Architecture and performance issue - multithreading

I have an question about architecture/performance. I'm talking about a SIP server that processes multiples client requests concurrently. I suppose that each request is treated in a dedicated thread. At the end of the process, the concerned thread log request specific infos in a file. I want to optimize the last part of processing. I mean I want to know what alternatives you propose instead of logging these infos in a file. Why? Because writing in a file after processing uses resources that I would use to process other arriving requests.
First, what do you think about the question? And, if you think that it's a "true" question (I mean that an alternative may optimize the performances), what do you propose?
I thought about logging the data into a queue and to use another process IN ANOTHER MACHINE that would read from the queue and write to a file.
Thanks for your suggestions

If it is NOT a requirement that the log is written before the request returns - i.e. the logging is not part of the atomic response - then you have the option of returning the response and just initiating the logging action.
Putting the logging data in a queue in memory seems reasonable. You can read that queue and write to disk either on the same machine or another. I would start with a thread in your app as this is easiest to implement and since the disk I/O is going to be the limiting factor, it shouldn't impact your server much.
If the log is required to be written BEFORE the response is returned, you still have the option of using a reliable queue like MSMQ.

I suspect that network overhead involved in moving the logging to another machine is problably going to create more problems than it solves. I would go with #Nicholas' solution - queue off the logs to one thread on the same machine. The queue allows slack so that occasional disk latency is mitigated and the logging thread can make its own optimizations, eg. waiting until it has a cluster-size of logs before writing. Other stuff, like opening a new log file every day or whenever the log-file reaches a limiting size are also much easier without affecting the performance of the main server.
Even if you log on another machine, you should still queue off the logging to mitigate network latency.
If the log objects on the queue contain, say, a 'request' enumeration, (eg. ElogWrite, ElogNewFile, ElogPath, ElogShutdown), you could try both - you could queue up a request for the log thread to close its current log file and open a path to a file on a networked machine at runtime - the queue buffer would absorb the delay of doing this.


Except from memory and CPU leaks, what will be reasons for Node.js server might go went down?

I have a Node.js (Express.js) server for my React.js website as BFF. I use Node.js for SSR, proxying some request and cache some pages in Redis. In last time I found that my server time to time went down. I suggest an uptime is about 2 days. After restart, all ok, then response time growth from hour to hour. I have resource monitoring at this server, and I see that server don't have problems with RAM or CPU. It used about 30% of RAM and 20% of CPU.
I regret to say it's a big production site and I can't make minimal reproducible example, cause i don't know where is reason of these error :(
Except are memory and CPU leaks, what will be reasons for Node.js server might go went down?
I need at least direction to search.
"went down" - its when kubernetes kills container due 3 failed life checks (GET request to a root / of website)
My site don't use any BD connection but call lots of 3rd party API's. About 6 API requests due one GET/ request from browser
Thx. To your answers, guys.
To understand what happend inside my GET/ request, i'm add open-telemetry into my server. In longtime and timeout GET/ requests i saw long API requests with very big tcp.connect and tls.connect.
I think it happens due lack of connections or something about that. I think Mostafa Nazari is right.
I create patch and apply them within the next couple of days, and then will say if problem gone
I solve problem.
It really was lack of connections. I add reusing node-fetch connection due keepAlive and a lot of cache for saving connections. And its works.
Thanks for all your answers. They all right, but most helpful thing was added open-telemetry to my server to understand what exactly happens inside request.
For other people with these problems, I'm strongly recommended as first step, add telemetry to your project.
PS: i can't mark two replies as answer. Joe have most detailed and Mostafa Nazari most relevant to my problem. They both may be "best answers".
Tnx for help, guys.
Gradual growth of response time suggest some kind of leak.
If CPU and memory consumption is excluded, another potentially limiting resources include:
File descriptors - when your server forgets to close files. Monitor for number of files in /proc//fd/* to confirm this. See what those files are, find which code misbehaves.
Directory listing - even temporary directory holding a lot of files will take some time to scan, and if your application is not removing some temporary files and lists them - you will be in trouble quickly.
Zombie processes - just monitor total number of processes on the server.
Firewall rules (some docker network magic may in theory cause this on host system) - monitor length of output of "iptables -L" or "iptables-save" or equivalent on modern kernels. Rare condition.
Memory fragmentation - this may happen in languages with garbage collection, but often leaves traces with something like "Can not allocate memory" in logs. Rare condition, hard to fix. Export some health metrics and make your k8s restart your pod preemptively.
Application bugs/implementation problems. This really depends on internal logic - what is going on inside the app. There may be some data structure that gets filled in with data as time goes by in some tricky way, becoming O(N) instead of O(1). Really hard to trace down, unless you have managed to reproduce the condition in lab/test environment.
API calls from frontend shift to shorter, but more CPU-hungry ones. Monitor distribution of API call types over time.
Here are some of the many possibilities of why your server may go down:
Memory leaks The server may eventually fail if a Node.js application is leaking memory, as you stated in your post above. This may occur if the application keeps adding new objects to the memory without appropriately cleaning up.
Unhandled exceptions The server may crash if an exception is thrown in the application code and is not caught. To avoid this from happening, ensure that all exceptions are handled properly.
Third-party libraries If the application uses any third-party libraries, the server may experience problems as a result. Before using them, consider examining their resource usage, versions, or updates.
Network Connection The server's network connection may have issues if the server is sending a lot of queries to third-party APIs or if the connection is unstable. Verify that the server is handling connections, timeouts, and retries appropriately.
Connection to the Database Even though your server doesn't use any BD connections, it's a good idea to look for any stale connections to databases that could be problematic.
High Volumes of Traffic The server may experience performance issues if it is receiving a lot of traffic. Make sure the server is set up appropriately to handle a lot of traffic, making use of load balancing, caching, and other speed enhancement methods. Cloudflare is always a good option ;)
Concurrent Requests Performance problems may arise if the server is managing a lot of concurrent requests. Check to see if the server is set up correctly to handle several requests at once, using tools like a connection pool, a thread pool, or other concurrency management strategies.
(Credit goes to my System Analysis and Design course slides)
With any incoming/outgoing web requests, 2 File Descriptors will be acquired. as there is a limit on number of FDs, OS does not let new Socket to be opened, this situation cause "Timeout Error" on clients. you can easily check number of open FDs by sudo ls -la /proc/_PID_/fd/ | tail -n +4 | wc -l where _PID_ is nodejs PID, if this value is rising, you have connection leak issue.
I guess you need to do the following to prevent Connection Leak:
make sure you are closing outgoing API call Http Connection (it depends on how you are opening them, some libraries manage this and you just need to config them)
cache your outgoing API call (if it is possible) to reduce API call
for your outgoing API call, use Connection pool, this would manage number of open HttpConnection, reuse already-opened connection and ...
review your code, so that you can serve a request faster than now (for example make your API call more parallel instead of await or nested call). anything you do to make your response faster, is good for preventing this situation
I solve problem. It really was lack of connections. I add reusing node-fetch connection due keepAlive and a lot of cache for saving connections. And its works.
Thanks for all your answers. They all right, but most helpful thing was added open-telemetry to my server to understand what exactly happens inside request.
For other people with these problems, I'm strongly recommended as first step, add telemetry to your project.

When to use synchronous - blocking code in Node.js

I had asked in an interview, are there any cases that may force you to use blocking code in a node.js server?
my answer was: I didn't ever need that in any project but I think it may be useful in some tasks that need much CPU processing like Some Image Processing or video generation.
so experts, can you correct that for me, is there any case that a blocking code would be a must?
First off, you have to distinguish between the different types of programs. A server that you expect to be responsive to many different incoming requests has very different needs than a single user program you write to do some file management or fetch some content and insert it in a database.
So, if you're not a multi-user server, you may be able to use synchronous I/O everywhere it's offered (most specifically for file access). For example, I have several scripts that do file management on my hard disk. These scripts don't have any server component and are run automatically in the middle of the night to trim backups, trim log files, etc... These scripts are perfectly OK to use synchronous I/O for pretty much anything.
If, on the other hand, you are a mutli-user server and you need to be responsive to incoming requests that can arrive at any time, then the only two times you can/should use blocking I/O or blocking crypto are at startup time or in some sort of shut-down scenario. For all other code in service of incoming requests, you have to use non-blocking, asynchronous I/O to avoid locking up your server during a request and making it non-responsive to new incoming requests.
If you have time consuming, CPU-intensive operations such as image processing or video generation, then you will want to offload that processing to another thread or process so that your main server thread is not blocked doing that processing. A typical way of handling that would be to create a worker pool of N processes/threads that can be sent jobs to crunch on. Then, you keep your most CPU-intensive work out of the main nodejs thread, allowing it to stay responsive to incoming requests.
so experts, can you correct that for me, is there any case that a blocking code would be a must?
Synchronous (blocking) I/O vastly simplifies server startup as you can do things like read configurations synchronously. You could write that code asynchronously, but then your module interface often end up having to return promises that indicate when it's actually ready and done with its initialization which complicates using the module.
For example, require() is synchronous and this really, really helps make initialization a lot simpler.
The only place I know of in a server where blocking code might be required is if you're trying to write something to disk right before your program exits when it's already in the process of exiting. You get notified of an exit event and if you try to use asynchronous file I/O, then your program will exit before the I/O finishes. In that case, you may need to use synchronous file I/O (which is not a problem in that circumstance).

How to implement concurrency or context-switching in NodeJS

So I have this API endpoint called on which many devices post(I work in an IOT firm). We have implemented our whole backed in NodeJS and are stuck while scaling from 1 device to 'n' number of devices. The devices post their packets at this API endpoint, from where I execute a complex bit of code(arnd 1000 lines) and save the state of the device in the database(mongoDB). Now the issue is. Whenever I receive a packet from device 1 and I am executing it and in the middle I get a packet from device 2, NodeJS leaves the device 1 execution as it is and starts serving the packet 2 from device 2, I saw this when I put extensive console.log() statements
Now in an ideal world. I would want Node to save the context of my current progress with packet 1. then leave. and go on to save the packet 2 in a queue to be processed later. Once I am done with packet 1 I shall take up packet 2 and process it.
I know libraries like RabbitMQ and kue for storing it in queue and processing it later, but how do I context switch from one execution to another?
This is my way of thinking. There could be other solutions as well. Would like to hear your thoughts on the matter.
Q: How to implement concurrency or context-switching in NodeJS.
A: Short answer: Not possible. Because Javascript is single threaded.
Q: Now the issue is. Whenever I receive a packet from device 1 and I am executing it and in the middle I get a packet from device 2, NodeJS leaves the device 1 execution as it is and starts serving the packet 2 from device 2, I saw this when I put extensive console.log() statements
A: As you might have already read in numerous places that NodeJS is based on an event-driven model that is non-blocking for I/O.
The reason why Node seems to have ditched device1 midway to serve device2 was because the code for device1 has already been processed up till a point where it is just waiting on an asynchronous function to callback. E.g. performing a database write. So meantime while it is available, it went on to service device2
Similar case for device2 - once it hits an async function where an event gets pushed into the event queue, pending for a return. Node might go back to device1 if a response has come back. Or it could be other devices, deviceN.
We say NodeJS is non-blocking because the node process does not lock the entire web application down for a sole response. Instead it move on and pick the next event (essentially a block of code) from the queue to run it. Hence it is constantly busy, unless there is really nothing available on the event queue.
Q: I know libraries like RabbitMQ and kue for storing it in queue and processing it later, but how do I context switch from one execution to another?
As said earlier. as of 2016 - it is still not possible for Javascript to do threading. NodeJS is not designed for heavy computation work, it should only be focused on serving requests therefore the code should preferably be light and non-blocking. Basically you will want to leave those heavy I/O duties like writing to file or databases or making HTTP requests (network) to other processes by wrapping the calls with async functions.
NodeJS is not a silver bullet technology. If your application is expected to do a lot of computational work on the event thread then Node is probably not a good choice of technology but it is not the end of the world - as you can fork your own child process for the heavy computational jobs.
You might also want to consider alternative like Java which has NIO and Threading capabilities.

Designing a message processing system

I have been asked to create a message processing system as following. As I am not sure if this is the right place to post this, feel free to move it to any other appropriate SC group.
Server have about 100 to 500 clients connected at every moment. When a client connects to server, server loads part of their data and cache it in memory for faster access. Server will receive between 200~1000 messages per second for all clients. These messages are relatively small (about 500 bytes). Any changes to data in cache should be saved to disk as soon as possible. When client disconnects all their data is saved to disk and removed from cache. each message contains some instruction and a text message which will be saved as file. Instructions should be executed as fast as possible (near instant) and all clients using that file should get the update. Only writing the modified message to disk can be delayed.
Here is my solution in a diagram
My solution consists of a web server (http or socket) a message queue and two or more instances of file server and instruction server.
Web server grabs client messages and if there is message available for client in message queue, pushes it back to client.
Instruction processor grabs instructions from queue and creates necessary message to be processed by file server (Get/set file) and waits for the file to be available in queue and more process to create another message for client.
File server only provides the files, either from cache or physical file depending on type of file.
There are peak times that total connected clients might go over 10000 at once and total messages received from clients increase to 10~15K.
I should be able to clear the queue and go back to normal state as soon as possible (with processing requests obviously).
I should be able to add extra instruction processors and file servers on the fly without having to shut down the other instances.
In case file server crashes it shouldn’t lose files so it has to write files to disk as soon as there are any changes and process time is available.
File system should be in b+ tree format so some applications (local reporting apps) could easily access files without having to go through queue server
My Solution
I am thinking of using node.js for socket/web server. And may be a NoSQL database for file server and a queue server such as rabbitMQ or Node_Redis and Redis.
Is there a better way of structuring this system?
What are my other options for components of this system?
is it possible to run all the instances in same server machine or even in same application (in different thread)?
You have a couple of holes here, mostly around the web server "pushing" the message back to the client. That doesn't really work in a web-based world. You can try and use websockets, but generally, this ends up being polling based.
I don't know what the "instructions" are to be executed, but saving 1000 500byte messages is trivial. Many NoSQL solutions boast million+ write per second capacity. Especially if you let committing to disk to lag.
Don't bother with the queue for the return of the file. A good NoSQL solution will scale better. Build out a Cassandra cluster, load test it until it can handle your peak load.
This simplifies your architecture into a 1 or more web servers, clients polling that server for file updates, a queue for submitting "messages" to the "instruction server" (also known as an application server in web-developer terms), and a no-sql database for the instruction server to write files to.
This makes scaling easy, you can always add more web servers, and with a decent cluster size for your no-sql server, you should get to scale horizontally there as well. Your only real bottleneck is your instruction server queue, which you could always throw more instruction servers at.

Is it acceptable to use ThreadPool.GetAvailableThreads to throttle the amount of work a service performs?

I have a service which polls a queue very quickly to check for more 'work' which needs to be done. There is always more more work in the queue than a single worker can handle. I want to make sure a single worker doesn't grab too much work when the service is already at max capacity.
Let say my worker grabs 10 messages from the queue every N(ms) and uses the Parallel Library to process each message in parallel on different threads. The work itself is very IO heavy. Many SQL Server queries and even Azure Table storage (http requests) are made for a single unit of work.
Is using the TheadPool.GetAvailableThreads() the proper way to throttle how much work the service is allowed to grab?
I see that I have access to available WorkerThreads and CompletionPortThreads. For an IO heavy process, is it more appropriate to look at how many CompletionPortThreads are available? I believe 1000 is the number made available per process regardless of cpu count.
Update - Might be important to know that the queue I'm working with is an Azure Queue. So, each request to check for messages is made as an async http request which returns with the next 10 messages. (and costs money)
I don't think using IO completion ports is a good way to work out how much to grab.
I assume that the ideal situation is where you run out of work just as the next set arrives, so you've never got more backlog than you can reasonably handle.
Why not keep track of how long it takes to process a job and how long it takes to fetch jobs, and adjust the amount of work fetched each time based on that, with suitable minimum/maximum values to stop things going crazy if you have a few really cheap or really expensive jobs?
You'll also want to work out a reasonable optimum degree of parallelization - it's not clear to me whether it's really IO-heavy, or whether it's just "asynchronous request heavy", i.e. you spend a lot of time just waiting for the responses to complicated queries which in themselves are cheap for the resources of your service.
I've been working virtually the same problem in the same environment. I ended up giving each WorkerRole an internal work queue, implemented as a BlockingCollection<>. There's a single thread that monitors that queue - when the number of items gets low it requests more items from the Azure queue. It always requests the maximum number of items, 32, to cut down costs. It also has automatic backoff in the event that the queue is empty.
Then I have a set of worker threads that I started myself. They sit in a loop, pulling items off the internal work queue. The number of worker threads is my main way to optimize the load, so I've got that set up as an option in the .cscfg file. I'm currently running 35 threads/worker, but that number will depend on your situation.
I tried using TPL to manage the work, but I found it more difficult to manage the load. Sometimes TPL would under-parallelize and the machine would be bored, other times it would over-parallelize and the Azure queue message visibility would expire while the item was still being worked.
This may not be the optimal solution, but it seems to be working OK for me.
I decided to keep an internal counter of how many message are currently being processed. I used Interlocked.Increment/Decrement to manage the counter in a thread-safe manner.
I would have used the Semaphore class since each message is tied to its own Thread but wasn't able to due to the async nature of the queue poller and the code which spawned the threads.
