Running and debugging Qt App on Symbian^1 (5800XM) - linux

I have a problem with running Qt app on my 5800.
I've installed Qt SDK 1.1.2(As I found it's only SDK version which support Symbian ^1) and compiled sample project using Symbian Toolchain. I use Qt 4.7.3 for Symbian. I've installe AppTRK and CODA on my target phone.
After compiling I tried to run on my phone. Application has been successfully installed on target but it is can't be runned. I don't know why. Same problem occurs when I use "Create Smart Installer package from projects properties.
After this I've installed Remote Compiler. And the remote compiler's package works fine on my phone. On remote compiler I've also used Qt 4.7.3
What the problem? Why I can't run self-compiled package on my phone?
Host: Linux Mint(Katya)
Target: Symbian ^1 5th Edition(Nokia 5800 XpressMusic)
Qt version: 4.7.3 for Symbian
Here is output after running app using installed on host Qt 4.7.3 and CODA:
Connecting to Connected. Launching: myapp.exe
Launch failed: Command answer [command error], 1 values(s) to request:
#0 {"Code":-1,Format="Failed to create the process (verify that the executable and all required DLLs have been transferred) (item not
found)"} Error: 'Failed to create the process (verify that the
executable and all required DLLs have been transferred) (item not
found)' Code: -1 Finished.

I think CODA doesn't work if TRK is installed.
Symbian^1 is now called S60v5 in the QtSDK and it's only available via online installer or SDKMaintainanceTool.


How do I compile a QT project to Linux using VS2022?

I created the QT desktop application with VS2022. But I want to test the program inside Linux, how should I do it?
I installed QT in Ubuntu on WSL2, and compiled the qt project using qtcreator without problems. But after I connect to Ubuntu using SSH with VS2022, I am unable to compile.
Thanks for all the help!

Unity Building Linux Il2CPP player requires a sysroot toolchain package to be installed

For some reason I'm unable to build an IL2CPP Linux build in unity.
I used to be able to build IL2CPP Linux builds fine on the same machine using the same version of unity, but it recently stopped working.
This problem occurs in a new project, so I think that this problem doesn't have to do with the project itself.
Unity 2021.3.0f1 LTS (Apple Silicon build)
macOS Monterey 12.2.1

Compiling a Linux program for ARM architecture - running on a host OS

I have a ARM Coretex-A8 development board from Freescale (i.MX53) running Linux Ubuntu. It boots up just fine and I can access the system with mouse/keyboard/terminal.
To get started I would like to make an application running on the board inside the host OS, just as you do when you run application on your PC.
My problem is to compile my test program, using toolchains like YAGARTO which is based on gcc i end up in trouble with the linking bacause I have not defined any startup script.
I find lot of information on building "bare metal" configurations (inluding compiling the kernel and make load and link scripts), but not anything usefull for making a application running on a host OS.
My development environment is running on Windows 7. I also have the option to run on Linux X86, but i doubt this whould help me making ARM applications.
For ARM-Linux application development the preferable choice is a Linux Host(x86) machine with a ARM toolchain installed in it. In Ubuntu Desktop machine you can use the following command to install ARM toolchain:
apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi
After toolchain installation you can use the following command for cross compilation:
gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc -o hello hello.c
Using this toolchain you can cross-compile your C program using Standard C library without the need of startup code. Applications can be cross-compiled at your Host Linux(x86) platform and run on Target Linux(ARM) platform.
Windows version of ARM-Linux Toolchain is also available. You can get it from here.
Linaro Developers Wiki - an open organization focused on improving Linux on ARM, will be a good reference for your work.

Error with wxWidgets minimal app

I recently began learning wxWidgets. As all learners do, I first wrote and tested the Minimal App (on my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS). It worked like a charm.
I then decided to test the application on my Windows 7 PC. I built wxWidgets (Debug and Release builds) using Visual C++ 2008 Express following instructions from here. I also built the Minimal App (Build and Release configurations) following the same instructions. The application worked perfectly on my computer. To check whether there were any problems, I sent the executable to a friend of mine. He tested it on his XP PC and it gave him the following error:
The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log for more details.
I have checked that I am using the Multithreaded setting in the build options for both the Debug and Release versions of my application. However, neither of the generated executables works on my friend's machine.
What am I missing out here?
You are missing the C/C++ runtime libraries.
The simplest solution is to build both the wxwidgets libraries and the application with the /MT switch rather than the /MD switch in Project | Properties | C++ | Code generation | runtime libraries

Problem in creating package through "Package for Linux" in Mono 2.8

I am using mono 2.8 with Visual Studio 2008. I have installed "mono-2.8-gtksharp-2.12.10-win32-9".
I am creating a windows application and its setup solution is working fine on Windows OS. But when I am creating package for Linux and follow the instruction from
Step-1 to Step-5 are done but after Step-5, I am clicking on Create Package and its do nothing even its not create any file into selected folder.
Please help..
When you choose the host for it to build the package on, make sure you are choosing a SUSE or RHEL server, or the process will silently fail.
