how can I rerender a whole row in a datagrid? - jsf

I have the following code, using PrimeFaces 3.0.M3, Tomcat 7 and Mojarra 2.1.3.
<p:dataGrid columns="1" var="answer" value="#{answersbysubject}">
<p:panel columns="1">
<h:outputText value="#{}" />
<p:dataGrid columns="5" var="selection" value="#{brain.selections}">
<h:panelGrid columns="1" styleClass="selections" id="mySelection">
<h:outputText value="#{}" />
<p:commandLink update="mySelection">
<p:graphicImage value="/img/CheckboxFull.png" rendered="#{selection == answer.selection}" />
<p:graphicImage value="/img/CheckboxEmpty.png" rendered="#{selection != answer.selection}" />
<f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{selection}" target="#{answer.selection}" />
sorry if a bit too verbose...
The point is: I want to realize a nicer 5-way checkbox (working like a set of radio buttons).
The whole works fine serverside, except that when I click another checkbox it rerenders ONLY the checkbox I just clicked. That is, I see two checked checkboxes - the old one doesn't clear until I do the F5 refresh in browser.
I tried to give ids to each tag and then let the commandLink update all, but nothing else than the current checkbox gets updated :(
The ids of a table row get probably mixed up during dynamic generation, is this why no other tags can be found/identified reliably for update? If this is the situation, then what would be the solution for me to update ONLY the current table row (not only the current table cell like now...)?
Many thanks!


How to block a single datatable cell in primefaces with blockUI

I'm creating a datatable with some some dynamically generated columns. In each of the cells of those columns, there's a button to refresh the data of that specific cell.
What I want is that the cell is blocked when the button on that cell is pressed.
Sample code:
<p:dataTable id="table" var="tableVar" value="#{tableValues}">
<p:columns id="column" var="columnVar" value="#{columnValues}">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value ="#{columnVar}"/>
<h:outputText value="Some Text"/>
<p:commandButton value="Button Text"
<p:blockUI block="?????" trigger="button">
<p:graphicImage name="loading.gif"/>
I don't know what should go in the block parameter to only block a cell. I also tried to just block="column", but even that wasn't blocking the column as I expected, instead it was just displaying the loading gif near the button but not blocking anything.
I have seen this question How update just specific cell in primefaces dataTable where the answers say it's not possible to specify a single cell, but it's from 2012, and the answers mention that it might get fixed on a later version.
After playing a bit, I found a solution.
You can define a <p:outputpanel id="cell"></p:outputpanel> surrounding the content of the cell, and then block it with block="cell" in the blockUI component.
The result would be something like:
<p:dataTable id="table" var="tableVar" value="#{tableValues}">
<p:columns id="column" var="columnVar" value="#{columnValues}">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value ="#{columnVar}"/>
<p:outputpanel id="cell">
<h:outputText value="Some Text"/>
<p:commandButton value="Button Text"
<p:blockUI block="cell" trigger="button">
<p:graphicImage name="loading.gif"/>

How to enable and disable command link in jsf?

I am very new to jsf .I have created an arraylist in java class which contains 4 columns and 20 rows.There is a column which have further data linked to it when we click on that specific entry.I want to enable command link for those entries only and the rest of the data should be just displayed as it is as(command link should be disabled).I have tried them in different ways but I was getting both the output label and the command link at the same time(it means I am getting the data twice).But I need to show the data only once.Some one please suggest me a way to solve this.Below is my code where sampleMB is my managed bean and there is a column1 which has 20 rows where 4 rows have to be enabled with a command link on a condition that the data in those rows contains string "XYZ" and the rest 16 rows should be displayed as it is.
Any help will be really appreciated.
<p:dataTable id="table" value="#{sampleMB.List1}" var="cList" scrollable="true" scrollHeight="400">
<p:column headerText="column1" >
<h:outputLabel value="#{cList.column1 }" >
<p:commandLink value="#{cList.column1}" ajax="false" style="text-decoration:underline" rendered="#{cList.card_slot.contains('XYZ')}" /> </h:outputLabel>
What about something like this:
<p:dataTable id="table" value="#{sampleMB.List1}" var="cList" scrollable="true" scrollHeight="400">
<p:column headerText="column1">
<h:outputLabel value="#{cList.column1 }" rendered="#{not cList.card_slot.contains('XYZ')}" />
<p:commandLink value="#{cList.column1}" ajax="false" style="text-decoration:underline" rendered="#{cList.card_slot.contains('XYZ')}" />
If you just want to enable/disable command link, you should use disabled attribute instead of rendered and remove h:outputLabel.

update datatable footer primefaces (facet or columnGroup)

I want to make a footer in dataTable and I need to update when the values inside the DT changes.
The problem is that ajax update simply don't occurs.
I've tried two ways:
id="dataTableAvaliacao" var="aluno"
<p:inputText id="inputNota"
<p:ajax event="change"
update=":form:dataTableAvaliacao:mediaAluno, :form:dataTableAvaliacao:mediaAvaliacao" />
<p:columnGroup type="footer" id="mediaAvaliacao">
footerText="Nota média da avaliação" />
<ui:repeat value="#{alunoAvaliacaoMB.colunasAvaliacoes}"
<p:column id="colunaMedia"
The update doesn't occurs...
second way (based on this answer on SO: How to ajax update an item in the footer of a PrimeFaces dataTable?):
<p:remoteCommand name="refreshFooter" update=":form:dataTableAvaliacao:outputMediaAvaliacao"/>
id="dataTableAvaliacao" var="aluno"
<p:inputText id="inputNota"
<p:ajax event="change"
update=":form:dataTableAvaliacao:mediaAluno" oncomplete="refreshFooter();" />
<f:facet name="footer">
<h:outputText colspan="1" value="Nota média da avaliação:"/>
<ui:repeat value="#{alunoAvaliacaoMB.colunasAvaliacoes}"
<h:outputText id="outputMediaAvaliacao"
I've also tried
<p:remoteCommand name="refreshFooter" update=":form:outputMediaAvaliacao"/>
If I put
<p:ajax event="change"
update=":form:dataTableAvaliacao:mediaAluno, :form:dataTableAvaliacao" />
in the first way, it works, but I don't wanna update all dataTable every time.
What I'm doing wrong? is it a bug?
Referring on 2nd way from your question that you based on this answer...
actually it is possible to update p:dataTable footer (even from within table itself)...but with one modification of your code.
Reason why your implementation does not work is that you did not take into account that <h:outputText id="outputMediaAvaliacao"../> is wrapped with ui:repeat.
In that case, p:remoteCommand is not able to find h:outputText component ID defined in update attribute because that ID does not exist in DOM:
ui:repeat is actually copying h:outputText as many times as list from value attribute is long and appending all parent IDs to newly created native HTML components
<span id="form:dataTableAvaliacao:avaliacao:0:outputMediaAvaliacao">...</span>
<span id="form:dataTableAvaliacao:avaliacao:1:outputMediaAvaliacao">...</span>
<span id="form:dataTableAvaliacao:avaliacao:2:outputMediaAvaliacao">...</span>
(you can see the same using DOM inspector of your favorite browser)
After you learn and understand all facts stated above (like I did :) ), solution is quite simple:
wrap ui:repeat with some parent element and assign ID to parent element. For example like this
<f:facet name="footer">
<h:outputText value="Nota média da avaliação:"/>
<h:panelGroup id="footerPanel">
<ui:repeat value="#{alunoAvaliacaoMB.colunasAvaliacoes}"
var="avaliacao" id="avaliacao">
<h:outputText id="outputMediaAvaliacao" value="#{alunoAvaliacaoMB.getMediaAvaliacao(}" />
and modify p:ajax of p:inputText to update newly created element after text is changed
<p:ajax event="change" update=":form:dataTableAvaliacao:footerPanel" />
On this way all children elements of h:panelGroup will be updated (meaning only footer will be updated and not entire table).
And now, after you solved updating, you can focus on designing of all UI elements under h:panelGroup to make them fit your requirements.

JSFpanelGrid dynamically populated

I want to render a panelGrid with a fixed number of columns but elements are loaded from a list. The code should be as follows:
<h:panelGrid columns="3">
<h:outputText value="Header 1"/>
<h:outputText value="Header 2"/>
<h:outputText value="Header 3"/>
<ui:repeat value="#{bean.collection}" var="obj">
<h:outputText value="#{obj.value}"/>
The problem is this code is not rendering as I expected, because all panels are enclosed in the first TD generated by panelGrid, and I want a row break every 3 elements. It seems all repeat block is executed prior the rendering. I'm sure I can obtain this behaviour. What I'm doing wrong?
ui:repeat is a component and it is part of the component tree. To create what you are planning try using tag handler c:forEach instead.
<c:forEach items="#{bean.collection}" var="obj">
<h:outputText value="#{obj.value}"/>

Value of <h:selectBooleanCheckbox> inside <p:dataTable> remains false on submit

I have a primefaces datatable and inside the primefaces datatable, I have a column, which contains the . The issue is,I have set the default value for the as false. When I click/check the , its still retrieving the value as false. I tried it multiple times but not sure why its returning false. Please find the sample code below.
<p:dataTable id="review-table" var="item" value="#{demandBean.filterVOList}">
<p:column id="SelectallID" style="text-align: left; width:40px;" rendered="#{demandBean.screeRenderVo.selectAllRenderer}">
<f:facet name="header" >
<h:outputText id="selectId" value="#{demandBean.dmdScreenLabelVO.selectAll}" />
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="checkbox1" value="Select All" onclick="checkAll(this)"/>
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="checkbox2" value="#{item.selected}"/>
Im getting the value as false, when I check the and click on the save button. I have written an Action listerner, below is the code corresponding to the actionListener
public void saveData(ActionEvent event)
System.out.println("Entering the Save :");
selected = isSelected();
System.out.println("value of Selected"+selected);
I have tried debugging the code as well, but not sure why the value for is getting displayed as false. Please Assist. Thanks in Advance
You seem to be binding the value of all checkboxes in the column to the one and same bean property. This way the value will ultimately end up to be the one of the last row in the column.
This is not how it's supposed to be used.
You basically need to bind the value of the checkbox to the property of the currently iterated row object (the one behind the var attribute of the datatable).
<p:dataTable value="#{bean.items}" var="item">
<p:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{item.selected}" />
Alternatively, you could use the <p:column selectionMode="multiple" /> to use builtin multiple selection support of the PrimeFaces datatable (see also the showcase example).
<p:dataTable value="#{bean.items}" var="item" rowKey="#{}" selection="#{bean.selectedItems}">
<p:column selectionMode="multiple" />
