JSF navigate to external url using image button - jsf

Simple question (using JSF 2.0 and primefaces 2.2.1):
I need to create a button or link that will take me to an external url (i.e. www.facebook.com) and I need that button to look like the facebook icon instead of having the literal word. How can I do this? Thank you.

You basically want to end up with the following in the JSF-generated HTML code:
<a><img /></a>
There are several ways how to achieve this in JSF.
Just do it:
<a href="http://www.facebook.com">
<img src="#{request.contextPath}/resources/images/facebook.png" />
Use <h:graphicImage>:
<a href="http://www.facebook.com">
<h:graphicImage name="images/facebook.png" />
Eventually, with <h:outputLink>:
<h:outputLink value="http://www.facebook.com">
<h:graphicImage name="images/facebook.png" />
What way to choose depends on whether you really need it to be a JSF component. E.g. in order to be able to grab/manupulate it in backing bean, and/or to re-render by ajax, etc.


h:link in JavaServer Faces

I’m trying to add link in jsf:
<h:link value="#{msgs.addproject}" styleClass="addBtn" outcome="/ profile/addproject.xhtml" />
But in page source i get only this:
<span class="addBtn">Add project</span>
Where can be problem? Thanks!
If outcome does not evaluate to a proper link JSF renders a <span> tag instead. Check your / profile/addproject.xhtml whether it is correct(there is a space before profile).

Prevent h:Commandbutton from submitting form

I have a form and two commandbuttons embedded in it as shown.
<h:commandButton label="Submit" type="button"
actionListener="#{userController.createNewUser()}" />
<h:commandButton label="Home"
action="/index.jsf?faces-redirect=true" />
Clicking on Home button should redirect to index.jsf but it causes form submission. I dont want to put the home command in another form tag as it will cause UI Distortion. Please suggest a way out.
A command button submits the entire POST form. It's the wrong tool for plain page-to-page navigation. It's not SEO friendly either (searchbots don't index POST forms).
If the sole functional requirement is having a clickable image which should navigate to a different page, then just use <h:link><h:graphicImage>.
<h:link outcome="/index.jsf">
<h:graphicImage name="images/Save4.jpg" />
It's a bad idea to use POST for navigation, anyway. Instead, use something like this:
<h:button label="Home" image="..." outcome="/index" />

Button as link, <h:button outcome /> not working (no navigation cases used)

I am trying to achieve the following, though with a button.
<h:outputLink value="/admin/category/read">
<f:param name="cat" value="" />
<f:param name="subcat" value="" />
I have tried using h:button, though the outcome property does not work since /admin/category/read is not a specified navigation-case.
How to use a button as link, without having to use a navigation-case or server side method?
No, there's no solution using JSF attributes, at least not if you really don't have a navigation case for the h:button.
If possible, I'd advise to use CSS styling as already mentioned in the comments.
But h:button just creates a plain HTML link with onclick="window.location.href=URL". So if you really want, you can build the URL yourself and just use a plain HTML input button like this:
<input type="button" value="Cancel"
onclick="window.location.href='/admin/category/read?cat=&subcat='; return false;" />
Difference between h:button and h:commandButton
When should I use h:outputLink instead of h:commandLink?

Conditional rendering in JSF [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Ajax update/render does not work on a component which has rendered attribute
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
Hello I have this code to conditionally render components in my page:
<h:commandButton action="#{Bean.method()}" value="Submit">
<f:ajax execute="something" render="one two" />
<p><h:outputFormat rendered="#{Bean.answer=='one'}" id="one" value="#{messages.one}"/></p>
<p><h:outputFormat rendered="#{Bean.answer=='two'}" id="two" value="#{messages.two}"/></p>
It gets the answer and renders the component but in order to see it on my page, I need to refresh the page. How can I fix this problem? Any suggestions?
The JSF component's rendered attribute is a server-side setting which controls whether JSF should generate the desired HTML or not.
The <f:ajax> tag's render attribute should point to a (relative) client ID of the JSF-generated HTML element which JavaScript can grab by document.getElementById() from HTML DOM tree in order to replace its contents on complete of the ajax request.
However, since you're specifying the client ID of a HTML element which is never rendered by JSF (due to rendered being false), JavaScript can't find it in the HTML DOM tree.
You need to wrap it in a container component which is always rendered and thus always available in the HTML DOM tree.
<h:commandButton action="#{Bean.method()}" value="Submit">
<f:ajax execute="something" render="messages" />
<h:panelGroup id="messages">
<h:outputFormat rendered="#{Bean.answer=='one'}" value="#{messages.one}"/>
<h:outputFormat rendered="#{Bean.answer=='two'}" value="#{messages.two}"/>
Unrelated to the concrete problem, you've there a possible design mistake. Why would you not just create a #{Bean.message} property which you set with the desired message in the action method instead, so that you can just use:
<h:commandButton action="#{Bean.method()}" value="Submit">
<f:ajax execute="something" render="message" />
<h:outputFormat id="message" value="#{Bean.message}" />
I know it's not the central point of the question, but as I had this problem many times in the past, I just post it here to help others who are in need.
For those who uses PrimeFaces there's a component in PrimeFaces Extension called Switch.
Sometimes you need to display different outputs or components depending on a value. Usually you can achieve this by using the ui:fragment tag. With the pe:switch util tag you won't have to declare ui:fragment tags, with different checks like ui:fragment rendered="#{!empty someController.value}", anymore.
style="visibility: #{questionchoose.show==false ? 'hidden' : 'visible'}"

how to place dynamic href from a tag in JSF?

I want to use a tag in my JSF page, but i also want to have dynamic href content. I know there is a h:commandLink in JSF but i don`t want use it for my purposes. I have t:dataTable elemet which iterates via results and shows them on my page. Here is the situation:
<t:dataList id="dataTable" value="#{manBean.fullResult}" var="element" first="0" rows="10">
<div class="photos">
<img src="myimages/IN THIS TOO.../image.jpg"
I have tried code like this:
<img src="myimages/#element[0]/image.jpg"
. #element[0] is an element of result list from dataTable and contains values like: 0,1,2,3... etc.
this ends witch error that i could not use #{...} in a template. What should i do? Anybody knows a good solution for this?
If you're using JSF on JSP, use <h:outputLink> and <h:graphicImage> instead of <a> and <img>.
<h:outputLink value="myimages/#{element}/image.jpg">
<h:graphicImage value="myimages/#{element}/image.jpg" />
If you're using JSF on Facelets, you can just use EL in template text.
<a href="myimages/#{element}/image.jpg">
<img src="myimages/#{element}/image.jpg" />
