How to get form field value in onclick event - get

Please help me. how can I get user input.
Mytest.views.Forma = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {/*This is a panel which displays all*/
initComponent: function(){
Ext.apply(this, {/*derive the form*/
items: [ {
xtype: 'fieldset',
id: 'formaFieldset',
title: '',
items: [
name: 'from',
label: 'From'
xtype: 'button',
cls: 'btnAction',
text:'Price Check',
//Here you need to print the values ​​of form fields
} ]
Ext.reg('forma', Mytest.views.Forma);

You can use getValues() function to obtain the values in the form field.


How to Remove Specific Text / String Out of Array Object Values

I am using Node.js 16.17 and Express.
Forgive me if this is answered elsewhere, if a solution exists elsewhere, please point me in that direction.
On my server side, I have an array with objects with properties and their values. I want to be able to remove specific text/string from the property values.
What I Have
I currently have an array with objects (and sometimes arrays and object nested within):
DataArray =
page: {
results: [
id: '1234',
title: 'TextIWantA **(Text) I Dont Want**',
children: {
page: {
results: [
id: '5678',
title: 'ChildA TextIWant **(Text I) Dont Want**',
id: '9101',
title: 'ChildB TextIWant **(Text I) Dont Want**',
children: {
page: {
results: [
id: 'abcd',
title: 'GrandchildA TextIWant **(Text I (Dont) Want**',
id: '1121',
title: 'TextIWantB **(Text) I Dont Want**',
I am able to flatten this structure with this function:
function flatten(arr) {
const flattened = []
for (const { children, ...element } of arr) {
if (children) {
return flattened;
const flat = [{ page: { results: flatten(DataArray[0].page.results) } }]
The returned data is:
{ id: '1234', 'page', title: 'TextIWantA **(Text) I Dont Want**' },
{ id: '5678', 'page', title: 'ChildA TextIWant **(Text I) Dont Want**' },
{ id: '9101', 'page', title: 'ChildB TextIWant **(Text I) Dont Want**' },
{ id: 'abcd', 'page', title: 'GrandchildA TextIWant **(Text I (Dont) Want**' },
{ id: '1121', 'page', title: 'TextIWantB **(Text) I Dont Want**' }
I am making an assumption that I have to change my text to a string in order to replace it then parse it again to turn back into an object. I'm happy to learn my assumption is true or incorrect, if incorrect, how to fix to be able to remove text.
So if I try to do a replace using the following, 1) it does not work and 2) it does not differentiate for the different text to remove (perhaps I just run multiple/different replaces/filters?):
const veryFlat = flat;
var veryFlatData ={return x.toString().replace(/ **(Text) I Dont Want**/g, '');});
var removedTextData= JSON.parse(veryFlatData);
Desired Result
I want to be able to remove all of the variances of Text I Dont Want, so the end result would look like (of now it will be flattened as seen above)
DataArray =
page: {
results: [
id: '1234',
title: 'TextIWantA',
children: {
page: {
results: [
id: '5678',
title: 'ChildA TextIWant',
id: '9101',
title: 'ChildB TextIWant',
children: {
page: {
results: [
id: 'abcd',
title: 'GrandchildA TextIWant',
id: '1121',
title: 'TextIWantB',
Each title is unique and I don't seem able to find anything to even say I've tried this or that.
I don't want to use .startswith or .length or .index and would prefer to avoid regex, and the example above using .replace doesn't seem to work.
How do I reach into these property values and rip out the text I don't want?
Thank you for any help you can provide.

How do I populate a User Story's Revision History in a grid

I found an answer related to Revision History "Querying for User Story revisions in Rally"
I am having trouble determining how to populate a grid with it.
Can I use the model and populate a story that the gird references?
Here is a working example, using other examples.
I had to populate an array with revision history info and add it to a story.
Then the story populated the grid.
// Also referenced
extend: '',
componentCls: 'app',
launch: function()
var panel = Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel',
layout: 'hbox',
itemId: 'parentPanel',
componentCls: 'panel',
items: [
xtype: 'panel',
title: 'Artifacts updated in the last two days',
width: 600,
itemId: 'childPanel1'
xtype: 'panel',
title: 'Last Revision',
width: 600,
itemId: 'childPanel2'
var artifacts = Ext.create('',
models: ['UserStory','Defect', 'TestCase'],
fetch: ['Owner', 'FormattedID','Name','ScheduleState','RevisionHistory','Revisions','Description','CreationDate','User'],
autoLoad: true,
load: this._onDataLoaded,
scope: this
_onDataLoaded: function(store, data)
this._customRecords = [];
_.each(data, function(artifact, index)
_ref: artifact.get('_ref'),
FormattedID: artifact.get('FormattedID'),
Name: artifact.get('Name'),
RevisionID: Rally.util.Ref.getOidFromRef(artifact.get('RevisionHistory')),
RevisionNumber: 'not loaded'
}, this);
_createGrid: function(store,data)
var that = this;
var g = Ext.create('Rally.ui.grid.Grid',
itemId: 'g',
store: store,
enableEditing: false,
showRowActionsColumn: false,
[{text: 'Formatted ID', dataIndex: 'FormattedID'},
{text: 'Name', dataIndex: 'Name'},
{text: 'ScheduleState', dataIndex: 'ScheduleState'},
{text: 'Last Revision',
renderer: function (v, m, r)
var id =;
Ext.defer(function ()
renderTo: id,
text: 'see',
width: 50,
handler: function ()
}, 50);
return Ext.String.format('<div id="{0}"></div>', id);
}], height: 400,
_getRevisionHistory: function(artifactList, artifact)
this._artifact = artifact;
this._revisionModel =
type: 'RevisionHistory',
scope: this,
success: this._onModelCreated
_onModelCreated: function(model)
scope: this,
success: this._onModelLoaded
_onModelLoaded: function(record, operation)
var list = [];
fetch: true,
scope: this,
callback: function(revisions, operation, success)
_.each(revisions, function(artifact, index)
var creationdate;
if (Rally.environment.useSystemTimezone || Rally.environment.useWorkspaceTimeZone)
creationdate = Rally.util.DateTime.formatDate(, true);
creationdate = Rally.util.DateTime.formatWithDefaultDateTime(;
var nodedata =
creationdate: creationdate
if(nodedata.descript.indexOf('SCHEDULE STATE') > -1)
if(nodedata.descript .indexOf('PLAN ESTIMATE') > -1)
}, this);
var myStore = Ext.create("",
autoLoad: true,
data : list,
var revGrid = Ext.create('Rally.ui.grid.Grid',
itemId: 'revGrid ',
store: myStore,
enableEditing: false,
showRowActionsColumn: false,
height: 400,
{text: 'Rev #', dataIndex: 'rev_num'},
{text: 'Description', dataIndex: 'descript'},
{text: 'Author', dataIndex: 'author'},
{text: 'Change Date', dataIndex: 'creationdate'}

JointJS: Inspector doesn't edit link label?

I'm working on a Flowchart editor and I want the ui.inspector to edit labels on links.
I did the following:
function createInspector(cellView) {
if (!inspector || inspector.options.cellView !== cellView) {
if (inspector) {
inspector = new joint.ui.Inspector({
inputs: {
attrs: {
text: { type: 'textarea', group: 'Labels', label: 'Label', index: 2 },
groups: {
labels:[ { label: 'Labels', index: 1 },
cellView: cellView
paper.on('cell:pointerdown', function(cellView) {
However, when I edit a link it shows in the JSON output:
"labels": {
"0": {
"attrs": {
"text": {
"text": "Text I entered"
but doesn't actually render on the link in the stencil.
I think the problem is with the { "0": part the inspector adds. I want to remove that and replace with it [ ] so the output will be
labels: [
{ attrs: { text: { text: 'label' } } }
What should I do ??
It is possible to define Inspector inputs with paths.
'labels/0/attrs/text/text': {
type: 'text',
group: 'Text',
index: 1,
label: 'Label'
Or as a combination of attributes nesting and paths.
'labels/0/attrs': {
text: {
text: {
type: 'text',
group: 'Text',
index: 1,
label: 'Label'
fontSize: {
type: 'number',
group: 'Text',
index: 2,
label: 'Font Size'
This is valid for Rappid v2.4.0+.
inspector = new joint.ui.Inspector({
inputs: {
'labels': [
{attrs: {
text: {
text: {
type: 'text',
group: 'someGroup',
index: 1,
label: "Label"

Ext JS 4: Custom object property value based on condition

I'm trying to create custom property values (based on a condition of a function) for my Ext objects, instead of specifying just a value.
Example 1:
old code (working)
this.buttons = [
text: 'Save',
new code (not working)
this.buttons = [
text: function() {
return 'Save X';
Example 2:
old code (working)
}, {
width: 270,
labelAlign: 'right',
xtype: 'textfield',
name: 'user_id',
fieldLabel: 'User ID',
hidden: true
new code (not working)
}, {
width: 270,
labelAlign: 'right',
xtype: 'textfield',
name: 'user_id',
fieldLabel: 'User ID',
hidden: function() { return true; }
Example 3:
Ignore entire textfield object (lazy instance) completely based on a condition:
}, {
width: 270,
labelAlign: 'right',
xtype: 'textfield',
name: 'employee_number',
fieldLabel: 'Employee Number'
You simply can't do it this way. It is not possible to replace a type with a function. In your case you assign a function reference to a variable which is expected to be boolean, same for the string.
Solution A.
You should consider to write yourself a field factory. Within that factory you can then execute any function before assigning configs. (Sort of same then B but can be used to reduce function calls)
Solution B.
Use a function reference itself. This one should then get executed. (spare the requirement of class extension and is over that reuseable)
// The data store containing the list of states
var states = Ext.create('', {
fields: ['abbr', 'name'],
data : [
{"abbr":"AL", "name":"Alabama"},
{"abbr":"AK", "name":"Alaska"},
{"abbr":"AZ", "name":"Arizona"}
my.util.helper.decideHide = function() { return true; }
// Create the combo box, attached to the states data store
Ext.create('Ext.container.Container', {
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
items: [{
xtype: 'combo',
fieldLabel: 'Choose State',
store: states,
queryMode: 'local',
displayField: 'name',
valueField: 'abbr',
test: my.util.helper.decideHide(),
listeners: {
afterrender: function(n) {
Solution C.
And the solution I use most in such cases are simplified if else statements
// ... // more code
    text: myCondition ? 'Text A' : 'Text B',
// more code
// ... // more code
Yeah that is not going to work, some Ext configs take a function that will be evaluated but most of them don't. Instead of creating anonymous functions and not invoking them I would do something like this:
Ext.define('UserPanel', {
extend : 'Ext.panel.Panel',
initComponent : function() {
this.items = [{
xtype : 'button',
text : this._getSaveButtonText()
}, {
width : 270,
labelAlign : 'right',
xtype : 'textfield',
name : 'user_id',
fieldLabel : 'User ID',
hidden : this._isUserIdHidden()
_getSaveButtonText : function() {
return 'Save';
_isUserIdHidden : function() {
return true;

ExtJs 4 Reload Application

In my application all component's titles/texts are localized based on store loaded before Application launch. In application i have button that changes store url and reloads the store to switch language. The problem is that all the classess are already loaded so components are rendered with previous locale. Here is the code of the button:
tbar: [{
xtype: 'button',
id: 'btn-test',
text: 'xxx',
handler: function() {
lang = 'en';
i18n.getBundlestore().load({url:'/GSIP/resources/gsip/i18n/bundle-' + lang + '.properties'});
//bun = Ext.create('I18N.ResourceBundle');
Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', {
id: 'mainview',
layout: 'border',
items: [
xtype: 'gsip_mainpanel',
region: 'center',
items: [{
xtype: 'gsip_categoriestabpanel'
The exact same viewport creation is in my Application.js. lang and i18n are global variables. Old viewport is destroyed and new is created but how to force to reload classess. I dont want to use window.location.
Code updated:
handler: function() {
lang = 'en';
i18n.getBundlestore().load({url:'/GSIP/resources/gsip/i18n/bundle-' + lang + '.properties',
callback: function() {
Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', {
id: 'mainview',
layout: 'border',
items: [
xtype: 'gsip_mainpanel',
region: 'center',
items: [{
xtype: 'gsip_categoriestabpanel'
Ext.define('GSIP.view.CategoriesTabPanel' ,{
extend: '',
alias : 'widget.gsip_categoriestabpanel',
layout: 'fit',
items: [{
xtype: 'gsip_planytabpanel',
title: i18n.getMsg('key-1')
xtype: 'gsip_adresytabpanel',
title: i18n.getMsg('key-2')
initComponent: function() {
and ResourceBundle (i18n variable is an instance of this class):
extend: '',
fields: ['key', 'value']
extend: 'GSIP.core.RegisteredStore',
model: 'I18N.ResourceModel',
autoLoad: true,
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: '/GSIP/resources/gsip/i18n/bundle-' + lang + '.properties',
reader: {
type: 'json',
root: 'pl',
successProperty: 'success'
Ext.define('I18N.ResourceBundle' ,{
config: {
bundlestore: Ext.create('I18N.ResourceStore'),
constructor: function(config) {
return this;
getMsg: function(key) {
return this.bundlestore.getAt(this.bundlestore.findExact('key', key)).get('value');
//callback function, called before store load :(
Within the definition of widget.gsip_categoriestabpanel you set items as a config. This means it will always reference the same object (and not the updated one). As first step, you should move the items definition to initComponent, there you can also console.log(i18n) to see it's the right one.
