I want to be able to press the other buttons on my screen when open dialog.
Dialog menuDialog = new Dialog("Dialog Demo");
menuDialog.show(90, 90, 10, 10, true);
Whilst 'pheromix' is correct in associating an action to the pointerReleased region. You would also need to make setDisposeWhenPointerOutOfBounds(false) in the derived Dialog class.
You can also refer the detailed explanation here http://www.java.net/forum/topic/mobile-embedded/lwuit/how-remove-screen-dimming-when-presented-dialog-2
Don't use directly a Dialog but create a class which derives Dialog. Implement the pointerReleased method , assuming that the device is tactile , and test if the x and y params are contained inside the area delimited by the Buttons's coordinates :
if ( ( x >= btn.getAbsoluteX() && x <= btn.getAbsoluteX() + btn.getPreferredW() ) && ( y >= btn.getAbsoluteY() && y <= btn.getAbsoluteY() + btn.getPreferredH() ) )
// execute the Buttons's action method
I have a tilemap in godot, but all tiles are obstacles and provide collision. Only cells without any tile are walkable. I'm now trying to add navigation via Navigation2D node. As far as I see there is no way to tell it "everything is walkable, but not where these tiles are" (all one can say is "this part of the tile is walkable", but in my current setup there is no tile at the walkable space).
As a workaround I tried to set every cell with no tile to a "dummy tile" which is fully walkable with the following code:
func _ready():
for x in size.x:
for y in size.y:
var cell = get_cell(x, y)
if cell == -1:
set_cell(x, y, WALKABLE)
But the Navigation2D node does not recognize these tiles. If I place the WALKABLE tile manually, everything works as expected.
I think I might be hitting this issue, and need to call update_dirty_quadrants() but this does not fix the problem.
I tried this with the versions 3.0.6stable, 3.1Alpha2 and a recent commit 9a8569d (provided by godotwild), and the result was always the same.
Is there anyway to get navigation with tilemaps working, without placing every tile beforehand manually?
For anyone coming across this in the future, the 'dummy navigation tile' solution works now (using Godot 3.2.3). Put this script on the tilemap in question:
extends TileMap
# Empty/invisible tile marked as completely walkable. The ID of the tile should correspond
# to the order in which it was created in the tileset editor.
export(int) var _nav_tile_id := 0
func _ready() -> void:
# Find the bounds of the tilemap (there is no 'size' property available)
var bounds_min := Vector2.ZERO
var bounds_max := Vector2.ZERO
for pos in get_used_cells():
if pos.x < bounds_min.x:
bounds_min.x = int(pos.x)
elif pos.x > bounds_max.x:
bounds_max.x = int(pos.x)
if pos.y < bounds_min.y:
bounds_min.y = int(pos.y)
elif pos.y > bounds_max.y:
bounds_max.y = int(pos.y)
# Replace all empty tiles with the provided navigation tile
for x in range(bounds_min.x, bounds_max.x):
for y in range(bounds_min.y, bounds_max.y):
if get_cell(x, y) == -1:
set_cell(x, y, _nav_tile_id)
# Force the navigation mesh to update immediately
I couldn't find the ID from my tile in the autotiler (when checking in the editor, having the tilemap selected, these all show the same imagename.png 0). So instead of using the ID, I used the coordinates of the walkable blank tile in the Tileset. The code remains the same as LukeZaz', but with set_cell replaced by:
set_cell(x, y, 0, false, false, false, Vector2(7,4)); where Vector2(7,4) is the coordinate of the blank tile in my tileset that has the navigationpolygon on it. (Remember that coördinates start at 0)
(Godot 3.2.3.stable)
I need to detect whether a Uiview is a standard opened view or if it is an activated viewport on a sheet. Querying the uiview’s view Id returns the Id of the activated viewport's view. I have found no direct way to detect that a uiview is actually a sheet with an activated viewport.
I am already tracking opened views in the view activated event for another purpose. So I considered storing the view Id with the uiview hashcode for later checking that it was indeed a sheetview prior to becoming an activated view. Unfortunately, and I think in opposition to standard use, the uiview hashcode is not stable. Multiple hashcode requests from the uiview object return different values.
Does anyone have a way to detect this condition? I need to be able to use the the methods on the uiview still. So any help to find the actual child windows I would like to relate to the uiview object. The view still says "Sheet: ..." in the title when a view is activated.
TaskDialog mainDialog = new TaskDialog("Hello, viewport check!");
mainDialog.MainInstruction = "Hello, viewport check!";
mainDialog.MainContent =
"Sadly Revit API doesn't automatically know if the user is in an active viewport. "
+ "Please click 'Yes' if your are, or 'No' if your not.";
"Yes, I am in an active viewport on a sheet.");
"No, I am just in an ordinary view.");
mainDialog.CommonButtons = TaskDialogCommonButtons.Close;
mainDialog.DefaultButton = TaskDialogResult.Close;
TaskDialogResult tResult = mainDialog.Show();
bool YesOrNo = true;
if (TaskDialogResult.CommandLink1 == tResult)
YesOrNo = true;
else if (TaskDialogResult.CommandLink2 == tResult)
YesOrNo = false;
You can use the ViewSheet GetAllViewports method to determine all the viewports on a given sheet. Using that, you could put together a bi-directional dictionary lookup system map any sheet to all the viewports it hosts and vice versa. That should help solve your task. Here is some example usage:
Im late to the party - but another way to sense if the user is in a viewport is to investigate the Process.MainWindow title. Something like this (in RevitPythonShell):
import threading, clr
from System.Diagnostics import Process
# need winform libraries for feedback form only
from System.Windows.Forms import Form, Label
app = __revit__.Application
doc = __revit__.ActiveUIDocument.Document
ui = __revit__.ActiveUIDocument
def lookAtWindow(activeView):
# Looking for one of three conditions:
# 1. User is on a sheet (ActiveView will be DrawingSheet)
# 2. User is in an active ViewPort on a sheet (ActiveView will NOT be be DrawingSheet, but MainWindowTitle will contain " - [Sheet: " string)
# 3. User is on a View (neither of the previous two conditions)
result = False
if str(activeView.ViewType) == 'DrawingSheet':
result = 'Youre on a sheet'
processes = list(Process.GetProcesses())
for process in processes:
window = process.MainWindowTitle
if window and 'Autodesk Revit '+app.VersionName[-4:] in window and ' - [Sheet: ' in window and ' - '+doc.Title+']' in window:
result = 'I reckon youre in a Viewport'
if not result:
result = 'so you must be in a '+str(activeView.ViewType)
form = Form()
form.Width = 300
form.Height = 100
label = Label()
label.Width = 280
label.Height = 70
label.Text = result
label.Parent = form
# need to close RevitPythonShell console before checking MainWindowTitle, so run on timer
threading.Timer(1, lookAtWindow, [ui.ActiveView]).start()
I have a render window where I spread 4 renderers ... how can I know on which of them I made click ? I have seen some examples of how to know the object on I made click, not renderer ...
Thank you.
It should be possible to get the clicked renderer through the interactor of the renderwindow.
int x = myRenderWindow->GetInteractor()->GetEventPosition()[0];
int y = myRenderWindow->GetInteractor()->GetEventPosition()[1];
vtkRenderer myPokedRenderer = myRenderWindow->GetInteractor()->FindPokedRenderer(x, y);
Ciao, I am trying to accomplish this: I would be able to know wich 3d object is double clicked in my scene, and animate camera position to bring the object in the center of the screen.
I tried without success to adapt the interactive cubes example that uses raycaster and projector...
As you can see you can navigate in space and change camera position with right and left mouse button. I would be able to come back to initial camera position (earth in the center of the screen) with a double click on the planet.
Why didn't you had success by adapting the example? What errors are occuring? Did you mean this example?
Because raycaster and projector is the way you are looking for.
First of all you need an eventListener for the ondblclick Event on your container. In the event function you can copy&paste from the linked example:
1) Saving mouse coordinates
mouse.x = ( event.clientX / window.innerWidth ) * 2 - 1;
mouse.y = - ( event.clientY / window.innerHeight ) * 2 + 1;
2) Project coordinates to world system via the camera and create a ray
var vector = new THREE.Vector3( mouse.x, mouse.y, 1 );
projector.unprojectVector( vector, camera );
raycaster.set( camera.position, vector.sub( camera.position ).normalize() );
3) Check if the double clicked element is your planet
var intersects = raycaster.intersectObject( "your_planet" );
if ( intersects.length > 0 ) {
reset your camera
Hope this helps!
In MFC how to remove a menu-item of POPUP type. RemoveMenu() either take ID or position. Since, there is no ID for POPUP menu, option left is by using position.
But I am not getting how and where I can call RemoveMenu().
File Edit Test
Test_submenu_3 > submenu_3_item_1
I want to remove Test_submenu_3? I am not getting how do find CMenu object for Test so that I can call RemoveMenu() by passing position "2" for submenu_3_item_1.
Any suggestion for doing this will be greatly appreciated.
You cannot use LoadMenu, since this function does just that.
After modifying loaded menu it is killed when menu object used to load it goes out of scope. You have to modify menu that is currently used.
Your menu is a popup part of the main menu, second in position. It contains 5 items and second one is another popup. To my understanding, you want to remove this item and popup of this item.
To make it work you will have to ask main window for the current menu:
CMenu* pMenu = GetMenu(); // get the main menu
CMenu* pPopupMenu = pMenu->GetSubMenu(2);//(Test menu with item....)
pPopupMenu->RemoveMenu(2, MF_BYPOSITION);
Of course, this code is from the main frame. If you want to use it elsewhere, you will have to access all using pointer to the main frame.
Try the below. You get the Test sub-menu first (index 2), then once you have that you tell it to remove its Test_submenu_3 submenu by position (also 2).
CMenu topMenu;
CMenu& testSubMenu = *topMenu.GetSubMenu(2);
'Test' is the 3rd menu item (by position) on the top level menu. It's just been rendered horizontally rather than vertically. Assuming you have a handle to the top level menu use the same code you'd use to the get the sub menus as you would to get the 'Test' menu.
You can use this below code to remove the submenu, by comparing name
bool RemoveSubmenu(CMenu * pMenu) {
for (int pos = 0; pos < pMenu->GetMenuItemCount(); pos++) {
wchar_t *name = new wchar_t[mf.cch + 1];
ZeroMemory(&mf, sizeof(mf));
mf.cbSize = sizeof(mf);
mf.fType = MIIM_STRING;
mf.dwTypeData = NULL;
if (!GetMenuItemInfo(pMenu->m_hMenu, pos, TRUE, &mf))
if (mf.hSubMenu != NULL){
mf.fMask = MIIM_TYPE;
mf.fType = MFT_STRING;
mf.dwTypeData = (LPSTR)name;
if (!GetMenuItemInfo(pMenu->m_hMenu, pos, TRUE, &mf)){
bRet = false;
// compare sub menu name (i.e mf.dwTypeData) here, do the required
// modifications
pMenu->RemoveMenu(pos, MF_BYPOSITION);
bRet = true;