j2me: using custom fonts(bitmap) performance - java-me

I want to use custom fonts in my j2me application. so I created a png file contains all needed glyph and an array of glyphs width and another for glyphs offset in PNG file.
Now, I want to render a text in my app using above font within a gameCanvas class. but when I use the following code, rendering text in real device is very slow.
Note: the text is coded(for some purposes) to bytes and stored in this.text variable. 242=[space],241=[\n] and 243=[\r].
int textIndex = 0;
while(textIndex < this.text.length)
int index = this.text[textIndex] & 0xFF;
if(index > 243)
else if(index == 242) lineLeft += 3;
else if(index == 241 || index == 243)
top += font.getHeight();
lineLeft = 0;
lineLeft += widths[index];
if(lineLeft <= getWidth())
lineLeft = 0;
int left = starts[index];
int charWidth = widths[index];
bg.drawRegion(font, left, 0, charWidth, font.getHeight(), 0, lineLeft, top, Graphics.LEFT|Graphics.TOP);
}catch(Exception ee)
Can anyone help me to improve performance and speed in my code?
At end sorry for my bad English and thanks in advanced.:)
Edit: I changed line
bg.drawRegion(font, left, 0, charWidth, font.getHeight(), 0, lineLeft, top, Graphics.LEFT|Graphics.TOP);
bg.clipRect(left, top, charWidth, font.getHeight());
bg.drawImage(font, lineLeft - left, top,0)
bg.setClip(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
but there was no difference in speed!!
any help please!!
Can anyone plz help me to improve my app?
text will appear after 2-3 seconds in real device by this code, I want reduce this time to milliseconds. this is very important for me.
Can I use threads? If yes, How?

I can't sure why your code's performance is not good in real device.
But, how about refer some well known open source J2ME libraries to check it's text drawing implementation for example, LWUIT.
You can find from the above link it's font drawing implementation. It uses drawImage rather than drawRegion.

I would advice you to look into this library. The implementation is quite good and makes use of industry standard design patters ( Flyweight pattern, predominantly) and robust.


UWP no error but can not display my screen

I am writing an uwp program, you may treat it as a drawing segments program:
It is only allow to draw segments horizontal or vertical.
a new segment must start at an old segment's vertex, and there are two situation not allowed in this program:
Here is my code to judge if two segments are cross over each other,Here is my code :
(I use a for loop to select all of segments I have already created, "line[]" stored all the segments I have already created and "ln" stored a random new segment, it will add the new segment to "line[]" if no erro occurs)
for (int l = 0; l < i - 1; l++)
if (ln.getY1() == ln.getY()&&line[l].getX()==line[l].getX1())
if(line[l].getX()>=Math.Min(ln.getX(),ln.getX1())&&line[l].getX()<=Math.Max(ln.getX(), ln.getX1())&&ln.getY()>=Math.Min(line[l].getY(),line[l].getY1())&&ln.getY()<= Math.Max(line[l].getY(), line[l].getY1()))
else if (ln.getX1() == ln.getX()&&line[l].getY()==line[l].getY1())
if(ln.getX()>=Math.Min(line[l].getX(),line[l].getX1())&&ln.getX()<=Math.Max(line[l].getX(), line[l].getX1())&&line[l].getY()>=Math.Min(ln.getY(),ln.getY1())&& line[l].getY() <= Math.Max(ln.getY(), ln.getY1()))
but when I test this program, it stuck in this screen:
but if I delete all the equal symbol, the program can run successfully. Can anyone tell me how to improve? sorry about my English, hope you can understand what I mean:p

MFC How to create a context menu with scrolling capability

I need to create a context menu with scrolling capability because I need to insert a lot of file names on it, just like Visual Studio 2010's open files context menu.
Anybody has any idea on how to implement this with MFC?
Windows menu supports scrolling if you have more items than fit into the visible part. You can verify it by inserting a couple hundred items into your menu.
I guess the question should be: how to limit the vertical size of the menu (as it would otherwise extend to the height of your screen). Here is an example:
CMenu menu;
CString s;
for (int i = 1; i < 100; ++i)
s.Format(L"Item %.3d", i);
menu.AppendMenu(MF_STRING, i, s);
MENUINFO mi = { sizeof(MENUINFO) };
mi.cyMax = 400;
menu.TrackPopupMenu(TPM_RETURNCMD, 100, 100, this);

Direct3D Window->Bounds.Width/Height differs from real resolution

I noticed a strange behaviour with Direct3D while doing this tutorial.
The dimensions I am getting from the Window Object differ from the configured resolution of windows. There I set 1920*1080, the width and height from the Winows Object is 1371*771.
CoreWindow^ Window = CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread();
// set the viewport
D3D11_VIEWPORT viewport = { 0 };
viewport.TopLeftX = 0;
viewport.TopLeftY = 0;
viewport.Width = Window->Bounds.Width; //should be 1920, actually is 1371
viewport.Height = Window->Bounds.Height; //should be 1080, actually is 771
I am developing on an Alienware 14, maybe this causes this problem, but I could not find any answers, yet.
CoreWindow sizes, pointer locations, etc. are not expressed in pixels. They are expressed in Device Independent Pixels (DIPS). To convert to/from pixels you need to use the Dots Per Inch (DPI) value.
inline int ConvertDipsToPixels(float dips) const
return int(dips * m_DPI / 96.f + 0.5f);
inline float ConvertPixelsToDips(int pixels) const
return (float(pixels) * 96.f / m_DPI);
m_DPI comes from DisplayInformation::GetForCurrentView()->LogicalDpi and you get the DpiChanged event when and if it changes.
See DPI and Device-Independent Pixels for more details.
You should take a look at the Direct3D UWP Game templates on GitHub, and check out how this is handled in Main.cpp.

How to generate random points around the curves of characters using processing?

I would like to generate random/noise points along each character of a multiple line text. I've tried this with the Geomerative library, but unfortunately it does not support multi line. Any other solution?
You could find a library to get the path points of the text or if simply adding points, you could get a 2D snapshot(either using get() or PGraphics) of the text and fill in pixels. Here's a minimal example.
PImage snapshot;
int randomSize = 3;
void setup(){
//render some text
//grab a snapshot
snapshot = get();
void draw(){
int rx = (int)random(snapshot.width);//pick a random pixel location
int ry = (int)random(snapshot.height);//you can pick only the areas that have text or the whole image bot a bit of hit&miss randomness
//check if it's the same colour as the text, if so, pick a random neighbour and also paint it black
if(snapshot.get(rx,ry) == color(0)) snapshot.set(rx+((int)random(randomSize,-randomSize)),ry+((int)random(randomSize,-randomSize)),0);

Freetype2 failing under WoW64

I built a tff to D3D texture function using freetype2(2.3.9) to generate grayscale maps from the fonts. it works great under native win32, however, on WoW64 it just explodes (well, FT_Done and FT_Load_Glyph do). from some debugging, it seems to be a problem with HeapFree as called by free from FT_Free.
I know it should work, as games like WCIII, which to the best of my knowledge use freetype2, run fine, this is my code, stripped of the D3D code(which causes no problems on its own):
FT_Face pFace = NULL;
FT_Error nError = 0;
FT_Byte* pFont = static_cast<FT_Byte*>(ARCHIVE_LoadFile(pBuffer,&nSize));
if((nError = FT_New_Memory_Face(pLibrary,pFont,nSize,0,&pFace)) == 0)
FT_Set_Char_Size(pFace,nSize << 6,nSize << 6,96,96);
for(unsigned char c = 0; c < 95; c++)
if(!FT_Load_Glyph(pFace,FT_Get_Char_Index(pFace,c + 32),FT_LOAD_RENDER))
FT_Glyph pGlyph;
LOG("GET: %c",c + 32);
FT_BitmapGlyph pGlyphMap = reinterpret_cast<FT_BitmapGlyph>(pGlyph);
FT_Bitmap* pBitmap = &pGlyphMap->bitmap;
const size_t nWidth = pBitmap->width;
const size_t nHeight = pBitmap->rows;
//add to texture atlas
delete pFont;
return FALSE;
delete pFont;
return TRUE;
ARCHIVE_LoadFile returns blocks allocated with new.
As a secondary question, I would like to render a font using pixel sizes, I came across FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes, but I'm unsure as to whether this stretches the font to fit the size, or bounds it to a size. what I would like to do is render all the glyphs at say 24px (MS Word size here), then turn it into a signed distance field in a 32px area.
After much fiddling, I got a test app to work, which leads me to think the problems are arising from threading, as my code is running in a secondary thread. I have compiled freetype into a static lib using the multithread DLL, my app uses the multithreaded libs. gonna see if i can set up a multithreaded test.
Also updated to 2.4.4, to see if the problem was a known but fixed bug, didn't help however.
Update 2
After some more fiddling, it turns out I wasn't using the correct lib for 2.4.4 -.- after fixing that, the test app works 100%, but the main app still crashes when FT_Done_Face is called, still seems to be a crash in the memory heap management of windows. is it possible that there is a bug in freetype2 that makes it blow up under user threads?
