Generation of svg on server side using highcharts - node.js

I did require('jsdom') in node js but i constantly get jsdom module not found.
More over i want to generate a svg document using highcharts on the server so that i can later on use that image in my pdf( I will convert that svg to image using batik).
Is there a link that may help me with this.
I have read through the
but the prototype didnt make much sense. Is there a module which has been implemented rather than just a prototype.

You need to install all the required modules first. First download the tar file from his github Go to the directory where you saved the file and hit
npm install davidpadbury-node-highcharts-576f763.tar.gz
if you need to install additional modules like jsdom, try
npm install jsdom
His prototype seem to work fine with older version of highchart. but i am having some problem using it with latest highchart.
I hope this helped


Using node-fetch in React app - "Cannot find module 'node:http'"

I have a simple setup with Strapi as a backend and React as a frontend. My goal is to get the result from the api I have in my backend using any tool out there. I first tried with Axios but seems to have an issue doing GET call because the 'Content-Lenght' wasn't generated automatically and I couldn't set it manually somehow.
I decided to use something else and one that I found that seems popular is node-fetch.
However, I can't even begin to use it. I install it locally to my project using:
npm i node-fetch --save
Then in my .js file:
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
const App = () => {
const result = fetch('');
export default App;
Then I try compiling or running the project and I get the following error message:
Cannot find module: 'node:http'. Make sure this package is installed.
If I check the actual file in the node-fetch module. It is easy to see that the said module is imported there. However, I am unsure what this format for importing is even about with the 'node:xxxx'. I supose this is some kind of way to import basic node module but then, why would they be missing from my installation.
I tried it on me personal dev PC first and it failed. I then went ahead and troubleshooted for hours as to what it could be. I ended cleaning my entire project node_modules, rebuilding, uninstalling node.js and everything module installed globally. Reinstalling through nvm instead. Still didn't work.
I also tried installing "npm i http --save", which did nothing.
and today, I just tried this on a fresh project on my work computer and I have the exact same thing.
what could it be? Is this just a node-fetch issue in general?
("node-fetch": "^3.2.3")
The package node-fetch is a fetch implementation for Node.js not for the browser. In React you should be able to use fetch without installing and importing any package because fetch is part of the browser API and is present on the window object (window.fetch).
For browsers that don't support fetch you need a polyfill, check Can I Use for browser support and use whatwg-fetch as a polyfill.
See this for a polyfill solution for CRA:
See this for examples on how to use fetch in React:

NodeJS-MSMQ: SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module

I'm pretty new with NodeJS and I'm trying to use a module called "updated-node-msmq" (from this repository) in my project but getting an error.
What I've done:
I opened a new folder for the project.
I used the command "$ npm install --save updated-node-msmq" and got some warnings (Screenshot attached).
When I try to use the module according to the README, and run my "test.js" file I got the following error here in the screenshot).
I am using version 14.16.0 of NodeJS and after trying to fix this myself I realized that probably the problem is that the module was built for older versions of NodeJS.
I understand that low version is not a recommended solution, but I have no clue how to update a module.
Help / guidance in solving the problem?
Thanks in advance everyone!
Why are you using updated-node-msmq? That package seems like a mess, and the errors you are getting is because the whole module is written with ES2015 but doesn't seem to have been transpiled to node.js compatible code before published to NPM.
I'd advise you to use a tried and tested module for MSMQ first and foremost.
EDIT: Seems like the author fucked up in the 0.2.0 version. You could use the 0.1.9 (by instead using npm install updated-node-msmq#0.1.9 but that one is 3 years old.

react-native attempting to resolve built-in fetch function

I'm attempting to use the fetch function in react-native to grab a piece of data from the web. from what I understand reading the docs, the fetch function is built in to react-native.
when doing so, I get the module resolution error in the attached screenshot, where for whatever reason the react-native bundler is attempting to use the fetch provided by typescript from my ~/.cache directory.
I've previously had typescript 2.6 installed globally via npm, I uninstalled it to see if that might fix things, but the error persists.
I should note that the only things I've done for this project are to create it with create-react-native-app, add a little snippet to the App.js component stolen from the react docs to fetch some JSON, and yarn run eject the project (this error persisted before and after the ejection)
well in my turkey-induced frenzy, it appears I hadn't properly uninstalled the global typescript install on my computer.
having done so properly, the issue is resolved;
however the issue of react-native's module resolution strategy being incompatible with a global typescript installation persists.

Trying to use axios to make API call in a React/Phoenix App (using Brunch)

I'm trying to make use of the axios library to call some API endpoints.
My project setup is a Phoenix app (with brunch for asset management) and a React app (all in the web/static/js directory)
Most npm modules are ok, I do:
npm install --save _module-name_
Then I add the module to the brunch-config.js into the npm whitelist array.
Which I've done with axios, so it doesn't complain that it cannot find the library.
However, when I try and use axios e.g
I get the following error in the JS Console:
Cannot find module "axios/lib/adapters/xhr"
It's like brunch isn't loading in the axios dependencies (even though I can see that file if i navigate to node_modules/axios/lib/adapters
Has anyone had this issue (with any npm module and brunch/phoenix) and if so how do you go about fixing it?
It seems to be a wider spread problem with brunch.
I also cannot use "React-Bootstrap" I get a similar error where it cannot find the sub-dependencies....
I had the same issue and updated brunch to the latest (2.7.5 at the time), which resolved my issue.

Using an external node-installed JS library in Atom editor

I'm trying to figure out how to use external javascript libraries in the Atom editor. I used npm to install the momentjs library, since Atom uses node. However, I'm puzzled as to what to do now? I can't find a way to use the library in Atom.
I thought that I could go to the Atom file and do a require "moment" (also tried require "momentjs") but nothing seems to work.
The whole reason behind this is so I can use some javascript libraries for formatting dates in a snippet (I have another SO question about that which I'll close if this solves it).
But this question is a general question about installing and running javascript libraries in Atom. I've looked through the Atom docs and Googled, but I can't find a good answer. I figured something like this would be pretty easy?
As Atom bundle its own node version (and thus is not using your global version(s)) it won't load globally installed modules through require.
However, the require method supporting absolute paths, you can still load any module if you know it's absolute path, which shouldn't be a problem in your specific case.
In your init script you can write:
momentjs = require('/path/to/momentjs')
But beware of modules that ships with binaries. Atom is using node 0.11.13 so if the module you're trying to require have been installed for a different version you'll get a Error: Module did not self-register.. In that case I'm afraid the only solution would be to install the module as a dependency of an Atom package (as suggested by #nwinkler).
You should be able to do the following when developing your own package:
Install moment using npm install --save moment - this will install the moment.js library as a dependency and register it in the package.json file
In your library, import it in your lib file:
moment = require 'moment';
myDate = moment().format();
Then you can use the moment object to format your timestamps.
All of this will only work if you're doing your own package, of course. Not sure if this will work with simple snippets as well.
