How to use grep to find data conveniently and quickly - cygwin

I am asking for general opinions on how to find files quickly.
One typical scenario is that I often need to grep some names from a PeopleNameFile.txt from Dir1. When I'm in a different directory, I am forced to grep the file with a long directory path. It would be nice to just do GREP "Warren Buffett" PeopleNameFile.txt.
BTW, I'm using Cygwin but I welcome any suggestions.

You can easily write a simple bash function in your ~/.bashrc:
function grnm() {
grep "$#" /path/to/peoplenamefile.txt
Then later on, at command line you can type:
$ grnm "Warren Buffet"
the nice thing is that you can actually include other grep parameters if you like as in:
$ grnm -i "warren buffet"
(The $ characters represent your shell prompt, not part of the command you type.)
When you edit the .bashrc file FOR THE FIRST TIME you may have to source it in your existing open cygwin windows:
$ source ~/.bashrc
But if you open a new window you should not have to do that.
Good luck, have fun

You can create script and add it somewhere to you path, with content like this:
grep $1 path/to/Dir1/PeopleNameFile.txt
than you just type "Warren Buffett"
also you can use alias and bash's function,
but this require to edit "~/.bashrc".

Simplest option would be to setup an alias which would grep for that file using the absolute path. Not sure whether cygwin allows aliases though.

Probably the most common way to do these kind of things is to use environment variables
grep "Warren Buffett" $PNF


Command works in terminal but not as alias in profile.d

I have a problem regarding an alias file in /etc/profile.d/. This isn't anything important. I'm just interested why it isn't working as expected.
So basically I have the file at the path mentioned above and I wanted to make a shortcut which reads a specific line of a file. So this is my code:
alias lnn='sed -n "${1}p" < "${2}"'
With that code I should be able to perform a command like
$ lnn 4 test.txt
However, this doesn't work. I simply get the error
-bash: : No such file or directory
Now I thought, ok, maybe relative paths aren't working because the file is located at the path /etc/profile.d/
So I went ahead and made a new alias like
alias pwd2='echo $(pwd)'
Then updated the profile.d with
source /etc/profile.d/
And just tried pwd2 but that echoed the path I was currently in. So in theory the file can be found with the command I wrote. I still tried to pass the file to my alias with absolute path like
$ lnn 4 /var/test.txt
Still same error as above.
But, if I enter the command of the alias in the terminal like
sed -n "4p" < test.txt
It works perfectly fine. No matter if I put quotes around test.txt
And here is another weird thing: If I write
alias lnn='sed -n "${1}p" < ${2}'
without the quotes around ${2} I get the error
-bash: ${2}: ambiguous redirect
In the terminal it works just fine...
So, what am I doing wrong? Does anyone have an idea on this? I'd love to know my mistake. But as I said, this isn't a real problem as I'm just curious why bash behaves like that.
Aliases in bash do not take parameters of any form. Save the pain and use a function instead.
function lnn() {
sed -n "${1}p" < "${2}"
Add the function to the file and source it once before calling the function from command-line.
source /etc/profile.d/
lnn 4 test.txt
See more information at BashFAQ/80: How can I make an alias that takes an argument?
You can't. Aliases in bash are extremely rudimentary, and not really suitable to any serious purpose. The bash man page even says so explicitly:
An excerpt from the GNU bash man page, about aliases
.. There is no mechanism for using arguments in the replacement text. If arguments are needed, a shell function should be used.
On a side note the problem has nothing to do with relative paths (or) so, just remember aliases are not allowed in scripts. They're only allowed in interactive shells. If you're writing a script, always use a function instead.

Recursively adding bash scripts as commands in Linux?

I'm pretty new to Bash and Linux in general. I've created a couple scripts that I would like to be able to use by typing the command, rather than the directory and the executable file. I'm using Debian Jessie if that makes a difference.
The path to one of my scripts is ~/Scripts/DIR_1/ while another is in ~Scripts/DIR_2/ I would like ALL of the scripts contained withing the Scripts directory to be indexed as commands regardless of directory/path depth.
I've appended this text to the end of my .bashrc file...
PATH=${PATH}:$(find ~/Scripts -type d | sed '/\/\\./d' | tr '\n' ':' | sed 's/:$//')
Since I'm pretty new to this kind of thing, I had to steal that line from here.
When I try to run My_Script from the command line withing a sub directory of my home folder (or anywhere else for that matter) I get My_Script: command not found
I will readily admit that I might have misunderstood the process of adding a bash script to the command line.
How do I recursively add bash scripts as commands? What is wrong with the process I'm currently using?
I think your issue is that you're not putting the .sh, that is part of your file name.
Normally, pressing tab after having typed only the first letter should complete the command up to the point where there is an ambiguity (or completely if there's none). In case of ambiguity, pressing tab a second time shows the options. So in your case, if you type My<tab><tab> you should have options and displayed. And if you type My_Script<tab> it should complete by putting
I forgot to precise that you can check the value of PATH by doing echo $PATH. This will allow you to check that the command you copied did what you wanted.

How to list files for the specific environment variable?

I am using Mac OS 10.9, currently I am having trouble to find out where does the specific environment coming from and knowing where it declares.
For example: I want to know where is the PATH being declared and set. Since it can be set anywhere in .bash_profile or .bashrc or .anyfile_and anywhere_that_set_it_and_declare_it. Now, what is the easiest way using bash to list all files where the PATH variable being assigned?
NOTE: there are correct answers by Jahid and others using grep. I accept that answer since it works as expected BUT, I am waiting for someone answer with much better speed. Because it will take forever to run grep -r with / at the end.
Like this:
grep -r -e "export PATH " -e "export PATH=" .
using "export PATH " with grep will deal with assignments having indentation between PATH and =
Note: . means current directory. You can replace it with a full path of a directory or if you want to search in the whole filesystem, replace it with /
Bash doesn't track provenance for variables, what I suggest is using grep to search for instances of the PATH variable, for example: $ grep -r PATH .

Determine if a file is script or not

I am wondering that how can I Use the file command and determine if a file is a script or not.for example in usr bin I want to know which file is script or not. actually i don't want write any script just i need a command for determine that.
You can certainly trust file to find any script in the directory you specify:
file /usr/bin/* | grep script
Or, if you prefer to do it yourself and you are using bash you can do:
for f in /usr/bin/*; do r=$(head -1 $f | grep '^#! */') && echo "$f: $r"; done
which uses the shebang to determine the interpreter and thus the script entity.
This should work (assuming that you're using BASH):
for f in `ls`; do file $f|grep "executable"; done
Update- I just validated that this works for C shell scripts, BASH, Perl, and Ruby. It also ignores file permissions (meaning that even if a file doesn't have the executable bit set, it still works). This seems to be do to the file command looking for a command interpreter (bash, perl, etc…)
file can't guarantee to tell you anything about a text file, if it doesn't know how to interpret it.
You may need to do a combination of things. jschorr's answer should probably work for the stuff in /bin, but another way to test a file might be to check whether a text file is executable.
stat -c "%A" myfilename | grep x
If that returns anything, then your file has execute permissions on it. So if file gets you a description that tells you it's plain text (like "ASCII text"), and there are execute permissions on the file, then it's a pretty good bet that it's a script file.
Not perfect, but I don't think anything will be.

Creating a shorter version of a bash command

i am novice to the Linux shell and had to recently start using it for work...i have now got used to the basic commands in bash to find my way around...however there are a lot of commands i find myself typing over and over again and its kind of a hassle to type them every can anyone tell me how can i shorten the command syntax for ones i use frequently.
A very simple example, i use the ls -lh command often, though this is quite short but im just giving an example. Can I have something (a shell script may be) so that I can run it by typing just say lh.
I want to do it for more complex commands.
alias lh='ls -lh'
If you want to make this persistent across sessions, put it in your .bashrc file. Don't forget to run source .bashrc afterwards to make bash aware of the changes.
If you want to pass variables, an alias just isn't enough. You can make a function. As an example, consider the command lsall to list everything in a given directory (note this is just an example and thus very error prone):
function lsall
ls $1/*
$Ngets replaced with the Nth argument.
You would place the following alias in your .bashrc file:
alias lh='ls -lh'
Now lh is shorthand for ls -lh.
For more complicated tasks you could use a bash function. For example, on one of my machines I have a function which causes 'ls' to run after every successful 'cd':
cdls() {
builtin cd "$*" && ls
alias cd='cdls'
you can define aliases. For longer commands, use a function, put it into a library file and source it whenever you want to use your functions.
Just for the sake of completeness, since you want to learn bash: you could also write a function
lh() {
ls -lh "$#"
although I would never write that when a simple alias would do ;-)
;) Heh, I remember one problem when I was starting out on Linux, which is that I would ask questions like these, and people would diligently answer them, but no one would explain how to make such changes permanent, and so I found myself typing in a bunch of commands every time I opened a terminal.
So, even though others have accurately answered this question... if you want to make the change permanent, put the alias-line into your ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc file (~ = your home directory). It depends a bit on your distribution on which is run when, but I always try adding my aliases to ~/.profile first and if that doesn't work, then ~/.bashrc. One of them should work for sure.
