Error running cassandra Word count example - cassandra

I am tryin to run the cassandra word count example on eclipse. I have loaded all the requisite jar files. But i am still getting some errors, in
TNonblockingServer.Args serverArgs = new TNonblockingServer.Args(serverTransport).inputTransportFactory(inTransportFactory)
It throws the compilation error: TNonblockingServer.Args cannot be resolved to a type
Can somebody tell if i am missing any file to be linked?
Thanks for the help.

Sounds like you don't have lib/*.jar on your runtime classpath, or less likely you have an old Thrift jar somewhere else that's getting used instead of the right one.


Hikari NoSuchMethodError on AWS EMR/Spark

I am trying to upgrade EMR from 5.13to 5.35 using spark-2.4.8. The jar I'm trying to use has a dependency on HikariCP:4.0.3 which is called to set the db pool-config setKeepaliveTime. While I can run my job fine on my local machine, it bombs out in EMR-5.35 with the following error:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig.setKeepaliveTime(J)
The problem is, in runtime, the HikariConfig is being loaded from file:/usr/lib/spark/jars/HikariCP-java7-2.4.12.jar instead of what was provided as a dependency in my custom/fat jar. The workaround right now is to remove that jar, but is there an elegant way to know where that jar is coming from just on the EMR and how could we remove that on start-up?
Just in case, anyone else faces this, the fix was shading (Process that allows renaming packages on the Uber jar), I basically had to make sure the dependency I use doesn't get overridden with the one that's stale in EMR-5.35.0. It looked something like the below:
assembly / assemblyShadeRules := Seq(
.rename("com.zaxxer.hikari.**" -> "x_hikari_conf.#1")
.inLibrary("x" % "y" % z)
And that was pretty much it, after the above lines were put in and the new jar was created, it worked like a charm.
More on shading can be read here

Android 3.0 and higher version issue

Thankyou for taking the time to look at my problem. I'm working on an android application and I keep getting an error in eclipse every time I use the parent="android.Theme.Holo.Light". I have my folder created using values-v11 indicating when to use the correct theme for the correct version but I just get the error:
No resource found that matches the given name 'android.Theme.Holo.Light' in my styles.xml file.
Any idea why this is happening? Thanks in advance.
Try this:

Compile error when running on another machine

I am having a problem with a workbook. It works fine on my machine but when it is run by someone else it is giving a problem with an error message "Compile error can't find project or library"- thing is, it is doing it on a Mid$ string command!
Anyone know what could cause this? Is there a setting they need somewhere? The code was written in Excel 2010 and they are running Excel 2010
This is caused when you have a missing reference. Have a look in Tools > References on the machines that are throwing the error. You should see that certain references are prefixed with MISSING.
These libraries will need to be installed on the other machines in order to use them, alternatively, you could try late binding if they have an earlier version of the reference you are using.
If the above doesn't work, I have experienced this problem when there is a failed installation on the machine. None of the references are missing, but upon opening Excel a (usually unrelated) application gets stuck in a failed install loop. If this is what is happening, you'll need to rectify the failed installation.

TaskMemoryManager is disabled

i am trying to execute tasktracker on Cygwin but following error occur's as:-
mapred.TaskTracker: Process Tree implementation is missing on this system. TaskMemoryManager is disabled.
Rest all (i.e. Namenode,Secondarynamenode,Jobtracker and Datanode) working properly through cygwin but the issue is with the Tasktracker.I am hadoop version:hadoop-19.0.1
So,How I get rid of it.If anybody knows please help!.
Your Help will be appreciated!
I didn't encountered this specific problem but ...
Make sure that you are using the same hadoop version that it is in use on the cluster.
Update Hadoop to more recent version if possible.
The following patches may address (or maybe not) your problem:

"Duplicate node detected" in a CruiseControl.NET configuration file

When I launch CruiseControl.NET with a particular configuration file I receive the following error:
ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.Core.Config.ConfigurationException: Duplicate node detected
What does this mean, and what causes it?
I think you have 2 nodes in your config where it only expected one. Is there any chance you could post the config file it is throwing the exception on here as additional information? I'm using cruisecontrol (not the .net version) currently and find it can be very picky about it's XML files (rightly so) but not tell you anything about where in the file the exceptions were thrown from.
I found that I had an incorrectly structured config file. In particular, some blocks were outside of the configuration section. The error pointed to the second of these exec sections- apparently it didn't like that there was more than one of a given section inside the project.
Thus, the error occurred due a config file like this:
In my case I had something like:
It didn't like the two "<task>" nodes so I fixed it by removing the first "<task>" node. I was trying to do some stuff before getting the latest from svn, and then doing the build after that in the second "<task>" node. I'll need to revisit how to do that...any suggestions?
