How to put 4 button in row use lwuit? At the same distance - java-me

how to put 4 button in row, as in the picture:
The distance between the elements should be changed at different resolutions

There are allot of ways to do everything in LWUIT. Its unclear from your image what your exact constraints are, I'm guessing you want the left most button to be left aligned and the right most to be right aligned. You probably also want the two other buttons to be centered.
I would implement this using a GridLayout with nested FlowLayout elements. As such:
Container c = new Container(new GridLayout(1, 4));
addButton(c, new Button("b1"), Component.LEFT);
addButton(c, new Button("b2"), Component.CENTER);
addButton(c, new Button("b3"), Component.CENTER);
addButton(c, new Button("b4"), Component.RIGHT);
private void addButton(Container c, Button b, int align) {
Container flow = new Container(new FlowLayout(align));

Play with setMargin(Component.RIGHT,x) for the first three Buttons. Set the value of x such that the Buttons are equi-partitioned in the row : you must take into account the preferredWidth of the Buttons for that. For the first Button set its margin-left to 0 ( setMargin(Component.LEFT,0) ) , and for the last Button set its right-margin to 0 ( setMargin(Component.RIGHT,0) ).

You should use use BorderLayout and add the container (described in this answer inside south)


how to change the position of the property sheet wizard buttons?

I am having a property sheet wizard which consists of three buttons Back,Next,Cancel as default at the right bottom corner.Do we have any possibility of moving those wizard buttons towards it's left to the center bottom of the sheet (exactly to the sheet center at the bottom,in detail those buttons should move towards their left to the center of the sheet)?
The short answer is yes. You'll need to derive your own CPropertySheet class and override OnInitDialog () to move the buttons. You need to use the IDs ID_WIZNEXT and ID_WIZBACK to get a pointer to the actual buttons. Once you have the pointer, you can move the buttons just like you would any other control using CWnd::MoveWindow. Here's some sample code (lacking error checking)...
CWnd* pWnd = GetDlgItem(ID_WIZBACK);
CRect rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
rect.OffsetRect(-50, 0);

SWT layout selection

I'm trying to make a box that allows you to select some variables, and re-order the ones that are selected. So the LEFT box starts filled, the RIGHT box starts empty. You move items from the left to the right, and on the right you can re-arrange their order (with the up and down buttons). This lets you pick what items you want and in what order (for sorting purposes in another section of the program).
The layout I'm going for looks like of like this:
Unfortunately, it's coming out like... well... :-(
The functionality I'm looking for all works. Yay. I am just having a very hard time with the layout. I think if I can reach the following four primary objectives, I'll be set.
How can I get the OK and CANCEL buttons on the bottom instead of above the multis?
How can I get the multis to have a pre-set size (let's say... 10)
How can I get the arrow buttons to be stacked vertically instead of horizontally?
How can I get the arrow buttons to be between the two multis?
I figure each of these particular objectives are probably one-liners, perhaps a little bit of plumbing here and there...
On a side note, I'm using GridLayout - this might be a poor choice. Is there a better choice for something like this?
Without further ado, here's the code that generates this horrid mess...
protected Control createDialogArea(Composite parent) {
Composite dialogcomp = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
dialogcomp.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, false));
available = new List(getShell(), SWT.BORDER | SWT.V_SCROLL);
for(String t : MultiSortDialog.availableNames) {
used = new List(getShell(), SWT.BORDER | SWT.V_SCROLL);
for(String t : MultiSortDialog.usedNames) {
createButton(parent, ADD, ">", false);
createButton(parent, REM, "<", false);
createButton(parent, UP, "^", false);
createButton(parent, DOWN, "V", false);
return dialogcomp;
I would suggest you simple use the Dialog's default OK and Cancel buttons and not trying to lay out your own. SWT has a nice system for placing them in the system default location (i.e., on Mac OS, the OK button will be on the right, which is the correct location.)
Don't use Dialog.createButton() to create buttons. This creates a button on your dialog which, although it sounds like what you want to do, actually isn't. This creates a button in the style of OK or Cancel buttons, expected to be placed in the button bar composite that the Dialog class owns and styled appropriately for the bottom row OK/Cancel buttons. You want to create a new Button in the composite you're creating. That is:
Button addButton = new Button(dialogcomp, SWT.PUSH);
To stack the buttons vertically, create a new composite inside dialogcomp to contain them.
To put the arrow buttons between the Lists, you need to ensure that you add things in the correct order. With a GridLayout, you need to add widgets in the order that you want them to appear.
Other points:
Don't change the title of the dialog by calling Shell.setText(). Call setText() in your
Don't try to parent your Lists inside the parent shell. You're given a composite to put things in. This will wreak havoc on your layouts. You're basically hoisting widgets up into things you don't own and don't layout. Instead, put it in the Composite you created.
You may also wish to create buttons with the type SWT.ARROW | SWT.LEFT instead of simply drawing a < sign. It may be more visually appealing. Just something to investigate.
A simple rearrangement of your code, creating Buttons properly, and creating a new composite to hold the buttons, will get you much closer:
Composite dialogcomp = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
dialogcomp.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, false));
available = new List(dialogcomp, SWT.BORDER | SWT.V_SCROLL);
for(String t : MultiSortDialog.availableNames) {
Composite buttonComposite = new Composite(dialogcomp, SWT.NONE);
buttonComposite.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, false));
Button addButton = new Button(buttonComposite, SWT.PUSH);
Button removeButton = new Button(buttonComposite, SWT.PUSH);
Button upButton = new Button(buttonComposite, SWT.PUSH);
Button downButton = new Button(buttonComposite, SWT.PUSH);
used = new List(dialogcomp, SWT.BORDER | SWT.V_SCROLL);
for(String t : MultiSortDialog.usedNames) {
This will probably get you pretty close to what you want. However, you will probably want to apply GridDatas for each of your instances. For example, your two Lists will probably want to grab and fill horizontally and vertically to fill the layout as the Dialog is resized. But I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader.

placing buttons at customized locations(say a circle) in blackberry

I am developing a game app for blackberry where i want to place the buttons in a semi circle fashion on the home far I have seen all the buttons being aligned either horizontally or there any way out where we can place buttons at custom locations such as using a layout in android and hardcoding to place them in terms of pixels? Any help is greatly appreciated
You may do this by overriding sublayout in your field manager.
In the following example setPositionChild defines the X,Y position of the first field (field 0) added to this manager. To add additional fields increment the number in this.getField() and add the fields to hfm in the order you position them.
public HorizontalFieldManager testingXYPlacement() {
HorizontalFieldManager hfm = new HorizontalFieldManager() {
// Define the x,y, positions of the fields
protected void sublayout( int width, int height ) {
super.sublayout( width, height );
Field field = null;
field = this.getField(0);
if (field != null && equals(field.getManager())) {
setPositionChild(field, XPOS, YPOS);
setExtent( width, height);
hfm.add(new ButtonField("hello!"));
return hfm;
if you are used custom button than sometimes set margin is not working properly so used button.setpadding for place your desire location .please keep USEALLWIDTH for your Horizontal or Vertical layout
If your layout is a RelativeLayout you can position elements relative to other elements within the layout (or to the entire RelativeLayout). This directly lets you place views next to other views, and you can apply margins to offset the views from others.

How to set a title for a Border with LWUIT 1.4 ? How to coloriate odd and pair Table rows?

I use LWUIT 1.4
1) In my Form there is a Container based on a BoxLayout ( Y axis ) , there are two Label's added to this container , and I want to create a titled Border to be placed into the container so it surrounds the two labels. I know to create a Border , but I do not know how to set a title to the Border with LWUIT 1.4 ! So how to set a title to a Border with LWUIT 1.4 ?
2) In my Form there is a Table based on the DefaultTableModel class whose getValueAt method is implemented with an enumeration of a recordstore , and I want that the rows of the Table are colored according to the index of the row : for example when the row index is odd then its background color should be white , and if the row index is pair then its background color should be gray. How to achieve that ?
3) Why do not the TableLayout.Constraint methods work ? I want to make two columns of a Table to have equal size , that is 50% of the Table total width for each column , but when I run the application then the first column is not equally sized with the second column when its data are not long enough ! So how to make the columns equally sized ?
Thank you very much indeed
1) There is a titled border in the trunk but I think it was added in 1.4.
You can draw something like this by overriding the Container paintBorder method (notice you will need sufficient component padding for the border to appear properly. This is the code from the SVN version, should work with very little changes (just change c to this):
Font f=c.getStyle().getFont();
int titleW=f.stringWidth(borderTitle);
int topPad=c.getStyle().getPadding(Component.TOP);
int topY=y+(topPad-thickness)/2;
if (c.isRTL()) {
g.fillRect(x+width-TITLE_MARGIN, topY, TITLE_MARGIN , thickness); //top (segment before the title)
g.fillRect(x, topY, width-(TITLE_MARGIN +titleW+TITLE_SPACE*2), thickness); //top (segment after the title)
g.drawString(borderTitle, x+width-(TITLE_MARGIN +titleW+TITLE_SPACE), y+(topPad-f.getHeight())/2);
} else {
g.fillRect(x, topY, TITLE_MARGIN , thickness); //top (segment before the title)
g.fillRect(x+TITLE_MARGIN +titleW+TITLE_SPACE*2, topY, width-(TITLE_MARGIN +titleW+TITLE_SPACE*2), thickness); //top (segment after the title)
g.drawString(borderTitle, x+TITLE_MARGIN+TITLE_SPACE, y+(topPad-f.getHeight())/2);
g.fillRect(x, y+height-thickness, width, thickness); //bottom
g.fillRect(x, topY, thickness, height); //left
g.fillRect(x+width-thickness, topY, thickness, height); //right
2) Derive table and override the method:
protected Component createCell(Object value, int row, int column, boolean editable)
call super.createCell() and set the UIID of the returned value to "OddRow","EvenRow" appropriately. Style in the resource editor or theme to anything you like.
3) I'm not aware of such an issue. If this happens on the current SVN you should file an issue in the projects issue tracker.
I downloaded the latest Resource Editor from your blog site , and I defined the background and border "selected" versions of the component TableCell , but the extra-rectangle is always shown in runtime when I click on a last column table cell ! I tried to call tableName.repaint() in the component focusGained() implemented method , because I registered it to a focuslistener , but the rectangle does not disappear.
I created a Dialog to show the selected row number and when the Dialog is shown when I click the third softbutton then the rectangle disappeared !!! Perhaps the focus is lost from the table cell !! And whenever I fire then I got the same row number as before ; so there is no row number error. So what code should I write , or what property should I edit in the Editor to get the same effect as of displaying the Dialog to make the rectangle disappear ?

How to avoid CListCtrl items to be partially visible?

I have a resizeable CListCtrl and I want to avoid any item being displayed partially, ever.
For example:
I want Item 9 to not be displayed in this case. Is there a flag or method for this? How would you go about solving this issue?
I tried the following and it was no good:
void CMyCListCtrl::OnEndScrolling()
int iCount = this->GetCountPerPage();
EnsureVisible(iCount - 1, FALSE);
after catching
void CWheelTestDlg::OnEndScroll(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
*pResult = 0;
In the CListCtrl parent dialog. (which I don't want to do, I want to do everything in my CListCtrl derived class only, if possible).
All I accomplish is showing item 9 completely, but item 10 is partially visible below it. If I have 30 items I don't want to scroll the list to show item 30, I want to show up to item 8 with no partially visible item below it.
CListCtrl doesn't appear to support Integral Height.
Here's a solution that accomplishes what you desire by forcefully changing the control height [with commented conditions] (
// This assumes a REPORT-style CListCtrl.
// Resize the control. This works correctly only if scrolling is disabled. If
// there is scrolling, then setting to the size from ApproximateViewRect() will
// always give scroll bars showing. Which is irritating.
// We need to adjust the vertical size from what ApproximateViewRect() returns
// by one row minus border width
CSize sz = m_list.ApproximateViewRect(); // always adds room for a new row
CRect itRect; // Get the height of a single row (there had better *be* a row!)
m_list.GetItemRect(0, &itRect, LVIR_BOUNDS);
int vOffset = itRect.Height() - 3; // leave a little 'cuz it looks better
m_list.SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0,, - vOffset,
I have the similar problem in wince, and find a solution accidentally. No direct solution in internet, so i decide to re-position scroll bar after receive some message, and the only message i can used in wince is WM_LBUTTONDOWN, other messages such as OnEndScroll are not called, maybe something wrong in my code.
Whatever, i use Timer(ON_WM_TIMER) to re-position scroll bar when receive WM_LBUTTONDOWN message, then find that list control doesn't scroll automatically! then i remain a empty OnTimer function and remove everything else. It works, and i guess list control use Timer to scroll partial row.
Hope useful to you.
