Data Chart to show times of day in Excel - excel

I have a data set where by i am required to show the sum of calls for a date and their call times also.
Here is an example of my data set for a few days for one extension
6/24/11 7:43:38 AM
6/24/11 8:10:23 AM
6/24/11 8:16:54 AM
6/24/11 8:20:45 AM
6/24/11 4:47:06 PM
6/25/11 12:38:43 PM
6/25/11 5:38:10 PM
6/26/11 7:32:53 AM
6/27/11 5:40:32 PM
6/28/11 3:46:05 PM
6/29/11 7:09:21 PM
6/30/11 5:59:54 AM
6/30/11 1:21:28 PM
6/30/11 5:59:00 PM
Is it possible to put this into a chart whereby we can see a sum of calls for a given date? If that makes sense.
I found the following post at Excel Timesheet
this fixed my problem.

Easiest way is to have a number of helper columns:
Column A through C contain the raw data for Extension 1-3
Column D through E contain the 'truncated' version of the time stamp into days
Column H through K would contain the frequency of calls for a given day and extension
Put the formula in E in order to get the truncated day, and expand it over the columns E-G
Put the starting day of interest in Cell I2. For Cell I3 enter the formula
so you will have automatically incrementing days in that column, this is your 'bin' for the histogram you're about to make.
Count the number of times the value in E is found for a day in your bin
In J ( column counting calls per day for extension 1 ) enter the formula:
drag this formula out.
Now you should have the data for your histogram/plot in columns I through L.

I found the following post at Excel Timesheet
this fixed my problem.
Excel Timesheet


fill in mulitple excel cells based on multiple cell values similar to a gantt chart

I would like to create a Gantt chart like with excel based on task start and duration cell values. I have an excel as below:
Start column indicates the quarter-calender the task starts.
Duration indicates the number of months the task can take to complete.
Based on these two value I would like to have a formula in columns Jan-Aug to fill with x appropriately
Desired output:
I dabbled with XLOOKUP and OFFSET with no luck. Tried creating defined names as in Microsoft template with no luck
You can try the following formula in cell D2:
=LET(months, MONTH(D1:O1), dur, C2:C4, Qs, B2:B4,
QsUx, SORT(UNiQUE(Qs)), start, XLOOKUP(Qs, QsUx, SEQUENCE(ROWS(QsUx),,1,3)),
end, start + dur - 1,
GEN_X, LAMBDA(idx, MAP(start, end, LAMBDA(ss, ee,
LET(month, INDEX(months,,idx), IF(MEDIAN(ss, ee, month) = month, "x",""))))),
DROP(REDUCE("", months, LAMBDA(acc, m, HSTACK(acc, GEN_X(m)))),,1)
and here is the output:
Note: The formula generates the entire grid, there is no need to expand the formula.
It uses the following two ideas:
To populate the grid using the MEDIAN function. Check the answer provided by #JosWoolley: Sum unique day count within a date ranges.
DROP/REDUCE/HSTACK pattern to iterate over all the month's columns to generate the x's for a given column. Check the answer provided by #DavidLeal to the question: how to transform a table in Excel from vertical to horizontal but with different lengths.
The rest is just to prepare/transform the input data in the format we want. The LET function is used for easy reading and composition.
The row with the months: D1:O1 was generated in date format as follows:
=EDATE(DATE(2022,1,1), SEQUENCE(1,12,0))
Now the months variable will have the corresponding months via the MONTH function, it returns the following sequence of values: 1,2,..,12.
QsUx has the unique names of quarters sorted. Then we can calculate the start date as follow:
SEQUENCE generates the following sequence: 1,4,7,..etc. (as many values as rows have QsUx). Representing the starting month of each quarter.
Note: This is just one approach. The start can be obtained, by extracting the number of the Quarter and building a sequence: 1, prev. value + 3, for example. Alternatively, since we have only four quarters just a simple constant array with all the Qs and their corresponding start dates. The approach used in the main formula is more generic because the Gantt can be expanded to more than one year and it still works.
Having the start date, then we can calculate the corresponding end date as follows: start + dur - 1.
The user LAMBDA function GEN_X generates the x's values for a given column of months indicated by the idx as input argument (representing the corresponding month).
Finally, we use the DROP/REDUCE/HSTACK pattern to append each column to complete the grid.
Note: The solution assumes no excel version constraints as per the tag listed in the question, so all existing excel functions are available. If you have some limitations for example you don't have the DROP function, let me know to try to find some alternative.

Converting Excel Date/Time to 24-hour with missing characters

I received a sheet with thousands of records where the date/time records are incorrect. Some of the time format is missing a leading zero, and I need to trim off the AM/PM and seconds places. Time time needs to be in 24-hour (military) time. Ex:
10/8/2016 80000 AM
Should be: 2016-10-08 08:00 (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm)
Some of the other records have the correct amount of characters. Ex:
10/8/2016 120000 PM
Should be: 2016-10-08 12:00 (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm)
Therefore, I can just trim the PM and seconds from the right.
General rule: If the number begins with a 1 it is likely a time between 10:00 and 19:59, if the number begins with a 2 - 9 likely just add a 0 in front and making it 02:00 through 09:59.
My challenge is finding a formula that will accomplish all of this so I don't have to wade through thousands of records to fix the time.
I suspect that you have already figured this out but here is one approach (just because I found it interesting)
So column A holds the actual value
Column C has the following formula to extract the date (presumption here is that first part of the string in column A is a date):
=TEXT(LEFT(A2,FIND(" ", A2, 1)-1), "yyyy-mm-dd")
Column D extracts the time string from column A:
Now to convert the value in column D to a 24hour time format (without the :) based on AM or PM in column A. So column E is:
=IF(UPPER(RIGHT(TRIM(A2),2))="PM",IF(LEFT(TRIM(D2),1)="1",12+INT(LEFT(D2,2)),12+INT(LEFT(D2,1)))&RIGHT(TRIM(D2),4), D2)
All that is left is to create the required string.. that's where column F comes in:
=C2& " "&IF(LEN(E2)=5,"0"&LEFT(E2,1),LEFT(E2,2))&":"&IF(LEN(E2)=5,MID(E2, 2,2),MID(E2, 3,2))
Not sure if this is the best approach but first one that came to my head :)

How do I calculate this time? Across midnight

I have a sheet with start and end dates and values.
In C I have start date.
In E I have end date.
In I I have start time. (06:05:00)
In J I have end time. (08:33:00)
If C <>E I need to add 24 hours to the time elapsed.
How can I do that?
I tried if(C2<>E2;1+J2-I2;"omitted")
But I get the result 21:32:00.
It should be about 26 hours
(24+8-6 = 26 if we only look at the hours).
What have I done wrong?
Back at work and can now upload some images.
Method 1
Method 2
Both return the wrong time.
Method 3
I remember how I always have to format the dates from "our" format to Excels format for it to be recognized as a date.
In column P I use RIGHT(), MID(), and LEFT() to make a correct formatted date.
In R and S I use the same as P&Q column.
Still not correct.
EDIT again:
Use formula: =(E1+J1)-(C1+I1) we just add the date and time together and subtract the end from start and then format the cell having the formula to show days, hours, minutes.
This way, if you have more than 1 day difference, you're not just adding 24 hours.
Change the format of the target cell contianing the above formula to
d "days" hh "hours" mm "minutes"
or use the format tigerAvatar suggested of [hh]:mm if you want the hours to be cumulative across days.
Then you get a nice output of: 2 days 02 hours 28 minutes or 50:28
Feel free to drop the 1 h or 1 m if you don't want the leading zeros.
A picture is worth a 1000 words so:
Version 2 after your screenshots: I don't think C, E are in date format based on your updates so...
I used formula=(DATE(LEFT(E2,4),MID(E2,5,2),RIGHT(E2,2))+J2)-(DATE(LEFT(C2,4),MID(C2,5,2),RIGHT(C2,2))+I2) in K and custom format mask: [h]:mm
If this doesn't work it may be a regional setting and the interpretation of [h]:mm I am assuming I/J are time formats.

Find a temperature and work out how long it remained >= this temperature

I have an excel sheet with times in one column and temperatures in another. I'm trying to work out a formula that will find a certain temperature and measure how long it remained at that temperature.
11:25:29 AM 69.3°C
11:26:29 AM 69.6°C
11:27:29 AM 69.8°C
11:28:29 AM 70.0°C
11:29:29 AM 70.2°C
11:35:29 AM 70.8°C
11:36:29 AM 70.3°C
11:37:29 AM 69.5°C
11:38:29 AM 68.5°C
11:39:29 AM 67.5°C
12:39:29 PM 66.3°C
1:39:29 PM 52.1°C
2:39:29 PM 12.1°C
3:39:29 PM 5.0°C
In this example, I would like to find when it hit 70.0°C and how long it stayed above 70.0°C.
This is a bit of a tough problem because you might have multiple occasions where you go above 70 degrees. In that case, do you want the total time spent above 70 in the entire dataset, or do you want the total time spent above 70 consecutively? And then, how are you determining which of these potential multiple nonconsecutive periods you are talking about?
That said, you can try this. If column A is your datetime, and column B is your temp reading, specify another cell as your temperature reference value ($D$1 here), and in column C starting in row 2 do this:
and then copy that all the way down. What that does is it calculates the time difference between measurements and then if the temperature at that time is greater than your reference, it multiplies it by 1, otherwise it multiplies by 0. Because a date/time in Excel is really just a number, what you get is an interval of a day between measurements in each cell of column C. In other words, .25 = 6 hours.
Now that you have that data in column C, you are free to further parse it. You can use a simple SUM(C:C) formula in a cell, or you can go back and sum up individual ranges. I hope this helps.

Find the Earliest Date in Excel

i want to find the earliest date between the DOB OF FATHER & DOB OF MOTHER in sheet1, by matching the employee code and having the value in earliest date in sheet 2.
Sheet 1
28883 29/12/1987 28/01/1988
83933 19/11/1988 12/07/1988
55428 21/01/1938 03/10/1938
99999 18/03/1982 11/02/1980
Sheet 2
Employee Code Earliest Date
1 Code FatherDOB MotherDOB
2 28883 29/12/1987 28/01/1988
3 83933 19/11/1988 12/07/1988
4 55428 21/01/1938 03/10/1938
5 99999 18/03/1982 11/02/1980
1 Code EarliestDOB
2 28883 29/12/1987
3 99999 11/02/1980
4 83933 12/07/1988
5 55428 21/01/1938
You can combine two vlookup operations with a min operation:
The first vlookup gives you the father's date of birth (using the entire table range but extracting the second column) and the second gives you the mother's date of birth (extracting the third column).
The earliest is then simply the minimum of the two.
If some of the dates may be blank, the easiest solution is probably to set up a D column on sheet 1 to evaluate the earliest date, ignoring blanks. For example D2 would have (split across lines for readability):
If one of the cells is blank, it uses the other, otherwise it chooses the earliest.
Then you just lookup that new column D in the formula on sheet 2 (example for B2):
I wanted to point out a limitation that has been in Excel forever.
Excel internally doesn't handle dates before 3/1/1900 (March 1, 1900) correctly.
it thinks that 1900 was a leap year
that the day before 3/1/1900 is 2/29/1900
if you enter pass Excel through automation any date between 12/31/1899 and 2/28/1899, it will think it is 1/1/1900 - 2/29/1900
if you attempt to pass it through automation 12/30/1899, it will think it is January 0, 1899.
if you attempt to pass it any date before 12/30/1899, it will throw an error
Various example dates that you can pass to Excel through automation:
Date Excel
-------- ------------------------------
18651001 throws error going into Excel
18991201 throws error going into Excel
18991229 throws error going into Excel
18991230 shows as "12:00:00" in Excel; it refuses to show a date portion
18991231 shows in Excel as 1/1/1900
19000101 shows in Excel as 1/2/1900
19000102 shows in Excel as 1/3/1900
19000103 shows in Excel as 1/4/1900
19000201 shows in Excel as 2/2/1900
19000228 shows in Excel as 2/29/1900
19000229 Feb 29 1900 was not a real date; Excel takes it
19000301 shows in Excel as 3/1/1900
19000601 shows in Excel as 6/1/1900
19001231 shows in Excel as 12/31/1900
19010101 shows in Excel as 1/1/1901
20151128 shows in Excel as 11/28/2015
The VARIANT structure does dictate that a date must be after December 30, 1899 midnight as time zero:
2.2.25 DATE
DATE is a type that specifies date and time information. It is represented as an 8-byte floating-point number.
This type is declared as follows:
typedef double DATE;
The date information is represented by whole-number increments, starting with December 30, 1899 midnight as time zero. The time information is represented by the fraction of a day since the preceding midnight. For example, 6:00 A.M. on January 4, 1900 would be represented by the value 5.25 (5 and 1/4 of a day past December 30, 1899).
tl;dr: If you have any dates in Excel before March 1 1900 (e.g. the birthdate of the oldest woman alive), Excel will not perform the math correctly.
If you wish to display any date before 3/1/1900, it should be presented as text, rather than an actual date.
Anyone attempting to find the minimum date in a range needs to be aware of this limitation in Excel.
