displaying the home page in the user end - joomla1.7

I am using Joomla 1.7. Whenever I am trying to access the site it says 404-article not found. I have tried with all the available templates in the template manager.
Can you suggest a solution.

Sounds like you have enabled SEF Urls but not renamed htaccess.txt to .htaccess - or perhaps your server doesn't support mod_rewrite.
Either rename the file or switch to a different SEF url scheme - without mod_rewrite, orturn off Sef urls altogether.


How to redirect old file urls using TYPO3 v9

Currently a TYPO3 website of ours has had a complete revamp and we would like to redirect all the old URL's in Googles index to the new existing URL's
For regular pages I used the new site management tool (Redirects) in TYPO3 v9. However what is left is the old indexed links of the content.
www.websitename.com/content/docs/this-is-my-document.pdf and so on. Including images and other miscellaneous links to files.
Now what would be the best way to redirect those links?
I could use htaccess ofcourse or is there something in the TYPO3 core/Extbase what I could be able to use?
I would always prefer redirects with mod_rewrite in the .htaccess file since it's much faster than any TYPO3 solution. If the redirect is done via .htaccess, there is no need for the webserver to invoke PHP or the database. Thus it's faster.
Found out we stopped rewrites by default for URL's with:
RewriteRule ^(typo3/|content/|typo3conf/|typo3temp/|uploads/|favicon\.ico) - [L]
By removing the 'content/' I was able to use the redirect functionality from the core. This was done so we could manage redirects through the TYPO3 enviroment in the future.
as Peter said above it would be faster to use .htaccess but we would like for it to be more manageable in the future through the system. So we chose the core option.

How do I use .htaccess to disable mod_security for only one section of a site?

I have researched and am pretty sure I need to disable mod_security to allow my jquery to use php to load images. My work is sitting along side a joomla site with the joomla sitting in the root directory and mine in www.example.com/mysite/... am I able to use .htaccess to disable mod_security for only my sub directory and leave the joomla section untouched?

ISAPI redirect to external site in IIS 6.0

I'm using ISAPI Rewrite 3 and my server is running IIS 6. I've never used ISAPI Rewrite before, so I'm a bit in the dark about how to use it.
I'm trying to do a simple redirect, so that if anyone hits
on my server, they are redirected to
which is an external site that isn't mine. Is there a way to do this, or a tutorial that will show me how? I can't find anything on it.
There are numerous tutorials on this module. You can use these links for the beginning:
Exploding myths about mod_rewrite. Part I
Exploding myths about mod_rewrite. Part 2.
Helicon Ape - mod_rewrite documentation
ISAPI_Rewrite examples
Besides ISAPI_Rewrite, Helicon Ape and mod_rewrite are different products rewrite syntax is the same, so you can use documentation for either product.
For the redirect you are asking I guess it should be the following rule in the www.mysite.com .htaccess file:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^page.aspx http://externalsite.com/dir/file.htm [NC, R]

need to change the URL to friendly url in joomla1.5

I am using joomla 1.5.23 and want to make the URL SEO friendly.. so for that I have used the joomla component JoomSEF 3.4.0 version for this purpose... by using this I have suceeced to change the URL to derired one of my likings but the links are not working.. For make this links to work do i have change the joomla .Htaccess file...
If there is any other relevant components are there.. then also please suggest.. any kind of suggestion will be greatly appreciated... thanks in advance..
Joomla supports SEO URLs without any third party components.
From the administration menu select Site then Global Configuration. You will see the SEO section on the right hand side. You'll see a warning next to Apache mod_rewrite that reminds you to rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess

Apache's ErrorDocument directive for asp/IIS?

now i saw a very good php script and i rewrite it to asp
the script here:Fantastic Animation PHP/CSS/jQuery Error pages
but know iam in big problem
how i can use .htaccess in asp
see how it work
ErrorDocument 500 /error.php?code=500
can i use .htaccess in asp
please tell me because iam newbie in it
because know i convery error.php to error.asp
.htaccess is a web server thing (primarily Apache), not a PHP or ASP thing. If you have your system set up that Apache serves ASP pages (passing through to IIS or using another ASP interpreter), sure, you can use .htaccess with it. But if you're using IIS directly, IIS has its own mechanism for doing things like mapping error pages and such.
