quartz cron to fire every 90 min starting midnight - cron

I want a cron job (or a combination of 2 jobs) which fires at 00:00, 01:30, 03:00 and so on for all day. What can be the most succinct way to write the expression?

you need to split it into 2 jobs since it is an odd frequency
0 0-21/3 * * * command
30 1-22/3 * * * command

Use following cron expression to configure your cron trigger
0 0/30 0,23 * * ?
Also See
Quarts doc


Cron syntax for every 30 minutes | gitlab

I am looking for cron syntax to execute:-
1- For every 30 minutes daily
2- From 7:00 AM to 1:00 AM(Midnight)
After reading blogs I could only manage to get */30 * * * * this.
This would be an option:
*/30 7-23,0-1 * * *
As long as you can only set consecutive hours from 0h to 23h and you need to run from 7am to 1am I think it fits your needs, despite using two hourly-based conditions in the same job.

Cron expression for Databricks schedule job

I need to schedule a job in databricks that should run at 6am, 6.15, 6.30, 6.45, 7, 7.15, 7.30, 7.45 and 8am every day.
I am using below expression however it is not running at 8am. Is there anyway we can achieve this?
0 0,15,30,45 06,07 ? * *
This is expected behaviour from cron expression. As per your requirement, you need to write separate cron expression for the 08:00 as follows:
Note that some scheduling requirements are too complicated to express
with a single trigger - such as “every 5 minutes between 9:00 am and
10:00 am, and every 20 minutes between 1:00 pm and 10:00 pm”. The
solution in this scenario is to simply create two triggers, and
register both of them to run the same job.
This will run from 6.00 until 7.45, every 15 minutes:
* 0/15 06-07 * * *
If you want it to run until 08:00 then you have to create two triggers and register both if them to run the same job.
* 0/15 06-07 * * *
* 0 08 * * *
Reference: Databricks uses Quartz Cron triggers. Databricks – Cron Triggers
Hope this helps.
Run twice a day at 10:00 and 18:00
**0 0 10,18/12 * * ?**

Is there any way to specify periods with cron without setting up multiple instances?

I want a cron job to run between 7 AM and 10 PM, every day, at 5 minute intervals. Normally this would be okay if it was 5 minute intervals, because you could just use "/5", but is there a way to specify it as 5 minute intervals but skip the times between 10PM and 7AM?
The minutes are specified separately from the hours in crontab. Specify minutes using the periodic notation, and the hours as a range.
*/5 7-21 * * * /path/to/script
Below would help for Quartz scheduler
0 00/5 7-21 * * ?

Crontab syntax for non-aligned hourly range?

If I want to schedule a job to occur every five minutes between 9 until 11 pm I can use the following cron trigger:
0/5 21-22 * * *
(or something like 5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 21-22 * * * for finer control over the minutes if needed).
Is there a way to specify "every five minutes from 9:30 until 11:30"? The trickiness revolves around having e.g. 5 in the minutes field yet skipping it if the hour is 21, and I'm not immediately aware of any way to achieve that.
A simple, workaround would be to add more scheduled jobs in cron...
30,35,40,45,50,55 21 * * * /job_to_run
*/5 22 /job_to_run
5,10,15,20,25,30 23 * * * /job_to_run
p.s. Cron usually has the following order:
Minutes Hour DayOfMonth Month DayOfWeek Command

Cron trigger to run at half past the hour every hour

Can anyone suggest a way to set a Cron trigger to run at half past the hour every hour?
So far, I've got one working hourly as per "0 0/60 * * * ?".
Am I looking at "0 0/30 * * * ?" at all?
Mr Morgan.
I would use 30 * * * * to run a command half past every hour.
It is worth remembering that in crontab you define a pattern to match the current time against and not an exact time. Every minute crond will awaken and match the current time against your pattern and if there is a match, run your command.
I recommend using http://www.cronmaker.com/ for painless cron expressions.
Use this:
0 0/30 * * * ?
and not "30 * * * *" as this will trigger in every 30 seconds.
I know this was asked years ago but the correct cron syntax for half past trigger will be:
30 * 1/1 * ? *
