Is there a Linux command to replicate/replace the "banner" command? - linux

I am writing a script on Red Hat Linux (I forget the version) that needs a header, but the banner command is not there for me to use and I won't be able to get it installed. I read via Google that it may well have been deprecated.
So is there a new version of the command that produces similar results, or a way I can replicate the command, or even just temporarily change the script output so that characters are a different size?
I've tried looking at stty but we don't access via xterm, we log in directly via putty.

In its simplest form, 'banner' is less than a few pages of code (e.g. this one). Perhaps you could just compile and run it from your home directory?

Use some web site, for example
If you need it frequently you can create a script to scrap the result.
BTW, stty has nothing to do with your problem, I don't know why you mentioned it.


Linux - Open terminal for input/output

I'm coding a Rust app and since it's fairly small and there don't appear to be any stable UI frameworks, I've made it run in the console using println! and whatnot for input/output. However since this program is intended to be used by people directly after downloading from the internet (due to its use case), they're likely to just double click on it instead of navigating to their downloads directory in a terminal and running it from there.
This is a problem because on Linux, it runs in the background waiting for input and looks like it's not working. On Windows, Rust programs do open in CMD by default. (and in fact many of the search results for my question were about disabling this behavior - the exact opposite of what I want!).
So is it possible to somehow make my application open in the system's default terminal? My preferred way would be to somehow embed in the executable to open in terminal (similar to the -mconsole compiler flag on MinGW). Otherwise would it be possible to detect it's in the background and fork it into a terminal? If that's not possible then is it at least possible to detect that the app is not running in a terminal and throw up a message box telling the user to run in a terminal?
My app is cross-platform but I'm OK with writing code conditionally compiled on one OS.
One typical way would be to distribute a along with your executable. If .sh extension is bound to opening a terminal in their window manager of choice, it would open automatically. If not - it is enough of a hint for running it from the shell.
Without this file you could:
Detect if the program is already running inside a terminal can be done with isatty(). There's a crate for it.
If not, spawn the terminal app process (see process::Command) and relaunch the program with it by passing its path to the terminal command line options. As #Caesar mentioned there's a bunch of popular terminals that you might want to check for presence on Linux. If nothing is found, xterm could sometimes be a fallback.

Access output in Ubuntu 14.04 terminal that has 'disappeared' off the terminal window

I just ran a script on a server that generates a lot of output on the command window.
However, now, after running it for roughly 4 hours I want to check all the output, but the beginning of the output has already disappeared from the terminal window. When I scroll up, it is not there anymore.
Is there any way to access this? It needs to be via commands in the terminal because I'm running it on a server.
Best way is to redirect the output to a file & open the file to check for all the output.
You can also redirect the script by running it in background & saving the output to a file. Do let me know what type of command you are running for which I can give you the exact command. :)
if it's a real terminal and not a virtual terminal
you need to recompile your kernel and increase the buffer size of your terminal.
in the .config file of your kernel the parameter you need to increase is
Actually, redirecting I/O interferes with many programs (for instance, changing the output from a tty to a plain file). Use the script program to capture all output from programs run in a shell, with minimal interference.

Duplicate keyboard typing to another terminal

I have laptop-desktop setup at home and I have successfully cloned my Archlinux installation from one to another. However, I would like to avoid having to {install all new software, edit settings, update} twice, so I was wondering if it'd be possible to log over ssh from laptop to desktop, do something in terminal and have linux copy everything I type into second terminal with ssh logged in?
Thanks for ideas!
You could type the commands into one terminal then edit ~/.bash_history and save the commands into a script. Copy the script onto the machine with the second terminal and execute it. The advantage of this is now you have a script that saved your setup so you can reuse it whenever you need to.
You can use clusterssh, which duplicates your typed input across multiple systems. It is designed for situations in which the exact same tasks, such as software installation or configuration commands, are needed to be performed exactly the same on multiple systems. See Also, the KDE Konsole terminal has similar functionality.

Node command line interface change

I'm making a command interface for a node server, but I have reached a point that I want it to look better.
I want to have the console so you enter a command at the bottom of the terminal screen, you hit enter, and it adds the reply to the actual command line.
If you have ever run a minecraft bukkit server from the command line, you should know what I'm talking about.
Here's a picture of what I'm talking about if you still don't understand. Imagine this was in terminal, and ignore the scroll bars:
Is there anyway to set the console to look like this without having to make your own program for it or having the screen reprint all the other info to fake that look?
I have not done this, but I believe something similar is possible with very little effort by using Node.js REPL. You can override the eval parameter to provide your own command processing.
It would not have the exact look you are wanting, but it will be an interactive prompt that you can utilize (more similar to a Windows command shell or a Linux shell).
If you want the exact look from your screenshot, I don't believe that there is any Node.js module that will help you. There are some that allow you to use colors in the console, and some basic highlighting (e.g. bold), but nothing that gives you complete control over the console screen.

Ubuntu terminal in windows ? Can anyone explain the 'col' command in plain English for me?

Next week I am getting an exam on using basic commands and shell scripting using terminal in Ubuntu. Please help me out with two quick questions:
-Does a practice environment for the Ubuntu terminal exist? I don't want to dual boot with Linux, so I want to find somewhere I could practice using some basic terminal commands as Cygwin seems to be quite different from the ubuntu terminal.
-What does the col command in Linux do? The manual page is here: Link, but I find that hard to understand, and since it doesn't work in Cygwin, it's hard to interpret! Also, why would one use man piped to col -b -x?
Thank you very much and sorry for the probably silly questions!
You can use the Ubuntu LiveCD boot (boots up an Ubuntu system without actually installing it) and experiment with the Ubuntu terminal shell. Its actually the same CD as the standard Ubuntu installtion CD... you just chose "Try Ubuntu" instead of "Install Ubuntu" once it boots up:
col is program to filter out reverse-linefeeds (i.e. the backspace character) from text input. In the olden days of line printers, a common method to achieve boldface print was to print a character, then print a backspace character, then print the character again. This would make the printer strike the character twice in the same place. Some programs would emit text files formatted in this way (man is one such program)-- but if you then tried to display that text file to your terminal screen, you might end up seeing something like this: "here is b^Hbo^Hol^Hld^Hd text".
col -b simply filters text input to strip out those extra backspace and double-strike characters. The -x option converts tab characters to space characters, which might be useful if the output was formatted for a device with a particular tab width, but then displayed on a different device.
man pages often have the backspace/double-strike text embedded in them, so man piped into col was often useful.
Nowadays, most terminal emulators actually know how to handle the backspace/double-strike, so col doesn't get used as much.
Far better (easier to use, install, maintain, etc.) than Cygwin, and perhaps less resource-using than a virtual machine, is . That will give you a shell on your Windows desktop, and you can play with the col command to better understand it.
Win-bash is essentially the same shell as linux, but on windows. You can use this to experiment outside Linux but I'm not sure how effective it is.
Other options are virtual machines, and if you don't mind a reboot, you can install ubuntu with wubi which means it can be deleted from windows' add/remove programs when you are done with it. (Or just use the live disc)
Col has very limited use for most people, it only affects programs that write lines asynchronously as opposed to line by line...
