highlight sub-match in vim - vim

I'm trying to figure out how to highlight a specific portion of a match in vim.
Given the following example rule (taken from the coffeescript syntax file source):
syn match coffeeExtendedOp /\%(\S\s*\)\#<=[+\-*/%&|\^=!<>?.]\+\|[-=]>\|--\|++\|:/ display
This regular expression matches various coffeescript operators. The operators are highlighted (in my vimrc) like this:
hi Operator guifg=#ff0000
For example, since coffeeExtendedOp is linked to coffeeOperator which is linked to Operator, in the above source file. This all works, but I'm wondering how to specifically highlight the ++ operator matched in the above syn match with a different color, say blue, within my vimrc (that is, without altering the original source file above). I'm simply wondering if this is possible.
EDIT: I think the rules are placed under a cluster, so perhaps that's why it's not affecting anything. Is there a way to access the rule within the cluster?
EDIT: Question was clarified.
syn match plusplus /++/ contained containedin=coffeeExtendedOp display
hi plusplus guifg=#0000ff
The problem now is that this only works when I run them as commands in vim, but not when I put it in my vimrc file. Any ideas? Could it be that the stuff is hidden behind the cluster? But then why is it visible in vim through a command? I tried including the syntax file but it didn't seem to have any effect.

Looking at the coffee.vim you linked to it seems like the dot belongs to the coffeeDotAccess syntax item. So you can highlight it just by doing this:
:hi coffeeDotAccess ctermfg=blue

I'm going to guess a bit at what you need. (I don't speak Coffeescript and your sample regex is way too complicated for me to start reading at the moment).
Transparent syntax items
You could have a look at transparent syntax rules: (http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/usr_44.html)
In a C language file you would like to highlight the () text after a "while"
differently from the () text after a "for". In both of these there can be
nested () items, which should be highlighted in the same way. You must make
sure the () highlighting stops at the matching ). This is one way to do this:
:syntax region cWhile matchgroup=cWhile start=/while\s*(/ end=/)/
\ contains=cCondNest
:syntax region cFor matchgroup=cFor start=/for\s*(/ end=/)/
\ contains=cCondNest
:syntax region cCondNest start=/(/ end=/)/ contained transparent
Partial matches in regex
If you really just meant highlighting submatches, have a look at the the
\zs start match
\ze end match
In short,
:match Error /foo\zsbar\zered/
would highlight only 'bar' in 'foobarred'


Color highlight function calls in VIM

Does anyone know a way to color highlight function calls in Vim?
I know that some plugins could do something like that by keeping record of tags, but with what I've found online, I could not figure out how to make it work.
I've tried using easy tags (which, by the way, doesn't seem to be maintained anymore) and gutentags, but to be quite honest, I haven't come much close to make any of them to work.
On the other hand, I imagine that it would be quite simple to implement a script to highlight anything that lies between a dot and a left parentheses or a blank space and a left parentheses (as in .anyCodeAtAll(), anotherCode()), but I have no idea how to do it. It would be a incomplete solution of course, but it would be good enough for my purposes at the moment.
Does anyone know how to make that work?
I have something like that in my configuration, but it's quite language specific. For example for Golang, I have a ~/.vim/after/go.vim which contains:
syntax match goCustomParen "(" contains=cParen
syntax match goCustomFuncDef "func\s\+\w\+\s*(" contains=goDeclaration,goCustomParen
" Exclude import as function name, for multi-line imports
syntax match goCustomFunc "import\s\+(\|\(\w\+\s*\)(" contains=goCustomParen,goImport
syntax match goCustomScope "\."
syntax match goCustomAttribute "\.\w\+" contains=goCustomScope
syntax match goCustomMethod "\.\w\+\s*(" contains=goCustomScope,goCustomParen
highlight def link goCustomMethod Function
highlight def link goCustomAttribute Identifier
highlight goCustomFuncDef ctermfg=13
highlight goCustomFunc ctermfg=43
highlight goCustomAttribute ctermfg=247
highlight goCustomMethod ctermfg=33
And for Python, I have a ~/.vim/after/python.vim:
syntax match pyCustomParen "(" contains=cParen
syntax match pyCustomFunc "\w\+\s*(" contains=pyCustomParen
syntax match pyCustomScope "\."
syntax match pyCustomAttribute "\.\w\+" contains=pyCustomScope
syntax match pyCustomMethod "\.\w\+\s*(" contains=pyCustomScope,pyCustomParen
highlight def link pyCustomFunc Function
highlight def link pyCustomMethod Function
highlight def link pyCustomAttribute Identifier
highlight pyCustomFunc ctermfg=43
highlight pyCustomAttribute ctermfg=247
highlight pyCustomMethod ctermfg=33
In each case, the first block defines what is a function, a method, an attribute, and so on, the second block link these custom definition to the generic classes "Function, Identifier..." and the 3rd block defines the colors.
The files need to be in the after directory to be executed after the colorscheme and highlights definitions.
Here's a side by side comparison of with and without these settings (look on the last 3 lines):
Unless someone has a better solution, you could adapt the above for the language you need it.
It might be that you have not installed your plug-in correctly.
Try following these steps (or retrace your steps) and see if it works / missed any steps out:
cd ~ Go to home directory.
vim .vimrc open .vimrc
call plug#begin()
Plug 'xolox/vim-easytags'
call plug#end()
easytags#Options states easytags should work out of the box, but you could add option here in the
.vimrc file now or later,
e.g. put:
let g:easytags_syntax_keyword = 'always'
afer the call plug block.
:wq write quit the .vimrc
source ~/.vimrc unsure if required as will do later
vim test.js open vim with test.whatever language you know.
:PlugInstall in vim
Here might take a bit of time.
Then :q out of that window.
:source ~/.vimrc this is needed
Then test out to see if you have syntax highlighting.
I'm pretty sure this is along the right lines. Might be misspelled plugin name.

Adding syntax highlighting for latex plugin in vim

I am using a package called outlines for LaTeX. It adds commands such as \1 \2 \3 etc.
They are not highlighted by default in vim. So, I created a file called tex.vim in my .vimrc/syntax folder, and put this in the file:
:syn match outline /\\[1-9]/
hi link outline Label
This works only at the top level, not within a block. In other words, it works before my \begin{document}, but not between \begin{document} and \end{document}.
This is pretty much useless. How can I get vim to recognize the syntax, regardless of where it appears in the document?
You need to find the syntax group or cluster defined by the Tex syntax, and use contained containedin=..., but in your case, there is already a syntax group for statements, it's just that it doesn't include numbers. Therefore, you can just piggyback on the existing group and only add matching for numbers:
:syn match texStatement /\\\d/

LaTeX section highlighting in vim

In LaTeX, a section looks like:
\section{Section Title}
I would like to highlight such sections, or section titles. I tried to put the following in ~/.vim/bundle/latexrc/after/syntax/tex.vim:
syn match texSectioning "\\section\>" skipwhite nextgroup=texSectioningTitle
syn region texSectioningTitle contained matchgroup=Delimiter start='{' end='}' contains=#texSectioningGroup
syn cluster texSectioningGroup contains=texMatcher,texComment,texDelimiter
(Note that this kind of syntax is not handled by the default tex.vim syntax file. It only defines "section zones", which are pretty much worthless for me.)
I then define the following in my color scheme:
hi texSectioning gui=bold guifg=red
And nothing happens; that is, section titles do not appear in red in my LaTeX code (even after I reloaded the file completely).
I am totally confused as to how vim's syntax work, and how to debug it.
Some more information: it sometimes works and sometimes not. Completely unpredictable. What could be the problem? Pathogen? Something else? I'm completely puzzled.
You have defined the new syntax items texSectioning, texSectioningTitle and texSectioningGroup, but you have not linked them to a highlighting group, so Vim doesn't know how to display them. Try adding these lines:
hi def link texSectioning Statement
hi def link texSectioningTitle String
hi def link texSectioningGroup Comment
The Statement, String and Comment colourings are defining by the colourscheme you are using. These are just examples: you can replace them with any group defined in the colourscheme file.
Here is the answer: the tex.vim divides the text in zones, in which the syntax must be explicitly allowed. The key element is that command:
syn cluster texChapterGroup contains=#texSectioningGroup
This says to vim that inside a texChapterGroup, the syntax cluster texSectioningGroup is allowed. The next thing to do is simply to define that cluster as usual.
Another detail is that the region texSectioningTitle must be contained, otherwise it will match arbitrary pairs of {} in LaTeX.
So a complete solution goes like this:
syn match texSectioningCommand '\\section\>' skipwhite nextgroup=texSectioningTitle contains=#texSectioningGroup
syn region texSectioningTitle start='{' end='}' contained
syn cluster texSectioningGroup contains=texSectioningCommand
syn cluster texChapterGroup contains=#texSectioningGroup
Edit Here is why the behaviour was apparently unpredictable: vim does not read the entire file to figure out the syntax. So in a big enough chapter, my section syntax would work because vim did not go far enough to see it was in a chapter zone.
Just to update the information to highlight section easily. Using containedin means that all the other syntax matches contains this new syntax match. Then just define the color you want.
syn match texSectioningCommand '\\section\>' containedin=ALLBUT,texComment
hi texSectioningCommand guifg=#ec5f67 ctermfg=203
Alternatively, a simple new syntax match could be added to the texFoldGroup in order to be evaluated inside the the block document.
syn match texSectioningCommand '\\section\>'
syn cluster texFoldGroup add=texSectioningCommand
hi texSectioningCommand guifg=#ec5f67 ctermfg=203

Vim: C++ symbols' color

VIM: Is it possible to change the color of these symbols:
like Visual Studio does?
The C/C++ syntaxes are defined in syntax/c.vim and syntax/cpp.vim. If you're using Linux, the main syntax directory is in /usr/share/vimXX/, where XX is the version (e.g. mine are in vim72). I don't know about installation directories on other OSes, but I'm sure you can find it. I'd suggest making a copy of these and placing them in your user vim directory (for example, in Linux, $HOME/.vim/syntax/c.vim and so on). You can then add whatever you like.
The C++ syntax sources the C syntax, so any symbols you want highlighted in both should go in c.vim, and anything for C++ only should be in cpp.vim.
To get syntax highlighting for specific symbols, you'll need to use a syntax match statement, something like:
syn match cUserSpecialCharacter display "[~!%^&*()-+=[\]{},.<>?:;]"
syn match cUserSpecialCharacter display "/[^*/]"me=e-1
syn match cUserSpecialCharacter display "/$"
I called it cUserSpecialCharacter since cCharacter and cSpecialCharacter are already used. The second and third matches are a bit of a kludge to highlight '/' without it matching comment prefixes, which would then override the comment highlighting and break everything. The "display" option tells Vim that it doesn't need to look for this match if it's not going to be displayed - see :help syn-display for an explanation if you like!
Once you've defined a syntax match, you can link it to a highlight group, for example:
hi def link cUserSpecialCharacter cCharacter
This will put it in with the already defined cCharacter group, so it'll get whatever highlighting that gets - in this case, Character. You can see a nice list of highlight groups at the bottom of c.vim for examples. If you really want, you can also hardcode a highlight by doing something like:
hi cUserSpecialCharacter term=reverse ctermfg=15 ctermbg=1 guifg=#ffffff guibg=#800000
(Arbitrary example - my current highlighting for the Error group.) See :help hi for more information on this, or simply :hi to see the list of defined highlighting - plenty of examples. I'd recommend against doing this, though, since it won't change with color schemes.
Yes, you need to edit the C color theme in vimfiles/colors/c.vim I don't know all the theme options one can use, but I'm sure they are documented on http://vim.org/

Vim: need help with a tiny script code to highlight

I need a script code to highlight "[Capítulo" and "]" and everything between them. Thank you.
I want it to work everytime I open , for example, a .txt file. Just like code highlighting.
Here's an easy way to do it:
in vim, make sure syntax highlighting is on with :syn on
run the command :highlight to get a listing of all the highlight group names, and samples of what they look like. The Error group looks like it stands out well in my colorscheme, so I'll use that in my example (but you can use any of the other names, like Todo or Search)
:syntax match Error /\[Capítulo[^\]]*\]/
This pattern will keep you from greedily matching the largest chunk. Even though other people are suggesting you use the regular expression /\[Capítulo.*\]/ - it's probably not what you want, because it will match everything in between if there are two or more such patterns on a line.
For example /\[Capítulo.*\]/ will match this entire line:
[Capítulo foo] these words should not be highlighted [Capítulo bar]
The same example but with /\[Capítulo[^\]]*\]/ will only match stuff inside []:
[Capítulo foo] these words should not be highlighted [Capítulo bar]
With regular expressions, it's a common trick to make a group that matches everything but the character that you want to end your match, instead of using the .* which will match as many characters as it can. In this case, we make the group [^\]]* - which says "match everything except ]."
If this works the way you want it to, add the syntax match line without the ":" to your .vimrc
A regular expression is what you're looking for:
Type / to enter in "search mode" and type:
