Searching custom types in plone - search

I've been tasked with setting up a community in plone. I have some custom content types created with dexterity. The problem is that I can't figure out how to search all of the fields. Under site setup -> search, I have all the relevant options selected, but I seem to be missing something (I hope it isn't too obvious).
A simplified example of the problem:
I have a custom data type "recipe", which has default fields "title" and "description" along with a text box "ingredients". I want to be able to search, for example, all recipes that contain bacon. I can't figure out how to do this. Currently only title and description are searchable.

You need to index the fields you want to search on and then query the catalog on those index values.
Check out "Catalog indexing strategies", Section 6.12.


Kentico 12 Azure Search

I'm trying to implement Azure Search on Kentico 12. Following the article below.
However, I have multiple indexes defined on the smart search not just a single index code name that I can hard code and also cannot aford to hard code index fields. Is there any tutorial out there that I can follow?
It sounds as if you're referring to building an Azure Search web part, is this correct. If so, make a property in your web part which allows you to select the code name from a list in the database. Secondly, regarding field names, you should be using generic field names like DocumentName, NodeAliaspath, etc. Although if you have very specific search results that need to be displayed, simply put in a switch statement to get the field names based on a class name.

Smart search results behaviour of compound index of multiple page types

Can someone confirm the behaviour of the Smart search results webpart when using a Smart search filter on a particular field, documentation here, when the index, and the expected results, are compound of multiple page types?
In my scenario I have 2 page types, one is always a child of the other, my hypothetical scenario would be a Folder and File types as an example.
I've configured the index with Pages type and Standard analyzer to include all Folder and File types under the path /MyOS/% on the tree.
The search page, includes the Smart search results webpart and a Smart search filter, a checkbox for the File's field FileIsHidden.
What I'm trying to ascertain is the possibility for the results to include all folders that have a hidden field, as well as the files?
Client has a v8.2 license and now has a requirement similar to this scenario.
Thanks so much for any help in advance.
Firstly what i would do is download the latest version of LUKE, it's a lucene inspector that allows you to run queries, inspect the data, etc.
Your search indexes are in the App_Data/Modules/SmartSearch/[SearchName], now i am not sure if LUKE can query 2 indexes as the same time, however you can run hte same query against both and see if it's filtering out results one way or another.
If you are trying to query where a field must be a value, and the other page type does not have the field, it probably is filtered out. What you need to do is use the lucene syntax to say "(classname = 'cms.file' and fileonlyproperty = '' OR classname <> 'cms.file')" so to say.
You'll have to test, but say the class name is cms.file and cms.folder, and the property is FileIsHidden, i think the syntax would be:
+((FieldIsHidden:(true) and classname:('cms.file')) OR (NOT classname:('cms.file'))
But you'll have to test that.

Sitecore 7, Content Search, "Content" property of the document is not showing actual content

I have managed to get search results using LINQ way, I can access different fields of the searched document, including Title, Url, Path, etc.
I can also access Content property of the document but that is not showing actual content of the document. It is showing Title of the document separated by -, for example if the searched document Title is Video news items, Content property contains Video-news-items|Video news items.
How can I get actual content of the searched document?
Code I am using to search document is explained in another post.
Based on your other question, I assume you are using the base SearchResultItem class. You can inherit from this class and add Properties that map to specific fields in your items. you can then just use the properties as normal. This article explains the process:
Sitecore 7 POCO's explained
If you haven't yet done any research into Sitecore 7 search yet, I would suggest that you do some. The concepts may not be familiar.
I think this is showing meta title for this page

How to use custom attribute in default search in Magento?

We're migrating a custom site to Magento Community, and are discovering that the default search isn't that great.
Eg searching for "shirts" will not find a product called shirt.
I'm using Like, and would prefer to keep doing so.
Yes we could monitor internal searches and create synonyms for them, but we would prefer to be proactive.
The old site had a specific field for search keywords, which they would prefer to keep using.
Is there a way of either:
a. including an attribute by default in all searches? we would define a new attribute for all products
b. or using the existing meta keywords tag as a list of keywords we would like the internal search to use?
You can change weather or not an attribute is used for searches in the admin.
catalog -> attributes -> edit
then you can enable the attribute to be used in searches.
Try to change the Search Type from like to fulltext
Configuration -> Catalog -> Catalog Search.

How to create a lookup column that targets a Doc Lib and uses the 'Name' of the document?

How do you create a lookup column to a Document Library that uses the 'Name' of the document as the lookup value?
I found a blog post that recommends adding another custom field like "FileName" and then using a item reciever to populate the custom field with the value from the Name field but that seems cheesy.
Link to the blog in case people are interested:
I've got a bunch of custom document content types that I dont want to clutter with a work around that should really work anyway.
I created a one step workflow to set the title from the name, fired on modify and created. Seems to work and took seconds to create.
One way you can do this (although not the easiest way) is by creating a custom field type that extends the SPFieldLookup class. SharePoint's field editor for Lookup fields purposefully hides any columns types that aren't supported by Lookup fields, but you can create a field editor for your custom field type that shows them.
However, I have created a Lookup column that points to a Name column in a Document Library before, and it probably doesn't work like you'd expect. While the value stored in the lookup column is valid, it doesn't show up right in List view or on the View Properties form.
The solution you posted may actually be the best way to handle this. Lookup fields require some kludges if you want to handle more complex scenarios, but that's because they're not meant to provide the same functionality as a foreign key relationship in a database.
Coding in any form always scares me. So Here's what I did: I simply renamed the Stupid "Title" Field to something else, say "Keywords", since you cant do anything with that field: cant even make it mandatory.
Then I created another Single line field called "Title" and used this field for the Lookups
Well there is a simple solution to that and in might work in some case.
In the nutshell if you make the Title field Mandatory, this will force the user to enter a title. In that manner we can use title field as a lookup field.
Now How to do that?
One you are done create a document library go to the library setting. Select Advance Setting and Select Yes for the option "Allow management of content types?".
Then go back to the Library setting and Under content types select the "Document" Content type. THen Select Title Column and then Select "Required (Must contain information)" and say OK.
Now try uploading a document to this document library. You will see Title field in the form.
Hope this helps
You have to add the field as XML with the ShowField as 'FileLeafRef'
var XmlFieldDefinition = "<Field DisplayName='myLookupColumn' Type='LookupMulti' StaticName='myLookupColumn' Name='myLookupColumn' Required='FALSE' List='THE LOOKUP ID HERE' WebId='THE WEB ID HERE' UnlimitedLengthInDocumentLibrary='TRUE' Mult='TRUE' Sortable='FALSE' ShowField='FileLeafRef' />"
Field fld = fieldCollection.AddFieldAsXml(XmlFieldDefinition, true, AddFieldOptions.DefaultValue);
