KML When I click in a Placemark display lines to other coordinates - kml

I have some <placemark> and I dont know if it is posible
When I select a placemark I want to appear lines to diferents points (that I
know the cordinates)
From my Placemark to diferente points
I dont have any idea how I can do it. I was trying to put all the code inside <description> but that doesn't works.

Hey I found something helps me :D
They are ussing like a rollover in the placemark not showing the lines in one state


Add a label to the center of a polygon in kml

Can anyone tell me how I would add a label to the center of a polygon by way of kml like the ones in the link: I don't want a marker and I don't need the info to pop up when its clicked, I need it to be there from load, it would just have the zip code for the particular polygon. I wont be drawing the entire US zip code, maybe just a few at a time. Oh, and I'm using mapquest API not google or anything else
Use the Leaflet.label plugin, that does exactly this.

Scale dependency for labels in KML files with many placemarks

There is a KML file that I created by exporting a layer from ArcGIS10.0. The file shows some placemarks that I need to be labeled. However, I want the labels (and the points themselves) to be visible in Google Earth only at or below a certain altitude. I know that using the <Region> tag is the way to do this, but, with a triple-digit number of placemarks, typing in the tag and all the rest of the code for every single placemark does not seem very practical.
The points are all located in one folder, and I wonder if I can use <Region> at the folder level. However, placing <Region> and the rest of the code after the <folder> tag and </Region> just before </folder> did not work. If I am to modify the behavior of the labels at the folder level, where should I place the tags?
Also, how do I edit KML code? I know that I can right-click a file in Google Earth, copy it, and paste the code into a text editor, but how do I get the edited code back into the file?
Sorry for such trivial questions, I'm as new to KML as can be.
By the sound of it, you've tried this:
From the KML documentation:
Also, within the KML file, notice that the Region is a sibling of the
image (or geometry) whose visibility it affects.
Therefore what you want to do is this:
[scale limits go here]
In terms of editing the KML file - just open it directly in your text editor, don't copy it out of Google Earth.

Why does the KML not show my placemark icons?

Here is the KML file. Only one custom icon is shown at placemark point.
What is the problem with the others?
I figured out why does not show the icon image at the placemark except for the blue flag.
All /except for blue flag/ icon URL is begins with "www." instead of "http://www."
It was a basic mistake by myself. :-(

Question concerning google earth placemark balloons

Does anybody know a way of styling a google earth placemark balloon differently than the original one looks like? i am not talking about the kml data i put into the balloon. i know how to style this. I am talking about the bubble itself, I would like to have it lesser rounded and with a far lesser padding. Also, i'd like to have it closer to the placemark icon. how can i realize this?
Unfortunately, no - the basic style of the balloon is determined by the application and there is no exposed way to alter it. However, you could use image based screen overlays rather than balloons if stylistic concerns are your priority.

LaTeX: How to make a fullpage vertical rule on every page?

I'm using LaTeX and I would like to have vertical rule along left side of page, topmargin to bottommargin, 0.5in from the left edge of the page. I want this on every page, so I assume that means it must somehow be tied to the header or the footer?
I've made no progress at all, so I need help with (1) making the full-length rule itself and (2) making it happen automatically on every page of the document.
Can someone tell me how to do that?
I got a working answer to my question on the Latex Community forum:
The answer I got uses the 'Background' package and this code:
\usepackage{lipsum}% just to generate filler text for the example
Works great and was easy to adjust to put one vrule in left margin area and one in the right margin area.
There could be a LaTeX package to do this for you, but I'm more of a TeX person, so I tried to come up with a TeX solution (not always the best idea to mix plain TeX with LaTeX but I think I have it working).
Try this. Box 255 is the box register that TeX places the page contents into before the page is output. What I've done is taken the existing output routine, and changed it to insert into box 255: a 0-height, 0-width infinitely shrinkable-but-overflowing set of boxes containing a rule that is the height of the page, 0.4pt thick and with any luck, half an inch away into the left. The existing contents of box 255 is then added after this rule. Then I call the previous output routine which outputs the page (which now includes a rule), and also the headers and footers.
\setbox255\vbox to 0pt{%
\hbox to 0pt{%
\vbox to \ht255{%
\hbox to -0.5in{%
\vrule height \ht255 width 0.4pt%
Put it before your \begin{document} command. This might not solve your problem completely, but hopefully it should get you started. Here's a great page for learning about TeX primitives and built-in things.
Have a look at the eso-pic package. From memory, what you want would look like this:
\put(0.5,\topmargin){\vrule width .5pt height \textheight}%
It's not clear in your question if you want the line to span the text area or the whole paper height. Depending on the case, you have to replace \topmargin and \textheight by the correct values, either 0pt or whatever your top margin is, or by \paperheight. See the geometry package if you don't already use it for how to control those dimensions.
