope this solution helps someone down the line.

My guess is that you deployed the whole source code instead of src/orchard.web.


Visual Studio ClickOnce Web Deployment

I would be most grateful if anyone could help me solve this problem with ClickOnce Web deployment.
I have read all the threads on this subject and I have also read through all the Microsoft documentation on the subject. They seem to say a lot without actually being direct or providing helpful examples. However, perhaps I am wrong and I have not looked in the right places.
I have already used ClickOnce successfully to deploy an application on the local area network.
It works well and really isn't that complicated. However, my goal is to deploy this application to customers, who are not connected to my local network.
I have set up a web site (, which I can access directly or via the ftp protocol.
I have created a sub directory off the root where I intend to publish the files created by the publish function. The publish function of the application requires a Publishing Folder Location and a Installation Folder URL I don't really understand the functional difference between these two locations. If I set the Publishing Location to and the Installation Folder URL to, then the publish process succeeds and when I check on the web server, the files have been published successfully it would seem. A further Application Files/MyProductName subdiectory with the version number information appended was created where all the output was placed.
My next step is to then grab the URL of the setup.exe file and to run it from a browser. This downloads the setup.exe file to my downloads folder which I then try to run but I get an error
Deployment and application do not have matching security zones.>
I have seen this come up in other threads but These threads don't seem to relate directly to what I am trying to do. These threads make mention of using Internet Explorer to achieve some degree of success, but all the browser did was to download the file.
I have also noted with interest that a web page is created in the root with a button that prompts the user to install the application. This does not work either.
Does anyone know of an article that I can read on this subject which is more helpful or if anyone can offer more insights into this I would be very grateful.

IIS: How change URL to include site name when browsing web files

In my IIS, I have created "App1" as my site name and setup everything.
Now when I browse one of my web file from IIS, the URL for that page is something like "http://localhost/Folder1/Default.aspx".
But back to last time when I was using window 7, the URL that I can get is "http://localhost/App1/Folder1/Default.aspx", now I'm only getting "http://localhost/Folder1/Default.aspx" after I upgrade to window 8. I'm not sure if it's window 8 that causing the issue or anything, but I need advice on how to include the site name when I browse the file so that I can get "http://localhost/App1/Folder1/Default.aspx".
The reason why I need to include site name is because my entire project solution is calling files and web services that including the site name since long time ago. Without the site name, I can't run the program at all because I can retrieve data from any web service
Can anyone advice me on how to include site name in IIS?
I tried Directory Browsing but seems not the solution in my case. I try search for how to include site name in my domain but usually end up directing me to Directory Browsing.
FYI, my application pool setting is as below:
.Net CLR Version: v2.0.50727
Managed Pipeline mode: Classic
Really appreciate any help on this.
Just in case anyone face the same issue like me, I found my solution.
Yesterday I just thought of instead of searching Google for so many hours looking for how to include site name in my URL, I remove the App1 application in my IIS. Then, in the physical directory of my App1, I created one new folder call "Main" and I move my App1 folder into Main.
When I create a new application in IIS, i create new application as App1 but point the physical application path to "Main". This way, when I browse one of the web files in IIS, I can see something like "http://localhost/App1/Folder1/Default.aspx" which totally solve my problem, and my program can run properly now.
Although I still do not know how to include site name into the URL and why the site name is missing. But at least this solve my issue now

IIS changes the physical path to application it self

I have set two websites in my IIS 8.5. I have one for production version and one for development (need this for the team work purposes). The structure is simple. Website is simple static page using BackboneJS and API calls to get all the data. All virtual paths and applications were set at the beginning manually by my self. For some reason some API calls didn't worked in dev site. I found out the physical path to the API project has changed. Do you have any idea, where can be the problem? Actually some of my collegues face this issue too.
Only think that cames to my mind is that when bdebugging the API, I use "Attach to process" in Visual Studio, where I connect to the correct IIS process - w3wp.exe with user name IIS APPPOOL\Dev or IIS APPPOOL\Prod according to the site I'm debugging.
Nevertheless I don't think the path should change itself. Where can be the problem? Does anyone have any idea how to prevent this strange behaviour?

Getting started with Orchard on Azure

I'm trying to set up an Orchard site to deploy to Azure, but have fallen at the first hurdle. I've downloaded the source code and opened Orchard.Azure.sln, but when I run it I get the error:
Access to the path 'C:\APPG\src\Orchard.Azure\Orchard.Azure.Web\App_Data\Dependencies' is denied.
What am I doing wrong? I'm a complete noob with Azure, so please forgive my ignorance.
This isn't actually Azure related, but you need to ensure that the identity that your website is running under has write access to the App_Data folder. Either give the IIS user access, or change the application pool identity in IIS to Network Service. When Orchard starts for the first time, it writes a whole bunch of stuff to folders below App_Data.
Bear this in mind if you need to install fresh at any time. Simply deleting the contents of that folder and creating a new, blank database (or using the compact option) will start afresh.

IIS not able to locate the web.config

I have a deployed a web application in IIS. Which used to work without any issues. Recently i have shifted that web application to another machine, Here is the problem. Once i setup the Webapplication when i opened the default document in IIS im getting the File not found error as following
Internal Server Error
I have no clue why the IIS is not able to find the web.config. The file is present in the path C:\inetpub\wwwroot\application\web.config but the IIS is looking in the path \?\C:....
Please let me know how to resolve this??
Firstly this is documented on so I would suggest that anyone who has this issue read this first as it covers a number of solutions which I won't
Now from personal experience I encountered this error after setting up a new development machine. What I had forgotten to do was install the Url Rewrite 2.0 IIS module. Sadly the IIS error gives absolutely no idea that this is the actually issue.
Therefore to solve this issue investigate the system.webServer setting in our web.config and ensure that you have installed all the iis modules that you use. I did this by systematically removing elements from my web.config until I came across the cause.
In my case, I was running ASP .NET Core website so I had to install .Net Core Runtime from
I know it's old post but I resolved the same issue as follows:
If you are using TFS and you are getting this problem then Reason is ".vs" file is not excluded from commit.
Because of that ".vs\config\applicationhost.config" gets the local version of another user/Developer.
To Solve the error, First open that file Update Physical path inside "" xml tag.
Also ask user to exclude this folder from TFS to prevent future issues.
If you are getting mysql localhost error. What I will do will work for you.
Control Panel(View by: Large Icons) >> Programs and Features >>
(Usually upper left corner) Turn Windows Features on or off >>
Internet Information Services >> Web Management Tools and World Wide Web Services
After Restart.
