I have a gnuplot histogram with errorbars. How can I hide the boxes so just the errorbars remain?
I can achieve this effect for a single data set using the plain errorbars style and hiding the marker at the center, but I would like to use the histogram style to show multiple series on the same plot.
My code currently looks like this:
set style data histograms
set style histogram errorbars lw 2
plot "mydata.dat" using $2:$3:xtic(1) title "Series1", \
"" using $4:$5 title "Series2"
The following lines make the boxes too small to appear at typical zoom levels, but I'd prefer to explicitly disable them.
set boxwidth 0.00001
set style fill solid noborder
Don't do:
set style data histograms
Instead just do:
plot "mydata.dat" with errorbars
If this does not solve your question, can you point me to an image of a plot similar to what you are trying to achieve?
I am plotting to datasets with 'fillsteps' one below another and I want the plot two show only the area that is a difference between the two
plot [0:1][0:1] x with fillsteps above fill solid not,x**2 with fillsteps above fill solid lc rgb 'black' not
But the grid obviously gets blocked in this case:
Is there any way to create something like a cross-section between the two areas, show the grid and get rid of those nasty artifacts that are seen below?
Ok, basically you want to fill the area between two curves (either lines or steps) and have a grid on top. The set grid front you found yourself, but let me make another suggestion.
For the first case (lines), i.e. a fill between lines, you can simply use 3 columns (check help filledcurves) and then the area will be filled between the curves:
plot '+' u 1:(f1(x)):(f2(x)) w filledcurves
For the second case (steps), I don't see (yet) such an option with filledsteps. Actually, from your option above I assume you are using gnuplot5.5.
In general, I wouldn't call it a "clean" solution if you plot something and partly have to cover it with something else with background color. What if you want a transparent background? A transparent color which covers something colored has not yet been invented ;-), there is no such "invisible" color. For another example check this.
Furthermore, with fillsteps I can also observe the artifacts of vertical gap lines which you see in your graph, but I don't have a good solution to avoid them.
Hence, my suggestion is to plot only there where you need something to plot. Actually, you can mimic the fillsteps behaviour. It's not obvious how to do it, but not too difficult. While you plot line by line, you remember the previous x-value and function values of f1(x0) and f2(x0) in x0, y0 and y2, respectively. You plot with the plotting style boxxyerror (check help boxxyerror) using x:y:xlow:xhigh:ylow:yhigh.
Script: (works with at least gnuplot>=5.0.0)
### plotting style filledcurves and mimic fillsteps "between"
reset session
f1(x) = x
f2(x) = x**2
set xrange[0:1]
set yrange[0:1]
set key noautotitle
set grid x,y front lw 1.3
set style fill solid 1.0 border
set samples 50
set multiplot layout 2,1
plot '+' u 1:(f1(x)):(f2(x)) w filledcurves
plot x1=y1=y3=NaN '+' u (x0=x1,x1=$1):(y0=y1,y1=f1($1),y2=y3,y3=f2($1)):(x0):(x1):\
(y0):(y2) w boxxy
unset multiplot
### end of script
Result: (download the PNG image and check that the background is transparent).
set grid front
works in this case
Without choosing the color explicitly like Different coloured bars in gnuplot bar chart? is there a way for GNU plot to choose some distinguished colors based on the key (like a hash?)?
# git rev-list --count master
$commits << EOD
gecko 716280
webkit 226748
blink 906439
set terminal png
set yrange [0:*] # start at zero, find max from the data
set boxwidth 0.5 # use a fixed width for boxes
unset key # turn off all titles
set style fill solid # solid color boxes
set title 'commits'
plot '$commits' using 2:xtic(1) with boxes
Bonus: Instead of 1x10^6 (which I find odd), could it simple say 716k, 227k, 906k. I.e. the scale is in the 1000s for the Y axis.
The solution provided in Different coloured bars in gnuplot bar chart? works also without defining the linetypes. Gnuplot will use the default ones.
set yrange [0:*] # start at zero, find max from the data
set boxwidth 0.5 # use a fixed width for boxes
unset key # turn off all titles
set style fill solid # solid color boxes
set title 'commits'
plot '$commits' using 0:2:($0+1):xtic(1) with boxes lc variable
You can also use one of the other predefined sequences of colors adding the following line:
set colors {default|classic|podo}
In Gnuplot I want to display 2 plots on the same graph with the help of multiplot. The display works fine, but the scaling redisplays and the same units are put on each other, because i use autoscale.
My question is, how do i display the scaling only once?
Here is my code:
set border 1023-128
set autoscale
set multiplot
plot strDsDir.strInputFile using 1:($6/1000000) skip 1 w filledcurves x lc rgb "#00aa22"
replot strDsDir.strInputFile using 1:($7/1000000) skip 1 w filledcurves x lc rgb "#80e45f"
unset multiplot
I tried unsetting autoscale, between the "plot" and "replot", but then I lose autoscaling, and graphs slip.
I also tried unsetting xtics and ytics, but then i lose the set border 1023-128 above.
Here is the picture, where my units lapse on eachother :
And here is the picture, where units dont lapse on each other, but my "set border option" disappears :
The dataset what im trying to display doesnt matter.
Thank you.
The purpose of multiplot usually is to plot several plots beside each other. If you want to plot several curves in a single plot, use a single plot command like plot x, x**2:
plot strDsDir.strInputFile using 1:($6/1e6) skip 1 w filledcurves x lc rgb "#00aa22", \
"" using 1:($7/1e6) skip 1 w filledcurves x lc rgb "#80e45f"
My data set is simple:
CPU 5.7
Memory 3.7
I want to plot a simple bar diagram with different colors for each value and the corresponding values should be shown on top of each bar. I also want to plot the ylabel and the legend. It should almost look like the the following diagram:
Is this possible in gnuplot? There seems to be hardly any document for doing this in gnuplot. Plotting bars with historgram seems easy but styling with different colors, the value on top and the legends part is turning out to be a bit tricky for me. Can someone please help me?
Thanks in advance.
Maybe the following comes quite close:
This is the gnuplot script:
set terminal pngcairo
set output "data.png"
set title "CPU and Memory"
set nokey
set boxwidth 0.8
set style fill solid
set xrange [-1:2]
set xtics nomirror
set yrange [0:7]
set grid y
set ylabel "Time"
plot "data.dat" using 0:2:3:xtic(1) with boxes lc rgb var ,\
"data.dat" using 0:($2+0.5):2 with labels
The pseudo column 0, which is the current line number, is used as x value.
I have added a third column to your data which contains the color as rgb value.
The value on top of the bars is printed by the with labels command. It requires a using with three values: x, y, string. The part ($2+0.5) takes the y-value from the second column and adds 0.5.
The identifiers "CPU" and "Memory" are printed below the corresponding bar instead of using a separate key.
And this is the modified datafile:
CPU 5.7 0x4472c4
Memory 3.7 0xed7d31
Is there a way to change the color of the lines of the surface when using dgrid3d? It seem simple enough but everything I've looked at only speaks of coloring the whole surface using pm3d. I have multiple surfaces on one plot and would like to be able to specify the color of each. For example, one would be red, another would be blue, another would be black, another would be green.
If you have your data available in a file Data.dat then give this a try:
set dgrid3d 10,10
set style data lines
set pm3d
splot "Data.dat" pal
The dgrid3d tells gnuplot how many entries there are in the x- and
y-direction (those are the two comma separated parameters)
The style data lines lets gnuplot plot the result with lines
instead of points
The pm3d fills the surface with a color (if you leave this away you
will just see the lines)
pal makes the lines appear in the color of the specified value
There are much more options you can set, but i find those the most relevant.
Seems like.
set dgrid3d
splot "file.dat" with lines linecolor 4
Where 4 is color you need.
For multiple surfaces you can try
set dgrid3d splines
set table "surface1.dat"
splot "file1.dat"
unset table
unset dgrid3d
for every surface you need.
And after all surface description
splot "surface1.dat" with lines linecolor 4, splot "surface2.dat" with lines linecolor 7 ...