Contents ofAzure worker role e:\approot folder disappearing on instance reboot - azure

When a Windows Azure worker role instance is rebooted from within the Azure portal, are the contents of the e:\approot folder deleted?
I have an elevated startup task which checks for the existence of a file in this folder before adding some registry settings. This has worked in the past but is now failing because the file it expects to find is no longer there following a portal-induced reboot.
If I perform a 'shutdown' command from within the startup task, the instance reboots but the contents of e:\approot are unaffected.

As others have already said, the contents of the drive are not lost on reboot. What has most likely happened is that you are hardcoding "e:\approot" in your startup task. You should not do this. I would hazard a guess that when you reboot, the drive has moved to f:\ or some other drive. I have seen this quite a bit.
Instead, you should reference %ROLEROOT% environment variable. That will point to the correct drive and path (e.g. "%ROLEROOT%\AppRoot") on reboot regardless of where the drive actually gets moved to.

I don't believe the conent of e:\approot will "disappear". The original content I mean.
This is the location where your role code is located, so it is not being deleted in any way, otherwise your role will not work at all. It might be reinitiated on every reboot, however I really doubt that is true.
If you use startup task to check for something you manually add, I suggest that you use a Local Storage Resource. Keep anything that is not part of your original package deployment in a Local Resource. You have the option to keep the content of this folder(s) (or clean it) upon role "recycle".
If your startup task is checking for some contents of your role code/package to be there, I suggest that you implement some wait logic in the cmd/batch file you are using. And also mark the startup task as "background" type, so it does not block the instance startup. As I said, e:\approot cannot be empty, because this is where your code resides! The content might come there later, but for sure it will not stay empty.

You can't count on local changes surviving (or not surviving) updates or restarts - changes may persist or may be lost.
Your code should be designed to account for that, period. You can store temporary data locally to resume faster, but that data persisting is not guaranteed, so you should have that data in some durable storage like SQL Azure or Azure Storage.
The behavior you see might be caused by installing software updates. I'm not sure that's how it works, but imagine Azure infrastructure decides to roll on Windows updates on some of your instances VMs. Installing updates can take long, so Azure will just stop your instance, then start another (already updated) clean VM and deploy and start your role instance there. If that happens all local changes will of course be lost - your instance will be started on a fresh clean VM and your current VM will be discarded. That's just a speculation, but I imagine it's quite realistic.

Answer is that when the Reboot button is clicked on the Azure portal, the contents of the AppRoot folder are deleted and the package redeployed.
To test, deploy something (anything...) to an Azure instance. RDP onto the instance and create a file (test.txt) in the AppRoot folder (this will be on the E: or F: drive).
Click the Reboot button on the portal. Wait for restart, then RDP onto the instance again - test.txt no longer exists.
Note that if you RDP onto the instance and choose Restart from the Windows UI, then test.txt is not deleted.


Do temp files get automatically deleted after Azure function stops

I have an Azure function app with multiple Azure functions in it. The function app is running on the consumption plan and a linux os. In one of the Azure functions, each time it runs I'm saving a file to a /tmp directory so that I can use that file in the Azure function. After the Azure function stops running, if you don't delete this file from the /tmp directory will it automatically be deleted? And if it isn't automatically deleted, what's the security implications of having those files still there. I say this because, as I understand it, using the consumption plan means sharing resources with other people. I don't know if the tmp directory is part of those shared resources or not. But I'd rather not have other people be able to access files I write to the tmp directory. Thanks :)
I had read here
"Keep in mind though, that Functions is conceived as a serverless
platform, and you should not depend on local disk access to do any
kind of persistence. Whatever you store in that location will be
deleted on other Function invocations."
I ran one of the Azure functions which uploads a file to that tmp directory each time it runs. From that link, I thought the files in tmp would be deleted each time I ran the function, but they persisted across each time that I ran the function. What am I getting wrong here?
Temp directory files are deleted automatically once in 12 hours of time but not after each run of the function app of if the function app is restarted.
It means the data stored in temp directory (For E.g., D:\local\Temp) in Azure, can exists up to the function host process is alive which means that temp data/files are ephemeral.
Persisted files are not shared among site instances and also cannot rely on those files by staying there. Hence, there are no security concerns here.
Please refer to the Azure App Service File System temporary files GitHub Document for more information.

seeking example of azure Linux VM deprovisioning itself (via helper VM)

I would not imagine that a VM could deprovision itself fully (but that would be a nice feature), but must start a helper VM to do that. I am seeking an example of such for a Linux VM. I would actually like an example where a VM could be completely cleaned up after, deprovision, delete, delete disks (boot included), no trace left, no storage consumed, nada.
If you are running from Linux you can use the Azure CLI which provides the functionality you need.
If you run a force delete on a VM with the option to delete the underlying disk, the command will be registered with Azure before the operation starts, therefore it is perfectly possible to completely delete a running VM from within that VM.
Since you're deleting the entire stack, there's no need to gracefully shutdown beforehand (which would be more challenging - though not impossible) You can just hit the delete button and let Azure figure the rest out.

Cloud service restored to the last production deployment

I've update production deployment yesterday morning then I've made changes to service files using remote connection
add and update files and everything was OK.
today morning all the changes I've done after deployment was undone and customers use the old version and this cost us hundreds of thousand of pounds
i need to know what's happen nothing appeared in operations log
Probably what has happened is that Microsoft has updated your servers at the Cloud Centre and re-deployed your application from the original deployment. This is in their terms and conditions, you should not make any important manual changes to the deployment after it is deployed unless they are stored in the portal (environment settings etc.), otherwise they might be lost during updates or reboots.
I learned this the hard way too. I had a cache role with only one instance (I thought it only made sense with one instance) and while updates happened, my whole site went down several times over several days!
PaaS services are stateless, which means the VMs running your service can be destroyed and recreated at any time, at which point the VM will be recreated with the content from your original .cspkg.
For more information see and
As others have said, PaaS Web Roles are stateless. If you're making manual configuration changes to your deployed solution package after it has been auto-deployed then any re-deployment by the Azure fabric will simply deploy the package minus your manual changes. To solve this issue you could use startup tasks to apply your manual changes using a PowerShell script or similar (depending on what you're changing). See
Note that startup tasks don't just run when a machine gets re-imaged or rebooted.

Role Instances are taking longer than expected - Workaround issues

Whenever we get the error "Role Instances are taking longer than expected". The only possible options to do are .
Shutdown the emulators and try again.
Restart the machine and see if that helps.
Uninstall the Azure Tools for that version.
Some times uninstalling the same takes a long time,some times even days. It appears that some process or service is blocking the same. Has anyone faced this before ? If yes does anyone know which process would be blocking the same?
When an instance starts it will run the OnStart method on the worker/web role (depending on your service type). The more stuff you have in there, the more time it will take to start up the role. Common caveats are the Cache as mentioned and blob/table storage (if you do read/write/create when you start the role).
Try minimizing the OnStart's workload and moving any storage stuff in async tasks.
I have had similar problems as well in the past
IISConfigurator could not map the web roles in IIS. In my case it was due to corrupted file system ACLs on the code directory. See logs under C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Local\dftmp\IISConfiguratorLogs\
Another cause might be that something else has tied up the Port Numbers that Azure is trying to bind your web role on. Or that the ports that the local storage needs for tables/blobs and queues (10000-10002) have been taken by another app. Open a command prompt and run netstat -anb
Try running the Visual Studio using "Run as Administrator" option.

Running existing program on Windows AZURE cloud platform

i have an existing program that i would like to upload to the cloud without rewriting it and i'm wondering if that is possible.
For exemple can i upload and run a photoshop instance in the cloud and use it?
Of course not the GUI but photoshop has a communication sdk so web program should be able to control it!
As far as i can see, Worker roles looks good but they have to be written in a specific way and i can't rewrite photoshop !
Thanks for your attention!
As long as your existing program is 64bit compatible and it has installer that supports unattended/silent install; or your programm is xcopy deployable, you can use it in Azure.
For the programm that requires installation and supports unattended/silent install you can use StartUp Task.
For the program that is just xcopy deployable, just put it in a folder of your worker role, and make sure the "Copy to Output" attribute of all required files are set to "Copy always". Then you can use it.
However the bigger question is, what are you going to do with that "existing programm" in Azure, if you do not have API-s to work with.
Here's the thing, the Worker role should be what you need - it's essentially a virtual machine running a slightly different version of Windows, that you can RDP to, and use it normally. You can safely run more or less anything up there, but you need to automate the deployment (e.g. using startup tasks). As this can prove a bit problematic, Microsoft has created a Virtual machine Role. You create your own deployment and that's what gets raised when you instantiate the machine.
However! This machine is stateless, meaning that files it creates aren't saved if it gets restarted. So you need to ensure the files are saved somewhere else, e.g. in blob storage (intended for just such a purpose).
What I would do in your case, is create a virtual machine role, with Photoshop installed, and a custom piece of software next to it, accepting requests via Azure Queues, that does the processing, and saves the file to blob storage, then sends the file onwards to whoever requested
